Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What goes bump in the night....

Talking to herself more then every now if really this was the best way to get off this planet. After all it wasn't like she was rushing into this. Okay maybe a little bit as to the reason why that was still just to herself. It was a simple plan of hers one that came up with all by herself. Feeling now more then every that she needed to understand this all. That her mother and the order would find the Silver ship in the docking bay but she would be no where around on to the next port where every this ship was going to. Then she would get off and make her way to Mandalorian territory.

Now all she had to do was wait for the right moment of her choosing and there she would be on the ship with out the order knowing after all her mother had taught her well out in the forest how to be unseen on a hunt. In her mind this was no different was it after all it wasn't like this one would think of a stowaway.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Marcus calmly walked out of the refreshing room, toothbrush still in his mouth as he headed towards the controls. He was late, and he was in a hurry. You didn't keep the Hutts waiting, it was just something that you did not do. In the cargo hold he had a fine shipment of Dashta Eels that were apparently very sought after by a few of the gluttonous slugs as a dish. They looked ugly enough when he had looked into one of the crates, squirming creatures that were apparently blind. But who cared? He certainly did not care what they ate...

He began to click the multiple switches into their on positions and soon the ship began to beep and the engines gave droning hums as they powered up. He had only truly stopped here to refuel, but an invitation to party had turned into a few parties, and he was certainly not one to miss a party. The slight memories of the pounding music now only fueled on the headache that was brought on by the ship's several motors beginning to whine with their final ignition.

"Ravana requesting take off clearance... Ravana here!..

The final shout was probably unnecessary, but it was only a testament to the hurry that he was in. The ATC could not have been lazier as he responded with the common clearance procedure and soon he had been cleared... Now just to raise that cargo ramp.

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Hearing the hum of the engines come on line only meant one thing the ramp would be coming up soon enough. Now for the common person this would been impossible but for Freyia it wasn't at all. Gathering the force around her she put it in speed of the force. Jump on the ramp as it begin to lift then she quickly made her way aboard.

Why had she picked this one to board easy she had watch him for sometime very careless on matter. Beside he would never know she was aboard, knowing she had the art of blending into and hiding something she was very good at.

Even so she placed herself inside the cargo hold knowing that he wouldn't be back their. Her own sack she had brought with her was now at her side with a little food in it with some drink, she had bought off some street vendor. Even so she would keep herself quiet like she had on many hunts that her mother had taken her own. Her words coming back to her quiet as if you became one with what every you hide behind. It just that this time it happen to be a crate and steel.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Once the ramp light turned to its crimson red, Marcus knew it was closed and lifted off the platform into the crowded skies above the planet. Ships flew all around them, and it was no easy task to navigate. Karkers throwing up middle fingers and flashing all sorts of insulting gestures at the young spacer who was just trying to do his job... How rude!

Eventually, and tediously, he made it to the upper atmosphere and set the autopilot for Nal Hutta. He sighed and looked into the stars until the hyperdrive whirred to life and soon they blasted into the blue rings of hyper stellar travel. The sight always relaxed him, though he often looked away or went to do something else instead of staring because he had heard from his father of multiple pilots going blind from staring at them for too long. Wive's tale or not, he didn't want to risk that. Instead, he stood and went back to the refresher to finish his grooming, completely unaware of his little stowaway. If she kept tabs on him, she would most likely be able to move about the ship freely and unhindered...

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Finding herself able to feel him through the force, even so she couldn't help but find this very much a thrill seeking for her. After all it wasn't everyday that she found herself on a stranger ship to a unknown place. Beside she was a big girl could take care of herself. Beside her mother would be gone for many months on a mission again. What could it hurt to be gone herself for a few days on her own.

Most unlikely they wouldn't even miss her at all. Smiling as she made her way to the food storage. Knowing she would have to be careful to each like a mouse knowing with out doubt when to each would be when he was passed. Making it seem like he had more food then he really did. Yes this was a prefect plan of hers.

Wondering now if all ones like him was this dumb in the brain to even know what he had on board now. AS she let herself explore only to feel something odd come over her. This she knew was time to get back to her hiding place.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Of course, Marcus wouldn't know that she had stowed away unless he actually saw or heard her. He had been working on a small amount of cameras that he had placed around the ship, but he couldn't find the time to actually wire the karking things since he was always moving between systems. Had his life become too busy?.. Even if it did, the credits made up for it all.

Where did I put that... Damn, I left it in the kitchen.

If she were watching, he would suddenly come out of the refreshing room and walk down the corridor past the cargo bay. With each step his boots gave a metallic thud off of the floor, and it would be a wonder how he hadn't heard her wandering around the ship either. Either way, he finally arrived at the kitchen and grabbed his datapad that he had left on the small metallic counter. He also took care to grab a roll from the small contained refrigerator before heading back to the cockpit. The blue rings still shone on the window and he didn't care, it gave some variety from the usual darkness of space. He kicked up his feet on the console and began to read through the latest of the holonet. Perhaps there was something interesting going on elsewhere in the galaxy...

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Hearing his foot steps go away once again. Taking her her time this time making her way out of her hiding spot. After which time she let herself wonder closer to where he was at. Even to the fact that he seem to be watching holo. Even so her heart felt like it was running faster then it normally do. Finding herself in a place that she thought would be a good place.

Wondering just what she had gotten herself into after all there was no way of going back now was there. As self doubt set in she jsut wanted to get away with out her mother knowing where she went to this time. Or the reason she was searching for what was the answer she was looking for.

Taking deep breath as she let them go slowly and quiet or so she thought.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Marcus continued to scroll through the dull reports from across the galaxy with an unamused expression upon his face. The Sith continued to terrorize the galaxy, nothing new there, and it appeared the Republic were still persisting in being incompetent. No, this was not news to him. He took a bite from the roll and continued to read before he heard the sound.

Something had scraped against the metallic floor, and he was unsure if he had actually heard it. Now, he was a very perceptive young man, but he was not altogether ready to believe that anything or anyone could have boarded his ship without his knowledge... Well, it had never happened before at least. Ever so slowly, he put the datapad down on the console and looked towards the entrance to the cockpit. There was just an empty corridor that lead to the cargo hold, with multiple rooms on either side of the long stretch. It looked completely normal... But he could have sworn. Little did he know that the stowaway was just there hugging the wall, lest he would have immediately gone for one of his blaster pistols that sat against his hip. Instead, he got up from the chair and began to approach the threshold of the door. With a complete and total belief in the fact that he would be greeted by no one, he stated a greeting.

"Hello?... Is anyone there?.."

He, of course, knew he would receive no reply. He smiled at what an idiot he had been for actually believing some person would actually have the gaul to step aboard his vessel without his knowing. It was simply... improbable.

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]

Maybe she had been to curious that is what always gets the cat killed maybe get her kill. Wanting nothing more then to go back to her hiding place. That what she needed to keep her wits about her for right now she was in the most danger that one could be put in. Even so she couldn't help but wonder what would be her next step.

As if her own body took a cute she felt her heal rub up against the wall. That when she new she was going to be discovered as she took off fleeting down her hooded robe fleeing behind her as her hood was up over her head so she couldn't be seen. Would he give chance or would there be something that would be had going on.

EVen then she wasn't the best watching where she was going and smack right into a wall. It was enough to knock her to the floor and the last thing that she knew was all was growing dark before she faded out.
He was about to make a curt turn back towards the console when he suddenly heard the sounds of muffled footsteps moving against the metallic floor. Before this, he had only been amusingly curious about someone begin aboard his vessel, but now he was certain. He quickly drew one of his blaster pistols from the leather holster where it sat. He had full intention to use it as most likely it were someone attempting to steal the job and the cargo for themselves.

Just before he could move to engage the unknown trespasser, the footsteps stepped up into a full fledged sprint back into the depths of the vessel. It was at this point as well that Marcus heard a rather loud and comical thud come from down the hallway.

Did they just?.. No, they would have to be completely blind...

It was then that he walked down the short distance where the girl had once stood. He continued on briskly through the hall until he came upon her form lying cold on the ground. She appeared to be dead, quite honestly, but as expected her chest slowly rose and fell with each one of her surviving breaths. She had actually managed to run straight into the wall... Brilliant.

He supposed he should not leave her there in the hallway, and soon his blaster was holstered and he was left with the decision of what to do with her. With a few moments of hesitation he awkwardly knelt down onto the floor and lifted her into his arms, and managed to stagger his way down the corridor towards the crew quarters...

She's got a lot of explaining to do...

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Did she just black out what was she thinking was there, yes as she thought to herself or was it a dream that she was reliving at the moment. Either way it was very dark or was that in her mind also. Even so as she slowly let out a little moan from what she could only recall was a little bump. Knowing now that she shouldn't had her hood over her eyes as she ran from where she had been at.

Even so she couldn't help but first smell the air it wasn't like that of the cargo hold that was for sure. It seem to smell like someone that hadn't did laundry for a few weeks. It was also musty that was after all something she didn't want to smell at all. Knowing nothing of the ship she had pick out of all the others , did this one have some kind of hold that he put someone like her stowaway to rot at. Even so she couldn't help herself but to slowly blink her eyes open. Even so she could feel that her mouth was very dry as she tried to get it to work.

Only way with out opening her eyes up which seem to be very hard at the moment. Was to feel the present of the other one that had been up in the cock-pit flying this ship. Just what to say she had thought she knew but then it slip her own lips once more until after such time she did finally manage to slip out a words.

"Nice ship you got here." , was she such a fool as to start out like that. So she should just started out why she was on board before she got booted out of a air lock or something worse done to her. Wonder if he would believe her if she just said that she gotten lost then plan on getting on his ship to hide.

"I..mmmuumm...well....Hi..there." Wondering if he was even going to listen to her in the first place. That was when she tried to move her body but couldn't.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Marcus examined her as she began to stir and rolled his eyes. It was really the last thing he had needed, a stowaway. Had he been a slightly worse mood, he very well might have ejected her into the cold reaches of the stars... Or so he told himself. And despite what she might smell upon waking, it was not quite apparent that he lived in a filthy sort of squalor... For the most part. He had of course let a bit of laundry pile up after he had to make a few quick changes of clothes to handle multiple appointments, but it was hard being a hacker for hire dammit!

"Nice ship you got here..."

If she could see him, which he highly doubted considering her eyes weren't even open yet, he would be giving her an annoyed squint that would only signal his own frustrated confusion. Why had she done it? There must have been fifty other ships getting ready to take off and she had chosen his. The nerve of it all! She must know the dangers of stowing away aboard vessels... Especially if one could not run five feet without slamming into a durasteel support... At her next attempt at a greeting he gave her a clean and simple response. The reason she probably not move very well is that her body was still in shock from suddenly slamming directly into steel... Other than that she would be fine.

"Are you stupid?"

The question was simple enough, and it spoke volumes of his annoyance with her intrusion.

/ [member="Freyia Whitelight"] /
First it was her toes then it was her fingers before she stopped for a second. Slowly worked her eyes open all still a blur to the fact that she had really gotten herself in a tight situation this time. Knowing that those others time had been nothing but now this was something more. Even so she had to take her time to find where the voice was coming from.

"You want me to answer, truefully, I guess I'm pretty stupid I guess." stopping for a few to straighten up her limbs. Finding herself trying to set up as she looked at how upset he was at her. Okay more then that could she sent annoying look to his face. Biting her bottom lip, before she let go to speak again.

"I suppose you wondering why your ship, if told you it was the best looking one you believe me." only to see him once again. "Okay I hoping to reach the planet of Mandolore for personal reason of my own." would that be enough to satisfied him. "I can fly a damn ship." there it was then she mummble something more.... not like mother would let me off the planet any way...

[member="Marcus Lok"]
"I don't give a frak if you can fly a ship! What are you doing on my ship?"

It was quite clear that he was angry, but he had good reason to be. He, like most spacers, did not appreciate random stowaways climbing aboard and potentially damaging or devaluing his cargo in any way whatsoever. His hands hung on his hips, one very near to his blaster just in case she attempted to flee once more into the depths of the vessel. He doubted that she would be much trouble, however, for the simple reason that she didn't look like it. He only wished he could find the reason for her being there.

After a few moments of silence, he tugged at the leather jacket that often frequented his form and sat down in an adjacent chair rubbing his forehead with his index finger and thumb. It was quite the annoyance he had on his hands now, and he couldn't simply leave her to ride along!

Oh... Frak it all!

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Holding her head down now knowing that when she said that she could fly maybe it was a way to gain some kind of points with this one wasn't going to happen. At less as far as she could tell with this one at hand. Even then how would she get herself out of this, as those other few times hadn't went with out a hitch. Finding her off the ship she had jump on at the next stop with out them even knowing.

Giving out a long sight, "I caused a bit headache for you, I been train in relieveing those headache..." before she thought of before it sleep out of her lips she got really really red. "I mean not in that way ..what ..shot a Akk... I mean in healing those types...part nothing more..." as she looked at her feet swing a little bit before looking up one more.

"I wanted an adventure like my Mandalorian father [member="Xander Carrick"] had all the time and story growing up, I'm just trying to react mandolore to learn about his culture do this for myself."

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Marcus continued to rub at his head for a few more seconds before he looked back at the girl. She couldn't have been very old, perhaps a few years younger than him. Although he doubted she was completely innocent in her actions, she didn't seem inclined on causing any trouble. With little more in his mind, he began to think about the nearest starport that he could ditch this one at, but honestly it would consume less time to simply continue on to his destination.

When she mentioned her stress relieving capabilities, he smiled and gave a laugh under his breath.

"So you're a chiropractor as well, huh?.. Look. I won't be stopping off at Mandalore until I drop this cargo at the planet of slugs and drugs."

It was with that that he stood and made his way towards the threshold of the door before leaning against it and looking back towards her.

"Your father is a Mandalorian, eh?.. I haven't heard the name before."

[member="Freyia Whitelight"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]

Looking at him trying to not blush herself to what he asked of her. "Well yea I guess sort of, could give you a good stretch out if you like, try and work out that headache you have." Even then she wouldn't help but think of her own bump on the head, that she reach up to softly touch with her own finger tips. Before that she couldn't help to know that she made a bit of a mess out of this had she not been so darn curious, maybe he would never had known that she was a board his ship.

Yea, he disappeared while I was still a child, no one heard anything from him, my mothers is to busy with her own duties back on Voss, that she holds out hope that he will return again some day. , as she shrug off what she was about to think. Now looking at the fact where they was going with the next question.

I am good with computers and like to learn new things.

Seeing him once again rub his head. Reaching out for him as she spoke once again. Here Let me... Reaching out as she would if aloud to rub his temples softly then she would let some of her own empathy flow out along with some pain blockers as she had been trained by her mother to learn that pheromones could be used for many different things.

[member="Marcus Lok"]
Marcus let out a sigh as his head continued to pound. It had been a long night, and this trip was very unwelcome to a tired mind. With every sentence, he could feel his temples throbbing. Perhaps some medicine would help... Of course he would have to leave the girl and go to his own quarters to retrieve it, which threw up some major red flags.

"Well... I am sure he will come back. My own father left my family for a while, but he came back before too long."

He gave her a slight smile, and rubbed at his head once more. His mind filled with images of the man who had first helped to him to hold a blaster and fire it. His father seemed like a distant memory, but a warm and happy one to say the least. Then it was back, yet more pounding that worked to scold him for his careless activities. It was the price he often paid, a short time of enjoyment for a long stint of discomfort.

He nodded as she discussed her own knowledge of technology and he considered bringing up his own skillset on the subject, but he was interrupted when she stood and walked towards him. He gave her an uneasy look as he reached for his blaster and placed his hand on the handle to maintain a bit of insurance if she tried anything.

"Now hold o-.."

His voice was silenced as she began to rub his temples. A warm sense of relief flooded into his mind with each stroke of her fingers and he found himself putty in her hands. Well, if she was a masseuse, she was a damn good one!

[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]
It was in her big brown eyes of her that said more then her words could. After smiling for the longest time. Not because of the face that she was staring at what could be a good looking one in her books. Something deeper, it was the way he said about his own father then returning to him. Knowing now or at less trying to under stand that maybe this was what the Mandalorian culture was about that was the men going off for glorly and riches, knowing that there wife and family back home would always be waiting for them to come home too.

There hows that, here turn around your tight in your neck, I mean to do you know harm if you do have my word, you can even pat me down, for weapons and what not.

Pausing to see if he would let her do a neck rub starting at the base of his neck working her way up to just where the skull means the first bone of the neck at. Even then should could help but hum something so softly, somethings she heard her mother hum so many times, when she was helping people, feel better. Even then she got herself lost or would if something would be aloud.

​I ..I just wished I knew the art of pulling toxin from ones blood system, my mother ....

[member="Marcus Lok"]
"Pull... Toxin?"

It was a sort of terminology that he was unfamiliar with, unless it was in reference to those who were familiar with the force. He had heard stories of Jedi healers who could sooth pain and even affect the bloodstream so as to ease and cure pain. He doubted these Jedi were very numerous, otherwise it would be a wonder why the Jedi had not conquered the galaxy. The ability to cure your comrades of pain so easily would be very useful on the battlefield, and it would not take a tactical genius to come to that conclusion.

"I... Sure."

He complied with her words once more, whether it was a smart decision or not, largely because she was doing this work rather well. Had she intended to snap his neck, he supposed she would have done it at the very first opportunity, and to be quite honest she didn't seem like the sleek assassin sort. The metal wall of the hallway had proved that much...

"So... You work with the force?.."

[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

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