Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Have We Here? (Nyra, interested TSOers)

Vulkan sat, masked and cloaked away from the others just a bit. He was not into 'camaraderie' or 'fellowship' even among peers. In truth, he wasn't heavily religious or even mildly superstitious. Like a few others, he had been to the other side, he knew what awaited them after death, and his goal was to stave that fate off for eternity. One way or another. Furthermore, he had some experience dealing with ancient Sith Spirits and artifacts. Not since his return, but those memories burned all the way to his soul.

He heard the whiphid speak, and he knew there was truth to that statement. If the Jedi saw only what they expected, their arrogance and trust in themselves would blind them from looking deeper. Hiding in plain-sight was the easiest way, it had been for millennia. If they were hidden, their strength could grow, could mature, and when they were ready they would strike. It had been done many times in history, and at first it worked well. What the Sith lacked was sustainability, endurance. Historically, the Sith inevitably conquered too much, too quickly, and then collapsed under their own weight with some help from other influences.

The Barabel sneered behind his mask and watched. It was possible this Jedi could have been of more use than a simple sacrifice. Perhaps Vulkan would eat him after the others left. These were an interesting group of Sith, they played to the Jedi's weaknesses, but they did lack a certain, imagination from what he had seen so far. There was something that could be said about that. The tiny blue stone in Vulkan's pocket made a slight noise and the Barabel removed it.

What he saw was like a mirror, but it was not, it was someone else. Inside the soul snare the red barabel cried, terrified, and deranged, its mind broken and snapped just as its life had been little more than fuel for the Sith Lord, its body little more than a host for a spirit that should not be. "It is okay little one. This one is pleased with what you have given." Vulkan grinned and slipped the stone back into a pouch.
[member="Arianna Devi"] screamed, and Velok whirled to face her as she charged out of a dim corridor. His lightsabre snarled to life, casting yellow light over the stone floor.

"Excellent," he rumbled as she bore down on him. "When the Jedi try to see this moment in the Force, they will find themselves blocked. They will sense not only the man's torment-"

His sabre met hers and held firm. Though she certainly had the mobility advantage over him, a Whiphid's strength had few limits.

"-but the girl's defeat."

His off hand gestured, aiming to catch her with a quick Force-push and toss her backward, tumbling across the floor. That was the intent, anyway, and a fairly straightforward one it was.

"And little else of substance. The Dark Side clouds everything."

There were Jedi arts for gleaning memories and visions from places. To baffle them, one needed to muddy the waters, so to speak -- or else he could have just slit the chained Knight's throat and tossed blood around. Skipped the death, even, and sloshed blood over the floor for the Jedi to see. No, the point here was to baffle sight, draw attention, focus it on where it needed to be -- and distract from the far subtler actions being taken even now. The planting of tiny surveillance devices, and so forth.


Well-Known Member
Damien stood, arms folded against his chest as he observed the occurings around them. He had not been present during the rebellions of Sith planets recently, nor did he have much input for these people. But as it stood, he had once held the title of Dark Lord of the Sith Empire, inspite of the short time held, First Apprentice to Voracitos', and Sith Lord for many factions. His power was worthy of the congregate, the others would understand that if challenged.

He had done much in his time, bearing knowledge of some of the absolute intelligences. Ergast, the ancient Lord of the Sith, had been bound to his will, teaching him everything he knew. Plus he held the intellect of over a dozen ancient alchemists, neutral Force crafters, amongst his other extensive researches. During his days he had bound over a thousand spirits to himself, had them stolen, to replace them with those of two dozen average strength Force users, and Zaiden James-Greyson, GodKing of Val'hala himself. He bore the power of an incredibly over powered Master of the darkside and its magics, as well as his own, and those of the Lessers.

Not many could meet him head on. Though he knew there were still those who could. Top one percent or not, there were still others of his league.

When certain events began to occur, Damien heard a mutter behind his shoulder as Zaiden's Spirit appeared, "Kaine.." It was a snide comment, as if he recognized the old man for something more than he seemed. Zaiden had met few that he could not at least wound, and at the top of this list was Ashin Varanin. That meant this man was of her league. Zaiden had seen Kaine in battle...

Was it during a time when Shorn was breaking a throne? Trying to kill Sith? The memories he could peruse of his energy source was jumbled, those of the dead, unable to be properly understood.

Immediately, the Ancient stiffened, ready to watch over the events, gauge his power himself.

Then an attack, a youngling sought to take Velok. Oldest… was the thought that touched at his own during a brief glance at her intellect. He almost laughed. None here could know he was over three millennia. He had seen Vader in power, as well as the Jedi Council in power. When Velok met her in battle, Damien smirked a small tug of the lips. He wanted to see things progress, to see the infinitely humorous occurring of Chaos as it unfolded...

So he reached out a tendril of Force Drain... at the Whipid. Not enough to even truly damage or remove energy from the being, but enough that he would know it was done from a Master of the Darkside. That one nearby wanted to see him tested. Distract a fighter mid battle, and it would let them show their prowess. This was proven.

"Such a gathering of Sith, those of us so dark and able to do the darkest of things, will cloud events from being perceived." Damien called, his energy draw already gone. It had hopefully done its duty, being just enough to distract, while going unnoticed.

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Arianna Devi"]
A grin formed on his face as Velok approached Kaine and offered him the ceremonial dagger to "play up to expectations" and to send a message to the Silver Jedi Order through the brutal sacrifice of this Jedi Knight. But even as the whiphid offered the blade to what was called the 'Panathan Contingent" he could already predict what Kaine would say. There was a specific way of doing things such as this, rituals that needed to be honored. Fond memories long buried from years ago rose to the surface of his mind of the long days of training and lecturing under the God-King. Kaine's training comprised of far more than just learning lightsaber styles and force powers. It involved learning history, philosophy as well as other martial skills such as improving his slicing skills with the imperial intelligence training Kaine was put through.

Unlike any of the other apprentices Kaine had trained in the past Prazutis's own was far different for very specific reasons. This was because he wasn't just the man's apprentice, he was the God-King's designated heir. One thing Kaine always did was look towards the future and all possible events that could happen, and in the event of his own death he would train an heir who could lead just as efficiently as he could, with all of the right skills and abilities to match. The art of torture and the knife was a subject they both had mastered, the ability to inflict unbearable pain and agony to the body, as well as the spirit all with one action was a complex art. Kaine stripped down to his bare battle scarred torso as was custom and the crude altar was brought, everything was in place for the rite...

Then it happened.

Prazutis felt the force presence and life essence of the Jedi first before he heard the scream of terror that reverberated throughout the chamber grabbing the attention of all the various Sith currently present. Prazutis bowed his head down and closed his eyes inhaling deeply as he turned to speak to his mentor and close friend "I feel the life essence of just two individuals currently, one's unmistakably of master level from how strong its life essence is, the other is far weaker. These Jedi are like insects where there's one or two there's typically more coming, but I don't know for sure." Prazutis said grabbing hold of the lightsaber from his hip he fed off of the fear and anger in the chamber, consuming the essences of these emotions that would fuel his own dark side power, aided with the help of his dark side crystal that helped in a number of areas including making dark side abilities far less taxing to use. He reached out for the master [member="Damien Daemon"] who was currently extending a tendril of force drain at Velok, and crept into his mind. Prazutis made use of the most powerful application of fear called insanity, and focused its sheer power to bear down on and possibly break the mans mind through the overwhelming assault of insanity that came in like water breaking through flood gates.

[member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Ansgar"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Abyss"]
[member="Darth Praetorias"] | [member="Tai Fa"] | [member="Nyra Mazul"]
Arianna Devi was entirely sure that she was out of her league by the time she stepped into striking range. But emotions like fear would only further cripple her as she still committed to her lightsaber strike. It would have been a straight forward diagonal slash from his shoulder to his waist however the 'old' Whipid skillfully blocked her strike and before she could react she felt as if she was a fly who'd been batted aside as the man sent her flying. It would be around this time that the Sith's words would creep into her susceptible mind urging her to kill and take revenge for her jedi brethren. Even though, the force push was intended to do serious damage; the woman's force defenses were not honed enough as a padawan to truly protect her.

However, the anger and dark side would begin creeping towards the woman as it was impossible not to be influence by the direct targeting of the Sith's mental seduction and the psuedo-nexus such dark sided master's would create upon congregating here. As she rose back to her feet; the anger have put purpose behind her stance and position as she swayed slightly limbering herself up for the moment. Kill. . .kill the sith. . . I have to save my friend. She would run forward once more seemingly attempting to do the same attack but this time she intended on rolling under the Whipid's block and hopefully have enough time to de-chain the jedi. A Jedi's life was sacrifice and she knew that as soon as the other sith stopped finding her or the fact that she thought she could defeat a Sith Lord amusing that she'd likely be dead. Though, Arianna would be able to find some sort of peace if her life allowed another jedi to continue to live.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Velok the Younger"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]
[member="Darth Lykos"]
[member="Tai Fa"]
[member="Nyra Mazul"]
[member="Damien Daemon"]
[member="Arianna Devi"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Damien Daemon"]

Velok grunted, knees shaking, as Daemon's Force Drain touched him. He'd never felt it before -- his father had been careful never to use it on him, as only those who'd felt its touch could learn it. But he knew, oh he knew, what was going on, and this just wasn't the gorram time. "Start selling measuring tapes, Nyra," he snarled, frustrated. "It's that time again."

His attention returned to the Jedi Padawan, who'd risen and was charging again. She swung, he blocked, but in an instant she'd altered course and rolled beneath his guard, past him. He spun to keep facing her as her sabre lashed out for the chains that bound the Jedi Knight to the stone altar.

Maybe she'd hit them, maybe she wouldn't. Either way, she'd just put herself straight between Velok and [member="Darth Carnifex"], and that wasn't the healthiest place for a Jedi to be. Rather than risk hitting Carnifex, Velok turned away from the girl and focused on Daemon.

"You have a reputation, Daemon. Put it back in your pants and do something constructive, would you?"
"This one wold like one of those tape measurers." Vulkan said with a snicker, forked tongue licking the inside of his mask whole his lipless reptilian mouth turned upwards in a wicked smile.

In his distraction he paid no heed to the Jedi girl, as there were several very powrfull Sith in the room and she wasn't getting out of the room, muchless off the planet anytime soon. Nevertheless, Vulkan would be remiss if he did nothing, and instead shifted over to sit near the exit where he could react if need be.

"This one thinks reputation should speak for itself. If it has to be proven on a whim, it is often doubted on a whim." The barabel called from the back while the others dealt with their disturbances. The massive barabel simply sat there and admired the more attractive sith, like the one selling tape measurers.


Even for one still far from being meagerly skilled in the use of the Force, Ansgar felt an anger fuel someone. Not anyone from the Sith troupe but before he could even scan the barren area for who it might be, the source revealed itself out of nowhere. Apparently, it was a Jedi who charged foolishly at the Whipid Sith. Her lightsaber was met with the Sith's own ligtsaber. The Whipid seemed as if he had expected it and no wonder, if Ansgar was able to sense the Jedi's presence then surely the rest had known it for quite a while.

All this occured as his Master was given the duty to send a message by breaking the soul and will of the stubborn Jedi Knight that had been captured. Being close to both Lord Carnifex and Lord Prazutis, the apprentice was able to sense the dark side surge within the latter. The reason remained unknown, his own senses not good enough to see the target of the Panthan heir's focus. Yet, it was great. The Bpfasshi could not help but bask in the powers that both Sith Lords emitted. The dark side was certainly sweet.

Meanwhile, the female Jedi's contiuos duel with the Whipid Sith Knight was close to an end. She had blindly trapped herself between the alien Sith and Ansgar's own Master. To the apprentice's surprise, Velok, as he had heard his name uttered by his Master, stepped back and swiftly turned around to face an unknown man with a very odd question. Had Ansgar not been an ace which were qualified as excellent the better they were able to use an opportunity to eliminate an enemy fighter, he would've missed the golden opportunity.

The golden opportunity of drawing his blaster at almost point-blank range to shoot at the side of the Jedi's leg in an attempt to disable her. He believed that she would most likely not have anticipated a blaster attack in such a gathering from a non-intimidating figure.

The perks of being no one.

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Tai Fa"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Arianna Devi"] [member="Nyra Mazul"] @OnPhoneRushingForAflight


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Velok the Younger"]
((OOC: Also, just in case the snideness comes off as real, just reflecting this is all purely ic Prazutis lol. From hence forth he will likely call your char a kid etc and demean him at any turn. But its only Damien being an ass.))

The fact that Prazutis got inside Damien's mind was because Damien had deemed it fun. The attempt at projecting insanity? His literal most used physical weapon (Tantibus) projected an aura of the same application of Fear, that never ceased. He was known for having been tortured for the fun of it by one of the greatest Mentalists in a billion years, Voracitos, using Torture by Chagrin and much more. He also used many of the variable attacks that resulted in the same, how could it be expected to do more than make him laugh?

Had he been utterly focused on any dangerous intent, the attack might have been an attack worthy of note. Simply now though, it drew a chuckle, which led to Damien blowing a kiss at the other, "Cute, kid."

Turning his gaze back toward Velok, Damien smiled spreading hands wide in a mock innocence, "No idea what you mean. Let's say I did: what reputation? As being old? Frail? Evil? The man who bound a thousand souls to himself?" The last was said grandly, hands flowing upward theatrically. Shrugging lastly he called, "What can I say? Its fun. This is the first time in over a dozen years I have felt I was around true Sith. Should this be time to stir the pot? And let's be honest, were my Drain enough to do anything other than tickle, you shouldn't be here. No intents on harm were done, rather... fun."

Again with a mocking air about himself, Damien bowed low, "I do so apologize however. You may attack back, if you see it worthy of retaliation." This in itself was said with a tinge of laughable tone, signalling it had a double meaning. He wasn't even offended by the intruder to his mind's attack - it was not worthy of it in his opinion.
The spirits were stirring. Pulling his hood over his face Nulgath covered the exposed parts of his flesh with black robe. Stereotypical sith attire but it would hide any of his appearance except his glowing red eyes. His eyes were a testament to his connection to the darkside. A reward or trophy to be set on display. Voices could be heard at the entrance of the temple, Something was going on and that much was clear.

With another Deep breath the now cloaked epicanthix fed off the conflict within the young Jedis mind. Equivocal behavior it was all he wanted and searched for now and in this Galaxy their were abundant amounts of it to grasp a hold off. With a glance toward the hall and to the exit Nulgath compiled what he was capable of doing to aid his allied sith brothers, but he chose simply not to. He figured that if the God-King [member="Darth Carnifex"], His prodigy [member="Darth Prazutis"], The Whipid [member="Velok the Younger"] & the obvious apprentice [member="Ansgar"], who was lacking in outright power but most definitely had cunning a the fire of ambition in his eyes. He was not to be waved off lightly and any who did would be a fool. All of the Sith in that room should have no trouble tackling any opponent.. If they worked together.

It was a test on Nulgaths behave to warrant a coordinated reaction on how the newly formed Sith Order would react. Or not react.
The Dark Lord loomed over the altar as the four jailers roughly dragged the Jedi over and forcefully restrained him on top of the stone construct with lashing chains that bound his arms and legs to the solemn earth. The boy squirmed uncomfortably, pulling against the shackles that bound him but to no avail. By whatever reason, a debilitating narcotic in his bloodstream or the oppressive darkness that radiated from the planet's very core, he found himself unable to muster the strength required to free himself now that he was only held down by chains and manacles. Carnifex reached out his his left hand to grab a tuft of the tattered tunic that covered the Jedi's torso, and with a sharp yank he tore it loose to reveal the sweating flesh hidden beneath. With dagger brandished the Dark Lord began the process of meticulously carving ancient Sith runes into the Jedi's bare skin, blood welling up from where the blade sliced through the epidermis followed shortly by the pained grunts and stifled moans of the Jedi as he attempted to mask his agony in spite of the Sith Lord's efforts to illicit a more pronounced reaction.

However; his efforts would temporarily come to a halt as a shroud of anger descended upon the gathering, followed by another Jedi emerging from her hiding place to charge directly at [member="Velok the Younger"]. There was no doubt in the Dark Lord's mind that Velok would be able to counter, the girl was reckless and fueled by the desire to free her friend upon the slab. Carnifex grasped the Jedi Knight by the chin and cheek, letting his fingers dig into his flesh as he pulled his head to the side so he could see the spectacle. "A friend of yours, Mar-Zan Tahl? How bold, how cavalier. She draws upon her own horror to fuel her attacks, I can feel the hate in her rising with every second. It will not help her."

She recovered from the Whiphid's counter, and charged forward to attack again. This time her tactics evolved and instead of just straight on attacking Velok she instead rolled underneath his blade, and lashed out to sever the bonds that ensnared Tahl. She was partly successful as the chain that held down the Jedi's left arm was cut, and the young Knight attempted to swing at the Dark Lord in reaction. But the Dark Lord was quicker, his reflexes honed by decades of war, and he deftly caught the man's fist with his free hand and proceeded to yank his arm over his chest and slam his hand down onto the other side of the slab. The hand that held the dagger was not idle either, and as the fist was slammed into the stone the blood-slicked blade pierced the top of the boy's hand and pinned it down. Carnifex followed that up by slamming his own fist into the Knight's head, no doubt causing some form of concussion and knocking him out in the process.

His attention could now be turned to the interloper.

"You will regret your trespass" was all he had to say to [member="Arianna Devi"] as he summoned forth his lightsaber into his right hand with the Force, activated its scarlet blade, and propelled himself up and over the altar to swipe at the Jedi's head.
Even without direct eyesight Prazutis could see everything going on around him, when commanded properly the force provided everything one needed. As the turbulent waters of the dark side calmed once more as he ceased his vicious mental attack Prazutis once more opened his eyes to see Kaine in the middle of this malefic ritual his attention too focused on this upstart Jedi fighting a seemingly hopeless fight. The jedi did manage to slice the chain holding the knight down on the slab temporarily freeing him from his bindings. But just as quickly as he sat up the man was quickly, firmly slammed down by the more experienced epicanthix tyrant, his reflexes honed from years of war Kaine slammed the man down like a rag doll, pinning him to the table and a firm slam to the face swiftly knocking him out.

As if on cue Prazutis ignited his crimson lightsaber with a loud snap hiss the armor's malefic helmet formed around Prazutis's skull and he took off into the air through his armor's built in jetpack landing on the other side of [member="Arianna Devi"] as [member="Darth Carnifex"] engaged the girl. The two massive giants that called themselves Zambranos fought and killed together like this for many years, they were an excellent and overwhelming force especially in close quarters combat, and now they were attacking this young woman like two great white sharks that smelled blood in the water. As Kaine lept from one side to slice the womans head Prazutis reacted from the other. He carefully watched the woman and the direction she moved or fell and lept in try and sever her legs just above the knee

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
A figure in the shadows of the hall the girl had come from would be swift to react after the first engagement had shown the intention was to harm the girl. Not that he didn't want her to get hurt, but letting her die would be a complete and utter waste. The fools in the room were so swift to act before their brains could process the situation to its full extent. At least [member="Velok the Younger"] had only been acting in defense rather than simply attacking the girl. He even had the good sense not to go after her when she ducked around him. Others, though, showed that they didn't have the capacity to think before they leap.

Even [member="Ansgar"] was getting into the fray, aiming to shoot the girl. Leos sighed within the helmet of his armor, and reached out through the darkness to wrap the girl in the briefest of illusions that would make her appear out of position. That should be enough to cause the Acolyte to miss his shot, and was about the best he could do with the art of illusion at the moment. It was a newly manifested skill that he was working to hone. It would take time to do so. Meanwhile, both [member="Darth Carnifex"] and [member="Darth Prazutis"] moved to attack the girl, which would surely lead to her demise. In order to prevent this, he reached through the Force and grabbed onto her, freezing her in a state of stasis.

This might seem contrary to protecting her, but he was anticipating that both of the Sith Lords would anticipate her reacting to them, and subsequently would be moving to strike at where they believe she would be when their blades connected, and not where she was in that brief moment. But just to be safe, he acted further.

"Arus, Milan, atzematen horiek."

From out of the shadows in the space, two Maalraas would suddenly appear. Arus would run swiftly forward and leap into the air, intending to barrel into Carnifex and knock him off course so that he couldn't kill the girl. Additionally, Milan would do the same, targetting Prazutis. They weren't out to kill, as Leos had given no such order on the matter, so it would merely be a blunt battering ram of an attack, but it should do sufficiently. At worst the two would move to react to the Maalraas rather than the girl, which would allow her to live. Hopefully. He really didn't want to have to berate them for killing her.

"I think it would be best to think about opportunities when they're presented to you, rather than simply giving in to your blood lust."

Leos had been following the girl for a while, Arus moving ahead of her, hidden in the Force as Maalraas had the skill to. Milan had been behind, but both had moved into the chamber when she did, sticking to the shadows and biding their time. Leos now moved forward, so the others would know who was responsible for these actions.

[Note: I have permission from [member="Arianna Devi"] to call my shot on her.]
The Dark Lord's strike was cut short by the arrival of one particularly vicious and swift Maalraas which leapt from the shadows in an attempt barrel the Sith Lord over, but a precognitive flash of warning through the Force alerted him to this new intrusion and allowed him to act accordingly. Moving fluidly from his attack to facing the rampaging beast he proceeded to deactivate his lightsaber and extend both hands out in front of him so that when the beast actually lunged at him he'd be able to catch it with both of his hands in an iron-clad grip, heave it over his head, and throw it behind him mostly unharmed if not a tad disoriented and rattled.

His gaze returned to where the beast had first originated, and he was only minimally surprised to see that [member="Darth Ignus"] now occupied that space. He'd never had the pleasure of officially meeting the Mirialan before, but he had heard of his attempts to engage in diplomacy with the Silver Jedi.

A deep frown marred the Sith Lord's face, and with a step he descended the altar to stand back on even ground. "We only require one to send a message, the girl is nothing but a third wheel. It would have been cleaner to let me put an end to her existence."
Chaos. Deceptions. Games with shadow games. This was what the Sith were. Not crumbling Empires with bright blazons declaring their evilness. From his hosts time as the Director of Akure Executive, he had met or knew of most gathered here. And his tendrils were still deep in that crumbling behemoth his Master had left to rot. Though, to be sure, it was much less a force now than it had been in her day. The inner voice of the shi'ido was crushed to a bare whisper, and though Obeah used his name and form, he smiled. He was not truly Ostanes anymore really... But those with certain inclinations and deep knowledge might recognize the name Obeah... And if they did, some might even have the ability and acumen to command or shackle him. That wouldn't do, particularly not for one like [member="Velok the Younger"] or [member="Darth Carnifex"].

He was dressed as always, impeccably. Even in the roughspun white robes he wore, the silvered mask of Moridin concealing his face and everything about him from Force Potential down, there was an air of not quite danger or death, but of the creeping paranoia of the unknown. Which is what he was to these in the Order. Velok knew him, but only just. They had explored his former mentor [member="Valik"]'s tomb together and came away with certain things. Before Obeah had taken over, though. Fingers drummed on the smooth haft of the hjarna-stone staff as he remained, for the moment, silent and still. This was a moment he wanted to witness, to see if this Order had enough intelligence in it to commit to it.

The One Sith, the Triumvirate, and other such groups had all had it wrong... From their ideal of a Sith on down. Maybe this group had got it right...
Upon Malachor it shall begin
A festering pain that will corrupt from within…

Her words had always played heavily on his mind, a clue of sorts that had been whispered by a dying prophet. Naturally Belis, a Ren at the time had not taken much heed as the woman was killed at his hand. The Supreme Leader’s orders had been clear to remove her at all costs, a job which he had succeeded in utterly, or so he had thought at the time.

The planet was a shadow of doubt, a dark place that even with the tinge of Silver recovery could not hide the deadly history that plagued the planet. A feeling that from the moment Darth Maellus had landed was almost refreshing for him, nowhere in First Order space ever held such emotion and haunting whispers.

He had remained silent throughout most of the advancement into the Silver’s now abandoned temple, the rest of the Sith muster going about their own darkened tasks. The sacrifice of the captured Jedi Knight being paramount to their plan. For Maellus though he had other more personal goals in place, goals that involved finding a particular piece to a puzzle that had played long on Maellus’ and indeed Belis’ mind.

A staircase was his path, leading him winding away from the Silver’s new construction, allowing him to walk along dusted battlegrounds of old. The pull came from where he knew his target to be, he just had to hope that he could get there and prove worthy.
(OOC: Sorry this took sooo long. Work, and being sick without meds is killer but I'll try my best before passing out again. :) )

Arianna was a fool to say the least as she managed to make it past the powerful Whipid only thanks to [member="Damien Daemon"] slight intervention. But to be honest, she never imagined the Whipid letting her pass so easily so she held not plans of what to do once she made it to [member="Darth Carnifex"]. But a slight joy was felt upon managing to free one of the knight's arms but that joy was killed by the growing darkness within her and by the Sith Lord impaling the man's hand effectively repinning him. During that moment; Arianna was able to glance back assuring that she wasn't being followed however she still have Carnifex to deal with. As the man leaped and managed to clear the altar clearly going for her; she couldn't help but curse her luck.

If Arianna had her way; she would have dove to the left allowing her to evade Carnifex initial strike and subsequently but unknown to her also dodging the Zambrano's strike. However, she felt a cold oppressive force being forced upon her; something she didn't yet have the strength to resist as her muscles and movements began to lock up on her. Arianna would begin to panic at this point as she was already out of her league but now she couldn't move with two beserkers headed her way. Though, her eyes would be able to see Darth Carnifex getting attacked by some type of creature.

"Force save me." Was all she could mutter while trying to summon the strength to break free of whatever was binding her.

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Tai Fa"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] @Arianna Devi [member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Ansgar"] [member="Vulkan"] [member="Darth Ignus"] @Darth Maellus
[member="Arianna Devi"] @Ostanes[member="Darth Carnifex"][member="Darth Ignus"][member="Darth Prazutis"]

One three-clawed hand closed possessively on the shoulder of the frozen girl.

"Cleaner, yes, Lord Carnifex," said Velok amiably, "and earned. But look what we have here." He moved around her and crouched so their heads were at about the same level, staring into her eyes.

"Reckless will to fight, regardless of the odds. Focused violence. Anger." He clapped his palms to his knees and stood with a groan. "'Force save me,' she says. The Force CAN save you, girl. The Force can set you free." He opened his robe over the chest, revealing an expanse of gray fur and the grip of another ritual knife. The blade was tucked into his belt.

"Go on. Fight past Lord Ignus' control. Put all your focus on this knife. Strike me down with it. I crafted the strategy that led to this temple's abandonment. I captured the Jedi Knight on the altar. I requested his brutal sacrifice. Hate me, and understand the doors that hate will unlock in your mind. Stab me, if you can. Put an end to my evil."

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