Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Is Dead May Never Die


The hesitation didn't stop. He stared at her, then her hand. Then back to her. There was a long moment of silence before he did reach up to gently take her hand. Another crack of lightning blinding the whole room, then.. He was gone. Dromund Kaas was gone. All that was left was the barren landscape of the Wellspring for miles and miles. Nothing. No one. Not even her ship.

Except it wasn't her. It was him. His life since he saved her. Every day the same, bleeding into the next. Time lost it's meaning. She'd experience all of it. The loneliness, the only comfort being the glimpses of Valery, of Vera. In an instant she felt everything he had in all this time. All under the weight of a darkness that threatened to consume the Wellspring. That he was waiting for, to stop.

"You weren't supposed to come here, you know."

He stood there beside her, staring out towards the world. Still wearing the mask he'd been given.

"You're supposed to be safe."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery's smile softened as the young Kahlil reached for her hand, but the second she took it to guide him away, a flash of lightning blinded her and transitioned Valery back to where she had been before — the Wellspring of Life. It stretched out for miles with no end in sight, but what was far worse were the sudden emotions she felt. The loneliness, the images that provided comfort, but seemed so out of reach.

It felt like a dagger was piercing through her heart, and to fight through it, her whole body tensed up and she gritted her teeth. Is this what he had to endure because she needed his sacrifice to stay alive? That idea brought a frown to her face, but when she finally heard his voice, Valery could feel her heart skip a beat. They had talked briefly on a few occasions, and she had even seen him. But never quite like this.

A part of her wanted to rip the mask off his face immediately for what the priestesses had done, and another resisted the powerful urge to pull him into a tight embrace. But for now, she just looked at him and swallowed hard.

"I know but... you're not supposed to be here either," she said, and her tone made it very clear that she was being serious. "You didn't die, Kahlil. The priestesses are keeping you here as Guardian but you're not dead... they just never told you," she said carefully, unsure as to what his reaction would be to that.

"I had to come here so you'd know the truth." And so that he could make a decision for himself.



Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Maybe. She does regularly talk about seeing you in her dreams and vision," Valery said with a motherly smile, and something about her tone made it clear that she had seen him as well. Whether that was because of the same reason or not, she didn't know, but with how deep their bond was, it only made sense that he stayed with her forever one way or another. Both in life and... well, life, it seemed.

Valery then watched the world around her change at his fingertips and blinked as he sat down on a stool. For a moment, she just quietly stood there, watching and keeping herself convinced that this wasn't just a dream she'd wake up from. But after pinching herself to make sure, she stepped forward and carefully reached out to place a hand on his shoulder.

She had to try it.

"Well, I can try to help you get out, and you'll see Vera again, and me..." she said, knowing that he had been using images of both Valery and Vera for comfort. He never stopped caring about them and even though she had been encouraged to move forward in life, she would never stop loving him either. "But I'm not going to force you to do anything. This place... you came here for a reason, even if you weren't told the entire truth."

"Where do you want to be?"




He let out a breath as he reached up to take the mask off. A calm smile was all he had underneath. "I missed so much. Of Vera growing up. I don't think I'd like to miss anything else if I had the choice. I don't think I do, though."

Even as he dropped the mask they'd realize they weren't alone. A black gloved hand caught it. Lifted it to her chest as Serenity stared down at them both. Kahlil just gave them the same calm smile for all of a second longer. Then it faded. A different expression took over as he stood. "Don't."

Serenity, calm as ever, simply raised a hand towards him. Then he was gone.

"The Wellspring must be protected, or all will be lost. We cannot let a Guardian go, not from the deal they made."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The touch of her hand against his shoulder, the calm smile on his face — it reminded her of better times when she wasn't so stressed and their family was still together. It brought a smile to her own face rather quickly, but it lingered only briefly as he expressed his worries. "Whether they give you a choice or not, I'm not leaving you behind," Valery said, not just because of how stubborn she could be. She had always cared about him, and that meant she'd do anything to help.

Kahlil then finally dropped the mask, but before it could even hit the ground, a familiar hand caught it and stared down at them both. Valery met Serenity's gaze with an intense fire in her eyes and gritted her teeth.

"Don't you dare-"

And with a hand raised, Kahlil disappeared, causing Valery's eyes to widen, "No!" she called out, as a rush of emotions passed through her body. "Your deal means nothing if it's built on lies," Valery then told Serenity, as she kept herself composed and furrowed her brows. As much as she wanted to fight for Kahlil, this was something she'd have to handle differently.

"Why will the Wellspring be lost? What's threatening it?"
Valery asked. "If... I help stop it, will you release him?" she asked, clearly a bit frustrated with the priestess. "You can't just keep him here against his will. How can you expect him to do what's necessary when his heart isn't here with him?"



"We do not lie! Know your place, Jedi. You serve the Force, never has it served you." The mask twisted to that of anger, the yellow flashing to red for the briefest of moments. Then, back to the calm of yellow. Of Serenity. The Priestess let out a breath.

"The Force cannot give without something in return. There must be balance. But, what you offer is more than you know." She lifted the mask, the very same Kahlil had been wearing. Letting it float in her grasp.

"The Dyad is a powerful thing. Where the Force cannot give without something in return, the Dyad can. You can take Kahlil back. But when the darkness comes, you and him will answer the call to defend the Wellspring. And when you both truly die, it will be your task to defend it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She was about ready to snap back at the priestess with all of her sass when the being shifted back to a calm version of herself and let out a breath. What followed was an offer that got Valery's eyes to widen — if she agreed to this deal, she'd be making a decision about her future that she'd never be able to turn away from. Sure, it would only be for after death, but if today has proven her anything, it was to be extremely cautious with such promises.

But the longer she thought about it, the more she began to open up to the idea. It would bring Kahlil back, and even though it was going to make a few things... difficult in her life, he deserved to watch Vera grow up, and Vera would want nothing more than to see her father again as well.

So after a quiet moment of contemplation, Valery let out a soft sigh, "Alright, you have my word that I will protect it against this darkness and after death," Valery told Serenity.

"Now please... bring him back," she almost pleaded.



Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"You knew this is what she wanted?" Valery asked with a slight frown after Serenity disappeared and Kahlil stood there again. But with a slight shake of her head, she showed that the answer to the question wasn't important. She'd have done almost anything to bring him back, so making a promise to serve a place like this after death didn't really feel all that bad to her.

"It's okay, I'm... alright with the deal I made," she said, now flashing him a soft smile that she hoped would reassure him a little. But despite it, she stood frozen, unsure about what to do next. About whether or not to run over and embrace him, or to focus on getting out of here.

With all the experience she had, all the training and lessons she learned throughout her life, nothing could have prepared her for this, so she just stood there, and looked at him.

"It's uh... time to head back, hm? I'm sure Vera will be very happy to see you again." Valery's voice was trembling a little. She was getting a tad emotional about this, and about bringing him to her apartment to see Vera again.



"I got the feeling pretty soon after you showed up. It's.. Right. Doesn't matter." Kahlil glanced around, frowning. So now he was just.. Free. Felt weird just being free after this time. His gaze lingered in the distance before he turned his head towards her again. Smiled. Just a simple smile. Must be even more overwhelming for her, huh. After loosing him, moving on.

"I'd like to see her, yeah. Why don't we take your ship?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Wellspring of Life
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"We will but..." Valery sighed and pushed herself forward this time. She closed the distance slowly and wrapped her arms around his torso for a hug. After believing he died, and with his blessing, she moved forward in life and even found new love. While that had been a different kind of rollercoaster recently, she still had feelings for Kahlil, and their bond was an unbreakable thing she was going to experience again.

An embrace was not beyond her comfort zone at all, and she had certainly missed it.

"I missed you, and you know that things changed for me... but... I don't know," she pulled back and let out a soft sigh. There was a lot she'd have to figure out for herself, but he had always been fair to her, and she knew he'd be that again. He'd give her the time she need to think, especially with how unusual this was. "Let's go take the ship and head back to Coruscant. I doubt Vera is sleeping - she knows that I went here to go after you."

Valery chuckled now, "She insisted on coming with. Had her backpack on and her teddy ready and everything." Even now, she could easily laugh and be loving about their daughter.



He froze. Not because he didn't want the hug or anything, just- It'd been a long time since he last could hug someone else. So this was real, huh? He closed his eyes for a moment before hesitantly reaching his arms up to return the hug. hesitant at first, but tighter after a second. Yeah. He missed this. Missed her. Missed everyone. He let out a sigh before giving a smile, stepping back.

"We got all the time in the Galaxy to talk about it and figure out what to do. .. But yeah, I really just need to see Vera before anything else."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"We'll figure it out," she said with a smile before turning around and heading back to her ship. "I know the perception of time is a bit odd in here but... you're back just in time to be there for Vera's birthday. She'd love it if you could be there." Of course, she already knew that there was no way he'd miss that. Even if all of this hadn't happened, Vera was special and would always be given their attention and unconditional love.

Soon enough, the two reached Valery's ship and were on their way back to Coruscant, which wasn't too far away. So the journey was short and uneventful, and only got interested when she dropped back into Real Space and began the path down towards the surface. It had been some time since Kahlil had seen the Galaxy like this, so she briefly glanced his way to gauge his reaction.

"How does it feel to be back here?" she asked curiously, as the large skyscraper appeared that held her apartment. She parked the ship on the landing pad, and after powering down the engines, she lowered the ramp and guided him back out, so they could start heading inside.

Together, they'd pass through several long hallways and take an elevator down until they reached the right level. But when they did, and before they even reached the door of her apartment, Vera could be seen standing in the hallway waiting for her mother and father to come home. Her eyes were full of tears, she was sniffing and the happiness she projected through the Force was a powerful echo within the Dyad.

"D-d... daddy!" she screamed before running over to him with her arms outstretched, hoping he'd pick her up and hug her the way she always did. Seeing this, Valery's own eyes filled up with tears as well, and she just watched while she stood close to them.



Vera's birthday? His face visibly brightened as he nodded. At least he wouldn't miss another. The trip back was really quiet on his part. He'd gotten used to just not talking to anyone. No one to talk to back in the Wellspring. Just, stared out at the blue of Hyperspace. It'd been far too long since he last saw that simple sight. Freedom, pure and simple. Then, Coruscant.

So she'd moved from their house? It made sense she did, but.. It felt weird. Really hit just how gone he was. A sad smile was all he had as he shrugged.

"Surreal, I guess."

Then they were in the apartment. The hallway. Like on Teta. He wasn't too keen on the idea of being in a city again, especially after what happened with Teta, but it wasn't his home, right? Just more pondering his place until he caught sight. Or feeling, anyway.


He didn't hesitate. She came running and he stooped low just to pick her up and hug her as tight as he could without actually hurting her. "Hey there, little star.."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I missed you, daddy..." Vera cried into his shoulder while they hugged each other tightly. She had no idea how much time passed in that embrace, but she just held him for as long as felt right, before pulling back to look at him, then at her mother. There was still uncertainty about what was going to happen next. Would they be together again? Or was he going to live somewhere else? Or was mom going to?

Vera briefly frowned but didn't want to think about that anymore, so she extended her arm to her mom and invited her into the hug.

"Heyy, everything okay, sweetie?" Valery asked, as she stepped closer and used her thumb to gently wipe away a few tears. But afterward, she just stood there and enjoyed a moment between the three of them — it had been far too long, and whether or not things would change just didn't matter.

"Mhmm," Vera mumbled softly in response. "I just missed daddy very much."

"I know, little star. I also missed him," Valery said with a soft smile, and her fiery eyes now shifted up to look at Kahlil for a brief connection between the two. She really had missed him a lot, and what she felt right now just couldn't be described with words anymore.



"I missed you too, Vera. So, so much."

There was so much more uncertainty, not just for Vera. Kahlil shifted his gaze to Valery, giving her a smile. Not the calm one, but the genuinely happy, sad, overwhelmed emotional one he'd been really just keeping at bay. Or just unable to feel? Or.. He wasn't sure in the slightest why he hadn't felt it until now. The surreal feeling of being free. Of being back with them. Things were different, there was so much to figure out.

But right now he was home.

He hugged them both. As tight as he possibly could he hugged them both.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Both Valery and Vera leaned into the tight embrace, and time completely seemed to freeze for the Nobles. But after what felt like an amazing eternity, the sound of Vera's stomach grumbling broke the silence, and the little Noble leaned back to put her hands on her stomach, "I'm hungryyy," she whined, and Valery just began to chuckle.

"Well, why don't we go inside and get some food, hm?" She asked before glancing at Kahlil to offer him a warm smile. She knew he had no place to go, and she didn't want him to go anywhere, so she looked back at Vera and began to speak again. "Daddy is going to stay with us here tonight, so you'll be able to hug and see him. Maybe he can tuck you in later, too," she offered, and Vera began to grin.

"Okay!" she exclaimed.

Valery then turned around and while Kahlil carried Vera, she'd open the door and lead them into the apartment. It was, in a way, similar to their old home on Empress Teta, but perhaps a bit more simplistic. She hadn't gotten it with the idea of staying here forever, and it likely showed.

"You want to spend some time alone with Vera? I can go cook something up for you both."



Ah, right. Food. They needed to eat here.

Wow he'd forgotten what it was to be hungry. He chuckled to himself, mostly to keep from feeling grim about the whole thing. Inside he just looked around. Nodded. Valery cooking was probably the best bet. He didn't just forget what it was to be hungry in his time away.

"Yeah. There's a lot I want to talk to Vera about. Like how schools going! Made any friends? How's the lessons! Ah, there's so much for me to ask, isn't there? I want you to tell me everything, little star." He gave Valery a brief smile before his attention was practically consumed by his want to know everything he'd missed. As much as he possibly could, anyway.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She looked with a wide, motherly smile between the two as they entered the apartment and talked about catching up. It was only logical that he wanted a moment to talk to Vera, so Valery beamed them both a smile and disappeared into the kitchen, where she began cooking a large family dinner again.

Meanwhile, Vera pulled on her father's hand and brought him into her room, where the walls and floor were covered in drawings, and of course, her collection of plushies had grown quite a bit. "Mommy and Iris helped me with the new room!" she exclaimed before plopping down on the bed and inviting her father over to join her.

"I am going to school at the Temple now! I learned how to meditate and, Uhm, lightsaber training! Mommy is helping me with the visions too and so are other Jedi," Vera began with a series of big nods. "I made friends too, like Iris, Amani, Bee-Bee, and plushie," she said, of course without explaining why she had a friend called plushie. It was the most normal thing in the Galaxy to her.

And as they talked, the smell of Valery's cooking soon reached them, alongside some melodic humming from her mother. It instantly made it all feel like they were home on Empress Teta again and playing while mom was preparing another good meal. Vera just couldn't stop smiling and being happy because of it.

"Auntie Yula Perl Yula Perl is also teaching me how to make and break stuff!" she said with a grin that would likely remind him of Valery whenever she got a little too excited about fighting or driving her speeder bike. Learning engineering skills from Yula had that effect on Vera as well.

After a moment of talking and kicking her feet back and forth, she looked at her father and blinked, "Daddy? You're not going to leave again, are you?"


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