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What is the difference between the Mandalorians and the Mandalorian Empire?

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
If someone could give me a quick TL;DR summary of the ideological differences between these two factions, that would be great.

As far as I can tell on the surface, they seem exactly the same.

Just looking for the right place for my character. Thanks guys.
[member="Sten Kvall"]

Depends on your leadership style.

Mandalorians are currently more feudal in structure, with individual clans ruling themselves and the leaders forming a council on rare occasion rather than having a Mand'alor. Its decentralized with focus put onto developing one's self and clan rather than the faction.

On the other hand, the Mandalorian Empire has a Mand'alor, and everyone is subordinate to him and pretty much only him. A very centralized government, with focus on developing one's role within the faction rather than a group of clans each developing themselves independently.

Other than that, they are exactly the same.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Sten Kvall"]

Since an actual answer would be more useful to you, I'll try and be slightly less flippant. Slightly.

  • The ME has a Mandalore; the Mandos currently don't, as they don't feel anyone fits the bill right now.
  • The ME firmly believes the Mandos are all dar'manda traitors for vague reasions; the Mandos kind of blink and shrug.
  • The Mandos think the Sith and maybe the Republic are the enemy, depending on who's screwed up more lately; the ME generally thinks the Mandos are the enemy.
  • The ME thinks the Mandos are an existential threat; the Mandos think the ME is probably the flavor of the week.
  • The ME is full of mercenaries and rages at the Mandos for being mercenary. The Mandos are full of mercenaries also.
  • The Mandos own Mandalore and its moons. The ME owns a very nice little asteroid.
  • The ME insists it's going to Do Things, Any Day Now. The Mandos shrug and do things when they feel like it.

I could go on.

On a less biased note, though, I like what Isley does over at the ME, I think it's a good faction for the most part, and one could have a lot of fun over there. Personally, I'm sticking with the Mandos due to friendships, established territory, inertia, and strategy.

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
[member="Rach Vizla"] and [member="Alec Rekali"] thank you for your helpful answers.

i was hoping to not have to become embroiled in a dilemma over who are "teh real Mandalorians" when picking a faction, but then again this problem doesn't seem to be unique to the Mandalorians, as it appears every other group out there has at least two factions competing for dominance.
Idealistic arguments over who the "real Mandalorians" are aside, ME are more so old school Mandalorian Crusaders, whereas the Mandalorians are more modern in their ideology, i.e the Supercommando Codex and what have you. Whichever you go with, just have fun with it and do you.

[member="Sten Kvall"]

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Keira Ticon said:
Idealistic arguments over who the "real Mandalorians" are aside, ME are more so old school Mandalorian Crusaders, whereas the Mandalorians are more modern in their ideology, i.e the Supercommando Codex and what have you. Whichever you go with, just have fun with it and do you.

[member="Sten Kvall"]

I'm not sure I understand that. Isn't the Supercommando Codex based on the Mandalorian Crusaders?

Basically what really matters to me is this. Which faction is closest to the canon depiction of Mandalorians as seen on the Clone Wars TV show? By that I mean, which faction considers "Mandalorians" the people of Mandalore and associated planets, and which faction considers "Mandalorian" to be just a cultural dressing (i.e. the old Legends depiction of Mandalorians)?
The Supercommando Codex is something closer to what I believe are referred to as the New Mandalorians, or Jaster's Mandalorians as I usually call them. The Mandalorian Crusaders (think circa the Mandalorian Wars of the Old Republic) abided by the Resol'nare.

[member="Sten Kvall"]
Sten Kvall said:
[member="Keira Ticon"]

But the New Mandalorians rejected the Supercommando Codex. They were pacifists.
To be brutally honest, neither faction represents the Clone Wars-era Mandalorians. The "real" Mandalorian faction is not pacifistic, they're a bunch of mercenaries and actively invade other planets, and the Mandalorian Empire is trying hard to be the Crusaders.

Even though they haven't actually invaded anyone yet...


Seeker of Enlightenment
The clans aren't pacifist, but they aren't quite as aggressive as the Mandalorian Empire. In addition to what's already been said, I would argue that the Mandalorian Empire are better dancers, but the Clans are generally better tippers and cooks.


Alec Rekali said:
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

...holy feth we're related

holy feth
That's a lot to handle.

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