Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Jak Sandrow"] Niiiice.
LOLVulpesen said:Friend: Vulps, your drunk. Stop being so impolite to the gamoreans. It makes them angry.
Vulpesen: *Turns to gamorean.* I apologize for my rude behavior, I don't know what came over me. Bartender, get me a beer for my new friend.
Friend: See, a little courtesy will get you a long way.
Bartender: *Sets down the beer*
Vulpesen: Sure does... Oh, here's your beer. *Smashes bottle over the head of the gamorean.*
Friend: Damn it, Vulps!
*Fight ensues. Vulpesen and his buddy are kicked from the bar*
Time frame: just a few months before Vulpesen joined the Jedi.