Arlan Zy'rosh
Redemption. Duty. Honor.
Phrikite Caverns
It was always strange to Arlan how things seemed to progress in the galaxy, how the smallest of details or problems could blow up into something much larger. The whole pin-drop in a pool of water metaphor seems to come to mind when you really think on it hard, at least from Arlan's perspective, as he rethought the events of his current job. His men had been in the caverns for quite some time now, working tirelessly to clear the caverns of any such creatures that may well hinder the mining efforts of Sasori and it's affiliates. Arlan had successfully eradicated any infestation within the set perimeter before nightfall, but the cost on the ecosystem was high because of it. Initially controlled burns and targeting of nests were set in place to deter any any potential widespread harm to the creatures and their environment, but a droid forcing Arlan's hand caused an entire group of beasts to be hunting down and killed for the safety of the mission. It was not something Arlan wished to do, but something he was not sorry for.Now his men had been pulled back, their equipment slowly being loaded onto the transports that brought them here, base camp being dissembled, and Arlan sitting quietly off to the side. He had given the order to pack up and pull out so he was now simply waiting on a chance to call in to his employers and back to Rutan for report. The day had been a long one, full of strange turn of events and unexpected solutions, but even still The Carrion Company had gotten through another contract successfully. The funds from this job was desperately needed in order to advance the company to what Arlan had envisioned and Arlan was particularly glad he had been able to work with someone as large as Sasori whom could provide future contracts. Feeran had told Arlan that working with them would be beneficial for the troupe and it's goals and he had been right. All that was left was to finish off the day and turn a blind eye to Sekalus and it's plights.
"This is Commander Zy'rosh to Sasori base camp." Arlan raised his com-link and began to speak. "Caverns are clear and ready to be mined, enter when ready." Then Arlan stood, and began to walk towards his transport.
[member="Morr Zard"] | [member="The Wicked Truth"] | [member="NG-888 (Eights)"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]