Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction What Lurks Beneath (Jedi)

Being a Jedi was unique for everyone. Some people fell into it without question, on blind faith that they were correct. Others… well, it took them a bit more understanding and listening to the Force, to figure out what they were going to be, and do. It wasn’t always easy, but it was something everyone should strive for, in Coren’s opinion. As a Grandmaster, even if exiled from the rank, he was not going to turn his back on those Jedi who came to him. Or Jedi who didn’t but could use his assistance.

Grinning at Takui, he nodded as he felt that he gave the Padawan enough cryptic messages for now. With the girls and Jorah ahead, he took a second and moved his hands in a quick motion, one that helped him move the Force based on not much active thought, but enough to work almost automatically as another ball of light ran from his hand and into the water, following the path he was going to swim, one he had seen in his head, and on camera.

Stepping into the water and readjusting his rebreather, he took one final breath from up here and submerged. A few kicks and he would catch up to Takui. For Coren, the water was almost a second home, growing up on the Golden Beaches of Corellia. Another kick and he would find the girls and Jorah, and Jorah’s friend. As the Force was as natural for Coren as breathing, he could see something occurring with Jorah and one of the species. Maybe that kid could help Brooke Waters Brooke Waters .

There were small reserves of the Force in some pearls on this world, and Coren would like to study them.

As he caught up, he took a fist and slapped it to an open palm making three quick pops underwater to get attention.Pointing to each he held up an ‘OK’ sign with his hand, making sure they were fine. When he was set, he swam ahead, and soon saltwater and barnacle encrusted stone steps were found, and the surface of water was above. Making his way to the stairs, he could feel the others in the temple. He didn’t grab his lightsaber but did survey the area, with the Force before pulling it out and igniting the golden blade.

When the others surfaced, he gave a signal to keep their voices low. “Do you hear that? Do you feel that? What do you think it is?”

There was definite skittering, and a feeling in the Force that wasn’t black, wasn’t white, but somewhere in between, and not exactly gray.

Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Takui Takui Jorah zos Darnus
Phalsi had pushed on ahead of everyone, wanting very quickly to be out of the water. Her rebreather was working perfectly. In fact, possibly even a little better than factory standard. It wasn't the lack of oxygen or even light as a few had shone along the way to guide them. The near frantic swimming the padawan had done was enough to keep her on the toes of her master as they surfaced.

She swam as hard and fast as she could towards the steps behind her master, pulling herself from the water quickly and without stopping until she was dripping water on the safety of dry ground. At least she hoped it was dry ground. She had paid little attention to the details of the underwater area, not even caring to note if the place sat solidly on rock or if it just floated on some sort of force cushion like those fancy beds that hotels had.

She listened to her master, pulling the rebreather out and trying to calm herself enough to feel the area around her. She felt something, but it was like an annoying itch that hadn't formed yet. You knew it was there, just, not where.

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Takui Takui Jorah zos Darnus Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Phalsi pushed on ahead of her. Aveline tried to give chase, but she failed to close the distance in any significant way. When Coren smashed past the two of them, she didn't even try. He was a natural. It was all she could do to try to keep up, and not fall too far behind. It turned the swim into a little game, which made the trip feel nice and short.

The two girls seemed to surface first, after Coren, with the others no doubt following closely behind. Aveline felt mesmerised by the sight of Coren's golden blade. She hadn't seen one quite like that before. "That's beautiful" she only realized she'd said it out loud at the surprise of hearing her own voice. It felt a little forward and familiar, though Coren had a way of making her feel relaxed and at ease, like no question was too stupid to ask. "Did you pick the colour? Or does the crystal sort of pick for you? How does that work?" The concept of lightsaber construction was one she wasn't fully informed on. But she was closing in on the day when she would make her own. It was about time to learn, and pick up a few tricks here and there.

Clearly this was no time for idle chatter... What... Was that? Thankfully she had understood to keep her voice down, but she had not realized it would be altogether better if she also had kept her mouth shut. She looked over at Coren, mouthing a 'sorry'. When she took the time to try to feel what was surrounding her... She wasn't quite sure what to expect. I didn't feel dark, but at the same time she got the sense that if whatever these things were felt they were trespassing, things could turn violent real quick...

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Takui Takui Jorah zos Darnus
We all fall in parallel
He struggled behind the others who almost seemed to take to the water like fish. As they traversed the depths, Coren's light guided them forward. The world beneath the surface was different. Flora and fauna existed in a gentle state where everything around them flowed or remained in place at a stark contrast to the world above.

They approached some steps, and Taku watched the others surface ahead of him. He glanced around, watching carefully for any predators before he swam to follow Coren and the other Padawans.

When he stepped out sopping wet, Taku flopped about and shook himself off as best he could. He pulled the rebreather from his mouth and inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with real air. Before he could speak, he saw Coren with his lightsaber guiding the way.

And he felt something strange.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen | Jorah zos Darnus

Jorah zos Darnus

He was glad to break the surface and be able to drop the rebreather.

He was freezing!

Huddling, hugging himself, and shivering, the boy tried to recall the Spell of Cinders. At least with the rebreather out of his mouth, he could speak. Well, somewhat anyway. "L-lora k-kerivan," he began, trying to keep quiet as his pink-violet lips stammered through start of the invocation.

He hesitated for a moment. "Ena..."

Kark. What came after ena?

He used this spell all the time. Starting a camp fire. Starting a cooking fire. Scaring off a predator that started to get too close. Why couldn't he think of it now? "Ena el..." el-something-or-other. "...el m-mireth," he uttered finally.

That sounded right.

Well, maybe right.

Had it worked? Drawing in a deep breath, the boy slowly exhaled. As he did, a warmth spread as the water dripping from off his gangly form was transformed into steam instead.

Then he just gave a sigh of relief. And nearly flopped over. That felt much better. Couldn't they stop and take a break now that they weren't freezing to death?

The sight of a Jai light-saber seemed to answer that. And the answer was no. Breaking into a short dash, the boy caught up to Takui Takui and fell into step alongside the older male.

This was all very strange to him. He'd just stick to Taku and try to do whatever Taku did.

As the students began surfacing in the Temple, Coren was able to take a second and ensure everyone was going to be fine when they got up. The water was semi-tropical, but when you got deep, or water was in the shadow of this structure, there were some walls before them, but he knew they’d be no challenge. Instead, the lesson was to listen and understand what was beyond these walls. The Master had the knowledge, but he wanted the Students to be ready.

Still, the first question seemed to be about his saber’s blade. Offering a slight nod to the student he grinned. “There are some who say the crystals choose the color based on the Jedi they bond with. This one… the crystal is actually from a far off Temple world. We can speak on this later.” A lesson for another day.

As the two males came and joined him, Coren gave a slight wave of his hand, helping to equalize the temperature for the younger Witch. He heard the spell, and while he had no real knowledge of spells, Coren had taken a while to learn to spin and bend the Force in a variety of ways. Making someone comfortable was an easy enough feat.

“Beyond this door, there are a few beings, their kind have been on Kattada for a very long time, they know of the Jedi, but they’re not Jedi. Yet, as you can feel, they may not be all together evil. I want you to speak with them, if you can, see if you can teach them about yourself, and the Jedi, and see if you can learn about them, both as an individual, and as their Force tradition.

“Are we ready?”

If there were no questions, Coren would extinguish the golden blade and use the Force to slide the stone door to the side. Within the temple was a scene unlike most would see. A large chamber with many chambers off to the sides, at various levels, almost as if the structure was much larger on the inside. It was, of course, a bit of a trick of the eyes, but also the Force coming into play here. Along the walls were bio luminescent lichen, giving the area a blue-white glow. Chattering inside were dozens of various beings, all crustacean in appearance, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall, in colors ranging from dark reds to mottled grays. Some looked as the stone moved, others paid no mind.

Upon further inspection many wore sashes, going from the shoulder to the waist, in a variety of tones, all found among the coral gardens of this world. With a slight grin, Coren moved an open hand forward as if stating ‘after you’ to the students.

OOC: I’ll be NPCing some of the crabs, but you are welcome to do so as well. The first major step anyone will find out, they don’t exactly speak Basic.

Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Takui Takui Jorah zos Darnus
She had calmed enough to begin listening along with wondering what that strange feeling was still. Similar to her own, a presence that wasn't light but wasn't dark, though this one existed...outside both? The snap of the golden blade had her eyeing the lightsaber for a moment, as more skittering and lingering feelings lurked around.

It's beautfiul Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin spoke quietly, Phalsi giving her a brief nod in return. "It is, and would be neat to take apart and see later. But somethings here." Some muttered a spell behind them as the boys caught up, Phalsi squinting as though that would somehow help her listen to the words being spoken. Her eyes flashed back to Coren as he spoke on the issue at hand however.

Her mouth going slightly agape as he spoke with a knowing on what was ahead.

"You-." She sputtered, a bit of her anxiety draining at the realization he had known all along. "You make this big windup talk like no one knows what's in here. Then say you know and want us to-" She made a sound of frustration, whether at her own frustration or with Coren had yet to be seen. She asked no questions, silently fuming as the door slid open and revealed the beings inside...who ignored them for the most part.

She would watch the others enter first, following behind them and observing their attempts to speak while also listening to the creatures speak with each other before trying to engage. Looking over the sashes, she wondered about the methods of their dyeing, or even societal structures for that matter. She looked over the different colored sashes, trying to sort out the hierarchy system before all else, attention divided into a number of places.

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Takui Takui Jorah zos Darnus Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
She nodded, taking in what Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser said, She really should make it a priority to learn more about lightsaber construction after they came back to the temple. She nodded in agreement to Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen . That would be so interesting, but there was no way in hell she would ever dare to take apart Coren's lightsaber. Maybe he'd turn her into a crab.

Aveline turned to see what Takui Takui and Jorah zos Darnus' take on this was. She wasn't sure how to approach this. The doors opened, revealing a whole new world behind them. Curstaceans, as tall as her and even taller wandered about what she thought was a city, bathed in a wonderful blue-white glow. Was it natural? Was it technology of some kind? She knew nothing of them.

Aveline didn't know what possessed her to be the first to walk through the door, she felt like the most clueless among them. "Gr-greetings" Greetings? When had she ever opened with 'greetings'? They mostly ignored her, or perhaps they had not spotted them yet? "We are Jedi" she said, as she continued walking inside, looking around her at strange crustacean faces. "We uh... We come in peace" Yeah, that was a good one. Always bring up the peace.

More eyes were on her now, faces she couldn't read. Had anyone understood a word she'd said? At least no one had shot her yet, that was always a good sign. Aveline put up an awkward smile and an equally awkward wave, before she turned around, to the Paddy gang behind her, holding a hand over her mouth as she whispered "Yo, any of you speak crab?"

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