Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Remains and What Leaves.


Kethenite Ruins
Midnight skies. High Noon.

teeped in Darkside, Byss was a place of death and rebirth. A changer of ways. Never described the same way by any two people visiting it. Today purple skies clouded the landscape, making seeing far difficult. Sound still carried but sight was obscured. Unnatural or natural? It was always hard to tell here.

Crying, calling, something on the wind…. in the force, an echo. The Kethenite ruins were wars on top of wars, in old places and old times which would never come again. Designed to promote conflict and division. Old Sith Sphere Symbols, carved by kethenite masons were half there and half not, in languages that should remain long dead. They had been built atop conquests, and burned down by them, overgrown by the twisted natural healing that had claimed the ruins. Even rubble, the memory of this place would not fade, much like the Sith they were built for. One who had seeded battles across the galaxy, and yet even his iron will which fed from conflict, had crumbled underneath their weight in time. One Sith. One Darkside Nexus of many scarred into countless worlds by its owner, the echo which fed his memory.

Crying. Amidst these stone ruins, with pillars that had fallen and walls that no longer existed. A child was crying here over a fallen body. Seemingly a child. Her form was odd, as if time hadn't touched her. Rags for clothing, pale skin, and… there was a crystal in her chest, it glowed if one looked too long, the same pale crystal color in her eyes and the scar of it there too. The body below her had long since perished, maybe when these ruins had fallen or even before that.

Watching. There was a heavy weight to the surrounding force, like it was thick, denser than it should be. Watching. That weight intensified on anyone coming to the girl's aid. Almost as if the scene had been laid ahead of time. Keiran Varn Keiran Varn


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