Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Sex Do/Can You Write As?

Writing female characters come easy to me, you develop their personality and roleplay as them... gender doesn't really come into the factor. To me, it is almost literally aesthetic.

It can create some writing conventions based on gender but other than that it just falls into the background unless you're playing someone who flaunts their sexuality a lot, but even then, you're making the character sexual, what assets used just comes down to what they have, the important part is that the character is sexual. Body is just the convention of emphasis and story options, if you want to play someone who is massive, strong and masculine, male will emphesise it more, female will give some interesting story options but neither really effect the characters theme.

Always weirded me out that some people have a lot of trouble with it.


Male, female, both, neither, 2 feet tall, 15 feet tall, humanoid, monstrous, corporeal and incorporeal and all of the above, I've done it all and its all the same.

The only difference is the character and what you want them to be and what will fit thematically with that character to better tell your story
I've been role playing on various mediums for a very long time. The first rp I was ever in was free form done via snail mail. And have written a variety of sexual identities. The straight woman has always been the most challenging for me to write accurately.

Anyone that has ever been in a committed relationship knows that the male and female brain work very differently. Sure you can ignore this fact and not write in this difference but imho it detracts from the reality of the character. If you account for this difference then you can really enhance your writing experience and create some amazing characters that end up being remembered long after you stop using them.


News They Don't Want Heard
In the past I generally played my female characters as homosexual. I did this because I had a personal dislike for the reality that male characters/writers will always try to get with female characters if they are attractive. It felt weird to write a heterosexual relationship where my character was the opposite gender as me.

Over time I developed a better understanding of the dynamic. As I have grown older, I have been able to better separate the identities of my characters within my head. The gender lines no longer effect me, but most of the female characters I currently play are old characters set in their ways, and my two newest ladies are asexual because I wanted the challenge of writing a character with no interest in relationships whatsoever.

For me, I use RP as a form of practice. I take all of my writing seriously, but RP is more loose and free for me. Here I create characters, and practice writing that which is hardest for me so that when I'm working on one of my novels, I have experience to draw on.

Writing the opposite gender is hard. Doing it well takes a lot of practice.


Perfection in human form.
I write both male and female. It doesn't matter a whole lot to me what my character has behind their clothing. I'm more likely to write males though as I am male, so I wouldn't get that connection. When you create a character you develop a liking for it based on how it based off of you.

I'm pretty sure that works both ways. That's just me though. Others might get in touch and develop love for their character completely different to how I do. It's just my opinion.
I like roleplaying female characters but that may just be because I have read barley anything with a male main character in it for ages. I often find roleplaying males just boring. Especially male human's. Male human's almost always get boring too me unless they are bounty hunters.

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