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What should I make with my Codex no-dev-required pass?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
So it seems I've won the Codex Lore Challenge. This pleases me, and the blackmail photos will be destroyed as promised.

However, I'm on LOA and moving, and can't give my prize serious attention. So I'd like to get suggestions. What do YOU want to see me make, and where, and for whom, and for what purpose?

All suggestions have to fit within the following categories:

  • 1 type of Restricted Material mineable deposits on a new custom planet sub (phrik, cortosis, stygium, or beskar)
  • An A quality elite unit
  • A Force Nexus of medium size (within a location or on a new custom planet).
  • A Master-Ranked NPC or NPC with special possession or skill.
  • A species with special skills or all Force user.
  • A location with special defenses or attributes.
Personally, I've always loved seeing the crazy force-based and alchemical-based stuff that you come up with.

Maybe a sithspawn NPC unit or some other sort of crazy alchemical/space magic crafted NPC's.

The more witch-centered Rekali kids could have come up with some neat uses for those Ursine Companions that you made up. Maybe make an elite unit of those little furballs in tiny suits of Beskar'gam that guard a kindergarden on Yavin IV?

Maybe make a new planet. Break the knob off. Just throw out the craziest ideas you got and see what sticks.
How about a special location that serves as a portal to otherspace or something else really out there?

You've always been one of the top people to go to for obscure lore questions and the person to bounce oddball uses of the force off of.

So.... You told me once to go wild with a starship submission. And I've been giving the factory headaches ever since.

Go wild with this one man.


Well-Known Member
[member="Ugohr Poof"] they can get one by going for Valhalla.

[member="Ajira Cardei"] Sensible suggestion, an elite unit for naboo.
Made out of pokemon characters :)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Brainstormed with [member="Julius Sedaire"] this morning while packing/cleaning. Came up with some interesting possibilities, a few related to what you guys have mentioned. Keep'em coming, folks.
Well, flipping through your bio gave me inspiration, of a sort. Naboo and Gungan history are strange. maybe an amphibious elite unit? Something akin to a mix of forcers, navy seals, and gungan knights? A hybrid royal guard that somehow combiens the noble elgance of Theed with the primal mysticism and weird tech of Otoh Gunga? I dunno, just spitballing.


Just another avatar for Cyttorak
[member="Ajira Cardei"], you know what this place is missing? A Planet of the Apes. Would you consider developing the species? If so, I'd jump at the chance to play one.

Kana Truden said:
I agree with Lorelei Darke here. This award is for you. Don't hand it away, invest it in yourself and something you would want for yourself. A rainy day fund, perhaps!
[member="Ajira Cardei"], This is about you. Handing it off to let the site decide what you should make, to me at least, demotes the feeling of being able to create something really important, fun, or just all around different.

When you started your company that made a "standard" Sith sword, and created clothing, gear, and hell, even a compass out of artifacts of the past, or just through Sith alchemy, you changed the site. And as far as I can recall, those were not anybody else's ideas. They were yours alone, and possible that others threw ideas at you, and you twisted them to become something else from there.

Hold onto your No-dev-sub-pass, until you come back. Until you come back with a reason that will change the site once more. I love seeing things like that being made. A Forge radiating in the dark side of the force? Awesome. Leather gloves that let you punch through sith lightning? Narly.

Anyways. Just my little piece of the pie. Have a nice day, and hopefully everything goes well with the move.

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