Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Staff is discussing currently.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Go on...​
I'm entirely fine with this, it's just 'part of being a Major Faction, ya know? Shit happens.​
Personally, I find it hilarious how people were preaching for something to bring about a change to the apparent and stagnant power creep brought about by the map game, and are now whinging about how terrible this idea is. If you're so insecure, or afraid about your flock's (read: faction's) ability to remain cohesive? Well, that sounds like a personal issue, rather than one that needs to be dragged out before the site.

With that being said, I love this idea - especially with how well this meshes with my faction's OOC and IC organization. Sure, it wouldn't be for everyone, but this is a way to spice things up for Major Factions from a narrative perspective; rather than using "one-off" campaigns or episodic dominions that eventually drive people away. Yeah, there's a chance that some of these Schisms will be caused by salt, but this is Chaos, anything posted to the boards or said in the myriad discord channels causes just as much, if not more salt. I also get that it could be very annoying having to reclaim your Faction's hexes, but in the end? It's activity, and that's how it should be ideally viewed by every party involved.

I did have some concerns at first, regarding the initiating criteria, but I think it's more than fair to have ten unique writers and a minimum of ninety days worth of activity within the faction. You'd need to sway a lot of people to your side when you separate - more than what's needed to start a major faction. You'd need to be active in a major faction for 90 days - roughly three months - and if your sole intent was to cause one of these schisms for salt intended purposes? There is an option for faction owners to remove people and ban them from their factions.

While this is getting a community perspective rather than announcing a new rule, I approve!

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
There's too much focus on OOC salt when in reality this could be and should be seen as a very interesting setup to IC story. Not every coup will succeed and not every coup will fail, it also is a good way to pose a threat to massive Major Factions in an organic way. Will some people try to infiltrate to destabilize and start a coup? Maybe, probably eventually, but I highly doubt that will be a large issue. If you suspect that the large influx of players are there to overthrow you and your establishment, confront them ICly, put them down or kick them out through roleplay. You could gain a reputation as a paranoid dictator if you do so, but the reality is that when you're at the top the only where to go is down and eventually you and your's will fall. This is not only a realistic way to shake things up on the map, but easily the most realistic way to do so.
In all seriousness. I am OK with this as well. I am excited to see how it is and can be executed too. It might need to be refined but to what extent no one ones yet. Lets try it out!
Seriously though, it’d be an unsustainable salt fest.

Those of you claiming so are 100% correct, and the idea was shot down pretty quickly. Still, I enjoyed the ballsiness of it, and also how it was introduced. This community needs more ballsy ideas.

Rest easy, we’re not introducing concepts that would further breed toxicity in factions, that’s already a problem we have to some degree I’d rather not exacerbate.
Lisza Starseeker said:
Y'all realize the salt is only there when you're a dick about it right? It's called SPEAKING

I’d like to think that you, Gil, would be very understanding of my stance on toxicity based on your own history of experiences here at Chaos.
Blessed are the peacemakers
It would require either people to have more homogeneity in their group decisions, or a dedicated group of writers that want to change the direction of their faction.

This is quintessentially the most Star Wars thing that the Board can do.

Imperial Remnant comes to mind.

The Mandalorian Civil War. The Death Watch. The New Republic.

Star Wars is littered with schisms, hell the first friggin' movie is about a Rebellion.

This is ballsy. This is new. This puts people on their toes. Anyone saying OH BUT ALAN THE SALT-


That's the point.

You play the map game too long, eventually you lose. Republic, One Sith, Sith Empire, more recently the Mandalorians. This drums up activity. This drums up a lot. This causes writing. This causes activity.

Oh baby, I love it.

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