Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What the feth is downtime?

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"A tale now is it? My Uncle always said don't let the truth get in the way of a good story," the lopsided grin remained on her lips as the music stopped. Most folks were going for more drink to wet their parched throats. He held her close and leaned in real close. The detective hadn't been held like a man like that in a long while. She'd been too busy working.

Funny that it took a fellow warden to get this close.

"Elliot Locke," one hand unwrapped from around his neck and lightly whacked against his chest. "I knew you'd wanted a kiss since those pheromones. Just...karking come here." Fingers at his chest curled around the fabric of his dress shirt as she closed the distance. He got a kiss and a karking good one. No one could say Riz Carter did NOT know how to kiss.

But before they could continue making out, he'd find an index finger tapping against his lips where hers had just been.

"Upup. Your turn. Ever think to wonder why I'm asking you these questions? Maybe I'm interested in joining. It'd be pretty nice to have access to all those gadgets you seem to pluck from your pockets."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Riz Carter"]

It was a good kiss.

Good enough that Locke wanted more, but clearly Riz had different plans. It was amusement that colored his eyes once she pulled back and reminded him of her specific questions. Amusement turned towards curiosity once she expressed the hint of desire to join the Alliance. Now that changed things. Of course, he had been scouting her out since the moment they met.

"Naw, the pheromones heightened, but this kiss was a long time coming, Riz."

It was a rare soul that could stay clean (relatively at least) amidst the filth of 'Shaddaa.

Couldn't have been easy. It also helped that she was clearly competent at her work and could make a good addition to the SIS - but there were other factors at work here, things that could complicate this.

"Is that a fact?" Elly mumbled, before shrugging. "Let's get another drink, then get outta here. This ain't the place for the stories I can tell ya."

He wouldn't be surprised if this entire shindig was bugged to hell and back.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"Clearly," honey-brown orbs drifted to furry scarface. Still had eyes on 'em. Slipping free from Elliot's embrace, she walked with him back to the bar and ordered a double of something. Gulped it down like a tauntaun coming in from the cold. Took a lot to get Riz buzzed and even that probably wouldn't do it. Didn't matter though. It was enough to keep the edge off but not enough to let her guard down for a potential ambush.

She didn't want another vibroblade scar on her back. Or a carbon score on her upper leg.

Finger pointed to Locke as she put her empty glass down. "Remember you're in the red. You've got a debt to pay me," lopsided grin danced briefly along her ample lips. The only thing was? Where would they go? Her place was sacred - more for serious relationships and not something just for fun. Which seemed to be what this was. Kriff, she and Locke had barely known each other for more than twenty-four standard hours. Her place was probably bugged again anyways. The detective scrubbed it when she got home and ended up finding a few each time.

Got annoying as feth.

"Your place?"

Seemed like the better choice.
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Riz Carter"]

His glance drifted briefly to her back as she walked, before shaking his head and following.

This one would be his end.

That was a fact.

After that Locke walked with her, getting himself another beer. With the eyes of the Exchange on them he wasn't gonna get drunk as all kark, no matter that chances were very small they would go after him. Last thing they would want is the full-force of the Alliance running them over, because they killed one of their operatives. The rules were the rules and it meant they would be left alone for the most part.

As long as their interference wasn't too overt.

A credit chit was left on the table - paid for the drinks and had a generous tip as well - before Locke smirked. "You will come to find that I always pay my debts, Riz, and then some."

He made a quick mental calculation, before nodding.

"Yeah, we can walk there, not that far away from here." On their way out they passed past Oola where Locke halted again. The Fondorian looked nervous, he always did when Elliot was around, but that was part of his charm.

"Chuck?" Elly snorted, before revealed a data chip out of his pockets, handing it over to him. "Saw Bas lounging around, pass that over to him, will ya? I will know if you don't."

Oola knew better than to ask questions.

They were out in the night the next second. "I can practically feel your curiosity burning a hole in my side, you know."

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Elliot Locke"]

A hard smile was offered to Oola. Her intent was clear. Don't get busted again or you'd end up with more than a night in the brig. Hands jammed in her pockets as they walked down the streets littered with empty stim packs and wasted up cig ends. Sellers were out in droves but seemed to sense enough to leave the hard-nosed detective and agent alone. Neon lights reflected off their faces, creating an almost palpable buzz of energy in the air.

Riz gave a subtle look over her shoulder, walking close to Locke so she could whisper in his ear as if she were getting closer to her sweetheart. "No tails yet." She remained silent about his blatant use of bribery. She knew like he did, credits talked. Usually.

"Yeah I'm curious," arm looped through his, finally prying free from the brass knuckles she'd had her fingers woven around. The 'just in case' besides the holdout blaster down her leg beneath her pants. "I need as many details as possible to make an educated decision. I'm not one to jump into things so lightly."

Unless she was chasing a perp down a speedway.
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Riz Carter"]

"Mmhm." Locke shrugged as they changed the tone of their stride slowly to compensate for the close proximity. It was always more difficult to walk this close to each other, but... it was kinda nice? He didn't have any illusions that this was anything other than a pleasant, if complicated distraction.

Didn't mean it couldn't be enjoyed without overthinking it though.

"Tracked down the Sith that ordered and made the executions of Bas' family." Elly filled her in while they walked. "If the Wook reacts like I think he will, Exchange will have one less fierce enforcer on its payroll."

Either the Wook would get himself killed, trying to get vengeance or the Exchange would (attempt) to kill him for leaving duty. Because knowing Bas a bit? Locke doubted the Wook would take the time to send in a request for some vacation. No, that one's blood would run hot and that was the end of that.

"Left here," They turned and Elliot took the time to casually check out the scene.

Didn't seem like they were being followed, so maybe Riz was right.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Elliot Locke"]

She turned left. Hip bumped lightly against his own. Head dipped slightly, ears honing in on the sounds behind them. Seemed alright. Up ahead was a descent hotel. Not five stars but not the kind at the bottom, where feth knew it was cleaner to sleep in your speeder. Seemed like a good place to go unnoticed. Good job Alliance.

Doors swished open as they entered the clean lobby.

Slowly, her arm released from its hold around his. Honey-brown eyes widened as she caught a glimpse at the man behind the check-in desk. "Ah feth," she whispered to Elliot. "Ex-alert from high school. Whatever you do. Just keep walking to the lift an don't...,"

"HEYA Riz? Rizzo? It's me! Ned."

She cringed and stopped, painting a smile across her face. She turned and shoved her hands in her pockets. "Ned. Good to see you."

He adjusted the glasses up the bridge of his crooked-nose. A hand ran through his bright red mop of hair, then slipped to his mouth as he blew a breath in it, checking his breath in a not-so-smooth way. "I still think about that night on level thirty-eight. Remember the...,"

Elliot would suddenly find two insistent hands on his arms and she tried to shove him toward the lift and quickly interrupted Ned. "Yeahyeah. Great stuff. Gotta run. So good to see you. Okay. Bye!"

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