Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Was Once Lost; Now Found. [First Order - Tier Two Dominion of Rehl Prime and Gilaria]

Post: 6
Location: Gilaria
Nearby: [member="Kyrel Ren"]

"The woman I am now is not enough. Change is not bad. My focus is on improvement, not looking back." her answer to his first few words. She was on board but this, but she was not blissfully ignorant. She knew it would be a hard path to walk, but she would walk it all the same. At the end of the day the result would be worth it. She needed to grow, become stronger. For herself, for her sister. Find her place in the galaxy.

"Teach me about your Empire and your Supreme Leader. And I am sure they will become mine as well." more formalities? Was it true? Who knew. She was giving away her loyalty to some fella she had never seen or met, nor did she know what he stood for. That was a leap of faith if she'd ever heard one. But the Knights of Ren were strong. She could learn from them. And she had a feeling she would fit in nicely.

But it was hard for her to hide her grin. She was a Disciple of Ren now. It was done. She was in. She was tempted to let her questions be of any neat gear or toys her new position would get her but she decided now was not the time. If there were she would surely be informed of it in time. Patience, or something.

"I have a lot of questions. About the Supreme Leader, about the Knights of Ren. Who you are, what y-.. What we stand for" she corrected herself. After all she was no longer an outsider, but the freshest recruit. The Rens were lucky to have her. Or not. Time would show. But she would try not to kark this up too much. "But I don't know if now's the time for those talks or after your mission here is complete." she'd leave that for him to decide. He'd probably like that.

"Oh, actually... Does this mean I have to change my name to Alycia Ren now? Or what's the deal with that?"
Alouten, Gilaria
Post 8.
[member="Nasir Rassi"]

The Supreme Commander of the First Order's Forces was at the recruitment centre on this day. These people were beyond the others of the planet, the beings of Alouten that is. Similar to the Ancient Sith of Old, the other species sought to be isolationist and fashion the planet in their own vision, but there had been those like Malgus, even Darth Marr who understood the necessity to see past the contempt and grandiose natures of their Imperial Humans and Red Sith counterparts. It had been part of the reason as to why The Sith had lost so long ago.

A'sharad's amber orbs darkened for a moment as his gaze swept about.

People like this he had come to realize were ideal for the First Order. Since ascending to the rank of Supreme Commander, the Sith Lord had begun integrating more and more aliens into the Army, Stormtrooper Corps and Auxiliary alike. There were even a dozen or so alien humanoids that walked about in the armour of Special Forces.

"The Galactic Alliance comes to wipe out civilizations like this," the Sith Lord said. Outside the recruiting centre he stood, rallying groups through the call of the Force giving them the urge, but not an explanation as to why they were coming over to listen to what he said. "To prevent the First Order from spreading unity, and Order." Whether they believed the Sith Lord or not was another story entirely, garbed in all black while being encased in a suit of armour would either convince or confuse them as to the reality of the words. "If you wish to protect your homes, your people, you will fight."
Post 3

The echo of footsteps permeated around him as the Imperial agento descended further into the bowels of Alouten. What began as a modest hovel had quickly hollowed out into a spiraling staircase that led to a network of dank tunnels that reeked of spice and other undesirable substances. 0772 lingered far from the walls, disgusted by the endless possibilities of bacteria and gods only knew what else might be festering in the dark.

"You don't get out much, do you?" one of the uniformed contingent joked. His ruby gaze moved over her, and she flinched. "Easy," she said. "I was being informal. You know, trying to lighten the mood." They all knew what he was, but some of them harbored illusions about making a friend of him. Unlike the more mysterious, clandestine cult that followed the Supreme Leader, 0772 was a different sort of fanatic. "You're not going to... do anything weird to my brain, are you?"

His eyebrow raised a millimeter, and he clasped his wrist as they continued into the underworld that spanned seemingly further than the city itself. "I have been given no such orders," he told her to assuage her fears. "And so I would be in breach of article-"

"I know the penal code," she snapped back. "What are you, some kind of machine? Blind adherence to order, no personality of your own?"

0772 moved his glance slowly back ahead of them. "Order is all that there is," he replied calmly. She eyed him cautiously. "Without order, the galaxy is damned to exist in an endless cycle of chaos and suffering. We bring order so that the galaxy can find a true peace, something tangible, that lasts-"

She sighed a bit as he continued to speak that way for several minutes. Unlike the Stormtroopers corps that begat those litanies, however, the young Force Adept lacked for any sort of passion. When he spoke about order, he seemed to regurgitate something he had been told so many times that he believed it subliminally. "You say that," she cut him short, "but do you comprehend it? Do you understand the gravity of those words?"

The youth turned his head toward her and tilted it a bit. "Are you suggesting I am of an inferior intellect?" he asked curiously.

"No, what I mean is-" she matched his inquisitive gaze and noticed he had leaned in a bit. Their faces were a fraction of an inch apart. "Goodness, give me some room to breathe," she huffed suddenly. Her instinct was to jerk away quickly. 0772 allowed it.

"I see," he murmured to himself, and he watched her curiously for a moment before turning away.

"You see?" she asked. "You see what? What did you do?"

"Irrelevant," the registered Force Adept shrugged. "Our current directive is to infiltrate and shut down the drug cartels operating in Alouten," he reminded her. "Everything else is background noise."

"That sounds awful pragmatic," she laughed. "What are you, a Stormtrooper? 'There's nothing but the mission?' We're operatives- you can talk informally."

"It breaches regulation," he replied.

"So- 0772, was it? You don't have a proper name?" she pried.

"I do not," he answered. "If it pleases you to call me something else, Jacques will suffice."

"Jacques?" It was her turn to be surprised. "What sort of name is that?" The girl fell into step next to him and shouldered her rifle. "Is that a common name where you come from?"

He stopped and stared at her.

"Fine, fine," she huffed. "No more small talk." As he began to walk again, she noticed that the footsteps had stopped. They had come to the bottom of the stairs and walked some half a mile into the darkness, only dim chemiluminescent lanterns along the path to light the way.

Different paths stretched out every so often, each one similiarly lit. Whispers and distant voices comfirmed the presence of life nearby, but they could see no one. "This is not normal," she observed.

"Astute observation, Agent," Jacques replied. "Do you have any more?"

The woman scowled. "We've lost communications with the group."

"You have lost communications with the group," he corrected her. "I have been in direct contact with my controller since the rendezvous above ground. They are approximately two kilometers ahead of us. If not for your insistence that we fraterenize, we would not have fallen behind."

"F-fraterenize!" she huffed. "Of all the- you are an infuriating creature, do you know that?"

Jacques did not respond. She watched his expression as hearly stared directly at the floor, and his arms went limp. "Jacques?" she took a step toward him, touched his collar, and tapped himy lightly. "0772?"

"Quiet," he whispered. "They've made contact. One of ours has made a report, and several dealers in Alouten specifically are gathered for a large deal very close by." He seemed to speak quickly, as though he were relaying the information as quickly as he was learning it. "And it seems that they have several labs producing drugs all across the city. If we bust just one, the others will learn of it quickly and shut down operations and move."

"It's a large operation," she agreed. "We knew that coming into this-"

"You're failing to understand," he cut her short. "If we make any single move here, we lose our chance to cut the head off the beast entirely. Alouten maintains its underground and undermines any efforts to instill order that we might bring in the future."

"So what do we do?" she asked.

"We coordinate," Jacques answered. "And we strike them all at once. If we don't, then the hydra simply grows two more heads for every one we cut off."

Then female agent fidgeted uncomfortably, checking the stock of her rifle. "And where are we supposed to go in all of this?" she asked. "Does FOSB have coordinates on these labs and dealers, or are we operating blind?"

"That's where we come in," he told her with a wry smile. "You and I are to gather the necessary Intel and report back."

"I imagine," she groaned, "that we're to employ your talents to that end."

"Now that," he replied, "is an astute observation in earnest."
The First Son of Ren

It was now.

Sweat beaded down the forehead of the practitioner, a horrid chill embracing his mind as it expanded ever further into the meditative state that was entered when the early warnings of the First Order had been raised in the system. His first instinct had been to run, to leave this place and never return. Yet the abandoned cantina still remained his surrounds, it would remain his surrounds until they came for him.
Come for him they did.

His first indication of another presence came not from physical senses but rather the vibration through the force that came rippling across him as the two stormtroopers entered the room. He remained calm and still, awaited for them to approach, their rifles raised and aimed at his body as it sat in the centre of the room.
“This him?” He heard one say through the helmet voice module.
“Identify.” Said the other. “I said…”
He never got to finish his question, the force had taken hold of him and thrown both of them hard across the room into the walls. The sound of breaking armour covering the obvious sound of body trauma which left them both as dead as the next.

“He hoped you would come easily.” Another voice this time, calmer and un-altered. “Although I guess this is to be expected.” Two sets of footsteps entered behind him and the ever so familiar crack-hiss of lightsabers filled the air.

“He would have expected nothing else.” The knelt form stood and from his belt his own crimson blade shot out with a ruthless roar. “As did you.” He turned to face the two Ren, once his brothers, his kin and subjects. For he was above them now, beyond their own understanding. He came gone further down the path then the Ren ever wished to leading him to take the title of Darth rather then Ren.

“He is here.” One said with a smirk. “He awaits you. Yet we are instructed to make you fail.” There was a tense moment as all in that cantina stood with eyes measuring. None wanting to make the first move, yet inside the anger was swelling. It made for an electrifying energy that filled the Sith Knight with pent-up aggression, allowing focus and lending strength.

“Then make me.” There was a clash of energy beams, hissing as they tried to overcome the others weapon. Again and again they would connect and scream in protest as the fight carried onwards. Yet it was not to last beyond what he wanted to. One of the Ren fell with a gash across his chest, the weapon easily passing by his flesh as it created an opening in his weapon technique. The other was close behind, except he fell not to the lightsaber of the Sith, no he fell to his knees as the force entered his mind with ill intent. The Supreme Leader had once valued the first of his Ren for his ability at entering ones mind and extracting what he wanted to know, it was a talent that even in the days before the darkness had served the Republic in times of need.

“Where is he?”
The question would be answered not through the words of the Ren now biting through his own lip. It would be answered by his mind that was having huge chunks torn out of it by the intrusion from the Sith. “Ah, there he is.”
There was nothing left of the disciple now. Just a whispering soulless body laying on the floor, his eyes as blank as his dead comrade. That mattered not however. The Supreme Leader had left exactly what was needed for the Sith to do next.

It was time for the First Ren to meet his old master once more.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Gilaria: Objective 4
Post: 12/25

The working crew spent the night in one weird sleepover, with the animal they call the "evil rabbit" being put to sleep in an area free of any electric cabling for it to chew through. By now the Tofolk of Hijarna has returned from its triangular voyage from Gilaria to Sump and then back to Lanteeb, laden with dried duracrete: what the frak took so long to load the duracrete? she thought, while the unloading of said duracrete only began when the Tofolk of Hijarna made landfall, just moments after they awakened. In fact, today's wake-up call was a little noisy. Noisier than usual, and she knew something was, well, wrong with the ship. But she was not an expert in starship repairs so she couldn't quite tell where the ship has been damaged to produce such noises. And yet, they had to pour the duracrete so that it could cure, with the tarmac having to operate at a much-reduced capacity while it is being rebuilt.

"What's the problem with the ship?" Dunames asked the other workers, noticing that their arrival had more noise than usual.

"It could be a number of things with the engines or the repulsorlift generator"

"Run diagnostic checks on the ship while the duracrete is being unloaded: we might need to order parts on the fly"
Post: 8
Location: Gilaria
Nearby: [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]

Kyrel was pleased with the young girl, she knew that now was not the same, from here on out she would take on a new path. Now she would take on the path of being a Knight of Ren. She would now serve the Empire as someone who operated in the shadows, one who would follow the will of the Supreme Leader without question, one who would be trained in the ways of the dark side. He would see to that as he would with the rest of Disciples being trained under him, but he had a feeling she would be his favorite. He for now just stood there as she spoke wanting to learn more about the Empire, and the Supreme Leader, but those questions would have to be answered at a later time.

Time was of the essence, and so they had a mission to complete. As soon as she asked of what it meant regarding the title of Ren. He kept g walking and told her as he got inside the speeder. "What it means to be a Ren is where one forsakes their identity to take up the title, it is similar to how the Sith use the Darth Title. I forsake my old life long ago when I became this. That is when I forsake that old life and became Kyrel Ren. Some still use their regular names as it is not a requirement but a choice. Whatever you decide to do is up to you."

And with that, he speeds off quickly through to the industrial district of the main city where they kept most of the shipping and goods. They would arrive at their destination. He would stop upon seeing the warehouse guarded by two thugs. He got out and grabbed his saber. Finally, the mission's completion was at hand.
It was him.

The hooded and shrivelled form sat before the Sith as he approached. A throne made of metal creeping through the shadows to create a visage of fear and terror. It was exactly as he remembered his old Master, or at least the crones that the Supreme Leader used as messengers and doubles through-out First Order space. Sieger’s best kept secret was his legion of hunched and twisted wills that were scattered through the First Order, some say there are droids, others believe broken clones or something even more evil. To Malleus however they were just extensions of Sieger himself, he was truly within them. The radiant evil aura around them made that much clear.

“Finally. You have come.” The voice was broken, barely a whisper as it carried across the air like bad breath. “I was starting to think the betrayer had truly taken to his own cause.” It was a strike at his pride and a hefty blow to what the Sith had been through in the years since his leaving.

There was the sound of his saber igniting. The crimson hilt extending far to the ground where it would hum maliciously at the pair, a challenge towards the twisted being that only forced a mocking laughter. “You think I have returned to allow you victory?”

“I don’t think.” Red eyes peered out from beneath a dark hood. “I only state truths my son.” His words again struck him like a lashing snake. No matter how quiet and frail they may be they carried enough poison to end his life eight times over. Yet his body clenched at the thought, filled with frustration and anger. He allowed it to flow as he had learnt in his exile, as the Sith had shown him.
“Yes I can feel it. Your anger gives you focus, it makes you strong. Far stronger then you ever were before.”

“I am more then you ever could have made me.” He lashed out.

“False lies.” He backed down. “I made you like this remember. I was the one who told you to strike me down. I was the one who made you depart our cause and triumph for a new life in exile.” A sinister tone had taken hold, one far more louder then any that had come before. “I allowed you to explore your true potential.”

“I…” He was lost again, a spoilt child before an ego filled father.

“However as was always intended you have returned.” The crone stood from his seat and extended a withered hand. “Now my child, my first of the Ren. Kneel before me and once more accept your place at my side.”

His knee buckled, his mind withdrew and the Supreme Leader once more claimed his prized possession.
Post #2
[member="Asharad Graush"]
Alouten, Gilara

Even though he was heading towards the recruitment center of his own free will, Nasir felt as if something was pulling him there like a lasso around his waist. Not that he minded, and the young man attributed that feeling to the excitement that he was feeling in that moment. Trips into larger cities were rare, and could incite that kind of feeling. Especially so when you were on the cusp of something life changing!

As he neared the center, his eyes couldn’t help but fall onto an imposing figure that stood out front. Male from the way he carried himself and the deep boom of his voice as it carried across the vicinity. Nas stopped at the edge of the crowd before pushing his way through in the politest manner possible, a little easier than expected given his height. Making his way closer to the front, he looked at the figure and the armored troopers around him with a sense of awe. “Who is he? Someone from the First Order military?” He inquired to the man standing next to him, voice hastily hushed.

The man glanced back before jerking his head in the direction of Asharad. “That’s the Supreme Commander of the First Order’s Military. I don’t know his name, but this must be important if he came all the way out here, right?”

Nasir nodded slowly, gaze drifting back to the armored man as he digested that. The Supreme Commander? Like the top guy? Something important must be going down if he was here recruiting for his forces, and it was with an open ear that Nasir found himself agreeing with his sentiments. Was it because he was so eager to believe something new and dedicate his life to a major power? Perhaps, but Nasir was young, impressionable and thirsty to find a cause in his boring life. He’d heard both negatives and positives about the Alliance, but Asharad’s words had involuntarily tipped the scale in his head.

Shifting his way to the front of the crowd, Nasir stood at attention. “I wish to fight for the First Order and protect my home and its people!” He declared boldly, adrenaline coursing through his system and making him stand practically on edge.
It was true submission. His head was low and his posture broken, Sieger had all the power here, he had every ounce of control over the sith currently bowed down upon the ground of the dark and dingy warehouse. There was a malicious cackle of laughter on the air.

“You said by your side I will know all there is.” Malleus spoke through a whisper, remembering the earliest of conversations with his now re-instated master. “That I would master the force completely.”

A crude smile crossed the exposed yellow of the beings teeth. “I did.” There was no covering of deceit, no falsehoods in his statement, yet Malleus could tell that something more sinister was behind it all. “You however need to prove your worth yet again my son.” From his finger tips arching blue energy poured forth and took hold of the young sith knight, it carried across him like wave of pure pain as the Supreme Leader unleashed his will through the force lightning straight into his apprentice. “You chose a path that departed you on a different road and even with my design, I find my trust lacking.” He released the lightning and ceased its passage across Malleus. “So do you submit? My friend?”

He had collapsed to the floor during the barrage, smoke floating around him as he released the painful effects of the Supreme Leader’s lesson. He could just end it now, he could drive the blade into his master and leave yet again, seek out the lessons of another. Or he could hunt down each of the Supreme Leader’s wills, end them and then end the man himself.

“Your desire for revenge drives you stronger. I can feel it. Your anger at me, your frustration at why you came, your hatred towards yourself.” Again that evil smile. “Your pain. All of this makes you powerful, use it, drive it into your work.” He turned and began to walk. “Come.”

“Yes, master.” Malleus rose and moved behind the bent creature as they moved away from the centre of the warehouse.

“Your own personal wants and needs must be placed aside. There will be a time for them child, but for now I have a task for you.” Evil red eyes turned upon him. “A task far more important then you, for our great Order has designs that pale even the most desperate wants of the galaxy.”

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Gilaria: Objective 4
Post: 13/25

The duracrete being dutifully unloaded from the freighter, the engineering crews began making diagnosis checks on the engines and the repulsorlift generators as requested. Most likely an engine or a repulsorlift that had duracrete stuck in it, and it needed a purge of some conduit before it could be restarted. Repulsorlift generators needed to be kept active while at low altitudes in planetary atmospheres and any repair to it had to be done in orbit, given the high weight of the ship. It was only really practical for ships up to the weight of an AT-AT barge to turn off repulsorlift on a surface while parked on planets with gravity similar to Gilaria, or anywhere near close to standard gravity.

"We found the culprit, boss: a dirty muffling circuit in the repulsorlift system"

"How long until we can take it to orbit and vent it?"
Location: Gilaria
Objective: BYOO

Post: 3

Kaalia had finished loading the things they looked to bring onto the boat fairly quickly, a slight application of the Force here and there speeding up the process. After the last item had been brought in she rubbed her hands and stepped into the boat, and when she got both feet in she reached out her hand towards [member="Mishel Ren"] to help her get aboard as well. "Come on, let's get going then." After Mishel had joined her the redhead got herself seated and without much delay they were moving, to see over the planet's kolto and to look for whatever pulled Mishel to it.

The redhead absent-mindedly admired the ripples of water as the boat drifted through the water. "The thing you are sensing, how does it feel? Is it calling you? Is it a blip on a radar? I think it is geared towards you specifically, I don't sense anything out of the ordinary around here."
Rehl Prime
Post 1
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

The Daisya-class Infiltrator materialized a mere couple hundred meters outside the oxygen-barrier of the Warspite's hangar bay as the cloaking device deactivated. The alien-looking vessel abruptly broadcasted a series of codes belonging not to a person so much as an office of the First Order's government. This did not necessarily mean much of anything outside of the fact that an occupant of the vessel was, in some way, serving said office. In this particular instance, the codes belonged to the Office of the Grand Moff.

On the command deck, silver-green eyes gazed with indifference at the various personnel and vessels arrayed around the Warspite's hangar bay. His presence here was, as typical, a fail-safe measure, an attempt to ensure the pending acquisition of the First Order's newest territory did not fall short.

Once the vessel had touched down on the durasteel deck, Cameron remained seated, his face impassive. "Remind who's command this is again?"

"Admiral Fiolette Yvarro, Mi'lord."

The Sith Lord did not offer the spacecraft commander a reply. Instead, he tapped a series of buttons on the arm of his chair, pulling up the military personnel file for one 'Fiolette Yvarro'. Silver-green eyes paused briefly on the image before scanning the content of the file. A particular part of the file caused his lips to curl upwards into a mischievous smirk. "Well then..."

The spacecraft commander turned in his seat, "Mi'lord?"

Cameron's bright gaze slowly lifted to regard the man. "Nothing." Exhaling softly, the Sith Lord came to his feet and made a casual pace towards the loading ramp. His open dark blue and gray cloak glided lightly over the surface as he stepped down to the deck. The cool air of the hangar bay touched the skin of his chest - a fairly stark contrast to the conversely warm environment of the Daisya's cockpit.
Post 1
Location: Hyperspace, en route to Rehl Prime
Objective: 2

The peircing blue light of hyperspace reflected off of Braser's already blue uniform. He squinted and blinked as the light poured through the bridge viewport. The bearded man groaned out "Lieutenant Tsido, activate the damned viewport dampeners." The young lieutenant quickly swiveled in his chair and slid his finger across the view screen. "Aye sir, applying viewport dampeners now." Slowly a translucent sheen covered the glass viewport. Braser sighed as his eyes were relieved of the bright light. His frigate, The Stark, had been sent to help the other fleets force the natives of Rehl Prime into submission. Braser assumed what kind of enemies they would be dealing with, but he required more information. "Lt. give me any available information you can on the current attack."

​"Aye sir." Braser waited patiently while his second in command typed away at his view screen. The man started to get impatient and inquired in a sharp tone "Lieutenant? Are you still with us?" Tsido continued typing and stared at his view screen with a confused look on his face. "Aye sir ive found the information you asked for, I was just surprised by the other fleet inbound to the planet." Braser turned to the young boy and raised an eyebrow. "What fleet Lieutenant?" Tsido turned and responded "Its Fiolette Yvarro sir." Braser turned back to the viewport and scoffed. "Admiral Yvarro? why would she concern herself with such rabble. We were called upon by Admiral [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]." The whole thing didn't add up. He understood why the admiral would call in additional frigates. Extra firepower always helps, and having another ship watch your back. However the arrival of Admiral Yvarro still puzzled him. Why would The First Order need two fleets to suppress a group of helpless rabble?

​ Before Braser knew it several minutes had past. "Sir, we are exiting hyperspace and entering Rehl Prime's orbit as we speak." Braser blinked as the helmsman's words brought him back to the real world. "Lieutenant, lift the viewport dampener and inform Admiral Rausgeber of our arrival."

Fiolette Fortan

Fiolette had secured the Comet OSM-10 pistol to her hip. "They'll at least understand a slug, mhmm?" She looked over at Hogrum and gave him a nod, "with me lieutenant." She trusted Captain Walzer to mind the Warspite while she was gone. Her comms pinged, Farrah informed her of additional forces. "Leave Steltan to Rausgeber... for now, but the other one I'll handle personally. Thank you, Ensign." The blonde gestured to the lift and waited for the young man to enter before following in after him. There were always agents of the Grand Moff working around one way or another and she had no doubt of this man's intentions.

She, however, was on a timetable, this planet should have been subjugated ages ago. The Galidraani woman checked the chronometer as they exited the lift. The watchtower station should be here soon enough she imagined, a few Manjarrez stations wouldn't be too bad either but as she walked down the long corridor that would have to wait. Medium battle armor clanked across the durasteel floors, "Farrah inform our companion that he can meet us on the surface." That message would be sent directly to [member="Cameron Centurion"] through one Imperial method or another. Until then she eyed out a command shuttle. "Veed, you take helms I can monitor tactical systems."

Fiolette was about to climb into it herself until she noticed something that didn't belong on her hangar bay. "Note, remind me to have a word with my neice about her agents landing on my ship." She grumbled, "Veed get in I'll handle this." The woman approached the man standing on her deck. "It's rude to land on someone's ship without a proper introduction," she said speaking directly to the gentleman.

[member="Hogrum [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=georgia][SIZE=14px]Veed"] | [member="Braser [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=georgia]Steltan"]

Rehl Prime
Post 10

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Gilaria: Objective 4
Post: 14/25

It took a while to unload tons and tons of duracrete and to have it gradually mixed with local water so that it can be left to cure, once the resulting duracrete is poured; the rebar mesh was already in place when the Tofolk of Hijarna showed up. Understandably, Dunames wanted to stay on the ground, because she feels more useful while overseeing the construction site of the Great Tsu Starport, while the engineering crew onboard the ship had to return to orbit to get the faulty part of the repulsorlift muffling circuit purged, knowing that it could lead to overheat and, from there, structural damage to the ship. Meanwhile, onboard said ship, everybody put on earplugs while the ship was still in atmosphere, and once it made orbit, then the purge of not only the muffling circuits began, but also the purge of other plumbing circuits that passed close by where the duracrete used to be, and also repair any leaks in the bulkheads that might have made said duracrete enter the circuits in the first place.

"I hope this will work" the pilot of the ship sighed back to its chief engineer.

"I'll give you the all clear to descend back into atmosphere once the purge is complete: we can repair the bulkheads in atmosphere" the chief engineer added.
Rehl Prime
Post 2

The message hadn't reached Cameron before [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] approached him. Silver-green eyes regarded the woman from within the veil of darkness provided by the hood of his cloak. The Sith Lord offered a response albeit in a manner that was decidedly less than direct to the statement she had made. "Admiral Yvarro." He could tell as much from the simple matching of her appearance to her personnel file. It was shortly after his statement that his datapad beeped softly. Cameron withdrew the device, briefly read the message, than stored the device once more. A relayed message from his Infiltrator.

Motioning towards the transport, Cameron allowed a thin smile to settle on his features as his eyes briefly drifted the length of Fiolette's body. An appraisal that he afforded everyone at first interaction. "After you, Admiral." His name, in the moment, was irrelevant. He was a government functionary with a specific skill set; a specialist. "I do not aim to impede the execution of the First Order's strategic goals by your hand."

He found it curious that the Grand Moff had a desire for this woman, her kin, to be...evaluated.

Fiolette Fortan

"You have me at a disadvantage," Fiolette stated and then added, "of which you can help alleviate as we get to the shuttle." Battle armor clanked again against the durasteel floor. As she turned to head back toward the command shuttle. The admiral did her best to keep herself together, the planet was behind schedule. A message came through on her armor's comms. The watchtower station would be here shortly which thank the Balance would make this a lot easier. On the other hand, at least the Grand Moff's pet was a good looking one in her opinion. As she climbed into the shuttle, the Admiral got comfortable in the co-pilots chair. "Tower should be here shortly, coordinating with fleet data."

Several of the First Order's ships were able to provide a read-out of the geographical layout. The shuttle prepared to depart the tower gave the clearance to depart took off from the Warspite's hangar heading for the planet of Rehl Prime.

Rehl Prime
Post 11

[member="Hogrum Veed"] | [member="Cameron Centurion"]
Post 2

Location: Rehl Prime, space

Objective: 2

Braser gazed out as the vast blue and white light of hyperspace fade away as a the bleak wartorn planet that was Rehl Prime formed before his very eyes. The fleet belonging to Admiral Rausgeber was barely visible in the distance. A random comms officer turned in his seat to face the Lieutenant Commander and shouted "Sir, The Admiral has been informed of our arrival." ​Braser nodded with approval and turned to Lieutenant Tsido. The man brought his hand into the air and waved two fingers asking the young boy to tell him the rest of the data. "Sir, the Rennic army is attempting to hold the surface against our forces. Only a small number of ground unit have been deployed. The admiral has just sent several fighter squadrons to the surface of the planet to execute precision strafing runs." ​The young Lieutenant continued typing away at his view screen, seemingly finding more information.

Braser turned to the young officer, a confused look on his face. "And what of Admiral Yvarro's fleet?" ​He turned to the view port and watched The Stark ​quickly approach the fleet of [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] while the Lieutenant found the information. He turned and stated "The Admiral's fleet has reached the system, Sir. A shuttle has just been deployed from the Warspite ​and is now approaching the planet." ​Braser turned back to the viewport and frowned with confusion. The arrival of Yvarro's fleet still puzzled him. The Stark finally reached the Admiral's fleet just in time to see several fighter squadrons descend toward the planet. The heavy frigate hovered next to massive destroyer and maintained its position. Braser turned to the comms officer and ordered "Inform the Admiral that we have joined the fleet and now await his orders."

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Sev'ayn'nuruodo"]
Rehl Prime
Post 3
[member="Hogrum Veed"]

Cameron arched a curious eyebrow at Fiolette's statement, but he did accompany the Admiral to her shuttle. Trailing just slightly behind the woman, silver-green eyes drifted briefly around the hangar before settling straight ahead. [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] was in his direct line of sight, and that only contributed to the simple reality of being able to see the tension she carried in her shoulders. His bright orbs swept downward and back up once more. Military uniforms weren't exactly flattering on females, but the Admiral wore the garment better than most just the same.

Truth be told - there seemed to be no shortage of attractive females in the First Order military. Cameron was rather confident that exacting physical standards played a part. Once they had all boarded the shuttle, the Sith Lord found an empty seat out of the way.

Valessia Brentioch

Post 12

After awhile, Valessia had moved out to enjoy one of the beachfront bars that as of now were organizing their menu. A set of appetizers sat for her to sample from. In the meantime she contacted [member="Otto Schule"] of the Republic Engineering Corporation, after that she wanted to talk with [member="Suravi [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='lucida sans unicode'][SIZE=14px]Teigra"] about an aquaculture site here. First thing was first as she took a bite of the first appetizer. "Mhmm, just a tad try but," she let the flavors move along her tongue. "It's good, I like it should pair well with your finer imports, of course, that's just going by visuals. She'd have to trust someone else on actual flavor pairings." Which led her to summon her old friends Edra and Cin, and until they got here...

"Valessia Brentioch on behalf of the First Order," she would say to whoever answered on behalf of REC.

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