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Faction What Was, What Will Be [The Open Hand] [Introduction Thread]

Hjin Arokest

What has been broken cannot be put back together.
Years of expense, service, and weakness.
What did it all bring? To what end did it meet?
No more will his hand protect them, but instead it shall crush them.
They, the would-be heroes and legends of time, have had enough of the galactic stage.

Change is coming.


His stature was proud, yet arrogant. Hjin wore flashy armor seemingly fitted together out of military-issue kits, painted in such a way as to not resemble any known enforcement group or army. A long, flowing cape draped at his backside, dragging along the ground, the ends frayed and tattered from frequent exposure and use. His visible hardware consisted of nothing more than a vibro double-blade resting beneath his cloak, on his back. Trouble wasn't to be surely expected, but it would be enough of a mediator should the situation become... messy.

Hjin's eyes had never once witnessed those before him, not a single one. Decrypting the location to this facility wasn't extremely difficult, yet Hjin himself never once questioned his own reasoning for making an appearance here. Perhaps it was the blinding hatred he held deep inside for those of the ascended variety - smug and proud, laws and justices twisted to their brand of truth and morals.

No, that would be living beneath their feet. Beneath their hubris.

No. That would be unacceptable.

Death is the only solution. A great cleanse.

For now Hjin watched, arms crossed as he listened and waited his turn to be introduced. He did, after all, believe in manners.

TAGS: Arkana Io | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Edrick Edo | Hacks Hacks | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Micheal Nox Micheal Nox | Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti | Percival Io Percival Io | Prodigy Prodigy | Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick | OPEN


[ Theme ]
K e h l _ T h r a x x
| Location | Abandoned Compound, Myrkyr
| Objective | Seek like-minded allies
| Focus | None in particular at this time
There had been an interesting signal that piqued the interest of Kehl Thraxx as his ship had been passing through the system. Few knew how to ping the warrior as he glanced over at his console, curious about who or what was calling out to him. Regardless, it had seized his attention enough to cause him to divert his course. The Morseerian gladiator turned warlord would soon find himself on Myrkyr as he grew closer and closer to the source of the signal, finding a clearing large enough for him to land his ship as the ramp hissed open. Thraxx would slowly lumber out into the area as he scanned around. He paused as his scanners detected several lifeforms clustered closely to one another as he started to make his way through the forest.
It was not long before Thraxx arrived at the clearing, an abandoned compound that had been designated as the point of meeting. It seemed that Thraxx was not the only one who had been called to this place, which intrigued him even more. Perhaps there were more like-minded individuals that believed in what he did. The Sith had done him no favors raising him to be a fighter in their pits, giving rise to his hatred of not just the Sith but the power they wielded as a weapon to keep the likes of him and others under their thumbs. While he didn't necessarily hold any grudges against Jedi and their kind, they still wielded the same corrupting power that could easily be used the same way the Sith did, and that alone was enough reason for Thraxx to wish for the eradication of its existence. Such power only existed to corrupt and enforce an unnatural hierarchy.
Thraxx soon found himself in the room that held all the individuals he had scanned from a distance together, his presence made known by his figure appearing in the entrance as he bowed down to make his way into the room before crossing his upper and lower set of arms together, glancing from one individual to the next. It certainly was an interesting mix of individuals to say the least as Thraxx strode off to the side, leaning back against the wall since he trusted no seat to accommodate his figure. It seemed he was late for introductions, but that was fine. He would listen and gauge potential allies in the coming crusade against the blight that plagued the Galaxy, and he would offer his hand to assist. All four of them.
I see more invitees arriving. In truth I am stunned at how many have answered the decrypted beacon of sorts. However I wonder as well if any among them are spies for the Force Wizards and the governments that they embody. Given how little of those outside of the Covie that I have intimate knowledge of, it is difficult for me to say.

Another thing that I have noticed is how I am still among a minority here. One of a few females, one of a few humans, one of a few organic beings, and perhaps greater still I am the only Lady politician as well. Perhaps this is all something that I can use to my advantage in gaining myself more leverage than that which the biomolecules already give me.

Domina Prime Domina Prime begins to speak in a dialect of basic that I find to be quite entertaining. It is almost poetic in how it sounds and I am curious to know if that is merely a front that she puts up when she is in front of an audience. It is known that sometimes speaking in front of any number of other individual strangers can cause one to pick up a strange sort of tick or habit to help calm one down.

I spot a Chiss walking towards the group carrying with him a sort of arrogant pride that the species is known for. Perhaps he is of noble birth as well.

Many others are still holding their tongues, whether it be through their own nerves, intimidation or patience with their host. Yet I am the type to find some silences to be fairly uncomfortable. And so I step forward so that each may see me and lower my fan. With an easy turn of my wrist the fan closes and rests comfortably in the palm of my hand. "Greetings everyone. I am Liin Terallo, Junior Board Member of the New Cov Biomolecule Company. I have a vested interest in the common goal being discussed here today. And I can understand that we each have our own vision as to just how that goal is to be achieved. I believe that if we are to work together, we must see which cog in the machine it is that we as individuals fit in. I myself am more geared towards a scientific study towards as one had so eloquently put it; a cure." I then give a wide gesture of my free hand towards them all. "Now how about you?"

Tag: [IMG alt="Arkana Io"][/IMG] Arkana Io [IMG alt="Edrick Edo"][/IMG] Edrick Edo Hacks Hacks Hacks Hacks Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti Percival Io Percival Io Percival Io Percival Io Prodigy Prodigy Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx

Arkana Io

Location: Chamber, Abandoned Compound, Myrkr
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy Edrick Edo Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Hacks Hacks Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Domina Prime Domina Prime Hjin Arokest Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast


Like a strong, lingering smell, the wrath of the persecuted, the disempowered, and the victimized was palpable in the chamber, especially to Arkana’s hypersensitive synthetic perception. These were beings who had been exploited, overlooked, or cast aside in favor of Force-users. In her own cold, yet empathetic analysis, the gynoid could perceive and touch on their pain, their indignation at the circumstances which had led to their disenfranchisement.

For better or worse, they blamed the Force.

And yet, Arkana knew that was not the philosophy of the Open Hand, at least in its ancient, original form. Theirs had been to protect and even worship the Force, so that the Force might bring itself back into balance.

Here, they spoke of killing it.

After Lady Terallo spoke, Arkana stepped forward.

“Sisters, brothers, friends, I am Chaplain Arkana of House Io.” Arkana began, her glacial disposition giving way to warmth. “I wish to offer this group some words of moderation.” The gynoid paused, to let her words diffuse throughout the chamber. ”We can not kill God.” She continued, her words a pointed suggestion towards the ambitions of Domina Prime Domina Prime . “In fact, I believe that we would be depriving ourselves in attempting to do so. The mission of the original Open Hand was to protect the Force from those who would seek to steal from it, those who would abuse it to selfish, myopic ends. In this regard, we can understand the Force as a deity, albeit one that reflects our collective spirit. The abuses of the Jedi, the Sith, and others who would exploit the Force as a mere tool have brought its unifying currents out of balance. Therefore, I believe that we should be seeking to protect the Force from them, not destroy it.”

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Prodigy clearly knew a great deal about those whom he had contacted. A bit of snooping, the droid called it. Probably he knew what House Io Neutralizers were designed to do, and had heard about Percival’s encounter with Micheal. These were matters of the public record. But there was no way he could know the Chaplain’s personal reasons for wanting to destroy Force Users, though those motives provided the true fuel to his passionate loathing for any and all who wielded the Force.

Their host gave his speech outlining why he had brought them to Myrkr, but delayed in telling them what his plans were. Percival’s eyes roamed the room as more guests continued to arrive. He even recognized a few. Liin Terallo Liin Terallo endeavored to hide her face behind her elegant fan, but he would know those silver eyes anywhere. He had agreed to help find subjects for her to experiment upon. It felt like ages ago, but in truth it had only been a short while since they met.

The meeting so far had been… odd. A few people spoke up, but their responses were largely chaotic. One bizarre creature babbled about killing god. The vast majority of those present, however, had not uttered a single word. True to her roots as a board member, Liin tried to prompt the silent onlookers to give their opinions and outline what they could bring to the table.

Percival was about to offer an answer, but he paused and his gaze immediately flicked to his sister Arkana when she began to speak.

“We can not kill God. In fact, I believe that we would be depriving ourselves in attempting to do so. The mission of the original Open Hand was to protect the Force from those who would seek to steal from it, those who would abuse it to selfish, myopic ends. In this regard, we can understand the Force as a deity, albeit one that reflects our collective spirit. The abuses of the Jedi, the Sith, and others who would exploit the Force as a mere tool have brought its unifying currents out of balance. Therefore, I believe that we should be seeking to protect the Force from them, not destroy it.”

Well said, Sister.” Percival gave her a small but proud smile before facing the others. “I am Percival Io, Chaplain Neutralizer. I was created to venerate the Force, and to kill Force Users. But ever since my Creator became what she hated most, I have been unable to fulfill my intended purpose—the eradication of all FUs." He looked at Prodigy. “If this plan of yours is worthwhile, you will have me and all my resources at your disposal.

More attendees filed into the room and a calm storm brewed as Prodigy gave his speech. In his closing statement he was met with the silence of the crowd. Shuffling feet, glances from one another, a handful spoke quiet words among themselves. Hacks attention was peeled away when Domina began to speak, and hesitation splashed across her face. "Of course this meeting attracts the dimwit lunatics," she muttered, her holographic lips moved but no sound was played by the holoprojector droid, intentionally muted.

More had arrived late and silence returned to the room. Hacks glanced around and was just about to shutdown her transmission when Liin spoke. Hacks' ears perked with potential when the woman mentioned her company, Hacks saw credits. "Now how about you?" Liin had asked to the crowd, Hacks quick to chirp in, "Slicer, I've worked in corporate-funded espionage for fifteen years out of the Corporate Authorities on Denon, operated with Darkwire before they turned coward."

She waved a hand down her torso, drawing attention to her complete cybernetic body, "The Jedi did this to me on Ilum, they burned me alive, this is personal for me." Her mind briefly returned to Miri Nimdok, but dispatched the thought of her as quickly as she had intruded.

Hacks turned her head to those of Io who now introduced themselves, she was familiar with the name but could not place when nor how. Her holographic form took a step back and retreated further into the crowd so to watch, but her eyes flickered frequently to Liin.


"Elder Nox, if I must have a title. In reality I'm little more than a hypocrite and a weak man trying desperately to raise my only fist against those who could raise a hand and cast me aside like I don't exist." Just a mild correction. Micheal moved to find a spot to just sit, resting his weary bones. The more people who arrived, truly the older and weaker he felt. Cyborgs, the large, four armed alien species, the actual robots. All he had was his little trick he found. Even the Vong biot he'd been able to install was now dead, lost in the draconic fires that burned Chaldea to the ground.

"The Path of the Open Hand. It's fascinating to hear someone not of the faith correct and speak on it's behalf towards another." Once more, House Io preached. Truly it was fascinating.

"The Chaplain is, however, right. Killing the Force, god, whatever you wish to call it, isn't the Path. Stopping those who abuse the Force is."
shepherd without a flock

New faces continued to shuffle their way in after the meeting had already begun. Good. Prodigy was satisfied to see more interested parties. They were targeting a group of people who held an inherent advantage over them. They would need numbers, "Elder, Nox." He corrected himself on the nagai's preferred title.

A few spoke up about their beliefs, namely the distinctive xeno, who professed a desire to "kill god", as she put it. Prodigy remained silent at first, letting the others respond with their own views. The spark of a debate excited him, and he watched it unfold with great curiosity, "Your enthusiasm is a welcome addition to our meeting, Prime," Prodigy roused at last, "Though I have to say my views are more in line with the others who have spoken. Force sensitives are no demigods, either, they are mortal flesh and blood. Killable, as anything else. And what you call a gift, I call a… genetic fluke."

"Perhaps once they served the metaphysical as originally intended, but they have long since squandered that power in the service of greed and violence. War after war. Regime after regime. Force sensitives foster a status quo that keeps them at the top of the food chain. While the rest of us shed blood in the name of whatever cause they claim to be the Force's righteous will." If Prodigy's expression could change, he would have looked to Hacks with sorrow, "They have taken much from you. And from countless others across the galaxy."

"This bastardization can be tolerated no longer. Nature must be righted."
The droid raised a hand to the computer screens behind him. The information changed, focusing in on a particular planet. The name, and a list of astrographical information projected beside the globe, "May I present Dalna. This Outer Rim world was once home to an old Open Hand compound. And it is where the the Open Hand met its untimely collapse at the hands of the Jedi."

The screen changed again, displaying images and documents relating to the Night of Sorrow, "The battle not only fractured the Path, but it led to the loss of many local lives as well. Yet the Jedi had the gall to maintain a presence there. A small one, fluctuating in strength throughout the last thousand years. But I believe they hold the key to our first great step." Once more, the information changed: Now showing a blueprint for three handheld staves, "The Rod of Ages. An ancient artifact, one in a set of three. These rods have the ability to influence a rare alien species called the Shrii-Ka-Rai. Or more simply, the Nameless." A primitive artistic interpretation of one such creature appeared on screen. "These beasts prey on Force-sensitives, and are capable of interfering with their connection in a number of ways. They will prove invaluable in our efforts."

"The original Path of the Open Hand never found the Rod of Ages. The other two, the Rod of Seasons and Rod of Daybreak, were hidden away after their dissolution. But I have reason to believe that the Dalna Enclave has since retrieved the Rod of Ages, and kept it locked up on that very world. The Enclave has no direct affiliation with any of the major Jedi Orders. They are small, and vulnerable. We will raid the temple of its artifacts, retrieve the Rod, and kidnap any and all Jedi that you can."

"Yes. Kidnap. We need them alive for what comes after."
He finished his grand speech, stepping back to let the rest of them take in everything he had said, and ask questions if necessary.

Mnoi touched down on Mrkr, the place indicated by the coordinates. It was quite a jungle. He followed the coordinates directly to an old structure of some kind; he couldn't tell what it ever might have once been used for. I came this far, might as well keep going, he thought. Inside, there was nothing but an empty hallway leading down. He followed it down, hearing voices coming from further ahead.

Cautiously, Mnoi stepped into the circular chamber. There were several people here. Obviously he was late - he had technically received the message while unconscious, after all. But that only meant he was closest to the exit, should he need to retreat. He remained wary, ready to pull his sword if needed. He was not a Force User, but there was no telling what people might assume once they realized a Sith had just entered....

Sorry, I accidentally posted before I had actually finished typing.
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The young Mandalorian who went by the name Skirata had landed on Myrkr earlier in the day and walked a short distance from his freighter, taking in the jungle world and its denizens on the way to the meeting. He'd come alone, a short trip from the Mandalore system where his brothers were even now setting up a trading post in a nearby orbit.

He approached the gathering silently, though from behind his helmet he was carefully cataloguing the faces and voices. He arrived in time to hear the Prodigy Prodigy speak, and he considered the words carefully. He had a strong dislike and contempt for the Force users that imposed their will on the galaxy and those living in it, but he wasn't going to join a cult either. That he saw a potential for mutual benefit was reason enough for him to have come here to listen. He didn't speak the question on his mind; What was to be done with the captured Jedi?

Skirata would not lend his aid to some damn fool idealistic crusade, nor spend their blood in the defense of same. He saw an opportunity here, that the needs of his people might be served in cooperation with the Open Hand. Mandalorians had been fighting Force users for Millennia, and he was sure that they had plenty to offer a group like this. An ally against the unending machinations of the Sith and the Jedi could help the Mandalorians, to his mind. Just a Mandalorian in yellow armour, with the signets of Skirata recognizable to those who knew such things, standing among the gathering, listening to the sales pitch.

Micheal Nox Micheal Nox #Percival Io Arkana Io Domina Prime Domina Prime Edrick Edo Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Hjin Arokest Hacks Hacks Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti

Jace colis

Percival Io Percival Io Arkana Io Domina Prime Domina Prime Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Hjin Arokest Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Prodigy Prodigy Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast Edrick Edo
Equipment: disguise suite with audio disguise as well.
Disguise: xx

Jace had listened to prodigys proposal he wasn't completely impressed with it just attack Jedi and leave them alive did he aim to experiment on them make an example out of them he wasn't sure activating his disguise before pulling down the hood of his coat showing a false face he walked into the circular room. "You make this plan sound easy but taking force users alive isn't easy unless you have means of controlling them and dealing with their lightsabers and their force powers before said capture? Thats not including their enclave itself that they have an inate and intimate knowledge of otherwise this plan might as well be philosophical until we can minimize the risks until the second part of this plan of yours whatever it may be" he said standing there looking over the room there where a few people of note. Those he had files on though this would be leader was an illusive one he studied those in the room "and what guaranty do we have that your information is accurate about this rods location?" he asked half doubting the info given it was a decent speech but one that wasn't to forthcoming about battle strategy but given people had doubts it would be smart to hold Info back until one was sure that those who had the info could be trusted.

Hjin Arokest

Should he choose this, there will be no return.
This very meeting acted as a threshold to a new world, a catalyst for something that demanded Hjin's attention and aid.
Once a soldier, a helper to the robed gods that commanded him.
They were not like the men and women that bled and died next to Hjin, and they would never respect them the same.

Force be damned.


"I used to fight for the Jedi." Hjin spoke suddenly, but loudly. "For most of my life, I've dedicated myself to their cause and embedded myself deep inside the idea that, perhaps, something good would come of it; yet I've only grown to despise them, like so many others. Sith are no better, quite honestly I believe they both deserve no mercy. My fallen comrades will not be forgotten. I won't let them forget either." Hjin stepped forward twice, his armor shifting as he turned himself partially to address those around him. "I refuse to die a mere soldier that let them walk on me. My friends."

This entire scheme was baffling, a crazed notion that somehow a misfit band of strangers could pose a legitimate threat to the Jedi and the like as a whole. Part of Hjin didn't care, for the simple matter that it felt as if he was doing something meaningful with his life. After his departure from the Galactic Alliance, his life began to shatter.

As did his heart.

Everything once admired and loved was gone. So many died believing in their words, their actions.

Hjin couldn't allow it anymore.

TAGS: Percival Io Percival Io | Prodigy Prodigy | Arkana Io | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti | Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick | Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx | Micheal Nox Micheal Nox | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Edrick Edo | Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast | Hacks Hacks | Jace colis | OPEN

Arkana Io

Location: Chamber, Abandoned Compound, Myrkr
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy Edrick Edo Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Hacks Hacks Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Domina Prime Domina Prime Hjin Arokest Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast Skirata Skirata Jace colis Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti

A brief calm settled over the chamber as Prodigy's words diffused throughout the crowd. Now, came the time for preparation, then action.

First, a handsome, broad-shouldered figure with black hair (Jace colis) expressed some doubts about the validity of the information that the coming mission relied on. However, as he continued to speak, Arkana sensed more than just doubt in his words, but also fear and paranoia.

He lacked faith. Most, if not all of them did.

“Nothing worth doing is ever easy.” Arkana cut in, immediately after the man finished speaking. “For all of the warriors here, in preparing for this mission I would suggest that you not only train yourself for battle, but that you also study the ancient texts of the Open Hand, meditate upon them and build confidence in their teachings. Fear is a healthy impulse, but we can not allow it to rule our thoughts, or we risk paralysis by inaction. At some stage, faith will have to prevail, in order for us to succeed.” The Chaplain finished, her words not only directed towards the black-haired man, but to the room at large, as well.

“Nothing worth doing is ever easy.” Arkana cut in, immediately after the man finished speaking. “For all of the warriors here, in preparing for this mission I would suggest that you not only train yourself for battle, but that you also study the ancient texts of the Open Hand, meditate upon them and build confidence in their teachings. Fear is a healthy impulse, but we can not allow it to rule our thoughts, or we risk paralysis by inaction. At some stage, faith will have to prevail, in order for us to succeed.” The Chaplain finished, her words not only directed towards the black-haired man, but to the room at large, as well.

Skirata pushed forward so that he could be seen, and spoke up for the first time, from behind the T-Visor of his Mandalorian helmet, light glinting off the gilded beskar. "Well said." He applauded loudly, looking around the group as a challenge. "This will be an incredible undertaking. Most Force users try to kill you back, and some are quite good at it. Don't underestimate the challenge, but if you haven't got the minimals, best fuck off now."

He was harsh, but unapologetic. At only eighteen, he had the brash tongue of youth, but rarely for one so young, wisdom to back it up. He had been raised by warriors with decades of experience, moulded into a war leader. He knew his business. Here, among those interested in the Open Hand, they were talking about, distilled down to the basics, declaring war on the status quo of the galaxy. One did not take that on lightly, and Skirata felt that they could afford no passengers, no fairweather allies. This group would need to settle their own differences and work together towards the common goal.

Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io Arkana Io Domina Prime Domina Prime Edrick Edo Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Hjin Arokest Hacks Hacks Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti
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The ship brought him into the system, coordinates his progenitor had received sent him here. Once more the emissary of a cause which was doing little more than keeping pirates in check and taking down the lawless or free-roaming Sith and Jedi. Despite it being a secret meeting and the participants being more than seclusive and possibly even jumpy, he went in full battle plate. He would not risk anything.

He touched down on the world called Myrkyr and approached the coordinates, an old building with a handful of ships parked outside suggesting that the meeting had started and that there were indeed several people here. Fascinating.

The gold-plated giant entered, the long voulge in his hand as he stepped in and joined the meeting, a bright red tabard slightly drapped over the floor catching some dust and dirt. Everyone who was organic would feel uneasy with his presence while Force Users would feel his void and potentially grow slightly sick.

Entering when the primitive spoke of their experiences with gods and whatnot, he perked a brow. But it would not be the worst he would hear.

He listened further. They wanted to protect the Force itself from users. How stupid was that. The Will of the Force was a malevolent entity that enforced its bidding whenever it could and randomly selected individuals to do it for it. There was no Galaxy without Force users, only one without the Force. Extermination was the only viable and logical option.

But Primarion remained silent and would observe further to see if there was a place for the strength of the Hegemony here.

shepherd without a flock

It was only a matter of time before some skeptics among their group finally spoke up, decrying the pursuit as folly. The droid remained unperturbed. Such questions were expected, and frankly encouraged. It was natural to be suspicious, especially for something like this. Prodigy looked at the enigmatic senator first, cocking his head to the side, "You raise worthwhile concerns, my friend."

"My evidence comes from years of monitoring their communications and data stores. They never refer to the rod by name, but the context I've accumulated is enough to make me confident. Confident enough to bet our entire mission on it."
If it wasn't there, then they would risk putting a target on their back while they're still vulnerable. Which went to show how just certain he was of his information.

A few others came out in defense of the plan. Appreciated all the same. Prodigy nodded graciously to them, "Your fellow guests speak true. As for the mission itself-- I never said it would be easy. Nothing about our mission is easy. We challenge a division of the galactic populace with powers that challenge the fundamental rules of the universe. But this enclave is small, as I said. Unaffiliated. And unsuspecting. If we can strike swiftly, we can turn that to our advantage. We'll need every edge we can get after all. Because the truth is…"

Prodigy stepped forward, surveying the amassed, motley following in front of him, "…We are weak. We lack resources. Manpower. Influence. And this— is our best stepping stone. We have no choice but to take a risk in order to establish ourselves. You all took a risk in meeting me here today. Now I ask for another. Not all of you are fighters. I don't expect you all to be. But we can all lend our capabilities to further the Open Hand's goals."

"Those of you willing and able to shed blood, however, I would humbly request that you join me in this crusade."
Prodigy raised an open hand to the air, then closed his fist. "So what say you?" Let Dalna see the return of the Path at long last.

And let the Force Users of the galaxy face a new reckoning.
Skirata nodded when Prodigy Prodigy finished speaking, and decided the time had come to commit something tangible to this cause. He worked over the issue in his mind quickly, foreseeing the need for secrecy and guile, while at the same time needing to address the lack of an even temporary base of operations. He would solve that concern himself.

"I will commit to this. North of here is a small smuggler base, long abandoned, once used by Talon Karrde in the ancient ages. My people will reactivate it. One more small Mandalorian group won't attract any notice. We'll set up an outpost for hunting, and anyone thats part of this cause can use the place to meet securely. It'll look like smugglers trading with bucket heads."

He looked around trying to fix the individuals in his mind. The helmet did its best to track faces and identities for him to reveiw later, but for now, he would take his leave of this meeting, and leave others to discuss further.

"To make contact, there's a small village to the northwest. The cantina owner there is an old friend of mine. Give him the name Skirata, and he'll assist you. I wish you all good fortune."

The young mando nodded once more to the gathered potential members of the Open Hand. Then he turned and walked away into the wilds, leaving them to their own discussions and decisions. He wasn't one to waste time or words once a decision was made; he acted upon it. It would not take much to convince a few of the vode to move out here from Mandalore with the temptation of a big game hunt, and maybe a few local girls happy to have armed Mandalorians around to ward off raiders and worse. For now, his personal goals of helping his people reestablish themselves coincided with providing the Open Hand with a base here on Myrkr.

The future looked very interesting.

Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io Arkana Io Domina Prime Domina Prime Edrick Edo Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Hjin Arokest Hacks Hacks Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti

Hjin Arokest

Tear them asunder.
Rip down their banners.
Smother their philosophy.

Their temples will be his to see crumble.


Hjin had nothing to truly offer, aside from experience and insider understanding of the Galactic Alliance and its military, years of being on the frontlines and dirtying his hands. A mere man living in a time of oddity, among others that, upon first observing them during this meeting, also held no grandiose power. At least nothing relating to the Force, yet.

A level playing field is good. Hjin would be able to learn from those present, and learn about them at the same time. His words would be kept short and blunt, information would be stunted to an extent in order to preserve a sense of unpredictability. While a common goal was more or less agreed upon, it would be an even greater risk to let one's guard down.

They would have to earn his trust through bloodshed, through dedication.

"The future is already stained with their fate. I will join this fight."

Hjin reached up towards his head, grasping his helmet as it gave a mechanical whir and hiss. Crimson eyes blinked and narrowed upon Prodigy Prodigy , perhaps this gesture would allow the others to be more receptive and trusting of the Chiss man, although his species had something of a knack for betrayal and pride, not to mention assassination.

"They will learn the way of the dirt, where men die and their bones are swallowed. They will be erased."

TAGS Micheal Nox Micheal Nox | Percival Io Percival Io | Arkana Io | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Edrick Edo | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast | Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx | Hacks Hacks | Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick | Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius
I quietly observe as most of the others here speak in turn in response to my own little speech. Most of the attendees here are warriors and hunters alike. It is a bit of a shame to discover that for my own part, I will more or less be operating on my own.

But it could be that that is best for the overall goal. Let those that will shed blood direct all of the attention towards them. While I will operate in the shadows; both undisturbed and in secret.

I draw up my fan again and gently fan myself while I project my voice for all to hear. "I am not of a warrior lineage, however I will do my part in other ways. Allow me to suggest that the least amount of attention that we draw to ourselves, the better. At least for the beginning we should share an abundance of caution. We must test the waters before we are prepared to dive in the deep end."

Will my words be observed? I am uncertain for I do not know these people. In any case I have much work to do. So in light of that, I follow suit and make my exit as the others do. It is not my place to join in any raid.

Tag: Arkana Io Edrick Edo Hacks Hacks Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti Percival Io Percival Io Prodigy Prodigy Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Domina Prime Domina Prime Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius

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