Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What We Need?

I decided to make this thread to see if we can hear what everypne's opinions are for what the faction needs tech wise.

Looking everything over to me it looks like we could use a walker, some artillery, a solid standard droid and APCs.

I am wondering if the Warden armor is still viable and up to code considering other factions standard armor (likely what goes on the mass NPCs)

Also what all commando armors do we have because I know we have like a dozen in the works or not listed.

It looks like we're good on personnel weapons though thanks to Tenloss.

And we'll have a Tank Destroyer thanks to Miir's work recently.

I ask because tomorrow night I have 8 hours at a desk shift and I'm caught up on work so I essentially got 8 hours to do a dev thread or two to crank out some tech we need.


News They Don't Want Heard
I understand Heph has a droid project ongoing. I've been working with [member="Kian Karr"] on a droid as well. Additionally, a few of us are working on a super droid to combat the giant Sith beasts.
[member="Veino Garn"]

It's just a working title. Except that's exactly what it is, but not really . The answer is yesyesnoyes.

[member="Pappy"] and I are making the general anti-Vong tech and other related goodies. Would also very much like updated ground transport. Speeders are fragile and LAV'a are too expensive and slow for traditional movement.

I would loooove an armored jeep, or a similar repulser lifted vehicle.
Ok I'll design an APC then for our forces and maybe do a short thread for it. Maybe make a cheap disposable droid unit too that will go roger roger for us in a silly voice too.


For you?
I finally got my upgrade on the YVH droids submitted. It will need to be reviewed and approved, but assuming it is, this should help in the fight against the Vong and Sithspawn forces of the One Sith.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank [member="Niamh Raste"] and [member="Pappy"], both of whom looked over the design for me! Thanks guys.

They don't have anything that different then the original droids other than a few added weapons, better friend-and-foe detection (we can now detect the Noxokk ) software, and the use of advanced Anti-Slicing/Anti-tampering software. Plus all the bells and whistles of the original design.

[member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]​

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