Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What were the biggest barriers to you getting involved in Chaos RP as a new member?

I think the overwhelming part for ANY new RPer to any site is the fact you're coming into an established area. Folks know each other, crack jokes and know the ins and outs. It can be more than a little nerve racking to try to make your way in and be a part of the gang so to speak. A lot was trial and error for myself before leaning to just be "me", After that, things got much smoother.
Site was in it's infancy when I first popped over from TGC, after Tef messaged all the disgruntled folk on there. Already knew some folk, similar system to what I was used to with less admin over-lording, better interface, and faster replies.

Soooo. None.

Drama/issues only showed up periodically and a couple years in.
Oh dear, how long ago was that? Probably close to three years by now, I think, right in the middle of the Republic's war with the Sith Empire. Joined with Kiyron, an old RP character who I used way back in junior high in an email RP with some friends of mine from the high school co-op. He had a stolen Imeprial prototype ship, a hidden base on Kelchase, full beskar armor despite not being Mandalorian, worked for the Antarian Rangers before going full rebel, and was the best scout-sniper in the galaxy.

Coming here and realizing that he was a Mary-Sue and bad storytelling took some adjustment and I had to figure out where he was a person before a wish fulfillment. That was good, but difficult. Then just figuring out how to start on a RP board that was a big universe. My own RP experience had been on NaNoWriMo forums and they were self-contained stories in one thread. Or multiple threads once we burned past 500 posts. (Our pirate and superhero stories went for thousands of posts) Coming here and trying to figure out people, factions, PVP, and how to join. [member="Kei Amadis"] was super helpful back then and helped get me going with the GR.
The hardest was finding people to write with. When you first get on, you don't know where to jump in, or how to set up threads. I honestly had two characters before i even got the people to write with on either of them. Thankfully, there were a few people who roped me into their group and wrote some great stories. (I blame [member="Isley Verd"] for my continued addiction to this site.)
For me it was lack of experience and difficulty interacting with people.

Before I came to Chaos I had only RPed a few times before on some smaller forum boards, so when I started here I struggled and struggled to write more than a poor man's paragraph, it also didn't help that I did not know any one and I was too shy to try to jump in on any open threads.

But now after months of being in a major faction and RPing more and more I actually got better, I can safely say that I know the people on this board and can just start whittling away posts on any thread.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Except that my warning points seem to be, in my case, coming at a slower pace than I first expected... I was a little rusty as a roleplayer at the time. Even to this day I may be a bipolar writer, but at least I know why I'm playing these characters the way I do.

But beyond RP etiquette and such, my big obstacle was figuring out where my characters would fit in this field that I find to this day filled with Jedi Guardians/Sith Marauders (or Assassins) that are played roughly the same as in canon, and I wanted to play differently from canon styles of play. [member="Darth Veles"], you probably know what I mean; you have encountered my alts so many times (SSC for the light-sided aspect of it, First Order for the dark-sided aspect of it) and you probably are one of the writers who know my alts' quirks the best, and why I am playing my characters the play I play them. You know that my unorthodox style of play made me a polarizing figure by now...

And not knowing who the people were, and who to play with, didn't help.

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
For me, it was going through the work of proving my rank whenever I transferred over here.

Luckily, a lot, lot, lot, lot of peeps vouched for me and I didn't have to do any digging.

Honestly, everything about the site was a breeze to join. A majority of my clique, both old and new, are (or were) here at the time.

Of course, there was the "joining a new site" jitters that everyone gets. There were a lot of new writers who weren't familiar with me, so I had to make a rather grandiose entrance.

I also got some special privilege from the staff whenever it came to some racy subject matter. I believe the phrase, "If it were anyone but you, you'd be getting banned right now." was muttered a few times...

So, instead I got these warning points back in 2013 and they're still here. Makes me feel like sort of a bad boy, you know? Like my own leather jacket that I get to wear around the forum.

Love this site.
The Last Son
*Triggered over not getting founder tag*

Passing that aside, I had done writing for a little bit before joining the site. However, my writing was awful, I mean. Horrid. So I found it difficult to try and find people to Rp with at first. After doing my damnest to get better at writing, and increasing my general vocabulary *A word a day calendars do work people.* I found it much easier to feel more confident about myself, and put my neck on the line.

Getting my first character to Master was awesome. I felt good for coming so far. Only now do I see that I have improved even more with various Master ranked titles under my belt.


Let me try to remember the time three years ago...

Most people here have mentioned how they had a struggle of finding people to write with, how they knew nobody and everything... I had the same struggle, but to be honest, the staff team can do nothing about it. It's a thing a person only himself can work on. With a ton of people welcoming newcomers, that shouldn't be a huge issue.

What I struggled more was the fact that there was no real guidance of how the community works. I mean, there was the welcome PM, timelines, rules, everything. But there were a ton less guides back when I joined the forum. That has greatly changed towards the better during these years.

I wouldn't say getting into Chaos is a difficult thing. It is one of the easiest and most fun RP sites I've been to.

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