How do you think we deal with new members? You all gave me warm introductions and answered questions wonderfully! Replies and reactions to training requests and further questions after my first several days here slowed down though. The way you try to do open threads for students and new members at large is something I've come to enjoy.
What do you like about the faction? It. is. so. COOL! The technology is an excellent touch, and the addition of a force-user's order that is actually pretty unique compared to others I have seen (Obsidians) was great! This all came from the Confederacy of Independent Systems of the Clone Wars I grew up on. It is obviously different, but the "new toys" and common usage of droids as the soldiers up front are some of the things kept in common.
What could we do better? If the droids aren't saying "roger roger," make them do so! xD Lol, nah. Okay, so for real; more interaction between students and teachers would be nice, given I've rarely had any mentoring figures reply my own thread asking for training. It was quite a while after that that I was offered by someone of this faction to be their student. Also, more guided and stuff like a "apprentice, knight, master" force ability power guide would be great! The guides given do give off a lot of information itself, and they look really cool, but sets of rules and stuff are left out.
Is there anything other factions do better that we could copy? Not that I can think of. I would say an "Obsidian Code," but I don't think we need one! This force-using order is more technology and science based, not like the traditional jedi or sith. As a whole, maybe more fleshing out of government and citizen areas would be nice. All the TCW and even these guides look towards are basic politics and military, military, military. It would be nice to see how common citizens live their lives. In a government that "encourages" uniqueness but is still heavy military, it would be neat to see this.
Do you have any new ideas for us? Once again, more fleshing out of the public, politics, and maybe even the knights obsidian would be great. I've seen the basics, yes, but more in depth looks would be great!
What kind of faction threads would you like to see? Smaller training threads and social stuff! Like, what types of coffee do we drink? Can we sit down and talk about the current crime risings over that? ... and admire our advanced holo-televisions.