Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's a Zoo, Mommy? (Siobhan)

Galina nodded slowly to Siobhan. "B-better n-ne-xt t-time." She struggled through the words, but seemed hopeful. Truthfully, the redhead didn't want flying to be this scary thing anymore. She just wanted to be past that.

The young woman found herself squeezing Sio's hand tighter as they headed to the front of the line. It'd been a long while since the wildling had seen so many people. The thought made her a tiny bit nervous, even more so as a number of eyes seemed to be focused on her.

She glanced to Sio questioningly, not sure why they were staring at her. The redhead managed a timid smile as they passed through the gates and into the Zoo itself. Her attention was soon drawn this way, and that as she looked at signs pointing off to the different exhibits.

A sign caught her attention, Nexu or maybe it was the picture showing the beast beside the Aurebesh symbols that had her eye. Lifting her free hand, she pointed to it, her nerves and the other people around them, forgotten for the moment. "T-that waay?" She asked.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Yeah, let's go look at some nexu, dear," Siobhan said cheerily, giving Galina's hand a squeeze as she led her down the pathway. She had noted how the people were staring at them and shot them some pointed looks that convinced a few to look elsewhere. It had entered Siobhan's mind that once the public found out about Galina there would be all sorts of wild, sensationalist speculation about her 'relationship' with her. She could already imagine tabloid gad flies trying to descend upon the poor girl like vultures because they thought she was a good story.

Something Siobhan hoped to shield her daughter from. By punching obnoxious 'journalists' in the face if needed because she had had enough of their snide insinuations.

They did not have to walk far before they reached the enclosure of the nexu. It was a direct mirror of their natural habitat, namely a forest environment. The large, feline creatures prowled across the grass, with their powerful claws that could slice a human in half and their large teeth on display. As it turned out feeding time had just started a few moments ago and so the nexu were busy tearing through the meat that had been tossed into the enclosure, ripping through their booty and devouring it. One could imagine them swiftly pouncing upon a human and biting their head off, then swallowing it in one go. Two white Nexu cubs could be seen with their mother. When you forgot that they would grow into powerful predators, you'd have to consider them cute.

"Have a look. Tough buggers. They're usually too dangerous to be kept in a zoo. Auntie Cory made them...more docile. She's really good at befriending animals," Siobhan said softly as she guided Galina towards the enclosure, still hand in hand.
Galina smiled, feeling a little more comfortable. Though, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that a lot of eyes were on the pair. At least with Sio's glares a few people had gotten the hint to move along.

The girl's eyes flitted about, looking at the signs to other exhibits, and enclosures. There were so many aliens, Eldorai and humans alike. Enough that it drew the redhead's attention away from Sio, as she curiously looked to the various sorts of fashion, and different skin tones and types and the ears! There were quite a few pointy ears in the crowd.

Galina's attention soon enough came to the forested enclosure below them. Her eyes locked with the creatures below as the sound of growls and the tearing of flesh hit her ears. She actually jumped as one nexu seemed to come out of nowhere and pounced against a smaller nexu who had been hoarding a large piece of meat for itself. After she'd gotten over that brief fright of one of them appearing seamlessly out of nowhere, an inquisitive and most curiously contented smile appeared upon the girl's lips. Whether it was just her curiousness that was being furfilled by watching the creatures, or if it was something else, there was little way to tell.

"Bea-u-ti-ful." She said slowly, as she lifted a hand pointing down below to the nexu cubs. Cute, at least Galina thought so. They were adorable in her eyes.

"Thhey eat us?" She asked softly, wondering what they ate naturally as she moved over to the sign in front of the exhibit that explained a bit about the Nexus.

"Cory ma-de tem f-fri-ends?" The idea of taming animals, did seem a bit odd to her. Especially something so powerful. Cory was incredibly tiny and all. In fact, Coryth was snack sized to these animals. "Cory l-little." She commented.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Yeah. They do. Well, I'm told they eat bark rats and tree-climbing octopi, but humans' are on the menu as well. They're predators by nature and very stealthy despite their size," Siobhan said softly and slowly, clearly happy at the enthusiasm her daughter was displaying.

In her childhood, Siobhan had never seen a zoo. It had existed on her homeworld...but only for people who belonged to the 'right class'. "See that tail," she pointed at one of the nexu, "it allows them to swing from tree branch to tree branch. It's split in two sections and that gives them a better grip on the branch they're swinging from."

She had to chuckle about Galina's reaction to the idea of little Coryth taming predators such as these. "She is, but don't tell her that, sweetie! She may get crabby. Coryth has...special powers. Like me, but different. It's hard to explain, but among other things she can heal the worst wounds and befriend animals like these. You remember when I was on Gehenna? Beasts were charging her...but she could calm them down and charm them. She keeps them around as pets."

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

One of the many people enjoying the zoo that day was a certain blonde. Kalinai loved zoos, but unfortunately the staff rarely returned the favour, and she was currently banned from over eighty of them across the galaxy! After an unfortunate incident involving a Gundark, a rubber hose and the director of Coronet Zoo she had been told if she ever came back she’d be fed to a Dewback….

And so she was here, on Kaeshana. There were other reasons too, she was waiting for the scrap she’d gathered at Gehenna to be sold, so she figured she’d have a look around.

And so, ambling around with a truly foreboding happiness, she came face to face with mother and daughter near the Nexu pens.

“Gah, Siobhan!” she squeaked, then coughed. “I mean…hi there! Top of the morning to you! And is this your latest 'companion'? A bit young even for you. Hello! Sibby been treating you well?” she asked Galina happily.

The family had no idea what they’d just gotten themselves into.
Young Galina nodded along. She had caught most of the words spoken, but as always replying was easier said than done.

"Oooooh, teh tail." The girl seemed a bit mesmerized by it. The redhead was getting rather attached to the creatures. Who knew, the young woman might turn into a Coryth 2.0, with the collection of animals. Somehow she wasn't sure anyone would approve of her fondness with deadly creatures. Perhaps there was a reason the girl liked them so much. Maybe, just maybe, they vaguely reminded her of Sigma.

"Can I have one?" Yup, little Galina wanted to take one home with her.

Galina heard Siobhan's name spoken, and found herself turning to find the source. Soon enough her eyes happened upon a rather interesting blonde creature, who seemed most happy. A look of confusion crossed her features, unsure of the phrasing. Something about the way companion was spoken seemed strange, but she couldn't quite put her finger on the context.

"Yes." She managed to reply. "T-ook me in. Daughter, now." That was about the best the young redhead could manage to explain of her situation. Anything else was really beyond her skills in basic to truly articulate.

[member="Kalinai Soluza"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Kalinai Soluza"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

The nexu cubes looked absolutely adorable! Until they decided to eat a Jester or bit someone's finger off. Siobhan gently patted Galina on the shoulder. Apparently this was one of those situations that demanded empathy... "They look cute now, but I'm...not sure they're the sort of pets to keep at home, dear. It might think Grrrbyrr is a good meal! Maybe you can have one when you're a bit older. It would be high maintenance," she said gently. "I can get you a stuffed nexu at the toy shop. Or whichever toy you want there."

Then the most infuriating, annoying woman she could think of entered the scene. Well, there were a couple others that were terribly annoying as well, but that's besides the point. Siobhan really did not want to deal with her! But having her kid around meant she had to control her often rather volatile temper. Still it would be in Kalinai's best interests not to push it...too much.

Still, Galina had said she was her daughter! That made Siobhan feel ridiculously sappy and mushy again, pacifying her mood. "Hi, Kalinai. I imagine you're selling off the Gehenna scrape? This is my daughter Galina," she placed a strong emphasis on that word. "I adopted her a while ago. Galina, Kalinai is...someone Firemane has hired for jobs here and there."

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

“Adopted huh? Makes sense. I mean, you and Teggy…well…you know. Not enough franks to go with the tacos if you know what I mean! Ahem…yeah.”
Kalinai ended that train of thought quickly. Siobhan, she knew, could be unpredictable like a volcano. Also covering the land in darkness and destruction too.

“So, Galina, that’s a pretty name! I knew a girl named Galina once. Hmm, blue Twi’lek, not very bright. Kept hitting people with stick. Oh wait, that was Taiya. Either way.”

She gathered control of her scattered mind long enough to pout at Siobhan.
“I’ll have you know I am a Queen, a Pirate Queen! I have a crown and everything! I don’t go around people bow to me though – that only causes problems. Spinal problems. The compensation was totally not worth it.”

“So, here to see the animals, huh? If I were you, I’d go check out the sea creatures tank. There’s a giant thing there with big pointy teeth that would eat you in a single gulp! I call him Dennis.”
"Oh, okay." Galina said quietly, a little disappointed that she couldn't take one home. They were totally adorable to her, and seemed mostly harmless. But even she couldn't kid herself too much, they were extremely dangerous. Perhaps she needed to talk with Auntie Cory, and see how she managed to get along with the beasts. "Toy, Ne-xu." She said with a bright smile and a nod.

She tried her best to follow along with the conversation, seeming to catch on that Kalinai had worked for Firemane to some degree. But the woman Kalinai, was little frustrating to her.

Tacos? Aren't tacos a food? Franks? What's a Franks? I knew a Frank once, some guy, sold sausages down at the market. So is that a person? Or something else? Oooooh, this is soooooo confusing. She thought to herself in her own language.

The conversation soon shifted, and Galina was most helplessly lost. Something about a Twi'lek... Nope, I can't follow this train of thought. At all.
She finally turned to look at Siobhan, and spoke a single words. "Con-ffus-ed?"

"Yes. Ani-mals." The last part of what Kalinai spoke, that part made sense. "Denn-is? Go see Denn-is?" It seemed like an interesting creature to her, maybe another pet she could talk Siobhan into letting her take home. The pet conversation, certainly wasn't over, only delayed!

[member="Kalinai Soluza"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Kalinai Soluza"]

Siobhan suppressed a sigh. Somehow she had the feeling that the pet conversation was not over. Likewise she had the impression that it would take lots of patience, empathy and firmness to steer Galina away from pets that looked adorable on first sight but would probably end up being in the mood to bite her thumb off. Or eat Grrbyrr. Come to think of it, perhaps she could distract her daughter by letting her take care of the Jester. After all, he was good to cuddle with...when he was not hungry!

Maybe Coryth would let Galina ride on her Reek. They could go to the countryside and have a picnic...

Siobhan was distracted from these terribly sappy thoughts by Kalinai being...annoying as usual. as for Taiya, she had been a silly girl who blew up part of the Jedi archives with a bomb in order to 'get the Jedi to fight for the common people'. Siobhan gave Galina's hand a gentle squeeze. "That's ok, dear. Kalinai tends to be confusing. She's talking about Behemoths, dear. They're massive, very dangerous sea creatures from Kaeshana's oceans, with teeth that an swallow a human wholesale. We can go have a look at their tank." That said she would gently but steer Galina towards the creatures' tank that held 'Dennis'. Needless to say she would make sure that her wild girl did not try to do something like feeding him!

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“I am not confusing!” Kalinai retorted indignantly. “I know exactly what I’m talking about, and if you pudding brains can’t follow that’s not my problem!”

“But say, they have baby behemoths over there in the tank. They’re quite cute, for an abyssal horror anyway. Maybe Galatea might want one as a pet, hmm?” she asked, nudging Galina lightly.

“Or if not, Gadea, my sweet, I know where you can get a Cylix kit for very cheap! Totally legal too!” she added innocently.
There was always that chance that Galina would be distracted by Grrbyrr, for a little while at the very least. It at the same time could fuel the wildling's desires for dangerous and exotic pets!

"I see." She managed flatly. The woman confused the hell out of her, that's for sure. Now she knew she wasn't the only one in the world like that. "Basic, her sec-ond lan-gu-age, too?" It seemed perfectly logically to the young woman that Kalinai was unlikely to be a native Basic speaker, or so she thought!

"Ooh, okay." There was a certain level of excitement in Galina's tone that indicated there was a chance she'd fall in love with the dangerous creature and want to pet it! "Ba-by behe-moths." She said with a nod as she followed where Kali had indicated the tank was. It was easy enough to distract Galina when it involved animals on display, that much was certain. Really though, the redhead was just extremely curious about the galaxy around her after being trapped on such a small scrap of an island for so long. The girl just wanted to soak everything in.

She stopped, and looked at Kalinai quite oddly, as she was certain the woman had gotten her name wrong, not once, but twice. "It's Galina." She spoke slowly, just in case the woman wasn't a native Basic speaker, maybe it would get her point across.

"What is Cy-lix?" Now the teenager's mind on learning what this new curious word meant.

[member="Kalinai Soluza"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Kalinai Soluza"]

The Pirate Queen...pardon Exarch, was overstaying her welcome. One might add that Sio owned the zoo. "Her name is Galina and my patience is running thin, Kalinai. I'm sure you have other things to do and want your scrape to make a profit, so quit bugging us. Now. Go enjoy the sights," Siobhan said very, very icily.

Kalinai could probably be called rather crazy and scatterbrained, but she was no fool. You did not want the volcano to erupt and cover the place in lava and darkness. Her point made, Siobhan took Galina's hand and led the girl away. "Don't mind Kalinai. You remember those big cats that attacked us on the island? Cylixes are similar to those, just bigger and more dangerous. They have six legs and a mouth full of needle sharp teeth. They come from the same planet as Auntie Tempest," she explained to her daughter, her tone softening considerably.

Galina's seemingly never-ending desire for dangerous pets was a cause of exasperation for Siobhan....but she could not stay annoyed for long. Her daughter's seemingly infinite curiosity about everything in the Galaxy, her joy at seeing the animals was just too endearing. "There's the Behemoths, dear," Siobhan added once they had reached the massive water tank that held them. True to their name, they were very large, about thirty to fifty metres in height if they were adults, a mouth like a maw ready to swallow anything that came in its path and tear it apart with their needle sharp fangs. Indeed, Galina would probably be able to see a behemoth tear through fish with brutal ferocity.

"They're very vicious, against other creatures and their own kind. Males and females battle for supremacy during mating. Sometimes their hatchlings even eat each other. We don't really know their origins, but the Eldorai believed them primeval demons fought by the Goddess Tyth, mistress of the oceans. Eldorai don't like venturing far into the ocean because of them." There would be a placard of sorts where Galina would be able to read up on information on the Behemoths, written both in Basic and in Eldarai.

As for the Goddess Tyth, Galina might have by now noticed that her two mummies were...very religious. After all, they regularly disappeared into the Shrine of Ardarvia at night, usually in the company of other ladies, like Auntie Miri. "Would you like an ice cream?" Siobhan asked, after having the nearby ice cream vendour.

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Despite being as irritating as a pebble in a shoe, Kalinai had somehow survived for a long time. Deep down she had extremely good survival instincts, even if it usually manifested itself in absurdly good luck. Kalinai had survived any number of wars or invasions by simply not being there. When the great Jedi Crusade had swept the galaxy in her time and brought ruin, death and angsty drama to so many…Kalinai was on the other side of the galaxy having breakfast.

So, with this in mind, and knowing that Siobhan had only two modes; angry and horny, she smiled.
“I’ll just be going…. Oh, you got something on your outfit,” Kalinai said, brushing off a speck of lint from the back of Siobhan’s top.

She went on her way, skipping along without a care in the world.

Fortunately she was out of range of Siobhan’s wrath when the other woman would discover she’d put a sticky note on Siobhan’s back which read “Keep Calm and Worship Me”
In the Darkness there is Truth
The Behemoths were truly beautiful creatures. Magnificient predators that held sway over the oceans of Kaeshana. Truly they were vicious, for they oftentimes fought amongst themselves. Struggle for dominance was a phrase that in their case was to be taken quite literally when it came to mating.

But to Naamah Aesham they were beautiful. Precisely because of their viciousness. And so she was there, admiring the majestic creatures contained in the massive water tank. Ancient Eldorai legends spoke of an apex behemoth called Zakayur, who would arise on doomsday to do battle with the Goddess Tyth. If she failed the massive beast would crush the land and drown all of Kaeshana. Of course, it was just a legend, but many a myth contains a grain of truth inside it. After all, the Lotek'k was very real and one had arisen several times.

Doubtless Kerrigan would throw herself against Zakayur with reckless abandon, believing that she herself was the great champion who would get the glory. Naamah would pay to see her get devoured by the great beast and dragged down into the abyss. The Clawdite wondered what could be done to these creatures with deadly they could be if given greater intelligence. Her former owner [member="Mirien Valdier"] had accomplished so much by applying that twisted art before she had lost her memory and the Inquisition had claimed her.

Of course, Naamah was not here under her real identity. At present she was wearing the form of a common, blonde-haired Eldorai woman. Well-dressed, but nothing extravagant, just another commoner who was enjoying the sights. After all, the Firefarm zoo was open to the common folk as well and so she was just another face in the crowd. Pretty, but no one who stood out. It took a good deal of concentration for her, to be sure, and left her unable to use her powers, but with enough meditation her Force Signature had been nullified. Blue eyes seemed mesmerised as she gazed upon the Behemoths, which should not raise any hairs. She allowed herself a glance at Kerrigan and...the girl who was with her. Who was she? Kerrigan's interactions with her seemed almost...maternal. How cute, Naamah thought to herself before moving on to another enclosure that held delightful animals, eating her chocolate ice cream along the way. Today she was just here to watch, though she might have a snack later in downtown Santaissa.
The tension Galina could feel growing with Siobhan and Kali. The young girl, just blinked watching the exchange. It all happened a little too quickly for the Wildling to keep up.

Her eyes did drift to Kali, her brow furrowing a moment as she watched the woman brush something from her mum's shirt. Though she thought little of it.
Finally when Sio turned her attention back to her, she gave a slow nod. "Yeess, big cats. Mean cats." The teenager seemed to not have as much interest in Cylixes, maybe it was because she'd been hunted by similar creatures on the island and was not fond of becoming kitty food anytime soon.

The redhead approached the tank, cocking her head to the side most curiously as she peered in upon the creature. For a moment nothing was said as her eyes followed the length of the Behemoth, taking in ever y last detail she could, committing it to her memory. "Pre-tty." Speaking in a most mesmerized manner.

Stepping over, her eyes came to the placard where she read it slowly and then nodded to Siobhan. "Even ba-bies are aggr-ess-ive?" It seemed so odd for infants of such a thing could be so harsh. She'd believed most babies to be calm little things that rely on their mothers and fathers. Not something that would eat one another.
And it had not gone without notice that Sio and Tegs often wandered off from the Villa in the middle of the night to visit the Shrine. She didn't pretend to understand the reasons, or any bit of the religion, but was well aware that they had their some devotion to it.

Smiling she nodded, "Yess, please."

There was something about a blonde Eldorai that Galina spotted nearby, that drew her attention to her. But the little redhead couldn't place her finger on it. To her, just another face in the crowd. Someone she'd undoubtedly forget by the time the day was over.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Kalinai Soluza"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Kalinai Soluza"]

Siobhan shot Kalinai an angry glare when she ripped the note off...but by then the blonde was gone. It would probably be in her best interests not to show up again so soon! For Siobhan had a reputation of not...being very forgiving.

However, no one could remain angry for long when they had an adorable daughter like Galina. At least Siobhan thought so. Personally she was actually quite fond of Cylixes. The Firemane base on Dahomey had one of the big cats as a mascot. Most hilariously it was called Valriya and sometimes Siobhan entertained the fantasy of having the big kitty eat the annoying elf.

"Yeah, very. The mummies don't take care of their young, but leave them to fend for themselves. The eggs are sometimes eaten by other hatchlings who come first. Then the younglings swim off and eat small creatures until they're strong enough. Usually ony a few hatchlings survive adulthood. It's very vicious," she said softly and slowly.

She gave Galina's hand a gentle squeeze and then led her over to the ice cream vendour. Pointing to the various ice cream flavours as she spoke, "Which one would you like, Galina? Don't have too many cups. You won't feel good if you do." It was probably the closest she ever came to a lecture, though it was a very mild one.
In the Darkness there is Truth
From the distance Naaamah watched the girl, just for a few moments more. She seemed so sweet and innocent, carefree, like any child. Probably more than most girls her age. Yet...she found herself sensing there was more to her than might be apparent on first sight. As they say, appearances can be deceiving.

Something about her that spoke of past hardship and suffering. The look of child-like wonder with which she took in the sights showed someone who had been deprived of the simple pleasures in life for too long. Perhaps it was fitting than that she apparently was Kerrigan's daughter. Another waif and stray the Kerrigan-Alcori clan had taken in? As these thoughts ran through Naamah's mind she stretched out with the Force to get a reading on her. Just a simple, gentle probe, utterly noninvasive. It meant that she had to drop her cover for just a moment, for she could not yet practice the Force whilst maintaining a full cloak, but she was deep in the large crowd and Kerrigan's attention was elsewhere. After all, even 'force gods' are not omniscient, though they like to act that way.

Oh, this was very interesting. It was just a sliver of power, but she could sense the power of the Force radiating from the girl. There was no doubt that she was a Forceful being, though Naamah wondered whether Kerrigan knew, for it seemed to her that the girl had not yet began to harness her power and take the first steps into a larger world, as the Jedi are so fond of saying. Perhaps Kerrigan was oblivious. Or maybe she was intentionally looking away.

Why? Because she wanted a normal life life for her daughter? Such a vain, foolish, silly thought. There was no normalcy. A surge of desire built up in Naamah. An urge to claim the girl her eyes to truth. Break her. Kerrigan would go after her undoubtedly...and...tear Naamah apart...but it might be worth it...

She quickly perished the thought. It would be suicidal. There would be no chance of her surviving such a confrontation. If there was one thing she had learned, going after the family of people stronger than you never ended well. Anyone turned into a raging berserker whenever their loved ones was threatened. Naamah's parents had not lifted a finger when the Atrisian constabulary came to 'collect' her. An euphemism for handing her over to the Inquisition, though they had not known about the secret organisation. They had not loved her...or rather their fear had outweighed it. That Naamah had been a good, obedient girl, who always did her chores, said her prayers to the Gods and never mixed with bad company. In other words, she had deserved what happened to her. Being broken and reforged by Mirien Valdier had made her stronger.

Such a sweet family...Naamah ended her musings and vanished into the crowd, disappearing from the thread.
"Wow, poor things." Galina said, taking in Siobhan's words. "How terr-i-ble." It seemed strange to her for animals not to care for their young. But the galaxy was a harsh place to say the least.

The redhead smiled in return as Siobhan squeezed her hand. As they arrived at the ice cream vendor, the young lady glanced over the flavors. She pointed to a green flavor, with little speckles of chocolate in it. "Mint choc-o-late chip? Just one cup, I think." She spoke quietly, a little shy around other people still. She trusted Siobhan, Tegaea and Tempest, but beyond that she held little trust in others, and often was quite shy. If anything it was her lack of knowledge in speaking basic, and most people spoke too quickly for her to catch on and understand.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"That's a good choice, sweetie," Siobhan said encouragingly. She had a feeling that she had been doing that a lot lately. Ah, well, it was better than talking sternly...because Siobhan did not really like using that tone with her daughter. This one imagines that she would probably find it difficult to be properly strict. Perhaps the roots for this lay in a rather unhappy childhood.

Anyhow, the ice vendor woman obliged by scooping up a cup of mint chocolate and putting it in a cone. "There you go, dear," she passed it over to Galina and Siobhan put the appropriate number of credit chits on the counter. "May I ask, Lady Kerrigan, is she your..."

"She's my daughter," Siobhan said firmly, the pride she felt evident in her voice.

"Oh," the Eldorai clearly looked surprised at that, then smiled. "You have a lovely daughter, my Lady."

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