Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's The Worst That Could Happen?

Walking beside the man he thought he caught a glimpse of a smile, just the shadow of one, before it disappeared. A grin crossed his face at the words spewing from Sol. Especially once the radio transmission was heard. Moving along he twirled the revolver deftly in his hand, as Sol stopped at the dumpster and mentioned dumping anything that could identify them. Looking longingly at the revolver he sighed.

"Reckon you're right mate."

Popping the chamber open he tossed the rounds before summoning the force and melting the barrel enough to deform it before tossing the weapon in too. Having no other weapons he patted his pockets and removed the communicator device. He held it momentarily knowing he could comm the Gambler's Fate and Captain Sven who were in the system and his ride. This could easily be finished with a single message to the Confederate destroyer. But the mad man was having too much fun. He tossed the communicator as well.

"Just to be sure they aren't able to pull the frequency I used earlier to track."

On the other side of the dumpster was a second hand store, selling miscellaneous clothing. Nodding at the storefront then looking at their disheveled shirts Muad grinned.

"Gimme one sec and I'll grab a different shirt."

Trotting in he was gone about a minute before coming back out. He held up two shirts, one for Sol and the other for him. The first was a horrendous amalgamation of color as if a nexu had eaten an artist along with his plethora of different hued paint then vomited onto a while button up shirt. The second garment was a long sleeved hoodie, neon pink with blue polka dots.

"Choose your poison."

Laughing he pulled his blood crusted, dust coated, sweat stained tunic off and tossed it to slip on whichever shirt offended Sol the most.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Sol watches with a slightly bemused expression as Muad slags his gun. Sol had been planning on coming back to retrieve his gear, unlike Muad apparently Sol didn't like needless waste. While the other man went to the thrift store Sol striped off his battle chest plate, blaster pistol and holster, and his vibroblade harness. With a little click, the blades popped free and he pockets the hilts. Then the entire thing is rolled up into a bundle and tucked behind the dumpster. The blades were the one thing he really didn't want to lose since they were a custom job and would not be easy to replace, easier than the hilts which were actually his lightsabers, but you get the point it'd be a pain.

A moment later Muad returns and presents an option of the two ugliest kriffing shirts Sol had ever seen. "So is the plan to dress in clothing so ugly that people are too focused on them that they don't notice our faces? Hope they assume we are blind and take pity on us? Or maybe that they will turn tail and flee for we are obviously mighty warriors to wear such ugly clothing?" Sol wasn't normally this chatty but when handed a gold mine of cynical quips one had to go for it. Taking the disgusting amalgamation of colours Sol slips it on over the still relatively clean undershirt he'd been wearing. "I feel like the polka dots will act like targets while this will throw people's aim off."

New outfits acquired Sol leads the way out of the alley hurrying down the streets without seeming to hurry as he heads towards the cheap dive he'd been renting. He'd be damned if he left his bag behind. Once they got there, with surprisingly little going wrong, he slips into the room. It was utterly barren except for his bag sitting on a trunk and he hefts it up. "Alright, let's get back to the dumpster and get the rest of my..." Sol trails off as he hears the sounds of someone yelling at the front desk. He always chose places that had some level of discretion, even when they were cheap, and it appears as though the bribe the potential bounty hunter had offered wasn't enough to get Sol's room number. Something the Trandoshian owner had an issue with. Looking at Muad he debates suggesting they try and sneak out and then he sighs, things were about to get loud.

[member="Muad Dib"]
Looking at himself in the mirror above the dresser, Muad shook his head with a grin. It was one of the most horrifying things he had ever worn. Glancing at Sol who was collecting his bag from off the trunk at the foot of the bed he snickered at the wretched shirt the man was wearing.

"You know, if we were fighting a bunch of stormies they wouldn't hit me anyway."

He laughed at the old myth that storm troopers had horrible aim. Moving to the window he wiped a later if dust and grime from one of the window panes and looked down upon the street. As he watched he a large transport pulled up and figures in military clothing disembarked. Pausing he turned to say something at Sol but he had begun speaking about retrieving his weapons from the dumpster.

Even as the raucous from the front desk echoed to the room a loudspeaker from the bed of the transport began shouting. " The two men who flew my bar. We know you are in there. We know your faces. And within minutes we will know your identity. You have five minutes to surrender or we will slag this building and kill you."

Muad opened the window and leaned out the second story windowsill. Waving at the man below he also for a better look to either side where more troops had lined the building, most likely already surrounding them.

"Hi mate! My name is Muad, this is Sol. And we love love love what you did with the old bar. The new decour is fabulous with the burning walls and all. When I get in the Holonet I'll definitely give you five stars."

He dove away from the window as a wave of blaster fire ate the side of the building his laughter echoing.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
"I hate you."

Sol says as Muad acts exactly as predicted and sticks his head right out the window to call down to them. "Did you have to give them my name too?" He demands as he hits the deck right before the front of the room explodes in a flurry of gunfire. A second later it became apparent that Muad's total lack of a plan might have been a good plan because there is a sudden massive explosion outside.

This hotel was playing host to quite a number of mercenaries, including a gang of Mandalorians. Those crazy bastard always carried rockets and when the turret opened fire they fired back. Things were looking up, until the voice of the Helix leader came out over the intercom. "CEASE FIRE!" A moment later the turret stopped and a few seconds after that so did the return shots from the mercs in the building.

Sol looks at Muad then he belly crawls towards the bathroom which had a small window they could squeeze through to get out back. "We have no quarrel with anyone but these two men. Anyone that helps us apprehend them will be rewarded, if you bring them in the bounty is 100,00 each." Sol couldn't see what was going on outside but the Helix thugs had used a portable holoprojector to throw an image of him and Muad up large as life.

"If we live through this." Sol says as he reaches the bathroom, breaks the window with a shot from his backup blaster pistol from his bag, and starts wiggling out. "I am going to kill you myself." He pops out of the window and drops the three stories to the ground landing lightly on his feet, something no normal person should have been able to do. "Come on you crazy son of a bantha, get moving." Then he turns and starts running because things were about to get loud.

[member="Muad Dib"]
Rolling across the floor he followed Sol from the barrage until the fire stopped. Rising into a crouch he brushed the shattered glass and plaster from his shirt coughing from the dust. Rising slightly he looked out the ruined window and spied their likenesses pop up in holograms. Chuckling he followed Sol to the bathroom.

"They have our faces, what does first names mean now mate?"

As the other man leaped from the window Muad followed, silently observing the nimble landing as he matched the feat himself. Running alongside Sol the shook his head.

"Looks like you have more then a few secrets yourself mate."

Shadows fell over them and Muad dove sideways, shoulder checking the other man, and sent them sprawling around the corner of the building as several rockets collided with the alley. The explosions rocked the buildings shattering more glass as three mandalorians flew over the rooftops with their jetpacks.

"Apparently picked the wrong day to not wear my armor."

Rolling to his feet he looked up to where several soldiers stood just meters away shocked into a lack of action. The Helix emblem was in their shoulder pads. Leaping to action he drew and threw his curved blade which sank into one of their throats as he tackled a second across the land speeder they had arrived in.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
The sudden shoulder check sends Sol sprawling to the ground right as they are sprayed with rubble. Sol rolls to his feet, raises his blaster takes aim and pegs one of the Mandalorian's in the arm. The bolt doesn't do any lasting harm but he'd somehow fired at the exact right angle to the force sent the one he hit tumbling into the one they were flying next to in their formation. The two flying bodies slam into each other and start to tumble towards the ground as they fight to get separated.

Looking at Muad he wonders if the man was finally reaching the point where he will stop deliberately making things worse. After all, how much worse could they get than dozens of mercenaries less than a hundred metres away with high powered ordinance ready to kill you and you had no armour and only a single blaster pistol between two people? Thinking it through like that really drove home how bad this situation was.

Whirling he sees the three shoulders down the alleyway one already clutching his arm thanks to Muad. Rather than charge he looks at the hole the Mandalorians blew into the side of the building for them. With a shrug, Sol jumps through sprints through a few doors and then burst out the front a street over where the Helix goons had yet to set up shop. "I picked the wrong day to get out of bed." Sol finally responds to Muad as he keeps running, joining the crowd of people who were doing the same. He then remembers he is wearing the ugliest shirt in existence and breaks away from the crowd and down an alleyway so he doesn't draw fire to them.

[member="Muad Dib"]
Behind him Muad heard Sol in action. But he couldn't spare a glance. As the last Helix soldier aimed at Muad, the Mad Knight rolled turning the soldier he was wrestling with into the path of the blaster bolts. Pulling the blaster pistol where it was tucked into the man's waistband he kicked out, diving backwards and firing on the last Helix man driving several rounds center mass.

Rolling to his feet he retrieved his blade and ducked once more as blaster fire ringed him.

"Come on, stop shooting at me!"

He growled as he took off at a run to leap over the windshield of the speeder. Landing in the driver's seat he slammed the accelerator and careened down the street and around the corner. Two blocks down he slammed on the brakes and leaped out of the vehicle to melt into the running masses.

But seeing an alley he slid into it's mouth and crouched on the otherside of a dumpster as he calmed himself for a moment collecting his thoughts and his next plan of action. He didn't like a blind, mad dash of retreat. But he also knew that as long as he stayed on the surface his minutes were numbered.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Sol's hand reaches out and snags Muad's hoodie, he hauls the man further down the alleyway and then skips away before the sith can launch a counter attack. "It's me, calm down." He says gruffly. He'd cast aside the horrendous technicolour shirt and replaced it with one from his bag which was utterly nondescript. He offered Muad one as well. "The stupid shirts need to go, they make us stick out like a sore thumb."

The shirt was part of how Sol spotted him, the other part was The Force. For the moment they needed each other if they were going to survive this which meant sticking together. Sol probably shouldn't have assumed Muad would follow his escape path but hey it worked out in the end. Sort of. Neither of them were dead and they'd stumbled back into each other so it was square.

While Muad changes Sol leans up against a wall and keeps watch. They needed a plan to get off world and fast. Or at the very least out of the city.

[member="Muad Dib"]
When he was grabbed it settled his opinion of the man. Following along he stopped to take the new shower and began immediately pulling the horizon excuse for a hoodie off. It was too recognizable he had to admit. Turning an appraising eye to Sol as he pulled the new shirt on he chuckled.

"You're pretty good with hiding your presence in the force. And that jump from the window, impressive. You've had some training I'd wager. You're too normal for a sith, not enough of a hard liner for a Jedi. So you just swinging or you something else entirely?"

With the new shirt on he turned to face the Hunter and smirked. Now that they were reunited they had to decide what they wanted to do, and fast.

"Well, we could run. Or we could fight. And I personally want to kill these Helix. Since you were willing to collect the bounty on ole Score, how about you join me in killing these sons of Zeltros whores."

[member="Sol Damerin"]
The mental string of swears Sol delivers to himself was long and self-reproachful. Of course, Muad may act like a crazy idiot but he was only one of those things. The jump combined with Sol's ability to get the drop on him, as well as a variety of other subtle things, were more than enough for the Sith to figure it out. Sol should have seen it coming and been more careful but here they were with the mad bastard knowing Sol's secret.

"Nondenominational force user." Sol says not even attempting to tell Muad he is crazy. One because Muad already knew that he was crazy, two because there was no way he'd believe Sol wasn't a force user. When the man suggests killing the Helix goons Sol snorts. "I wouldn't have any issues with killing a whack of these drug peddling a-holes, but even if you have a lightsaber squirrelled up your ass I don't like our odds in a straight fight. Two force users against half an army with high explosives and a willingness to use them is bad odds." Sol was competent, when he cut loose with the force he might even be good but he was not slaughter an army good... Not without collateral damage.

[member="Muad Dib"]
"Same here mate. Non denominational force user."

He grinned as he listened to Sol and the points made about the likelihood of their attack being a suicide mission. Dropping to a knee behind the dumpster as one of the Helix transports drive by he nodded, somewhat reluctantly, to what Sol was saying.

"Aye. Two men, under armed. No resources. No backup. Sounds bad."

Hanging his head a moment Muad sighed and looked up at Sol, a devilish smile breaking across his face as a plan of action unfolded.

"You have a comlink I can use for a minute buddy?"

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Well, at least Muad was willing to admit some things were a bad idea. Sol also ducks down when the transport drives past and snorts as Muad claims to be nondenominational. It might be true Sol supposed, but Muad's crazy ass did seem dark side inclined to Sol. At the very least he was a crazy nerf herder.

"I do, but I am not sure I want you touching my things. At least not the stuff I won't mind burning later." Sol says before with a sigh pulling out his commlink which he'd switched off pretty much the moment the manhunt started. "Don't break that, I don't want to buy a new one."

[member="Muad Dib"]
Taking the comlink he grinned at Sol. The man was a grump, of that there was no doubt. But the faint glimmer of excitement that had sparked within him had been noticed a few times. Muad usually didn't care one way or another about anyone. There were a select few he trusted, numbered less then the digits on his hand, and very few he liked. But this Sol ... He decided he liked.

"Don't worry. All I need to do is radio Helix and have them come to us."

He laughed quietly as he found the right frequency while raising one hand to ward off a smack in a gesture he thought would be placating indicating he was joking. Pausing for a moment his eyes glowed a brighter blue as the temptation to do just that came over him. But the moment passed and he found the frequency he was looking for. The joyful, carefree attitude melted as his face took on a somber expression.

"This is Scion Muad Dib, Commander of Task Force Unicorn. Clearance code four seven three eight two alpha one zeta six. Charlie please respond."

Sitting back against the brick he looked over at the other man and shrugged. Muad came off as a reckless, insane, warmongering, darksider. While those facts were true, they were not all the man was. Pulling a deathstick out he looked at the bent smoke and shrugged placing it between lips and igniting the end through the force. Pulling another out he offered it to Sol with a wink. Then comlink cracked and a gravelly voice came out. "Commander, it's good to hear your voice. We've been monitoring the planets communications and seems you've made an impression", the voice intoned with a flat monologue.

"Captain Harkness, you could say that. Send the gunboats to the coordinates I'm sending you. Pickup the droids. Also send two of the Umbra Dropships to my location. I acquired assistance in removing Score but I want to some cleaning before we leave. And send my satchel. I'm tired of playing without my own tools. And get into position. I'll have a target for you to slag soon. And open a channel on to those mandos for me. Dib out."

Glancing back to Sol he smirked and closed his eyes waiting. The comm beeped moments later and he spoke into the comm once more.

"Su'cuy ner vode. One of the targets is I, Muad Dib, Alor of Clan Farr. Come after me if you wish, or fight with me. I'll offer you a nice bounty per Helix. Or come after me and I'll show you why I'm the Mad Knight of Manda'yaim."

Closing the channel he tossed the comlink back to Sol.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
It was probably a good thing that Muad indicated he was joking since Sol had been about to high-five him, in the back of the head, with a pipe. Sol didn't dislike Muad but it would be a stretch to say he liked the mad bastard as well. The best description is that he very actively tolerated Muad without totally wanting to murder him. Which basically made Muad's Sol's best friend.

Leaning against the wall he listens to the entirety of Muad's conversation. Apparently, the man wasn't just some crazy homeless vagabond but someone of some real power, since he'd just called in the cavalary. The fact that someone on the other end responded confirmed that Muad wasn't just having a schizophrenic episode. Then he decides to go and try and get the Mandolarian hunters on their side before finally giving Sol back his comm.

He catches it out of the air and pockets it without a word. Rubbing his chin Sol shrugs his shoulders before deciding not to kick Muad in the dick. "I am just going to ignore the fact that you could have done that at literally anytime in the last two hours, apparently, deciding that taking on an army in ugly shirts was a better plan. But I am going to figure out a way to make you pay for that once this is over, but for now, let's go kill us an army of assholes." Hey if they had backup Sol was down to take out the Helix scum hunting them, sounded like fun.

[member="Muad Dib"]
He opened his eyes and listened to Sol. Then he tossed back his head and laughed. And laughed. Wiping tears from his eyes he shrugged as he took another pull on the deathstick.

"What can I say? It was fun."

The sound of engines were heard and he rose as a black Dropship hovered above the alley. Twenty soldiers leapt from the back and slid down the coils of rope to land around them. The sergeant stepped forward and handed a large satchel to Muad. "Reporting in sir. We have the location of the transmission. Do we order Charlie to begin bombardment?"

Taking the back he set in on the ground and kicked off his boots to slide his armored ones on. Each player of armor began going on as he listened the sergeant Keffi speak. Flicking the butt away he straightened and looked at Sol for a moment.

"Negative. I think we want to do that ourselves."

Reaching into the bag he pulled out the gunbelt and bucked it around his waist, the thigh holster tied tight. His three sheaths were on the belt and he slid his curved kal into the knife sheath. Reaching down again he pulled the imbued beskad and tossed it onto his back, tightening the strap of the scabbard. Gripping the bag he tossed it to Sol. Inside was more armor plates, blaster rifles, thermal detonators, and a curious revolver sitting on top.

"Take what you want mate. I'm ready to go knocking on the Helix door."

Motioning for the troopers to move out he waited for Sol.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Sol resolves that he will find a way to make Muad pay for this. He wasn't sure what he would do but he would do something and Muad would regret these actions, or at the very least give Sol something to laugh at. Not that Muad hadn't had a point it had been kind of fun, but Sol had a grumpy reputation to uphold and he wasn't going to let this go. Couldn't have people thinking he wasn't a serious professional after all.

Inspecting the bag he snags a battle chest piece that is a suitable replacement for the one back in the dumpster. He slips this on and then examines the weapons. Rifles and detonators mostly only one pistol, a slugthrower revolver. He grabs a holster, belt, a few detenators, and the revolver. There were no short vibroblades so he would be using mostly the revolver unless circumstances called for his lightsabers, so he makes sure to grab some speed loaders for the pistol.

"Alright, let's get busy." Then he is off towards the location of the lead Helix merc. It doesn't take long to find the man still sitting in his heavily armed and armoured troop transport. "You want to see a trick?" He asks Muad as he hefts a thermal detenator primes it and then after a second to line up the shot, lobes it perfectly up and over to plop inside the gunner's position. The Helix thug manning the turret has just enough time to scream before he and the top part of the tank are blown into chunks. Then it was fighting time.

[member="Muad Dib"]
He laughed loudly at Sol.

"I love magic tricks!"

Igniting the rockets in his boots to assist his force leap, miss jumped up two stories to land on the roof of the building. Running along the edge his hand gripped the long device adhered to the scabbard if the sword and pulled it free with his left hand. With a flick of his wrist and the activation switch being flipped the energy bow leapt to life.

Watching the thermal detonator explode the mad man laughed as he paused and his right hand began strumming the string. Purple, plasma covered quarrels began lashing out into Helix troops with devastating accuracy. Several blocks in the opposite direction a small group of mandalorians began attacking the Helix as well.

"Sol, I'm ahead of you in kills! I've got a kill streak!"

Leaping from the roof he dropped on to one of the armored transports and spun in a circle, using the focused energy bow to slash and burn as his right pulled the curved kal cutting through flesh.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
(The new official theme song for this thread)

"It's not a competition."

Sol yells back, then in complete defiance of that, he did something he rarely did. He cut loose.

Hefting the Protector he'd taken he feels the weight, he had five explosive slug rounds and eight flachette. That wouldn't do for his normal trick of rapid-fire, however, he could work with it. Rather than going high like Muad, Sol breathes in deeply. Inhale, exhale. The world slows down and he explodes into movement.

He sprints down the street directly into the midst of the Helix forces who hadn't expected such an attack and were focused on the man raining plasma quarrels on them. Sol's goal was maximum destruction with each shot which meant lining targets up. He presses the muzzle of the gun into the chest of a lightly armoured Helix thug and pulls the trigger, splitting the man in half and taking out the guy behind him.

Spinning he reaches out and hits the activation for the thermal detonator in another man's belt before force kicking him into a group of his friends. Before he explodes and before the Helix thugs can shoot him Sol force jumps into a flip land on top of another transport. He first directly down and since this one wasn't military grade the flachette saws right throw and impacts with the driver, he doesn't die but Sol drops the second of the three detenators he'd grabbed down the hole before jumping away again.

He lands in the middle of another group of thugs and when he lands he sends out a wave of Force energy. Force wave was one of the most powerful forms of Force push and it sends the thugs flying in several directions, they don't all die but it gives Sol time to start pumping out Flechette rounds into the rest of the crowd. There was a small chance that Muad was a negative influence on him.

[member="Muad Dib"]
(New theme song:
Sol is the patient)

Blood spattered the armored Muad as sliced arteries spewed forth their fountainous bounty. A veil of crimson washed over the man as he stopped and sheathed his blade and stowed the energy bow to knee in the bed of the truck. He pulled a rpg loose from one of those who was just killed and grinned.

"Fire in the hole!"

Turning he began firing, the grenades whistling over Sol, to hit several other vehicles which exploded in glorious, gratuitous displays of fire. Overhead a Gunship dipped into view and Muad quickly began reloading. Shouldering the launcher once more he began sending volleys of grenades into the Gunship. The grenades exploded and then secondary explosions began peppering the ship as it began spinning uncontrollably. A crate flew from the open doors as the ship fell toward Sol. Muad pointed at it as he spoke.


But he turned not seeing what happened as he focused in the crate that had fallen from the crashing Gunship. Leaping from the truck he dropped the launcher and ran for the crate. His revolver skipped from it's holster and spat at two soldiers dropping them dead. Sliding to a stop he paused while reading the label on the crate.

"Oh yeah, enemy care package. Let loose the death machine."

Ripping the lid off he grabbed the Gatling gun and slung the ammo belt over his shoulder as he began to press the trigger, a mad glow in his eyes.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
The streets where almost utterly devoid of civilians. When a few hundred Helix goons had started roaming about for the two, most had wisely fled. Some hadn't but they were mostly in buildings which would hopefully avoid drastic collateral damage. The main convoy they'd attacked had only consisted of a few dozen mercs plus the leaders but those numbers had quickly been reinforced up by the rest of the patrols pouring out of various side streets converging. Which Muad and Sol had plenty of targets, but they weren't fighting alone.

Muad's men were in their own ships and on the ground helping out where they could though compared to the whirlwinds of death the two force wielders were becoming. The two seemed to be feeding off each other as they worked to show each other up. One of the gunships comes crashing down towards Sol and instead of dodging out of the way he jumps up. Propelled by the force he lands on the flaming wreckage but not for long.

He sprints up the side using the force to help him cling to it before leaping to another gunship, this one newly arrived and not yet destroyed by Muad. He boots the pilot out, sends it into a series of spins to shake off the attached troops then levels it out. He opens up with the two auto guns attached to it and begins to mow down even more Helix goons, transports, and other gunships. It isn't long before the Helix figure out that one of their ships turned traitor and they shoot it down.

Sol leaps from it but not before ensuring it lands on top of another enemy transport. It was downright impossible for the two to know who killed the most at this point, however, they had killed enough that Helix decided to cut their losses. They had a small army sure but Muad and Sol had just decimated a large portion of it in the span of about five minutes. After an ass-kicking that bad it was time to go.

[member="Muad Dib"]

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