I've written a lot of different characters over the 20 years or so I've been doing this RP thing, trending largely male - I still write men more often than women, by default- from the most Jedi of Jedi to the most putrid, rotting evil type of Sith, and much in-between. And NFUs, though I don't write those as often these days.
I've written pilots, soldiers, affluent people, ordinary people, and vapid people best described as 'rancor bait'. I've written children. I had a news reporter once. Characters that run the gamut of sexual orientation, and monogamy or non-monogamy. I myself am pansexual.
Most of my RP years, my characters haven't had good backgrounds, have had terrible home lives. It's only in recent years that I've been able to write stable characters with good upbringings. Sometimes you write what you know, s'all I'm saying.
The thing I struggle with the most is writing on a
consistent basis. But y'all know that. That's the not-very-well-managed ADHD.