Varus Shatterstar
Finding Purpose
Varus didn't look away from his glass as Kian spoke, thinking about what he'd said last about the last the we do in the name of someone. That they shouldn't be meant for things like rage and vengeance, which he had to agree with. That was precisely the reason he'd made certain that it hadn't been the last thing he'd done in Jarrek's memory.
"I burned him to ash and spread those remains across a lake on Naboo as my final thanks to him.", he admitted, raising his glass and finally taking another sip of his drink before lowering it back down and resting his hands, clasping the glass, in his lap. "It was the least I could do, but I could only stand to be there just short of a week. It was too much to think about in a time where I didn't know what to think anyway. It was a simple gesture to leave him where he was born because I knew he didn't want to be on Crosucant for the rest of his life.", he said, looking as solemn as he had for the duration of the conversation.
"I killed that so call "Jedi" because he took the life of a good man... and in my rage I justified that by convincing myself that it was okay to take the life of a bad man. To balance the scales.", he said, glancing up and seeing for the first time in his life the planet Ossus, a pretty planet from afar that was a burned golden color he wouldn't soon forget. He knew, though, that it had been through dark times, well aware of the tales of destruction said to have been waged on that very planet long ago.
"I don't believe that I'm ever going to make a very good Jedi...", Varus finally said as he looked over to Kian with those almost hesitant blue eyes. "...but I'll be a better man than he ever was. I'll help people who truly need it. Those who deserve it. I just can't promise I'll be anything close to what you expect me to be."
[member="Kian Karr"]
"I burned him to ash and spread those remains across a lake on Naboo as my final thanks to him.", he admitted, raising his glass and finally taking another sip of his drink before lowering it back down and resting his hands, clasping the glass, in his lap. "It was the least I could do, but I could only stand to be there just short of a week. It was too much to think about in a time where I didn't know what to think anyway. It was a simple gesture to leave him where he was born because I knew he didn't want to be on Crosucant for the rest of his life.", he said, looking as solemn as he had for the duration of the conversation.
"I killed that so call "Jedi" because he took the life of a good man... and in my rage I justified that by convincing myself that it was okay to take the life of a bad man. To balance the scales.", he said, glancing up and seeing for the first time in his life the planet Ossus, a pretty planet from afar that was a burned golden color he wouldn't soon forget. He knew, though, that it had been through dark times, well aware of the tales of destruction said to have been waged on that very planet long ago.
"I don't believe that I'm ever going to make a very good Jedi...", Varus finally said as he looked over to Kian with those almost hesitant blue eyes. "...but I'll be a better man than he ever was. I'll help people who truly need it. Those who deserve it. I just can't promise I'll be anything close to what you expect me to be."
[member="Kian Karr"]