Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When Mandalorians Attack! [Mandalorians vs Primeval Skirmish]

Location: Communal Lounge Area, Civilian Cargo Ship
Allies: @Primeval, #TeamDarkSide
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: Levantine Astonautical Academy Uniform | Czerka T-3 (holdout blaster, conceal carry) | Lightsaber (open carry) | Shiv (boot, conceal carry)

The young Pantoran lowered the game console in his hand, a cutscene playing in the miniature holomatrix while he reached for the fizzyglug he'd cast aside earlier.

The weight felt light as he lifted up the flimsiplast cafeteria-grade cup. Rotating his wrist, the boy felt for indications of liquid swirling inside. Instead, he was disappointed with the revelation that he'd drained the last of the soda without even realizing it. And, being that this wasn't the Equinox, there wasn't an astromech he could just tell to go get him another. "-tt-" the boy uttered, clicking his tongue. Getting up to get your own beverage. What kind of barbarism was this?

A noise echoed through the ship. The sound of metal scraping on metal.

Suddenly, the boy had a bad feeling about this. Casually discarding the plastic-coated, loub-paper cup, the boy looked toward the rear of the compartment. Perhaps he ought to check on Agent Maijora...

“Lets go.”

At the sound of her voice, the boy's amber eyes turned in time to see a human-looking teen sprinting off. Glancing at the table where the girl had just fled from, it appeared that she was with someone.

...and just what were these two about?

Tucking his hands into his pockets, the boy casually started walking in the direction that [member="Aela Talith"] had sprinted off toward.

Maybe it was nothing. But he'd follow these two for the time being, just to make sure that was all it was.

And trust that the Master Shaper and Umbaran agent didn't need an 11 year old to come show them how to kill something.

He hoped it was nothing anyway. With all these civilians on board, things could get very dangerous if [member="Vheissu Ireles"] used his powers inside the delicate containment that was the ship.
Location: Cargo Hold.
Allies: [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Enemies: [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"]

It looked to him like his trick helped, the assailant was pinned behind his shield and an easy target... Yet Vheissu did not take initiative. Before Catalys had any chance to complain, or to even calculate his next action the sound of an object hurtling towards him broke through the ambiance of battle.


The hammer managed to hit him dead the chest, for a moment his breathing stopped and his body was sent back like a ragdoll. Luckily the surprise meant his body did not tense up, and the shock absorbed by his armour managed to prevent any fractures in his chest as well. Still; it hurt -- a lot. Along the way Catalys lost control of his rifle, the bullpup design fell to the ground and the force of the impact pushed him a distance away from the weapon. Without much time to react, and surely not enough to reach his rifle, the agent drew from his holster a pistol and began to fire three rounds at his opponent whilst scrambling to his feet.
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, Arrbi Betna
[member="Xander Carrick"] (her beloved)
Enemies: Primeval, Catalys Maijora, Vheissu Ireles,
Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Herbal leather skin bag, a hidden lightsaber, her light weaved armor given to her by her beloved, her Akk puppy

It haven't been the easiest journey in finding who she been seeking. Again one like her didn't just go out finding trouble or did she. Either way she knew one thing one thing only. That this trip would be different then any of her other trips or would it. After all wouldn't want be over joy to have a healer finding beside them. It wasn't as if she didn't like to fight or didn't know how to. In the heart of the jungle she had first been born as a warrior it was only later did she became what the force whisper for her to be. Now it hadn't been long that she been told of her beloved returned. It wouldn't matter much to her, but for one thing they had shared between them that was a bond not only just between the two of them but they had two other life forms that was created in this bond.

No she had came to have a heart to heart talk with him, but no did that happen nope now she was in the middle of force knows what. Looking at the fact that she had the ability to cloak herself to hide her present not only that but just if she was a force user or not letting the force go deep with in her. It was the way to cage that rage that lurk inside of every living being no matter how much one could purge it from one self.

That is how early in her child to cage the warrior with in. Doing just that has she made her skills as a healer known but very different using the gifts that force left in plant on planets through out the galaxy to bond with them but also learning that not only that there was other uses for herbs and oils if one knew how to use them.

Speaking in a commlink in her ear to the only one that would hear her. "I hope you know this isn't what I had in mind as a nice long talk about whats been happening in the galaxy with me, my beloved."
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],

Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Beskargam, Dawnstar, Lightsaber,

There was always a time to talk, and a time to fight. Yet Maya didn't seem to know that. Hearing her words while the hammer did hit the target, I stepped back and held my arm up letting one of the three blaster bolts smack into my forearm. Yes it still hurt from the pure kinetic impact, but my body would still be fine. The man using a blaster pistol against me was not a good idea. I was now in just the right distance between both of us. Utilizing Force speed, I zoomed across the cargo hold to the man in the blink of an eye with my hammer coming down at him. Intending to crush his body through the ground.

Hitting or not, I spoke while backing up by jumping backwards and using the force to keep myself semi-floating to keep me out of the man's arm length as well as make it harder to transition between aiming a pistol, and trying to dodge a hammer that was intending to ending his life

"Do we really have to talk about this right now? Kind of in a fight."

​Sure, I would love to talk to my fiance about what has been happening. Since last time I just upped and left her with the kids and left a note saying I would be back. Only recently have we come back together. Sadly it was in the middle of a raid. Meaning that I was on the front lines, and fighting to the death, while she was in a safer position with healing those who needed it. Hopefully she remembered who was on our team or not, because last time, that lead to her being captured by Sith, and then having this huge manhunt to find her.

I really didn't want to do that again.
Location: Cargo Hold.
Allies: [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Enemies: [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"]

This time he was ready. Catalys' eyes refused to leave his target, even in the sudden burst of speed the Umbaran's unique gift of sensing heat allowed him to keep track of his opponent in more ways than one. Of course that didn't mean his reflexes were as keen, it was a close one. The hammer grazed along the back of his head as he ducked, dove, and rolled out of the way. The flash of motion and ecstasy of adrenaline coursing through his veins caused all sorts of feelings to flow through him.

Fear. Excitement. Anger.

Keeping his pistol in hand, Catalys fired another round before rushing to grab his rifle.
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Primeval,
[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Music Selection: One for the Money
Inventory: Auksifas Saud, Jacket, Bracers,

Enemies everywhere. I had been sleeping easily within one of the rooms that were on the cargo ship. Coming simply because I wanted to do something other than be stuck in other dominions over planets. I wanted a little R&R. That was all ruined when the ship was attacked. The alarms going off with a huge amount of fighting. I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes. My apprentice Shax was rushing into the room. Yelling at me to get up because we were being attacked. Lifting my head up, my eyes flared red. He knew I was not happy. Backing up without another word, he left the room to go towards the bridge and protect the ship from being taken over.

I however, shrugged on my jacket and laced on my bracers. Grabbing my sword, and carrying it with me instead of attaching it to my belt. I walked out of the room and went towards the Cargo hold. Moving past others as they ran to their stations. I walked as though I was taking a stroll through the park. Being a Master Fire and Earth shaper, there was no real need for me to hurry. If there was, then I would have already been called down.

I followed the signatures of two very light-filled individuals while I could feel another darker one. Once coming through the open doors, I saw one man flying at another with a hammer and missing, while a Mandalorian with a sword and shield was facing off against the other Master Shaper on board.

I looked at the back to see a Zeltron. Beautiful and sexy even. I was wanting so badly to ravage her, however, she seemed to hang around the guy with the hammer. Since he was focused on the agent, I guess I would just have to face off against her. My left hand ignited into a blaze and threw a fireball at the woman. Yes she was pretty. But it would be oh so fine to take her to be in a private place. A place where I could have fun with her. After throwing the fireball, I drew my sword. Feeling the Dark Side of the force push itself into my veins. Corrupting me as the golden blade shone from the lights above me.

"Come here Zeltron. I would like to have you for myself."
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, Arrbi Betna, [member="Xander Carrick"]
Enemies: Primeval, Catalys Maijora, Vheissu Ireles, [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Beskargam, Dawnstar, Lightsaber,

All he had to say he was kind of in a fight right now. Yep sure looked like it to her they was in a fight, so now came her job stay behind far enough out of the battle line. Do what she knows best that was to heal take care of the wounded in a battle. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen battle before, or even been in one. Far from it it was now that she knew the reason behind her find him when he did. Xander her beloved wanted to be found, it would test her to her limits. Knowing this time what every she said he wouldn't back down. If one hair was even touch there would be hell to pay for who every would dare to touch that one hair.

As if the force telling her to duck from something incoming finding heat coming above. Rolling as her hooded cape flowed around, as she heard in back of her scream, as if the fire ball found a target not attend to hit. It was then she look up from her position that her now dark pinkish eyes flashed.

"I would for your sake go back to where every hole you came from, you will not have me now or never you hear me.", knowing that her own cloak had the marking of the Sliver Cross that gave away she was a healer, what rank that was one thing that she had decided not to put out on any of the healer clothing. In the one of the darken corner came a low growl that only got louder. It was her pet, Marybell, Bell for short. A young AKK pup she being trained by her for one of her and Xander's twins. Its might be young but it was still a deadly creature as its razor sharp deep came full out to play with the one that had attack her master.

Through the force she sent a smooth message down girl stay not yet.

"Sad you have to go after a Healer, will you pick wrong one to miss with.", still just how strong was she would she let him think of her as the "Zeltron", she only grin, as she let more of the force that she had hidden inside build until the warrior with in scream to be let out to play. Knowing that unlike Xander she would wait for this fool to attack, as she let the robe come sliding off to show of the armor underneath came out her tattoos of just what the markings met only she knew and the tribe she was born into raised. It was as if seen as if she had no weapon but in truth she had more weapons then one might think. Did she only carry herbs, fungi and oils to heal or was their something more that lay inside her healer leather pouch. Along with her weapon which would remain hidden in her long wave purple hair that look to be just that of something that one would put in one hair of so long as hers.

"I guess you have a weapon and I don't what every am I going to do,". With that she with the force speed slip her hand inside the bag pulled out a liquefied glass tube.

More so she was getting the feel of the air around the place by this chit chatting. Hiding her true power of being a Master but how did Maya had she been face with this once before or is this the first time to come fact to fact with such a darken twist of evilness as the one that seem to want to take her has his own. Not going to happen never as she was still breathing.
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],

Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Beskargam, Dawnstar, Lightsaber,

As I backed up, the man fired upon me once more to try and keep me at bay. My hammer came around a second time to swing into the blaster bolt. My hammer was slammed back from the kinetic force enough to prevent me from swinging it at the man. However, I could see him rush for his rifle. My left hand reaching out and sending a force push at the rifle. Trying to keep it away from him, but I also needed to keep the man within this close of a distance. I then heard a burning overhead. And a screeching as though a bomb was being dropped as a fireball flew overhead. Barely missing Maya. The man at the door looked very deadly.

I went into overdrive. Rushing the agent once more so I could slam my fist into him. I didn't want this new man to attack Maya. Even if she had an Aak pup. Sure she had skills. I may take a hit, but I wasn't about to leave my girl defenseless. I readied myself to enter the battle between the new man, and the Agent. I could face both of them if needed. I was about to take a step back and do just that when I heard my love's voice break out over the distance of messing with the wrong person.

I had a feeling she would be fine. So I turned back to the agent. Waiting for his next move. But within the confinements of our minds, I spoke to Maya through telepathy.

"If he gets rough on you, let me know love. I'll be there."
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Primeval,
[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Music Selection: One for the Money
Inventory: Auksifas Saud, Jacket, Bracers,

She evaded my attack. Expected. It was just one lousy fireball. Still, she had an attitude. I smiled a little bit with the sword held limply in my right hand. I sheathed it as she mentioned she had no weapons. I then looked down to tie the sheath and sword to my belt. It was just a second. Looking up around me as the Aak Pup growled at me, I could see the armored man in the red hood and cloak stare at me when the rifle on the ground slid about a meter. I shook my head as clearly this man was claiming dominance over the Zeltron. Oh was he strong, but not so much against me. I turned my attention back to the woman.

"Very well. I shall fight you with my skill and skill alone."

I may be a prick and an nerf herder. But I was an honest man. I held my image with regard. Fight an unarmed woman with a sword that could cut people in half? Not so good for my image as a leader of men. However, leader of men may change. I let my hands extend out to my sides and down at an angle. The dark red flames came from my hands as I walked forward.

"And so it begins."

Thrusting both hands forward, A bolt of fire flew from both hands. followed by another one from my right hand while I then gathered my hands together, and fired a larger single blast. The Dark flames tainted by the dark side were of my creation. My powers. My skill. Now it was up to her on how to act against them, and me. Hopefully she put up a fight.

It was no fun when your prey didn't squirm.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: The Cargo hold.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Enemies: [member="Arrbi Betna"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Or both.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The qualms that one could have about Force Masters could easily be all sorted out into one singular dimensional problem - often they did only relied on the Force to pull their weight, they neglected their bodies in favor of Force-based augmentation of their bodies, they ignored training their primal reflexes and instead opted to lean on the Force to tell them when and where a threat could arrive and all of this?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It made them into prey once the Force was no longer in the picture.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Vheissu Ireles was a Master Shaper, a Battle Shaman, but without those two he still held the favor of the Gods in battle and he honored the spirits by training himself and that which he was granted to primal perfection.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Utilizing his weight and the focus point of the spirits… Vheis snapped his arm up, hand catching the shield on its palm and energy started to flow. Time slowed down as Ireles took the scene of battle in, looking at it from every angle, feeling his hand burn and heal at the same time - causing him immense agony that fueled his resolve only more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]They wore beskar, the armor of the Gods, but Vheissu knew something that few others did. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A blinding light and immense heat would suddenly wave in, drawn upon from his anger, pain and the energy that the shield emmiter was forcefully pushing into his skin himself. That inferno of fire and pain would lash out at the Mandalorian’s face. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It wouldn’t do lasting damage, but just [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]perhaps[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] it would do something else.[/SIZE]
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, Arrbi Betna,
Xander Carrick
Enemies: Primeval, Catalys Maijora, Vheissu Ireles, Nickolas Imura
Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Beskargam, Dawnstar, Lightsaber,

Sending a quick message through the force before it began with this one.

Don't worry my beloved if he gets rough you be the first one to know, just make sure this one knows who he messing with

With that her full focus was upon the one that seem to have some honor, this was surprising to see a darksider someone like him to have honor then it shouldn't come to much of a surprise with one that had taken her so close did get one of her fellow Sliver killed. In the end she had to deal with the action but also, to not be able to show that knows she wasn't never to be turn to the dark side. What was flowing throw her vein was that of the lightside a pure light not seen in many of the jedi around the galaxy. In her it was as if she knew how to be of the light no matter what she had to face down.

Knowing that there was more to her then one could see her being a Zeltron beautiful, sexy. No Xander had seen something more knew to trust her but more then anything to be with her and treat her more then what most would treat someone of her race being Zeltron. A person not a sex symbol that her own race is known for.

Knowing when the right timing to unleash the warrior with in. Just what did that mean or being seen one could only image to her. It was the long training, the right of passage with in her tribe, that was to test those warrior skills before learning what they would be with in the force itself. Knowing he would be coming at with him with those balls of fire. The air around them knowing full well it wouldn't effect Xander or those in full armor if the air was taken around. One knew or would all know this that to have fire and to build it one must have life giving force. It was what in the glass tube that would put up the barrier help as it was life with force. As if it was like a fire extinguisher that power that feel in the space around. throw it down half way between them.

As it did a green fog a but not before two of the fire balls got through but she that was when a flood of lightside would be felt to show just show how much power she really had she was more then some pawdaw or knight that need protection of a Master level like that of Xander.

As she threw up a barried shield in case that fog like green would suck out all the air around the two of them which she take away the fire of his balls. As he was busy with that she would think of sending her pup at him but then that wouldn't be honor of a warrior of Hurran Kal tribe. Looking across to him holding her breath with control. Coming out would be her hands to push the cloud that was growing bigger and bigger. It came to be that the last one came through blazing but at the smaller as she just let it hit the barrier. It wasn't as if it took a lot of the energy out of her.

Stay Stay Bell not yet.

Even those she knew Bell didn't like this one bet she was train to protect that what her own instruct telling her now to go after the hands that was throwing those balls at her master.
Location: Communal lounge area | Civilian Primeval Cargo Ship
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Boo Chiyo"]

Welp, there went dinner, Micah would think with a grimace of woe, finding himself following in pursuit of his sister at her command. Let it be clear that this was not because she had told him to do so! Okay, might be a combination of that and the fact he too was a bit concerned about just what was about to go down.

And truth be told he'd be a bit more comfortable with his own weapons on his person just in case. Granted, it wasn't as if he didn't have his amulet or talisman. But it would be good to collect his own saber and gauntlets from his room. Glancing around, he kept watch as they would move. Last thing they needed was to have someone pop out of no where because of whatever was going on.

From the sounds of distant fighting, it wasn't a friendly conga line.

"Go," he'd murmur to Aela, well aware she could run faster with the Force. "I got your back."
Location: Cargo hold.
Allies: [member="Vheissu Ireles"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Enemies: [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]

His opponent was tough, Catalys knew it all too well; the pain in his chest still stung and left a feeling of pressure as surely he would be bleeding internally. Yet the pumping of adrenaline through his bloodstream kept him alert and made sure that no matter what punishments he took that he'd still fight for his life.

The assault rifle slid along the floor, lifting slightly and flew across the room. A punch swung towards him as his attention went from the rifle back to his opponent. Instinctively he turned his head with the throw, the enemy's fist bashed against the side of his helmet and shook his head inside. Catalys wasn't out, however. Sidestepping the rest of the assailant's momentum the agent attempted to grab at his opponent's arm and pull his into a lock before pressing his pistol against the exposed armourweave of the neck and firing as many consecutive rounds as he could.

If this didn't succeed, there's no telling where the rounds would've hit.
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Primeval,
[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Music Selection: One for the Money
Inventory: Auksifas Saud, Jacket, Bracers,

Ah. Some kind of chemical that when mixed with oxygen would then absorb the very thing that created the flames. The fuel was the force, Heat was created by me, and oxygen kept it going when leaving my body. Taking the oxygen away was a good move. Smart, and tactical. Trying to create a fog barrier to stop even enemies from breathing if they entered the green mist. I smiled as she tried to use the force. Spreading it around so I couldn't flank her with my abilities. Once again proving me wrong. Well, I would give her credit. She tried. But there was more than just fire that I could use.

Reaching out with my hands, I then pulled them back to my side, Gathering a collection of my anger, hate, and pain. The primal instincts of an animal. A Monster. And released a bright red force burst. A power that required me to charge up while she was focused on spreading the fog. It was a wide and rather large force push in essence. One that would clear a huge section of the fog. Pushing it out of my way, and even headed straight for her.

It used a lot of my force strength. Trying to do many force powers all at once was a bad idea right now. I needed to conserve myself until I knew how well she worked with her bag of potions, and her own force powers. Simply said, I ran towards her after I sent the blast. using Telekineis once more to pick up dead bodies, rifles, and shrapnel. Only to throw them at her. Keeping her distracted for me to get closer. Shortening the time it took for my powers to hit her, as well as allow me to get close enough to fight one on one.

Even if her Aak Pup was there, Even if it was still smaller than a speeder at this point, A simple toss would keep it away from me to get close to her.

"Smart, and tactical. Now lets see if you are fast."
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Vheissu Ireles"],

Music Selection: Blood and Stone
Inventory: Beskargam, Dawnstar, Lightsaber,

The man was very fast. The hit to the face was a good one. I could feel a solid punch. However, his helmet would take most of the blunt. Likely being that he could get a minor headache later, but nothing all too bad as of the moment. I had to think, if he was this fast, he would be faster if he could use the force. Either way, he had grabbed my arm and used my own forward momentum against me. I had respect for a man who could do that in general. As for doing it to me? Even higher.

His pistol came up. However, he was more focused on getting hits off, than protecting himself. He was open, yet I was the one in a lock. My hammer was dropped. Before it even hit the ground, my hand had come up in a v shape hand. Formed by my fingers and thumb, using the webbing between my thumb and index finger, and pushed up and away with the pistol.

He was now open completely. My left hand came up to his own hand, and yanked out towards the left, where I spun around as though I were in a dance, and send my right leg up to kick him in the side. I released my hand and then sent a force push his way. If he was going to get all locking and shooting at my neck, then I would have to keep him at a medium range, instead of close, or far range.

"Primeval seem a little clingy today."
Location: Communal lounge area | Civilian Primeval Cargo Ship
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Boo Chiyo"]

Aela only nodded to her brother.

There were a certain few things that she could do better than her siblings. Micah was a tracker, Kiali could fly a ship, Maleah trained animals like none of them, but Aela...she could move.

The force flowed through her like a tidal wave. It infested her, bit into her, sunk into her very bones and pushed her forward. She became a blur, half a second passing as she dashed down the hall and moved faster than she had before. Micah would be at her back, lagging behind and protecting her from assault from behind while she gathered her things.

It didn't take long.

She reached her room with a jarring halt, stopping at the door and ripping it open just long enough for her braid to flail out behind her. Another step saw her scoop the lightsaber from her bag, its radiating peace striking her almost immediately. The blade ignitied with a loud snap as she stepped back into the hall, raised just quickly enough to catch the blade of a charging Mandalorian.
Location: Mandalorian Raiding Ship
Allies: [member="Xander Carrick"]
Enemies: [member="Jared Ovmar"] @The Guy Ovmar Used to Be @Nowyou'rejustsomebodythatIusedtoknow​

He felt the impact of his shield against his opponent, but what followed next was unexpected.

The shield should have charred whatever or whoever the face touched which meant that usually those who contacted the shield face recoiled away from their injuries or were pushed back by the impact of the charge. That neither happened told him that his opponent was using a personal shield generator or was a Force user.

As flame and fire appeared and slammed into his faceplate and visor, the options were narrowed down: Force user. The flames broke over his helmet and passed by, leaving the paint scorched, but nothing damaged. The problem was that with that much brightness that close and that suddenly, his helmet's visor had automatically reacted. Photoreactive, armored glass darkened immediately leaving Betna's world one of barely perceptible shadows and black shapes.

He relied on his training with the Dinu'ul and the weapon in his hand as he reacted, buying time until the visor could return to normal. He shifted back slightly, letting his booted feet glide over the deck plating. He used his shield to cover his left side from the knees to the chin while bringing his saber up on his right side, point towards his enemy. The foe would be forced to contend with the shield or maneuver past the threat of the beskad to attack. Other options were viable, but Betna knew he could only do so much and hoped his visor would clear quickly.
Location: Cargo Hold
Allies: Mandalorians, Arrbi Betna,
Xander Carrick
Enemies: Primeval, Catalys Maijora, Vheissu Ireles, Nickolas Imura
Music Selection: Duel
Inventory: Herb leather skin bag, Lightsaber (shorter the regular), Akk dog (Bell)

Knowing that there was only in time he would come straight at her like a charging Ranor Bull. It was now the moment of truth. Skill that she had as a warrior was they a match for his own skills in this kind of close combat. Even so she knew that most of her power couldn't be put into just one action. It was the planing to thinking a head. It knowing when to make a move and when to go defense only. If she just let him come at her with all he had even the most powerful had its limits. Just how to keep herself from going down until then.

In coming there was that as she knew what by instincts was he trying to get a feel just how much force knowledge and powerful she was in the force. Even so the many days at a time she would spend out in the forest by herself, paying off as she let herself focus on what was being delivered to her as gifts to her. Even those she need to stay balance one couldn't help as she did by herself being a healer from the body she had to bat a way one after another to see those objects coming after like deadly to want to embed in her soft pink skin of her. Having none of that, still when it came to it she let her size work in her own favor. Being quick but let the force aid her more so then just her own abilities. It was then that her own physical make up came into works. As the flexibility of Zeltron came into play.

Once with in her own space came the timing of using herself to take one of his own punches but softening with a defense barrier. Not putting it fully up as a bubble to not be able to let one in. It was then as she knew that moment that Bell leap there he would be tossing but if she could time it a spit second before he used his force on her Akk dog she would aid the Akk to be faster then one her size would be but also, she did something else she let her Bell fade from the force or was it just a cloak of bending the light around the both of them to be able to move with out being seen by the naked eye or for that mater the force the master of stealth one of the many reason she was part of the Shadows.

Its what she had in her leather back just wanted for her to put her own hand around the handle pulling it out if this work she would used the small Akk knife upon him to make a cut just where it would land if he didn't know it was coming more of his torso why there. One being she didn't want to kill this one or anyone, she respect life to take a life of anything included creature unless it was for food or protection. If she could wounding would be a way out of the situation. As she would move to his right to flank him to the last minute to drop and jab before moving back. It was a dance she was welling to play with him.
Location: Communal Lounge Area, Civilian Cargo Ship
Allies: @Primeval, #TeamDarkSide
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: Levantine Astonautical Academy Uniform | Czerka T-3 (holdout blaster, conceal carry) | Lightsaber (open carry) | Shiv (boot, conceal carry)

The teenaged girl and her boyfriend exchanged words, then the girl was gone in a flash.

Even before his senses had registered what, precisely, had happened the boy narrowed his eyes at where the pair had been standing. It was the Force, of course. But it hadn't felt right. He hadn't senses any of the anger or energy which preceded and followed the proper use of the Force. That meant she was probably a Weaksider. Jedi. Je'daii. Jensaari. Whatever nerf herders felt like calling themselves these days.

"-tt-" the boy uttered, not entirely certain if he was disappointed or just disgusted.

The boyfriend seemed positioned in watch of someone going after the Force Speed chick. Which was fine. She could go, do her hair, or kark with [member="Catalys Maijora"]. The Pantoran was just here to be the back-up to the back-up, so as far as he was concerned he was just a free agent on this ship until someone called him up on the wristlink. Which meant that if some weaksider unbeliever thought they could come on board a Primeval ship and threaten its people...

The aura which radiated from out of the boy was as cold as ice. Moving his hands, palms facing each other, in a sweeping motion, the young witch scooped up a portion of the Dark Side energy gathered around him and then cast it outward -- as one might pitch a grav-ball.

Sailing through the air, and aimed at the back of [member="Micah Talith"]'s head, was a snowball.

Just a little gesture to get the boyfriend's attention. And perhaps test his senses and reflexes as well. "Have you come to hear the Good Word of life in Sargon?" the witch uttered wryly.
Location: Cargo hold, breaching point.
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Everyone
Objective: Kill.

Preliat's feet impacted first, stepping off the raiding vessel. Mandalorians swirled around him, fueled by his presence and his bloodlust alone. Preliat's T-shaped visor took a sinister look around the area, stepping over the piles of dead bodies, with far fewer Mandalorian than security officers. He waved his hand, gesturing to the surrounding Mandalorians that were around him- no combatants would be spared. They were here to send a message. He was here to do one thing, the only thing that he knew how to do. He had accepted his destiny, his destiny as the wolf, the animal set loose upon enemies of the Mando'ade.

Preliat and his men tore through the security forces, with Preliat taking expert aim with his Westar-34. His reflexes were deadly, and his aim was true. Blaster bolt after blaster bolt impacted security forces, before he made his way towards the communal area- and saw a face, a familiarity wash over him. He had been in this situation before. His eyes danced around rapidly, shaking violently for a moment. He felt the darkness creep up on, consuming the walls, the bodies turning into dead Mando'ade, brothers and sisters struck down. He looked down at his hands, mutated, black, and diseased. It was the dark harvest- but instead of being the victim of it, he had become the entity. Death itself.

Preliat squeezed his eyes, taking cover. Then, he saw something curious, after he opened them. A snowball. Of all the places- here. He stood up, amongst the chaos, focusing on the source of it- [member="Boo Chiyo"]. A boy.
He sneered.

How he hated the primeval.

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