Saint of the Damned
Zos Blull jogged across the damp, mossy bridge towards the warehouse where the meeting was supposed to take place. He was almost late, he'd left his shoes behind, he couldn't spare the time to put them on. He'd rather fight barefoot but alive than dead but wearing shoes. If he was tardy, Gireer would kill him. Tonight is the night, Gireer had said. Tonight is the night that he commands we raze this city to the ground. Zos had grown up in Voivis, a small city that was home to only a few thousand people. While Voivis was refuge to a plethora of criminals, pirates, mercenaries, and gangs, as was all of Myrkr, Voivis was a nice place, with kind people, and many normal folk called this place home.
Rain started to fall from the sky. Zos ran through tight alleyways, bare feet kicking up dirt and mud, grass stuck between his toes which had turned a bit blue due to the cold. He stepped on something sharp, perhaps a nail or a thorn, but he ignored the pain, desperate to make it on time. His breath formed a wispy mist, his lungs were dry and felt as though they would give out at any moment. He finally reached the warehouse, and rasped on the door. A man he didn't recognize opened the heavy door with a grunt. "You're the last one," the man wheezed, as he lit up a cigar. "Hurry on in before Gireer throws a fit."
Zos walked in, grateful for the momentary warmth. Lamplight filled the obscure warehouse that was just on the outskirts of Voivis, and around four dozen gang members crowded the open area, an excited murmur filled the air with anticipation. A stockpile of weapons, armor, and ammunition lay to the side like a museum display, Gireer and their leader had purchased the best the black market had to offer. A few other deposits of weapons lay hidden in the city, more members that weren't present would retrieve their own weapons once the slaughter started.
He picked up a blaster, as well as a handful of grenades. He also eagerly selected a pair of combat boots, at least they might provide some warmth. Others, Zos had noticed, possessed rocket launchers, snipers, one Rodian even had a flamethrower.
"Attention!" A booming voice roared.
Everyone in the room quieted, and Gireer, a large tower of a man, walked onto a small stage in the middle of the warehouse. He noticed Zos, and gave him a curt nod of approval. "Tonight is the night," Gireer announced brusquely. "We have the city surrounded, no one is coming in or getting out. If anyone attempts escape, shoot them. You all know the plan. Lark said that today was doomsday, destroy everything. Kill everyone."
Everyone? He wants us to kill everyone? Even children? Zos looked around to see if anyone else felt the shock of his words, but they only looked excited to carry out the orders of Lark, their leader. Few had met him, but their loyalty to him was absolute. If there were a few hundred well armed men rampaging through the city, and many more on the outskirts, executing any who attempted escape, that would mean-
This would be a massacre.
Zos went cold, and Gireer put his hand to his ear. "Sir, may we begin?" The room went silent once more, the only sounds were Zos's frantic heartbeat and the occasional drip of dirty rainwater leaking through the ceiling. Faintly, Zos thought he could hear the demon's response, the horrible, inhuman voice that ruled over those waiting in the warehouse.
And the demon said yes.
With nothing but a motion of the hand, the gang followed Gireer out of the warehouse, weapons at the ready. Not a sound was made, the city itself had gone deathly silent. Even the rain hesitated to pour, as if the storm itself was terrified of what would happen next. Gireer pulled out a detonator, and without uncertainty, pressed the trigger. An explosion shook the foundations of the city Zos had called home for three decades now, the explosion was a signal to the other members. The rumbles continued, smoke rose from several spots in the distant city. Screams filled the sky that had been still minutes ago, but they couldn't comprehend the horrors that awaited them.
Everyone around him began breaking into homes, killing those inside. One woman ran out of her home, crying. Zos stood shivering, and raised his blaster. He could hardly aim he was shaking so much.
Shoot, a voice in his head whispered.
He turned around, but no one was beside him. Shoot, the voice repeated. Zos squeezed his eyes shut, but the voice didn't care. Kill her, Lark whispered in his ear, a hint of superiority rang in his phantom voice. Zos pulled the trigger, and the woman let out a short wail of despair, before slumping over, face first in the mud.
[member="Kalama Rawe"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Rain started to fall from the sky. Zos ran through tight alleyways, bare feet kicking up dirt and mud, grass stuck between his toes which had turned a bit blue due to the cold. He stepped on something sharp, perhaps a nail or a thorn, but he ignored the pain, desperate to make it on time. His breath formed a wispy mist, his lungs were dry and felt as though they would give out at any moment. He finally reached the warehouse, and rasped on the door. A man he didn't recognize opened the heavy door with a grunt. "You're the last one," the man wheezed, as he lit up a cigar. "Hurry on in before Gireer throws a fit."
Zos walked in, grateful for the momentary warmth. Lamplight filled the obscure warehouse that was just on the outskirts of Voivis, and around four dozen gang members crowded the open area, an excited murmur filled the air with anticipation. A stockpile of weapons, armor, and ammunition lay to the side like a museum display, Gireer and their leader had purchased the best the black market had to offer. A few other deposits of weapons lay hidden in the city, more members that weren't present would retrieve their own weapons once the slaughter started.
He picked up a blaster, as well as a handful of grenades. He also eagerly selected a pair of combat boots, at least they might provide some warmth. Others, Zos had noticed, possessed rocket launchers, snipers, one Rodian even had a flamethrower.
"Attention!" A booming voice roared.
Everyone in the room quieted, and Gireer, a large tower of a man, walked onto a small stage in the middle of the warehouse. He noticed Zos, and gave him a curt nod of approval. "Tonight is the night," Gireer announced brusquely. "We have the city surrounded, no one is coming in or getting out. If anyone attempts escape, shoot them. You all know the plan. Lark said that today was doomsday, destroy everything. Kill everyone."
Everyone? He wants us to kill everyone? Even children? Zos looked around to see if anyone else felt the shock of his words, but they only looked excited to carry out the orders of Lark, their leader. Few had met him, but their loyalty to him was absolute. If there were a few hundred well armed men rampaging through the city, and many more on the outskirts, executing any who attempted escape, that would mean-
This would be a massacre.
Zos went cold, and Gireer put his hand to his ear. "Sir, may we begin?" The room went silent once more, the only sounds were Zos's frantic heartbeat and the occasional drip of dirty rainwater leaking through the ceiling. Faintly, Zos thought he could hear the demon's response, the horrible, inhuman voice that ruled over those waiting in the warehouse.
And the demon said yes.
With nothing but a motion of the hand, the gang followed Gireer out of the warehouse, weapons at the ready. Not a sound was made, the city itself had gone deathly silent. Even the rain hesitated to pour, as if the storm itself was terrified of what would happen next. Gireer pulled out a detonator, and without uncertainty, pressed the trigger. An explosion shook the foundations of the city Zos had called home for three decades now, the explosion was a signal to the other members. The rumbles continued, smoke rose from several spots in the distant city. Screams filled the sky that had been still minutes ago, but they couldn't comprehend the horrors that awaited them.
Everyone around him began breaking into homes, killing those inside. One woman ran out of her home, crying. Zos stood shivering, and raised his blaster. He could hardly aim he was shaking so much.
Shoot, a voice in his head whispered.
He turned around, but no one was beside him. Shoot, the voice repeated. Zos squeezed his eyes shut, but the voice didn't care. Kill her, Lark whispered in his ear, a hint of superiority rang in his phantom voice. Zos pulled the trigger, and the woman let out a short wail of despair, before slumping over, face first in the mud.
[member="Kalama Rawe"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]