Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When Myrkr Ran Red


Saint of the Damned
Zos Blull jogged across the damp, mossy bridge towards the warehouse where the meeting was supposed to take place. He was almost late, he'd left his shoes behind, he couldn't spare the time to put them on. He'd rather fight barefoot but alive than dead but wearing shoes. If he was tardy, Gireer would kill him. Tonight is the night, Gireer had said. Tonight is the night that he commands we raze this city to the ground. Zos had grown up in Voivis, a small city that was home to only a few thousand people. While Voivis was refuge to a plethora of criminals, pirates, mercenaries, and gangs, as was all of Myrkr, Voivis was a nice place, with kind people, and many normal folk called this place home.

Rain started to fall from the sky. Zos ran through tight alleyways, bare feet kicking up dirt and mud, grass stuck between his toes which had turned a bit blue due to the cold. He stepped on something sharp, perhaps a nail or a thorn, but he ignored the pain, desperate to make it on time. His breath formed a wispy mist, his lungs were dry and felt as though they would give out at any moment. He finally reached the warehouse, and rasped on the door. A man he didn't recognize opened the heavy door with a grunt. "You're the last one," the man wheezed, as he lit up a cigar. "Hurry on in before Gireer throws a fit."

Zos walked in, grateful for the momentary warmth. Lamplight filled the obscure warehouse that was just on the outskirts of Voivis, and around four dozen gang members crowded the open area, an excited murmur filled the air with anticipation. A stockpile of weapons, armor, and ammunition lay to the side like a museum display, Gireer and their leader had purchased the best the black market had to offer. A few other deposits of weapons lay hidden in the city, more members that weren't present would retrieve their own weapons once the slaughter started.

He picked up a blaster, as well as a handful of grenades. He also eagerly selected a pair of combat boots, at least they might provide some warmth. Others, Zos had noticed, possessed rocket launchers, snipers, one Rodian even had a flamethrower.

"Attention!" A booming voice roared.

Everyone in the room quieted, and Gireer, a large tower of a man, walked onto a small stage in the middle of the warehouse. He noticed Zos, and gave him a curt nod of approval. "Tonight is the night," Gireer announced brusquely. "We have the city surrounded, no one is coming in or getting out. If anyone attempts escape, shoot them. You all know the plan. Lark said that today was doomsday, destroy everything. Kill everyone."

Everyone? He wants us to kill everyone? Even children? Zos looked around to see if anyone else felt the shock of his words, but they only looked excited to carry out the orders of Lark, their leader. Few had met him, but their loyalty to him was absolute. If there were a few hundred well armed men rampaging through the city, and many more on the outskirts, executing any who attempted escape, that would mean-

This would be a massacre.

Zos went cold, and Gireer put his hand to his ear. "Sir, may we begin?" The room went silent once more, the only sounds were Zos's frantic heartbeat and the occasional drip of dirty rainwater leaking through the ceiling. Faintly, Zos thought he could hear the demon's response, the horrible, inhuman voice that ruled over those waiting in the warehouse.

And the demon said yes.

With nothing but a motion of the hand, the gang followed Gireer out of the warehouse, weapons at the ready. Not a sound was made, the city itself had gone deathly silent. Even the rain hesitated to pour, as if the storm itself was terrified of what would happen next. Gireer pulled out a detonator, and without uncertainty, pressed the trigger. An explosion shook the foundations of the city Zos had called home for three decades now, the explosion was a signal to the other members. The rumbles continued, smoke rose from several spots in the distant city. Screams filled the sky that had been still minutes ago, but they couldn't comprehend the horrors that awaited them.

Everyone around him began breaking into homes, killing those inside. One woman ran out of her home, crying. Zos stood shivering, and raised his blaster. He could hardly aim he was shaking so much.

Shoot, a voice in his head whispered.

He turned around, but no one was beside him. Shoot, the voice repeated. Zos squeezed his eyes shut, but the voice didn't care. Kill her, Lark whispered in his ear, a hint of superiority rang in his phantom voice. Zos pulled the trigger, and the woman let out a short wail of despair, before slumping over, face first in the mud.

[member="Kalama Rawe"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Causstik Rahn sat in the dank warehouse barely listening to the mans words. He had come to this planet hearing the hunting grounds were bountiful. Now somehow, he had been wrapped up with these gangsters. He supposed it was because he was a Trandoshan. Their were stereo types about his people and so when a man approached him with a bounty job he should've known it was for something like this. Regardless Causstik only felt a little bad. He was hired for a job. So this would just have to do for a hunt. Their was bound to be some worthy prey whose Jagganath points would bring him glory.

He sat amidst the vile scum and studied his surroundings. Earthen floors, stockpiled weapons, faint dripping of water. Perhaps a rebellion? When the man finished Causstik wandered to the stockpile and grabbed hold of an old laser machine gun. It was well worn and slightly rusted, but would do the job. A large explosion rocked the creaking warehouse.

"Sir May we begin?"

"Yes," said someone and they all marched outside firing guns in the air, yelling to the sky. Anarchist then. The city was aflame and people were already running scared. The gangsters mowed them down mercilessly. It was a slaughter and Causstik par took. He stopped in front of a church and kicked the door open. It was places of worship that often held the best riches. They to gladly took donations from their followers with little cause and so the wealth always seemed to simply pile up. Causstik entered the prayer room and hip fired his machine gun. Dozens who had been praying about the end times screamed in terror as the scaly demon brought about final judgement. When all lay dead one remained. A lone priest had hid behind the alter and lay crying. Causstik picked him up by his robes and the man whimpered for his god's forgiveness.

"I am your God now," He hissed, his voice sounding of gravel. Causstik laughed as he scalped the man while he was still alive.

[member="Kalama Rawe"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Lark"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax swore quietly to himself as the city before him began to burn before his eyes. Screams echoed through the allies and in buildings. Those who had taken refuge from the pouring rain now hurtled into it, attempting to escape the other rain that chased them. The rain that screamed of light and fury and death. None made it.

Several bodies fell before Dax as five gangsters entered the spaceport, the frantic crowd who had been rushing towards the exits not turning and running towards whatever ships they could get to, seeking cover from the hail of blaster bolts hurtling towards them. The young Knight drew his sabers, the orange blades roaring and screaming to life, deflecting a bolt straight into the ceiling. Several people, recognizing the iconic weapon of the Jedi tried to run towards him seeking protection. They were cut down by the thugs blasters.

Too many swelled around him too quickly for Dax to even want to attempt to deflect any of the blaster rays back at the gangsters. Instead the Knight swatted the incoming rays towards the ceiling, his orange blades and refusal to die slowly focusing more and more fire upon himself. "Phrik this." the young man said to himself. More and more people died. But that sad truth of it all was that as he defended himself, and more beings died, he finally had the elbow room to retaliate. And retaliate he did.

The next bolt was sent straight back into the face of an unsuspecting gangster, who had expected every bolt to simply be flung away. A brief ripple of shock swept through the gangsters, who quickly resumed fire. But it was to late. By the time they had begun firing red bolts at the Knight, he had already begun to close the gap. The Knight deflected another bolt and brought his blade up, cutting the gangster across his chest, the body thudding to the ground. One of the three remaining gangsters rushed towards the Jedi with a vibrosword. The metallic blade sung as it cut downwards through the air. Dax stepped to the side, the vibroblade striking the floor, sparks flying up form the ground, and with a push of Dax's hand, the gangster went flying away, a powerful Force push sending him into a wall. The second attempted to fire again at the Jedi as he incapacitated his friend. The bolt instead struck the orange blade of the Knight's saber and ended its path in the gut of the other gangster. The last remaining gangster looked at the young man, his glowing blades casting eerie shadows across his face, then too his dead and knocked out friends, back to the Jedi and reconsidered his next move. The gangster turned and ran. Dax reached out with the Force, and the gangster soon found that he was no longer running. A quick jerk backwards, and sudden searing pain, the gangster had found that a saber had sprouted from his chest.

Dax strode over to the other, knocked out gangster, just as he came to. Lying on his back the gangster turned his head groggily, his vision finding the dead bodies of all his friend. Looking up he briefly saw an angular face and suddenly felt a boot pressing heavily on his throat. The Trandoshan clawed at the boot to no avail, his breath slowly leaving him, "Who ordered this massacre?" The question came short and coarse. The man wanted an answer, and he wanted it now. There was no playing with him. The Trandoshan would die if he avoided the question. The Trandoshan might die anyways.

[member="Lark"], [member="Kalama Rawe"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Kimiko"]
Many things had gone oh so wrong

Stardust queen of imahalyan riduur to alor raxis yaadaa yaadaa yaa long list of titles, had gone from providing food to this small town that needed it to a complete and total hell storm

She should of knew it she felt something bad...but she ignored it and now she had to only survive and try to get people out of this hell

She was near the space port when it happened, a explosion and people screaming, she had only a few men with her and she told them to stay behind

Immediately she was out to find the source

However she was greeted at the door by men with blasters, her Sabers came from her sides in a glow of black and white as she started blocking and redirecting them back, she heard another Saber and pushed the group back as she moved to him blocking* hey pal don't think this is the best place to interrogate ya know?

She said as she kept on blocking and slowly moved forward

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Lark"]
The Cyaron angled in to land at the relatively open port. Ki and her skeleton crew were only in transit, and hoping for a little bit of rest to stretch their legs. She should have paid attention to the itching feeling in the back of her mind as they descended. The air was heavy with negativity and a foul plan was obviously being set into motion. But they continued regardless...

Until the explosions rocked beneath them, and the city erupted in violence and chaos.

Chika was the first one to regain herself enough to speak,"What the kark was all that?"

The white maned captain shook her head as the other eight responded much the same.

Their eyes looked out the viewport at the scene below them, the streets were full of carnage as civilians were cut down where they stood, or ran. It appeared as if there was a civil war going on...and Kimiko felt that she could have at least something...but there was a familiarity beneath it all, and it piqued her curiosity.

"Chika, bring the Cyaron to fifty-feet, I am going down there. Land when you can and see if you help some of those civilians, but defend yourselves." she said and headed off before any of her companions could attempt to stop her.

By the time she reached the boarding ramp, they had lowered the vessel to the desired altitude, and with her cloak discarded, the young woman leapt. The briefest of rushed through her hair before she slowed the descent enough to land without injuring herself.

Immediately she came under fire, as did her ship, but it steered itself away to safety. Her nimble feet took her away from the direction of the incoming fire, towards the outskirts of the spaceport.

Once in cover, she prepared her saber for anything more that came her way, and ushered a few civilians to hopeful safety.

Her ears pivoted and picked up the sound of lightsabers nearby, along with the tell-tale sounds of a frantic firefight. She took off in the direction, ready for almost anything...except for what her eyes actually beheld...

That black hair was unmistakable, as was the orange-hued blade he held...that had apparently caused the deaths of a multitude of victims around him. A small gasp of horror escaped her before she ran at him,"D-Dax! What are you doing?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"][member="Dax Fyre"][member="Lark"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The voice of the green twi'lek interrupted the Trandoshan's desperate graps and scrambles. "Raxis. It's been a while. To be honest, one place is as good as any to interrogate this scum. The city's in chaos, haven't you noticed?" his voice rung cold and hollow. He could feel the beings leaving their bodies to become one with the Force. It pained him. And it made him hungry. If could reach out and grasp the souls that floated away untethered, he would. He'd consume them.

"They're killing off everyone. And I won't let them get away with it. They own the city. No one's going to stop them." Explosions rocked the building as nearby gas lines erupted, threatening to spark flames within the fuel lines of the space port. His words felt like an excuse. He was sure the woman could feel it, even if she could hardly hear it. Once before a vision had brought them together. Now a different kind of vision did so again.

"D-Dax! What are you doing?" The small voice from long ago rung in his ears. Dax looked up at the white haired Kitsune in shock. "Ki?" His eyes which had shown utter shock and surprise soon gave way to a bit of longing. Then to terror. The sheer horror of what he'd been considering suddenly struck him as he remembered how desperately he'd worked to protect the woman so long ago. How they'd barely made it off the planet alive. And then he remembered all that came after. All the people he'd lost. Because he was either too weak, or too late. Ki had been lucky he hadn't gotten her killed too. The muscles in the Rogue's jaw tightened as his gaze fell back on the Trandoshan, who was on the cusp of passing out, his oxygen deprived brain only catching clips and phrases, blurs of color.

"I'm doing the only thing I can." the answer to her question having a new coarseness to it, a determination. "I'm eliminating threats before they can do anymore damage." He let more of his weight lean into the fragile neck of the reptile beneath him, a new vigor entering the helpless gangster as he realized death was nearby waiting to collect on a debt. "Before someone else gets killed. Like that doctor on Nar Shadda." The man had saved Dax's life that day, only moments later to be killed by a gang. The Rogue's gaze once again fell on the white haired girl, a cruel and pragmatic glint in his eyes. His next words were carefully chosen, and came out slow and terrible, "Before someone else get's hurt like Nate...whatever the phrik happened to him."

[member="Lark"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]


Saint of the Damned
Numb. That was all Zos felt as he mowed down helpless citizen after helpless citizen. Zos had killed before, but never like this. He had killed criminals who were capable of defending themselves. He's turned us into monsters. All of us. Others that Lark had corrupted murdered without a word, they too felt the shock of their actions. But many displayed a fanatic desire to carry out his will. What has he done to us?

He couldn't walk a step without quivering and nearly falling to the ground. How many had he killed now? Ten? Twenty? More? He had lost track forever ago. He approached a familiar district, the street he had grown up on. His old school was aflame, the wood was splintering and cracking, screams of children were lost under the roar of the flame. Late classes are still in session, he realized. His old teacher, Miss Miandi, lay burnt to a crisp outside, he could barely recognize the old woman. He remembered when he was a child, Miss Miandi always dotted on him, said he had "so much potential for greatness." She had probably attempted to clear the path for the children, but was executed when she had finally escaped. Now the children were stranded inside, forced to choose to die by fire or firing squad.

"Zos," a voice shouted, breaking him out of his trance. Gireer trampled over corpses to face Zos. "We've gotten word of a few Jedi nearby. Lark's commanded them be killed. We've sent a squadron out to stop them, but we might need more. Go and help out."

Zos nodded weakly, and hobbled over through the smoke and death to where the Jedi were fighting. He had to step over so many bodies. One man cradled himself in the mud, shaking and rocking to himself. Half of his face was burnt off, and a nearby building collapsed, burying him. He eventually reached where the small group of Jedi fought. A number of gang members lay dead at their feet. And then, Zos realized the true horror of Lark's plan.

He had asked himself: Once the town was destroyed, all it's inhabitants dead, what next? What would Lark have them do after?

The answer was nothing. Lark knew that some would resist, he doesn't only want the people of Voisvis killed. He wanted everyone killed. This Hell that surrounded them, it was all one big execution.

That's all it took to break Zos's mind. Eyes wide open to the truth of Lark's plan, his mind shattered. He saw the Jedi fight back, but Zos's first shot flew way over their heads. His arms dropped to his side, his finger kept the trigger pulled, and the blasts shot the same spot in the ground, shooting up showers of mud. "We're all dead," he muttered, almost incoherently. "Monster... devil..." He spat out gibberish, dead in every way but heartbeat.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Kimiko"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Causstik stood among the gore filled church. Scalps hung from his shoulder. His most recent trophies. Some still dripping blood. Body parts lay scattered everywhere as Causstik and his machine gun did not discriminate between what part of the persons to hit. Women, children, men. All lay dead among the pews. Causstik threw the alter over and found a safe buried beneath. He fired a round into the lock and the safe came open with ease. Inside was a pile of credits which he happily took.

Causstik walked the length of the church aisle to the outside. Every now and then the occasional shot could be heard, but it appeared most of the towns inhabitants were dead. In a crazed paranoid fervor the gangsters seemed to be turning on each other. One such fellow atempted to shoot Causstik in the back. His blaster bolts pinged off the Trandoshans armor and Causstik swung round to face the man. He withdrew his 8 gauge sawed off and blew the man's leg in half. Causstik walked a methodical pace to the thug as he lay screaming. He withdrew a large knife from his waist and grabbed the man by the hair. He began with an incision around the man's bottom and slowly filleted him alive. The man screamed without his flesh. Every move burned. Causstik slowly slid his knife into the fellows spine.

"Shhh, shhh," he hissed as the gangster let out a final sigh of death.

His hide would make a nice trophy aboard his ship. Causstik tied it around his neck like a wet cape. He turned to the church. Pointed his wrist to the building and let loose gallons of liquid fire.

"Burning the masses," He chuckled to himself at his own pun.

[member="Lark"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Dax Fyre"]
ENOUGH! *she spoke loudly as she sliced one gangster down in half as she turned to the two* Dax you need to get a hold of yourself your slipping into the dark side* she said as she turned again this time to punch a man in the face hard enough it killed him*

There's to many for us three to face we can't fight this battle...but we can save some people....yall are not gonna like this but I'm taking command here* she said with a commanding tone * Dax try and find survivors get them to my ship Docking area 2b my men will keep them safe, ki, if that's your name, if you have a ship get as many as you can and fly out

Around that time she felt someone...come near...she could feel a bit of the force in them, she turned to him Sabers ignited, this..boy looked beyond scared as if all he was doing was evil, she started approaching as the bolt flew over her heaf, he seemed to Crack to her she would think it was because of her, but truly...she had the face of pity * by the force....* she said as she looked to the blaster and used the force to remove it, if successful she approvhed closer slowly* one this young should be fighting * she said and reached dout* hey...can you here me...slowly get to your knees * she said and looked around

[member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Lark"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Kimiko"]
This week tonight on:
HAMMER & TALON]Attorneys at Law

Two figures came into view, both clad in impeccable three piece suits. One walked tall and proud, white plumage and beak demarcating him as a Talortai. The other, a Karkarodon, shuffled awkwardly due to the hammer-like shape of his head.

They made a beeline straight for [member="Lark"].

"Excuse me, Mr. Lark? I'm Mr. Hammer," said the Karkarodon, "And this is Mr. Talon." The Talortai nodded politely, but his predator's gaze seemed to drill into Lark's very soul. "We saw everything on the holocam footage. We happened to be nearby and, well, we want to represent you. Turn yourself in and we guarantee that we can get you out of the charges. What do you say?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
More gang members flooded into the hanger, their blaster ring out, sending bolts towards the three lightsaber wielding beings. Dax looked away from Ki and at the new hostiles as Stardust yelled at him that he was falling. As if he didn't know that already..."Dax, try and find survivors. Get them to my ship, docking area 2B..." Dax stopped listening, the sickening sound of vertebrates cracking and snapping beneath his boot as he lifted his foot and brought it forcefully back down on the Trandoshan's neck, ending the poor beings life.

"I've got my own mission here Stardust." He swatted away a couple of the blaster bolts which threatened to strike him as he walked by the green Twi-lek, "But if I find anyone, I'll be sure to send 'em your way." The way Dax spoke, it was as if he knew no one had survived. As if he knew no one was leaving here alive tonight.

One of the gang members, another who had entered the spaceport seemed to have his mind splinter as his first shot flew high above all their heads, his blaster now pointed at the ground fired all its rounds into the ground and kept beeping, indicating an empty clip, until Stardust managed to wrest the blaster from the gangsters hand with the Force, and ordered the man to his knees.

A wave of pity and guilt flooded through Dax as he approached the gang member, deactivating both sabers, the one in his left hand returned it to his belt. At least his ruined mind would not know what was about to happen. At least it'd would hurt...Dax had felt it before. Before the gangster made any reaction to Stardust, if he was even capable of that, Dax's free hand clutched the man's throat tightly. His right, the one with Moreth's saber, came up and suddenly the life began to leave the man. Tendrils of what seemed to be incandescent smoke poured from the man's eyes mouth and nose and made their to his hand, entering his body...and the saber's crystal. A few moments later the lifeless body thudded to the ground and the saber screamed to life once more.

[member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Mobius"]
Ki sat on the ground nearby, a lifeless child in her arms, sliced nearly in half by a lightsaber. She was appalled at her friend's own words, how he sounded, and the all to familiar glint in his eyes. She had already made a promise to save one from falling, and now she was hellbent on saving another, no matter what.

Dax's words solidified the woman's next actions, not paying any mind to her own surroundings: Dax crushing the Trandoshan's throat, the Twi'ilek woman barking her own plans to calm the situation, and even the newer firefight around them. She had her burning azure gaze fixed on him, nine brilliant white tails fanning out behind her as she walked.

The man would have just finished draining the life from the young boy by the time Ki was before him. The air around her was thick as she eyed him, motionless and silent...


The Cyaron had circled over most of the city, and there was still no good place to set her down. The nine crew on-board began using the point defenses to strafe armed hostiles, after realizing there weren't many non-combatants left.

[member="Dax Fyre"] / [member="Mobius"] / [member="Stardust Raxis"] / [member="Causstik Rahn"] / [member="Lark"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The silver haired Kitsune stood before him silently, tails splayed out behind her. Blaster bolts flew around them as Dax stared back into her eyes. The surreal scene seemed frozen in time. And the seemingly dynamic motionless would have continued had Dax not noticed the gangster leveling a blaster, aimed at Ki's head. The Knight pushed the woman to the side, his saber coming up and deflecting the blaster bolt away, and not a moment too soon. Dax's left hand found his blaster pistol as he allowed momentum to continue his spin. Dax's blaster bolt found the gangster's chest.

"What the phrik do you think you're doing Ki?!" Dax asked, once again deflecting blaster bolts away from his friend with one hand and firing his blaster with the other. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

A new vigor seemed to energize Dax's motion, sourced from the gangster's life he'd just drained. His saber seemed to take on a life all its own, almost guiding his hand to intercept each bolt with a rapid precision he hadn't known before. A slightly redder hue seemed to tinge the crystal's usual orange glow.

[member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Mobius"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]
"I would rather die, than see someone I care for fall into darkness." she responded barely audible above the blaster fire.

She quickly grabbed a hold of the hand the reddening blade was in, and pulled hard, causing him to spin into her,"I am sorry, but this is the only way I know how...and my thanks for Nar Shadda..." she squeezed out before pulling his face down to her own and placing a kiss on his lips...

[member="Dax Fyre"] / [member="Stardust Raxis"] / [member="Lark"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"I would rather die, than see someone I care for fall into darkness."

Dax felt a hand around his wrist preventing him from blocking the incoming fire. As he felt himself spin he was about to open his mouth to ask, yet again, what Ki thought she was doing. He was stopped before that ever happened, soft lips suddenly pressed to his. An electric shock suddenly coursed through his body. One that carried confused and conflicting emotions.

Dax broke away the smaller woman, taking a couple steps away from her. This time his back was to the enemy. A mistake he never made if he could help it. But in this instance he couldn't. The Knight gritted his teeth, his jaw tensing as he tried to untangle and decipher what the kark just happened.

His eyes searched her face for an answer. None seemed to be found there. The man turned around, his saber working once more. Whatever just happened, it would have to be saved till they were out of this damned fighting. He needed answers. He needed this to end quickly. It was then that Dax remembered the three security droids, stowed away in the cargo hold of his ship, naught but 50 meters away. A brief pause as Dax pressed a button on belt and his attention was now fixed upon the conflict before him.

With in the Revenant Dawn the blue droids powered up, their sensor's immediately detecting the blaster fire outside. The three droids clanked down the cargo ramp to see their master and two other saber wielders fending off barrages of blaster fire.

"Directive: Fire on known hostiles. Protect the Commander. Unknowns are not to be fired upon unless provoked." One said, his mechanical voice drowned out by the din of blaster fire. They unleashed their own volley, blue streaks of light screaming pass the three saber wielders.

The new reinforcements offered Dax an opportunity to advance and close the gap between him and his attackers. Few remained. But not for long.

[member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Mobius"]


Saint of the Damned
The city is burning, so many houses alight. The people trample over one another, desperate to escape the roaring flames. Lark sat and watched the footage from the safety of the warehouse. He had given the order for his gang to move out, but none thought to destroy the spot they spawned from. The building was empty save for him, but soon the fire would spread, and he'd be forced to evacuate.

Of course, there was one safe spot in the city besides the warehouse. The orphanage that Lark had spent a few years of his childhood in, before leading a massacre that resulted in the deaths of most of those who ran it, would remain standing for the time being. Last he had heard there were a few elderly people living inside it.

Judging by the various videos and reports he had been receiving, about half of the cities population had been killed already. Lark had been expecting more dead at this point in the plan, but with the resistance from the Jedi, perhaps he could use some who remained as bait. But the time for that could wait. His gang would not be able to defeat them unless they swarmed them, but that would take time to organize and he would be forced to commit troops that were needed elsewhere. No, his pathetic gang of mindless criminals would not suffice. He would need something else.

Something more beastly.

"Release the Vornskrs," Lark said quietly into his communicator.

All across the city, Vornskrs, viscous canine beasts that were native to Myrkr and hunted using the Force, would be released. They had been starved for weeks leading up to the birth of Lark's plan, and they were hungry. The beasts favorite prey were force-sensitive individuals, although some would be so desperate for food that they'd hunt down citizen and gang member alike. Lark hoped that most would be drawn to hunt the Jedi that continued to fight.

A ringing erupted in Lark's head, an occasional side-effect he felt when the Force was used nearby. Or was it a result of all the death the boy had caused? He ignored the pain, instead curiously watching as a vornskr tore the insides out of a helpless man who attempted to escape with his family.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Kimiko"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Causstik was walking down the streets. The flames dimly lit the city and the Trandoshan could see boddies everywhere. Then he was greeted by a fetid stench that repelled even his sadistic senses. He lifted his head and his tongue tasted the air. It came from an alley. Causstik approached the dark corridor and thought he saw a silhouette move. He got closer. Three large beady eyes stared out at him from the alleyway. At first they seemed content to munch away on whatever meal they had found then one of the beast lifted his snout. He sniffed the air hungrily and turned to face the warlord.

The creature letout a horrible roar and the rest soon joined in the chorus. Causstik turned to run. The creatures were fast. The lead one gripped his skin cape between its gaping maw and yanked him backwards. His makeshift cape came loose with a sickening wet tear as flesh and sinew split at the seams. Causstik fell on his back and was swarmed by two of the animals while the third munched hungrily on Causstik's former trophy. Causstik raised both his wrist and fired his flame throwers at the beasts. They steped back, giving Causstik a moment to gain his footing. He smiled as the beast burned, but they seemed to shrug off the fire and charged again. He raised his wrist again and his flamethrowers clicked empty. Khark.

He fired a stun net at one and the beast fell to the ground writhing in pain as the net sent electricity flowing through its body. The second was still chargeing though. Causstik withdrew his 8 gage sawed off with speed and practice. BOOM. The incendiary pellets raced towards the creatures head and his upper cranium exploded in a spaghetti bowl like fashion. Causstik walked towards the creature caught in the net and the Vornskr chewing on the pelt took a moment to growl at him. Apparently it thought he may take its new chew toy. He had no such intentions and gave it a wide berth. He withdrew his knife and slit the trapped creatures throat. Its hide was tough, but no match for phrik. He then hacked off a horn and placed it in between his waist and belt. He had surely earned many Jagganath points today...

[member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Mobius"]
She looked to Dax as she moved back seeing the smoke, what the feth was he doing?! The boys soul seemed to just flow into him, stardust stepped back again as she looked to hin

* understand the route your taking? Do you? Your committing to a path o-*

She was cut off as she felt a presence nearby, her Sabers spun as she turned around and looked to the vornsk, she had heard of these things, she out herself between Dax ki and the beast, her demeanor changed as she spun those blade*

You two...stay behind me

She said in a emotionless voice as she threw fire at it making it back away then growl, she growled herself and the two started circling, the dog and the dragon, both fighting now

The vornsk jumped first, stardust caught the beast Sabers falling as she threw it to the side, she picked her Sabers up and slip them into her belt

She drew the nova, the blade glowing hot, she jumped and slashed the blade at the things feet, it jumped back and jumped at her again mouth open, she punched hard as she could causing it to fly with a loud cru check and smack

[member="Causstik Rahn"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Feth!" Dax swore as the first of what seemed to be a pack of Vornskr approached. He hated these blasted things...well at least when they were turned on him. The carnivore was always looking to take a bite out of Force Users...Dax had never faced a live one before, but he'd met a few people who had. They always had unsatisfactory stories about the hound-like creatures.

Dax turned around as the pack began to circle the three Force Users, licking their chops as they anticipated what seemed to be the biggest, tastiest meal they'd ever encountered.

One of the three security droids was tackled to the ground with a clatter, a vornskr deciding the metallic humanoid's blaster fire a nuisance. "Hey! Get off!" Dax reached out with the Force and gripped the vornskr, tossing him off the droid, tearing away a skeletal arm with it. The next moment Dax found himself without breath or saber, flat on his back, saliva dropping onto his face, hot, stinking breath blowing into his face. He grasped for the saber that had clattered away out his reach. The vornskr snapped at the man's throat, the only thing stopping it from tearing out Dax's throat being his own hand, struggling to keep the vicious creature away. Abandoning his scramble for his saber he reached to his belt and drew the Omega Blade and thrust it into the neck of the vornskr. The creature yelped as Dax rolled on top of it, withdrawing his blade and plunging it again into it's neck. Again and again the blade was thrust into the hound as it clawed at Dax, tearing jacket at his shoulders. Once more Dax plunged the blade into the beast, piercing it's heart, both hands wrapped around the hilt.

Dax grunted as he stood and removed the blade from the lifeless carnivore. Panting he quickly picked up the saber, ignited it, returned the knife to his belt and rejoined the other two Force Users just as [member="Stardust Raxis"] punched another beast in the jaw. "Get back to the ship!" he commanded the three droids, the one missing an arm continuing to fire with the remaining limb at the gangsters who were currently being torn apart by the starving predators. "Lock it down! Don't open it up till I get back!" At the edge of his hearing Dax could hear a mechanical voice respond, but what was said was lost among the screams of the gang members as they were devoured alive. It must have been an affirmative as the three droids retreated to the ship.

"Anyone got a plan?"

[member="Kimiko"], [member="Lark"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Mobius"]


Saint of the Damned
The warehouse had finally caught fire. Lark pushed through the smoke and the flames, a bit hurried so he wouldn't be crushed by the snapping wood. He had considered bringing along a weapon of some kind, maybe a blaster rifle or pistol, but possession of a black market weapon would automatically lob him in with the thugs that spread chaos in the streets. If the Jedi succeeded in evacuating some of the town, Lark might have to play victim in order to evade capture. He did keep a knife strapped to his side, nobody would think twice at seeing a youth in possession of a small weapon on Myrkr of all planets.

The idea of death had also occurred to him. The main reason he had started the massacre was to erase all memory of him, and in dying here he would be committing the perfect suicide. No one would ever realize who he was, and even if reporters discerned that the red-headed child was the one who started the violence, they would never know why. It would be as if he never existed at all. Even if Lark's identity was discovered, Lark was not his real name, and no traces of him existed.

He left the warehouse as it crumbled into ruins. He stepped over bodies without pity, his concrete heart let out not a single beat. Most of the buildings around him had likewise burned to the ground, their inhabitants turned to ash. The criminals who continued to raise hell had moved closer to the center of the city, trapping the civilians who still survived, surrounding them.

Lark debated on where to go next. He could no longer keep track of where everyone was, but he thought he had a general area of where the Jedi were. Did he go to them? I can't risk confronting them yet. If the vornskrs can't finish them off, I'll have to resort to Plan B. He didn't want to make his was to the orphanage yet, although it stood untouched. He'd likely find his way there before the night was over, but now was not the right moment. He'd break this city, and then the orphanage would fall.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] @Kimiko

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