Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When Myrkr Ran Red

Causstik Rahn wandered the streets. He was growing bored and was thinking about leaving. He was sure he had gotten the most Jagganath points he would from this place. He began back the way he came. Corpses lined the streets and their blood had begun to coagulate. Causstik could feel the soupy mixture stick to his boots as he walked. The fire light glinted on his scaly body. It gave a nice warm heat that felt good to his coldblooded skin. Ash clung to the air and the wind whirled it about. He walked through the smoke filled haze till he found a child. He had just emerged from a orphanage.

"What are you doing here hatchling?" Causstik Growled.

The hulking beast got down on one knee and placed a hand on the boys shoulder.

"I'm going to go kill the bad men," The city burned in the background.

The boy had a warriors heart. Something Causstik admired. "Would you like to come with me? I will keep you safe," His voice was deep and sounded of raking leaves. The lad simply nodded. Causstik scooped the kid up and placed him on his shoulders. Causstik had no clue what had come over him. He had never done anything like this before...

[member="Lark"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Kimiko"],
Stanly looked through binoculars in the distance at all that was happening "Well that most certainly is NOT excelsior!!!!!" He said as he pulled his binoculars down "That place could REALLY use a superhero!!!" He said once more now walking off

[member="Dax Fyre"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Causstik Rahn"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The cornskr's continued to circle. Their low growling permeated the air. Dax faced the ring o teeth and fur and muscle, eyes darting fro beast to beast.

One suddenly leaped into the air, jaw wide open, going for his throat. Stepping to the side, Dax's saber cut open the beat's belly. The beast yelled as it crashed and tumbled onto the ground. Reaching with the Force he picked up another of the beast's and threw it at one of its companions near a wall, sending both colliding into the stone with a loud crack. One of the two struggled to its feet again and rejoined the circle limping, the growling intensifying as it fixed it's gaze on Dax once more.

[member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Mobius"], [member="Stanly"]
She went back to back with [member="Dax Fyre"], her blade sweeped up to slice ones legs off, she was starting to get annoyed, she looked to Dax and spoke

*get her away...I'd hate for her to see a dragons rage*

She said as she smiled as she inhaled, she focused the force in her throat then exhaled blowing fire at the beast, the tumbled and ran most on fire

Meanwhile her men fought back the beast and men, loading civilians up as quick as they could, soon they were full and sent the message to stardust*

Dax get the girl back, I'm going hunting for whoever did this, she said and started running out into the fray

[member="Causstik Rahn"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax could feel the heat of the Emerald Dragon's attack as he slashed another vornskr across the face, the beast's had slamming into the ground.

"...get the girl back, I'm going hunting for whoever did this."

A frustrated growl left his lips as he unleashed a toreent of lightning at three of the vornskr before him, cries and yelps leaving their maw. Dax would be blasted into oblivion before he let [member="Stardust Raxis"] go and hunt down the gang leader without him. As the lightning ceased the three vornskr collapsed where they stood, sizzling, the smell of burnt flesh rising off the bodies.

Dax grabbed [member="Kimiko"] and began to move towards the Revenant Dawn slashing and cutting at the vornskrs as he went.

[member="Lark"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]


Saint of the Damned
Lark scaled a burning building, the former headquarters of a small gang that had been opposing him since he rose to power. He casually stepped over the slain bodies, until he reached the roof of the building. There the leader, a Rodian named Qern Nee, stood by a balcony, gun pointed towards Lark. Flames and smoke rose from the staircase that he ascended from, giving Lark a haunting orange and black silhouette, like a demon rising from Hell. "Stay back you son of a-"

An explosion caused by gunpowder below formed a geyser of fire in between the two, shielding Lark from Qern's view. He hurried around the fire, positioning himself in Qern's blind spot. He approached the man slowly, and reached out a pale hand, snatching his gun away from him. Qern panicked and let out an undisciplined punch, which Lark dodged with ease. Then he reached out both arms in a calm manner, and pushed Qern off the building, his screams stopping quickly as he hit the ground in a bloody pulp.

As he fell Lark noticed the distinct glow of lightsabers growing nearby. Were the Jedi that close? He saw a handful of them running towards his location, fighting off blaster fire and vornskrs. As he stood a few stories above them, he gave them a polite smile, and rested a finger on a button that would begin the next phase of his plan. He didn't press it yet, he waited for a better moment.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Kimiko"]
Causstik Rahn watched as glowing lights appeared in the distance. He removed the child from his shoulders and pointed him in the direction of the nearest space port. The Scorekeeper had blessed him with another glorious hunt. Jedi, the most dangerous game. Causstik was fully trained in how to kill them. He wore Phrik armor, Beskar chain mail, and used a scatter gun for this very reason. He had yet to meet a Jedi who could block one hundred pellets at once. He smirked to himself and his tongue tasted the air.

Their anger was tangible. It tasted of a fight to come. Causstik's wrist mounted flamethrowers were dry, but he still had a few tricks up his sleeve. He needed time to prepare though... Hunting Jedi was dangerous business. It would be a fools errand to run in unprepared. Causstik took cover in a nearby burnt house. He propped the old machine gun on the window sill and lie in wait. If he could catch the Jedi unawares he might be able to kill them right off the bat. Scorekeeper be praised! What a glorious day!

[member="Lark"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Kimiko"]
Stardust had the anger of a dragon, the ferocity of one, and the speed, her legs caused the ground to rumble each time she stepped, a few things broke beneath her feet

She was honed in ready to strike, she would not pass by [member="Causstik Rahn"], least not close, she looked up at the building, she saw someone standimg, looking as if he was just a director of hell!

She pushed forward and jumped, she put all the force she could, she was reaching his level...yet time seemed to slow, she looked at his hand...something was there...her eyes widened

Ki had tried to run after the kiss. Her eyes full of tears and not paying attention to anything around her...until she nearly toppled over a fleeing child.

She was covered in soot from a fire, and multiple cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Her hair was matted and dirty as were the girl's clothing, not offering the little one much modesty.

Ki's heart ached at the sight.

The young woman instinctively wrapped herself around the girl and began comforting her quietly...unaware of the approaching danger.

The first beast was upon them before Ki could even register what was going on. Instincts kicked in and she intercepted the beast on it's course, saving the child, but she became pinned beneath it instead.

Tense moments passed as she fought against the hungry beast. Ki wasn't as strong as some of her companions, and if she could admit, she would be seriously doubting her ability to survive this encounter. But when her eyes looked at the young girl, who was cowering in fear, something inside her either snapped or fell into place, and she somehow managed to free herself from beneath the monster. The momentum sent the creature at Dax, who succeeded in bringing his blade arcing through it's body.

They were not out of the woods yet, however, and Ki quickly scooped up the shell-shocked girl before being pulled along by Dax, concluding she'd figure out more about the young one later.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Lark"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax didn't notice the extra passenger until the three of them were already on board the Revenant Dawn. As long as the new addition to the crew stayed out of Dax's way, it didn't matter. "Two! You're on nanny duty!" Dax called to the security droid.

"Commander, I am not equipped with "nanny" programming." the droid said, following Dax into the cockpit.

"No, but you're equipped with emergency tactical trauma response." Dax said as he sat in the cockpit and fired up the engines. "Just go make sure the girl doesn't die."

"Yes sir" Two said, then clanking away to check on the young girl.

The Revenant lifted from the space port and Dax set his course to circle the city below him. Flipping on the scanners, a city that shoild have been full of life signs blipped with a scant few. Maybe a dozen total. Dax grit his teeth...this should have never happened.

[member="Lark"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]


Saint of the Damned
Lark was surprised by the height the Jedi got off of her jump, and it was in that moment he realized he had severely underestimated the threat they possessed. He was aware of the Force, he had come to realize that he himself was sensitive to it. But as he had never left Myrkr, and many Force-users tended not to visit the swampy planet, his exposure to the use of the Force was severely limited. He had heard stories of it all, but considered them to be nothing more than tales told to children. Now he discerned how mistaken he had been. The plan was not yet completed, and in a panic he pressed the button.

A ship would take off and fly to the center of the city, not a ship laden with guns, in fact it was nothing more than a medium-sized cargo ship, but it did have two things that would give him an edge. The first and perhaps most important: a large collection of Ysalamir, lizard-like creatures that were native to Myrkr just like the vornskrs. The creatures had a special power to create force-repelling bubbles, and when in large groups the bubbles could stretch for kilometers. The Force was still there, the bubbles just negated anyone from exerting any influence over it.

The second: A half dozen hostages that were visibly placed near the outside of the ship. The cargo doors were open, so any who attempted to kill the Ysalamir by shooting the ship down would have to blow up civilians as well.

The ship would hover in the center of the city. Lark touched his communicator, a change of plans was needed. "Gireer, begin herding all remaining citizens towards the center of the city. Kill some if you need to, but I want at least a hundred or so surrounded in the center. Once there, wait for my order to fire."

"Yes sir," Gireer responded coolly. His gang. whose numbers were dwindling due to vornskr attacks, resistance from the Jedi, and infighting, would slowly shuffle towards the center of the city, completely surrounding the few civilians who survived. Lark's hope was that without a connection to the Force, the vornskrs would see the center of the city as one giant feeding ground, and it would become a mass execution.

Lark quickly went back into the burning building, the Jedi might be weakened, but with or without the Force they were still Jedi, and they were a threat. He couldn't risk being captured by them, better he be killed.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Kimiko"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]
The Jedi did not fall into Causstik's ambush like he had hoped. He threw the machine gun to the side in frustration. He'd have to enter the building himself. He brought his sawed off to shoulder height and vaulted the window sill. He broke off in a dead sprint towards the burning building.

He kicked down the burning doors and walked into the inferno. His light shield grew bright as the flames licked at him. Such beauty. Causstik grew entranced for a moment as the flames danced across the floor. He forced himself to look away and made his way upstairs.

There stood a red haired boy and a Twi'lek Jedi. He pointed to the Jedi and beckoned to her with his free hand "I will carve your skull into a chalice. Your sabers will line my hip," He motioned to his waist. Three lightsabers already rest their and he planned on taking three more. "Time to die Jedi," Causstik growled.

[member="Lark"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Kimiko"]
@Lark @Causstik Rahn

she felt the force suddenly start to disappear, she landed on the building be the grace of the force

she managed to watch the boy moving quickly put her sabers up and drew her nova, the katana like blade gleeming in the light, she moved quickly even without the force, she got to the stairs and drew a westar as she pointed and spoke

"you...stop....not another step"

she said and looked up as she saw the lizard come by, she kept her weapon raised as she listened to him and growled

"not another step or i shoot him monster"

she said as she raised her blade putting the boy between her and the lizard


Saint of the Damned
Lark quickly stopped as the Jedi ran up from behind him, before stopping and raising her gun, pointing it at his head. A bulky Trandoshan burst into the room, charging through the fire as if it were nothing but a vaporous mist. He seemed intent on challenging the Jedi, and he already had the lightsabers from previous victims. The Jedi seemed to think the two were working together, and threatened to shoot if the Trandoshan moved closer. But Lark didn't recognize the man, he was probably someone who simply got caught up in the chaos and saw an opportunity to slay more Jedi. Unlike the gang members this man felt no loyalty to Lark, and wouldn't think twice about attacking even if it meant Lark getting shot. He turned his head to face the Jedi, back still turned towards her, curiously watching what would transpire next.

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Kimiko"]
"GRAHAHAHAHAAA!" Causstik let out a long low guttural laugh. The foolish Jedi had taken a prisoner. Causstik was not here to save lives, only end them. He eyed the red haired boy carefully. He was a monster of the same caliber as the aspiring Trandoshan. Their was nk remorse. If the boy escaped Causstik would shelter him, but if he remained in the way. He had to die. He leveled his eight gage and pulled the trigger. One hundred pellets of very large sizes raced through the air.

The flames still licked at Causstiks shields and they glowed brightly from the affect. "I will mount your Lekku to my wall. You are in the presence of a true Dragon now little Jedi!" Causstiks boots stomped across the ash strewn floors. His feet broke floor boards beneath. He clicked a button and his gauntlets sprouted large claws. He holstered the eight gage and made a massive leap for the Jedi. "SCOREKEEPER WATCH ME!!!"

[member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Kimiko"]
She watched carefully, his laugh caused her to ftown as she kept the gun level, she let a breath out that was tense she could see the beast...not in just the lizards eyes but the boys eyes...both were a evil monster

She watched him level the gun, and as he fired she reacted quickly, she moved in front of the boy and grabbed him in a bear hug, she felt the pellets hit her armor and causing some bruising aND what felt like something broke...thanks to her armor, she used the force from them and flew forward over the rails with the boy, she then would start to run ignoring the pain using it in fact to push forward * grrrr


Saint of the Damned
"You're wounded," Lark said politely, as if he were speaking to an old friend. "You'll survive of course, but I wonder how far you'll be able to run with the Trandoshan chasing you? All I can see this doing is tiring yourself out, but perhaps you know something I don't?" She either didn't hear him or ignored him, and he put his legs down, sliding across the mud, slowing them down.

"I'd highly recommend letting me go," he continued. "Those civilians who survive are being gathered in the center of the city as I speak, and although I'd rather wait to give the kill order until later, I can do it now if I'm forced to." He said this all in the same tone that he would order a meal. "There are hostages in the ship too, if you haven't noticed already. Six, to be exact, a family. It would be a shame if your actions caused them to be killed one by one." He clutched his communicator in his hand, preventing the Jedi from destroying it. "If you don't let me go now, I'll order the execution. But if you release me, I can promise you that you still have some time to save them. But that time is vastly diminishing..."

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Dax Fyre"] @Kimiko
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax set the Revenant Dawn to hover, and stood from the captain's chair. "Make sure we don't crash." he told [member="Kimiko"] as he went to his quarters and retrieved a mask. He donned the mask as he entered the cargo hold and lowered the ramp. He pulled the hood of his jacket up and jumped. The roof of the building rushed towards him. Upon impact he bent down and rolled, popping up, his sabers igninting as he stood. The mask, a skeletal thing, the jaw fused to the skull, glinted with the light of his sabers.

[member="Lark"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]


Saint of the Damned
Lirt Lars gazed out the orphanage window with somber eyes, the hellfire ahead of him causing his wrinkled skin to feel a burning heat that he had not felt in years. He clutched his wooden cane with bony hands, cracked nails causing scratches in the only tool he had that allowed him to walk. A single tear ran down his withering face. So, you've finally done it, he thought with a feeling of resignation. I always knew that you would, but never in this manner. Upon beholding the smoke and fire that burned the city around him, he let out a silent apology to all of the people that were now nothing more than ashes. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, that boy is what he is because of my failures.

"Grandpa Lars, what's going on?"

Lirt turned as the young voice spoke, a dozen or so children had been gathered in the only building that had not been set aflame. A few refugees had also taken shelter, hugging each other and reassuring their loved ones that everything would be alright. Lirt's wife slowly hobbled over to him, assisted by the white haired child that the pair had become so fond of. Only the three of them fully understood the dire reality of what horrors were being unleashed outside. "Why hasn't he come yet?" His wife asked quietly.

Lirt slowly removed his glasses with aged hands, rubbing the nook between his eyes and nose. "He will come," he said in a hushed whisper. He didn't want the other children hearing what they were speaking of. "Right now he wants us to see what has become of him, what he's capable of doing."

The young girl with white hair was visibly shaking with fright, she was the one of the only children besides him to escape from the orphanage massacre just a few years ago, and she knew what Lark was able to do. "He's coming for me, isn't he?"

"No my dear, we won't let him find you." He hugged her, rubbing her angelic hair in a futile attempt to comfort her. It was time for them to evacuate. "Everyone, follow me please." They obliged, both the orphans and the others who found safety under Lirt's roof. His wife and the girl both held his hand, and he dropped the cane he had held for the past ten years. He led them into the basement, and he unlatched a small trapdoor that would lead to an underground tunnel. The dimly lit passage ran for miles, but wadding through the muddy straight would allow them to survive. The orphans went first, then the other survivors, until it was only his wife and the girl. She gave them both one last hug, sobbing into their rugged shirts.

"Please Grandpa and Grandma Lars, come with us!"

He shook his head sadly. Even if the married couple wanted to escape, their elderly bodies would give out in the passage below. "Sweet child, their is a time in everyone's life where they must muster up all the courage they have and face their worst mistakes. It is finally time for me to confront my most grievous errors." He took the girl by the shoulders, and looked into her eyes. "Listen to me, Arlia. No matter what happens to us, you must not give in to the hate. Revenge only breeds more revenge, it's a horrible circle that must be stopped. You're better than that!" Tears ran like a river down his face as he said goodbye. "You are a beautiful, radiant gem. You must never become a monster, you must never become like him."

She nodded, and climbed down the short ladder into the darkness below, pale hands vanishing from view as she descended to join the other survivors. Lirt and his wife pushed a rug and a dresser over the door, they could not risk Lark discovering it. They held hands, they knew what fate awaited them. "She used to remind me of him, you know," his wife said softly. "They both came here around the same time, and they were both quiet, mostly keeping to themselves. Then they became friends. The way they acted around each other, it's as if they were the only two people in the entire galaxy. Something happened. Now, Arlia has something that Lark hasn't had in years. She has the most wonderful, human expressions on her face." She sighed as they used what little remaining strength they had to walk up the stairs. "What did we do to him?"

He shook his head, saying nothing. They sat in their rocking chairs in the main room, a home for children who lost their families, a place they could find a new one. A playground for children to run and play and forget about all the worries in the world, now barren and silent. "Human flesh is to fragile, to small to hold the inhuman foulness that Lark has become. We could not possibly have done that to him, he was an abomination before he came to us." But he only half believed his own words. He held his wife's hand in one final embrace, and awaited the terror that they helped spawn into the world.

[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] @Kimiko
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Four stood, elevated among the flames. One a Hunter, ready to take the shot. Another, a Protector, striving for justice. The third, Lost in his way, trying to do one last good thing. And the last, a Ghost, burning away the memory of his ver existance.

The civilians and ysalmiri hurtled towards the city, and would arrive there long before any of them got there. Or at least those on the roof. The Fox above might make it, she and her friends in the other ship.

Dax's eyes settled on the boy, sitting in the mud. The mastermind behind it all. That one was his. His very existance was a threat, even despite his age. The Trandoshan could always be handled later.

[member="Lark"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Kimiko"]

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