Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private When Old meets New.

Galen had felt Rose place herself against his back. Galen had looked at the Sith, standing and chuckling. He reached to his belt and grabbed his lightsaber. He placed the hilt within his palm and stood in an offiensive stance. He laughed and ignited the left blade of the long black hilt. He then ignighted the right side. The blood red of the blade covered his face, which shown his face covered with a leather sheathing. The Sith Inquisitor leaned over just slightly and then charged. He ran towards Rose and Galen. He screamed loudly


He got close and swung that double-bladed lightsaber over his head and then the right blade towards Rose. She had blocked the attack and with in the same swing, the right side blade had been blocked by Galen. Galen had deflected the blade and forced pushed yet again. Rose went out and tried to strike, Instantly blocked. Galen had shook his head and went on the offensive. Galen swung, perried, swung, deflected and perried again. The Inquisitor had backed up slowly as the attracks continued. Rose had tossed her saber again and the Sith blocked it. He used his own force push and tossed her saber away but to his dismay, she grabbed it mid toss and slung it back at him. He deflected it with his saber. She grabbed it with the force and shook her head

Well, that was Rude"

She had caught her lightsaber and stood by Galen. Galen had shook his head and snarled. He reached to the back of his ripped loin cloth type shirt and pulled out a 2nd lightsaber. He yelled angrily as he ignited the second hilt. The darkside power was over taking Galen but this happened often. He knew how to control it. The Light side and Dark side flowed heavily through Galen.
Rose sighed. She wasn't sure how she felt surrounded by so much dark energy. He was impressive, sure. But still after all she was taught this was… nothing less then startling

She used the force to pull bits of scrap and trash to her using it to distract and occupy the sith inquisitor by sending it to him flying at high speeds. Anything to give Galen time to get a strike in.
Galen had snarled again and shook his head. Both lightsabers now ignited. The orange color had glowed off his face. The suns had been going down and Galen looked like a battle-hardened man ready to die fo what he believed him. Just like the Clone Troopers back during the clone wars. Before Palpatine had managed to turn all troopers again the Jedi, Troopers and their Jedi Generals worked in unison. Galen had remembered this and his facial features had slightly softened. Galen had brought himself back fully to the light. Yes, Grey Jedi used both Light and Dark sides of the force, using them to remain balance. Galen had been teaching himself this while he had come outof Hypersleep. He regained his compose and began to recite the code to himself

"There is no Dark Side, Nor Light Side"

Galen had raised both lightsabers. The Inquisitor had gotten up and dusted himself off. He grabbed his Lightsaber with the force and re-ignited it. He looked over to Galen and Rose and just shook his head.

You had NO CHANCE! I will defeat you both!!!"

He charged. Galen had taken the first blows all while reciting the code.

There is ONLY the Force."

He deflected the lightsaber blows and then the Inquisitor had reset again and went to Rose. She moved galently. She took the blows and struck back. She did it with ease. The lightside had flown through her as any Jedi Master, Knight or Padawan, She had managed to hone her skills so gracefully. The Inquisitor had struck again, she just moved with poise. Galen had nodded. he knew she could handle herself.

I will do what I must to keep the Balance."

"Galen had turned off one lightsaber. He reached out his had and picked up the Inquisitor again and flung him. He noticed he had always spent too much, focusing, time looking and maintaining visual on one opponent rather than the other. Galen looked at Rose and nodded.

GO! Run! Lets get out of here before this Bantha scum gets up. We have to head towards the next time and get transport out of here. We have to get to Coruscant. If you want into this mission, there is going to be a lot of this, a lot of resistance. We had to do this....TOGTHER!"

Galen had started to run. He would, strike that, THEY would have to manuver throughout the rocks, canvers and gullies to make the Inquisitor's force sense go awry. Galen looked behind and saw Rose behind him. He was happy to see her follow but also he did not want to see her get hurt BUT he did witness her gracefulness and that pu thim at ease a bit. Galen had saw a cavern and motioned for her to follow him into it.
Rose quickly caught up with him keeping pace foot for foot and thought for thought. The two quickly seemed to almost sync up with each other. She had some hard feelings towards Ezra who had hurt her in ways no other could. But she could not deny that he had taught her well. Fighting became a dance to her. Never gaming an upper hand with her betters but able to just stave them off. Keeping herself safe. She let her eyes adjust to the new world around her. Well the cavern anyways. She wanted to see if she could spot anything that may help them. finding nothing. She turned around looking at Galen and closed her eyes. She spread out her arms and suddenly the force seemed to grow around them waiting impatient for a command. She was mustering a lot of strength as she pulled down the ceiling above them rocks clattering loudly as it blocked off the other side buying thim so much needed time to get away. But she was left panting. That had taken so much out of her. She cleared her throat, straightening herself and moving out again. Doing such a feat left her feeling empty and weakened. Though the feeling was quickly dissipating and her strength returning to her. She also noted to herself how suffocating being around such evil was. Like they were so much bigger than her. Consuming. She felt like that with Galen too. But it wasn't dark and impenetrable but warmer. However, it is still overwhelming.
When they entered the cavern or cave, whatever you'd like to call it, Rose had collapsed the ceiling around the entrance. Galen quicvkly turned to see the rock fall and the Inquisitor stop in his tracks to not get crushed by the down falling debris. Galen had stopped also just to catch his breath. He saw Rose was panting roughly after that amazing feat and he decided to stop.

"Look, we can rest here a few minutes. There is no way he will get through that mess. Plus I am almost positive that there are so many exits leaving this cave system that, for him to determine where we will come out, will be damned near almost impossible, even with the force. There are so many life-forms in these caverns that to pinpoint an exact location, again, would be impossible."

Galen had slumped and sat down. He took a deep breath and looked at Rose. He closed his eyes and inhaled. He exhaled and then had slipped away. Meditation. He did this often to present a solution for a problem and this situation here was absolutely no different.
Rose swallowed her last heavy breath returning to normal as she let her hand brush against the cave wall. Plopping down next to Galen so close the smallest of movements would make them touch. She also crossed her legs and meditated with him. Not for all the same reasons. She just never meditated enough in her mind and needed to do it more. And the situation and others reminder made this seem like a good time to do it. Two heads were better then one in the end. So it couldn't hurt.
Galen had his eyes closed for a while. When Rose had sat down next to him, she didnt realize, she slightly touched him and when she did, she was instantly transported into his meditative state. She could see what he saw. She saw violence, war, Clone Troopers, Jedi fighting Battle Droids, the CLONE WARS as a whole.

Then she would see Galen, lurking about. Hiding in the shadows. Why? Why was Galen lurking. What the whole image didn't show was Galen was an Inquisitor. bad? No. A Jedi Inquisitor. There were only two clones that survived the cloning process from master Qui-Gon Jinn. Himself and Gurke Gearing. Gurke was a front lines Inquisitor. He would gather information about the formations of the battle droids and whom ever, what ever specieis, they were battling at the time.

Now Galen was a Jedi Inquisitor who worked behind enemy lines. he would infiltrate certain buildings ran by the seperatists and gather information on their battle plans. If it wasn't for Galen, 3 main pivitol battles would of been lost and The Republic would of been lost way earlier than at the end. Unfortunately, the Republic fell anyway. Order 66 destroyed the Republic and created the Galactic Republic ran by one man, Sheev Palpatine. Then years later the FIRST ORDER was ran by SNOKE, which turned out to be a clone of Palpatine.

Now Galen twitched and the visual both were sharing was Galen sneaking around Ryloth. Galen was tasked to gather information and help the Rebels of Ryloth. Galen had managed to sneak into the Seperatists strong hold and gather information. This is how Jedi Master General Wace Windu had managed to get across the hyper-bridge in order to get back into the Palace and give control back to Ryloth.

Galen had qucily opened his eyes and suddenly every image was gone.

"We need to move, NOW!" Galen got up and grabbed Rose's hand and they took off quickly. As they rounded the corner, Galen let her go and an explosion rocked the Entrance that Rose had dropped. The Inquisitor wasn't alone. He had Storr Troopers on his side.
Rose ran with him lifting her saber making her force.signature hard to read. And pulled them into a side tunnel continuing to run through it. Her.mind still half occupied by the image she saw. Did Galen know what he had shared with her? Was it on purpose?
Galen had continued to run with her. They zigged and zagged, zagged and zigged through out the tunnels of the cave system they were in. Galen had no idea what had happened between the two. As far as Galen knew, he was just meditating. He finally slowed down after about 15 minutes of complete running full speed. Galen stopped dead in his tracks and started to pant, hard.

" sight!" Galen said, trying to catch his breath. He knes that if he stopped for too long, the Troopers would find them. Galen had hated the part of being a Jedi. He looked at Rose and shook his head.

We, may have to split up. We may have to do this to throw them off until we can get out of these caverns. We will have to figure out a rondevous point and meet there. I am thinking that is literally the only way we will get out of this! Then once we get out of these, we need to get onto Nonregistered transport, Travel as refugees and undocumented. Head to Coruscant!"

Galen took a deep breath and cracked his knuckles. He knew it was a matter of time.
The idea of splitting up scared the girl. If the Jedi inquisitor ended up following her and not Galen she hardly stood a chance. "What if I don't find you after this?" She asked. She liked him. But there wasn't a whole lot of time for what ifs. So after looking into his eyes for a few more moments just enough to show him she cared about his well-being she parted with him. She shouldn't be to worried about the inquisitor. She was the harder one to track with her reduced signature. If she couldn't find him it would be okay. She just needed to get to the temple on coruscant. If they never met again. She would have to assume the worst. That hurt a little bit. Not to much. But enough to remind her why she had a distaste for relationships even outside of a Jedi level.
"I will absolutely find you again!"

Galen and her had split up. She had gone down the Northern corridor and Galen had gone to the West corridor. He sprinted down the corridor. Galen had just the best feeling of splitting up. Galen had ran about 15 minutes and he stopped. He looked around and noticed the corridor getting narrower. He happened to look up and see an small hole. Light poked through. He looked around again and shook his head. He decided to continue on.

Galen had ran again another 10 minutes or so. The corridor got so narrow that he couldnt run any more. Galen stopped and through to himself. Up? down? Which way? Galen was almost positive that he was only about 15 meters below ground. Galen pushed forward, slowly now. He scraped on through the very narrow corridor. He then stopped. Stopped dead and ust listened.

KEEP LOOKING! They have to be here!" Galen heard the inquisitor yelling. Being only 15 meters below, Galen could feel the rumbling. Rumbling? No! It sounded like a tank! Galen took a deep breath. He had to continue. He pushed through the even more narrowing corridor. Galen had just knew it was imperative that Galen made it out and met back up with Rose.
Rose listened to the sound nearby and looked back. Galen told her to leave but she just couldn't let him be in danger so she screamed, giving her location out to the inquisitor. But she knew she was far enough from Galen that it wouldn't be an issue for him. Her scream sounded like she broke something but she was in fact in great shape. She took in a few deep breaths checking the passage she was in to make sure she would be able to leave. She listened to the voices and footsteps slowly get closer to her. Her muscles all tensed getting ready not just to sprint but to shapeshift. She could travel through these tunnels far better then they could due to the power and she would admit though it hurt. Almost like it was a curse it got her out of some mighty sticky situations. Her heart was racing. She was literally being hunted down. Like they were wolves in a sheep's pasture. She just hoped that they thought they were dealing with rabbits when really what they got was a cow.

She didn't yet sense the tank Galen had. She just knew she had to keep the other safe as they did her. They were a team now. Thank the force 10 minutes spaced the quite far away
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Galen had continued. Down the norrowiong passages, tunnels, caverns, caves until, the last minute Galen had run clear out of the caverns. The light of the planet had hit him in the face and he squited his eyes. But, unfortunately, Galen had turned around and BOOM, the tank fired and the round had landed about 20 feet from him but the wave from the explosion had knocked Galen about 30 feet into mountain cliff side. Galen had hit it hard. He landed on his knees. He put his hands on the ground.

His head was spinning, Galen had spit up. He grunted and then just fell over. Galen's eyes had blinked, they were fuzzy. He saw people walk towards him. Galen did not know who or what but he knew People had walked up to him. He tried to lift his head but it felt as if it was 1500lbs.

"That's him! That's that Jedi scum! There is another one! Fan out! Find that little Bantha poodoo!"

The inquisitor had looked down at Galen

Don't worry! I will take real good care of that little peice of scum!"

The Inquisitor had chuckled and then kicked Galen in the head. Galen was OUT. Now it was up to Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely to get safe!
Rose as soon as she heard men closing in on her are bolted. She didn't know that her more of a flail than a plan to get the men's attention off of Galen didn't work. But she was racing through the winding tunnels and caves. The space was closing in on itself. Her hands gripped a ledge as she hoisted herself up through a narrow exit she could hardly squeeze through. She was littered with scrapes each muscle in her body screamed. Jedi training helped her push through pain like that. It did and would never get rid of it. As her body complained about the physical exertion it was put through she hoisted herself up and over. Sliding out slowly. Like beans out of a can.

The ear piercing after the shock of the explosion hit her like a wave. Just enough to hint at what happened. And it made her heart stop. "Galen!"

Her cry was that of fear. The kind that would curdle the blood of any passer by. She wasn't she couldn't - she just HAD! to try and do something to help him. She couldn't leave him. Not after all that happened. Just over the course of one day. She knew her best option was to leave. To seek shelter and hope the force had some kind intentions towards Galen. But it was like her legs were working on their own. Filled with adrenaline and carrying her towards where she sensed his presence.

GreyJedi GreyJedi
Galen was out. One of the troopers had picked up Galen and placed him on a hover gourney. The Inquisitor had looked at Galen, completely out, and just chuckled. He knew he had gotten his trophy. He had been chasing Galen Paven for months. Ever since he had come onto the scene in Coruscant, causing a ruckus with a Sith and fighting against a Bounty Hunter named RIk Vondon. The Inquisitor now just needed to get Rose.

The Troopers had taken Galen and placed him on their ship. The vast Tattooine caves and sand seas could be seen past the ship for miles and miles and miles. Suddenly, the Inquisitor had stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. He looked up and down the caves and caverns and chuckled

"COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE JEDI SCUM!!!!" He had yelled. he sensed Rose. He knew she was getting closer. He knew she would try and save Galen. Even thought Galen told her to keep going, she didn't. She proceeded to run. Run like a mad woman. Run like she had never run before.

Come on Jedi! FIGHT ME! Do it! I want to gain notoriety for capturing two Jedi! Or maybe even KILLING two jedi! I want to be known as the Jedi Slayer! Give me this title you little useless slug! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!"

The Inquisitor reached for his Lightsaber and ignited it. The red hue lit up the entire area, even though the suns had clearly been out, that lightsaber was the sight of pure evil.

As the Inquisitor waited, The troopers got Galen off the gourney and placed his limp body against the ship wall, cuffing him as a prisoner.
The sound of a lightsaber igniting came from behind them. She glared at the man twirling the ghost fire saber easily in her hand. She was prepared to indeed fight to the death. She knew three forms. One of them was for multiple attackers. Another defensive and a third offensive.

Soresu, Ataru and Shii-Cho.

"You won't be getting that gratification." She said calmly behind him. Her voice held peace but even if she wasn't angry somehow the feeling was darker. Emotionless.

A person who was emotionless was much more scary. They were wild and unpredictable. They had nothing to lose. And if Rose lost Galen, suddenly she would have nothing to lose. Nothing to keep living for.

The translucent save had a sort of ghost image slightly behind it. It was obvious how it could be an issue when fighting her. Still she would stay by her rule. They had to attack her first. She lived by it. She would use every advantage they had against them the best she could.

"Let him go."
GreyJedi GreyJedi
"Oh, Young Jedi SCUM! You can't kill me! You are WEAK, USELESS, YOUNG! You don't have the training to take care of me! Galen is far more experienced and HE could NOT take me on! He has done nothing but run! He is WEAK too!"

The Inquisitor had gotten into his defensive stance, waiting for her to attack. He knew she wouldn't. He looked at the troopers and nodded. They all gotten into defesnive positions as well and the Inquisitor yelled

FIRE! Take this Jedi poo-doo out!"

The Troopers had locked on to Rose and with out warning, opened fire! Rose had started to block the blaster bolts. The Inquisitor stood there and laughed. Galen had slight opened his eyes, still blurry and saw the Inquisitor standing above him. Laughing. Galen tried to move his arm but it felt overly heavy. His head spun and his body was weak but he knew, he just knew, Rose had this in the bag.
Galen had looked to her as she said Hello there and he smiled slightly. But that smile ended real quick when the Sith Inquisitor had decided it would be a good ides to go ahead and try and force throw the two of them together. Somehow, some way, Galen had caught the force throw and reversed it. The Inquisitor had slid across the sand. He looked up at the two and and grunted. He knew He was no match for the two and He was about to get creative.

"Do you really think you two, even together, can stop me? You two are weak! WEAK!" Just as he finished speaking, the Inquisitor throw some force lightning. Galen had lifted his saber and caught the lightning. Some of the streams had gone and went to Rose. She did the same. Galen looked at Rose and force spoke to her. Some how he got into her head.

This is it Rose. I will block the Lightning. I will force throw you into him. He won't see it coming. Strike, Lethally, End him! End all of this! We have to end this before we can move forward with the mission!"

Galen was ready. The lightning was reflecting off both sabers. It went everywhere. Galen had lifted his hand as he reflected the lightning and slightly lifted Rose up off her feet, just enough for him to see, but not the Inquisitor. With one loud, nasty grunt, Galen tossed Rose, straight forward towards the Sith. Fast, still as she reflected the bit of lightning as well. It was up to her now.

Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely
She felt herself being tossed and twisted mid air, her lightsaber switching into a reverse grip. She flew over him but not without her lightsaber catching onto them and splitting them lengthwise down the middle the mechanical components now exposed. She felt her shoulder collide with the ground and the lower half of her body crashed into the head of the once inquisitor. And caused it to crumple under the force but also cut into her. Not badly. She needed to work on those landings when he threw her. Grunting and pushing herself upwards she shook her head. If gallen was in her head could he read her thoughts? Her heart froze, had he been listening to her thoughts? They weren't that bad but still it somehow worried her more then the shards of metal ih her hip. She could pluck them out. She couldn't pluck out gallen. Would she even want to anyways. She found herself in a weird delima that only lasted until she heard his voice again. Was he mad? She hoped he wasn't. She knew he told her to leave but she loved him. She couldn't focus on his words. There was a strange ringing in her ears. She wasn't sure why she didn't recall anything blowing up near her.

GreyJedi GreyJedi
Galen had stood up. No He was not in her head all the time, There was privacy. He only entered her head that one time to speak to her so the.....Sith Inquisitor? What the hell was that? Was it a droid? a Droid with force powers? How was this possible? Galen walked up to the body of the now destroyed Sith and he stood over the body. He looked to Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely and was slightly dumbfounded.

"Are you OK? Do we need to take you to a medical droid?" Of course Galen cared. He was actually very concerned but with the amount of things going through his head about the Sith, he seemed cold. That of course was not the case. He kneeled down and picked up the arm of the Inquisitor. He looked over the Inquisitor and just could not fathom what happened. Galen then picked up the "Siths" lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. He reclipped his to his belt, letting all 3 lightsabers dangle. He looked to Rose and stood up and walked over to her.

Let me help you. Those wounds look pretty deep and could impede you walking after a while."

Galen slipped his hands under her and picked her up. He walked with her towards a rock where she could sit. He placed her gently on the rock and looked at the wound.

It looks like it is just a flesh wound. You'll be OK but we need to get you to a medical droid so clean it up. I am now heading to Coruscant and, well, I would not mind having you at my side, at all."

Galen looked at her and then back to her wound.

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