Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public When the Cards All Fold (Kaeshana/Invite)

Coryth could only blink, watching the situation unfold as there was very little her body was capable of in that moment. Not when right then, it took everything she had just to keep breathing. Time was running out, fast, and she knew it. Everyone knew it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to breathe, even more labored, more painfully. It was a fight to get her lungs to expand, shaking with every attempted breath.

The mask, brought a little relief to the Jedi but still it wasn't enough. Her life was slipping away, second by second Coryth was fading. The mask, only bought a little time, holding Coryth at the very edge of life and death.

The Nexu hadn't intervened the whole time, though, growled a little as Hevana approached Coryth. His eyes ever watchful as the soldier put the mask upon the woman. As Hevana reached for him, he lifted his head, to sniff her hand a couple times. After a moment, he gave a lick to her hand, made a face, and then nudged her hand slightly. Apparently, he didn't think she was good food stuff, or .... just wasn't hungry right then.

The Sith glared coldly at Siobhan, before howling in pain as she came down upon his knee again! "Stop!" He cried as she spread him out so easily on the floor. The monster didn't like feeling so vulnerable, so ... open to attack. This time, the victim, and something he hated very much.

He seemed to take in a breath of relief, as Siobhan put away the sword for a moment, hoping very much that she was done chopping bits off. His eyes widened seeing the collar, having a small idea of what it might be! "Look, we can work something out..." He managed before she slammed the device closed around his neck. Severed from the force so violently, rapidly, and with his body already so badly injured only brought all his ignored pain back to the forefront of his mind, leaving him screaming and whimpering on the floor like the pathetic weakling that he was.

Now as she went back for the chainsword he pulled hard against her telekinetic grip trying to escape what was bound to come. Once more, he howled at the top of his lungs, "Alright, alright!" Screamed as he trembled in the fierce woman's presence, "It's ..." He was dying, and knew it, blood leaving his body so quickly now. "Syringe ... Yellow, swirled with black..." He took a breath, "Labeled, Z dash R dash one forty-seven."

"End it!" He demanded, thinking himself in the position to do so. A fool to the last. "Let me die..."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"]

One almost felt sorry for the Sith Lord...almost. Before one remembered that he was a sadistic, evil jackarse and stuff. Even his pet nexu did not like him! Suffice to say Siobhan was not even remotely inclined to show mercy. Truth be told...the urge to spend more time tormenting him was strong. Very strong. She would enjoy every moment of it. But they had to save Coryth. That was what the quest was all about.

"Go to hell. When I end up there, I'll be coming for you. You cannot outrun me!" The massive, ridiculously brutal chainsword dropped to the blood-stained, gore-covered floor with a loud thud. Her organic hand went for his throat to grip tight so that he might be pulled up and held in place. Then suddenly, without warning, she slammed her bionic hand, held flat to be used like a blade, into the Sith Lord's back, right through his robes. In a swift, brutal motion, with the energies of the Force flowing through her, she snapped her hand upward and using it like a cleaver and ripping the Sith's back open in a spray of blood. She took a deep breath after she did that, clearly the exertions had taken their toll on her, but she felt that his death should not be painless. Then she reached into the gaping wound, grabbed hold of something and with a savage jerk tore out most of his spine clear from his body.

She released her grip on his throat and the Sith would presumably fall to the floor in a bloody mess along with his already amputated feet, leaving his spinal column still held in her mechanical hand. She breathed in, sucking in oxygen as she panted loudly, all the exertions of the past hours catching up on her. His spine clattered to the ground as she collapsed, her muscles protesting against any move and further exertion.

Finally...she arose. With a deep groan and with sensations of pain shooting through her tired body. What strength she had in the Force was badly depleted and she was drained. Now she was left with a severe case of tiredness, plenty of broken ribs and bones, and a terribly annoying limp. As she moved to head out of the chamber she stumbled over an alchemised lizard beast creature. Needless to say the impact was not pleasant since it had spikes on its back, but fortunately she was wearing beskar'gam, though by now the armour was very dented and battered, so it would need repairs.

Nonetheless she forced herself to stand and moved, willing her limbs to do their bloody job and carry her to the lab, as fast as she could. Inside the lab, as she managed to enter it, her relatively undamaged bionic hand gripping the door tight as she pushed herself through, she lots of vials full of chemical stuff, three large bacta chambers fiilled with three identical clones of the Sith lord, which would not be any use for him now but would still be blown up, Coryth lying on a hospital bed with a nexu apparently standing guard along with Hevana. Many crazy things had happened in Sio's life so she did not get into a funk about an alchemised nexu apparently not trying to eat them.

Hevana just standing around there made her angry though. "Don't just fething stand there! She's about to bloody die. The damn cure's here. Syringe..yellow, swirled with black. Labelled Z, dash R dash one forty-seven!" It was probably a good thing that Siobhan was too drained to use the Force because otherwise her angry shout would have probably blossomed into a Force Bellow and torn a good chunk of the laboratory apart.

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Once Hevana felt that the nexu was not about to gnaw her hand off, she moved back to the bed and took Coryth's hand in hers looking worried. Being away from the battlefield was not really her thing, it was one of the few places she knew what to do. After what seemed like an eternity Siobhan ran in and immediately started ranting. The other woman's tone sparked Hevana's temper, and she had to force down an urge to walk over and punch Siobhan. "What the hell do you expect me to be doing? Sticking her with random chemicals and while hoping for the best?"

Venting complete Hevana spun and went to where she had seen some vials. It only took a few moment to locate the correct syringe, and less time to get back to Coryth. Carefully she took one of Coryth's small arms and turned it up. Finding a vein near the elbow she pushed the needle slowly through the skin and into the vein. Once it was inside Hevana dispensed the chemical into her love's blood, taking care not to burst the vein by going to quickly.

Once the yellow liquid was emptied completely, Hevana set the syringe down and brushed some red hair from the Jedi's face. "Do you feel anything?" she asked fearfully.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]
The coward of a Sith was whining like a little frightened and terrified puppy. Though, he was far from innocent. Right now justice was being served in a manner equal to his crimes, well actually it was probably still kinder than some of the things he'd done to his victims over the years.

Gasping in pain, between cries he looked to Siobhan, "You're just like me you know .... One day .... you'll be ... what I am now... That is .. your fate." He managed before she reached out and clutched his throat. Then as her hand came, tearing into his back like a blade, a most agonized scream rang out through the complex. One last scream was all he managed as she ripped his spine from his body, the light fading rapidly from his eyes as his life ended so harshly.

Back with our intrepid adventurers, the nexu only whined more as he looked between Coryth, Siobhan and Hevana. Fearful that the little redhead who'd help to liberate him from his evil master, might perish.

Coryth whimpered feeling the needle pierce her skin, but fought to hold still. The stuff burned horridly as it mixed with her own blood and raced through her body. For a moment, Coryth's chest ceased to rise and fall, her eyes slowly closing as she passed into the realm of unconsciousness. Death was oh so near to the redhead now. For a moment, life stopped. Everything sat frozen as she lay there on the table unmoving, her hands limp, seeming to be so peacefully asleep. Though it was far from the case.

Several more tense moments passed before the little redhead's eyes snapped open as she arched her back up while gasping for air. Air that she'd been starved of for so long now. After several painful, loud and hoarse gasps, Coryth coughed heavily a her body cleared the vile substance from her lungs. Another cough or two and she flopped back to the gurney. For now, just content to breathe again without restriction. No words were spoken, she was far too exhausted for that, and in far too much pain still. All the little redhead wanted was rest, and lots of it. Though, a part of her knew that rest would not come easily. This was only half of the quest.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"]

I see you're remarkably grateful as usual. For her part Siobhan completely and utterly ignored Hevana's outburst since she had more important things on her mind than the soldier's temper issues. She let out the breath she had been holding when she saw the cure take effect. Well, as far as she could tell at least. Only a skilled Force healer would probably be able to determine whether Coryth was truly free of the poison that had come so close to being her death. So rather than pay any attention to the former stormtrooper Siobhan grabbed a comm device from one of the tables, since her own had been damaged when half a corridor dropped on her, and quickly radioed their ship.

This writer is not certain what the ship's name was, but suffice to say the call came through. "Coryth needs immediate medical attention. Deploy medics and get a medical capsule. Now! Sending coordinates," she barked into the comm after whichever minion was responsible had answered, then turned to Hevana. "Get her to the ship. I'll clear up here." Last thing Coryth needed, in her exhausted state and with no way to protect herself, was to be in an evil dungeon that stank of evil for even a moment longer.

Breathing very heavily and limping badly, as she was clearly in pain after her exertions and the injuries she had sustained, she managed to move through the massive lab towards the bacta chamber that the three clones of the malicious Sith Lord who had made Cory's life a living hell. Her bionic hand gripped her Cylix Bolt Pistol, for her organic one was too shaky to hold it and aim properly. Three clones in bacta tanks, one ridiculously brutal hand cannon loaded with APE rounds. Someone else might have said that the clones need not carry the same evil in them as their template, especially since the Sith was dead and she had ensured that he would not be able to return via force magic.

However, Siobhan was not that sort of person. "You're just like me you know...One'll be...what I am now...That is...your fate." For just a moment the dying words of the Sith echoed through her mind. Her jaw tightened, eyes narrowed as she took aim, then fired at each in turn. APE rounds utterly tore a target with no armour apart, and there was nothing protecting these clones. One bullet sufficed for each clone. BANG BANG BANG.

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
As the liquid seemed to do nothing, and Coryth's chest stopped Hevana was filled with terror. Then the redhead gasped and started coughing replacing Hevana's terror with relief. Supporting Coryth, Hevana let her cough out all the grossness before lying her back down. When Siobhan ordered her to the ship, Hevana nodded reluctantly. Leaving before things were finished did not sit well with her, but it was the best course of actions.

First things first though.

"Right, but I can't leave just yet." Taking her shoto from her belt she walked over to the clones. In a series of quick saber sashes she cut the cloning tubes, and the clones inside, in half. A murderous look was turned to the sith so pitiful on the ground before she spoke again. "I had to see them destroyed myself. I'll head out with Coryth and meet up with the medics."

Returning to Coryth, she hefted the smaller woman into her arms. Then, almost as an afterthought, she reached out and scratched the nexu on the head. "Come on boy, lets get out of here." The walk to the ship was much faster with the enemies corpses already littering the passages. Along the way they reached the medics and their capsule. Once she had carefully placed her love inside, Hevana followed them back to the ship.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth couldn't have been in worse shape truly. The black darkness was still spreading across her skin at an alarming rate. It seemed the cure for her lungs, was not the same thing that would cure her flesh. It would appear something else was at work there. Perhaps it had something to do with the voice in her head that kept tormenting her.

Being scooped up, Coryth whimpered most painfully as such an action actually broken open some of the darkened sick wounds, leaving the black mystery sludge oozing from her flesh. As they walked out of the building, they crossed paths with what was left of the former Sith. His spine bloodied with bits of flesh and organs still attached was thrown off to the side. His limp corpse lay there in the hall, not much left of it but a pile of flesh as much of the supporting bones were gone. Both feet, were to be seen a little ways away from what was left of him, clearly chopped off in a most brutal manner. It seemed in his final moments, the once great Sith Lord had suffered tremendously. And most deservedly so if one was to ask this writer.

Walking to the ship, medics met both Hevana and Coryth where she was quickly taken from the scouts arms and laid into the medical capsule where oxygen was given, and quickly they injected Coryth with a substance to force her to sleep where she didn't have to endure the nightmare she was living, nor the pain she faced because of the horrors she'd experienced.

The nexu obediently followed Hevana out of the building, whimpering as he went, seeming to be very worried about Coryth as he nuzzled at her feet as he could along the way. Somehow it seemed he'd formed a bound with the little redhead and was doing his best, in his own way to show he cared, and he was deeply worried about her.

The medics raced the redhead back inside the ship and took her straight to medbay. It wasn't long before they'd striped her down and placed her inside a bacta tank, much to her greatly weakened protests as she feared bacta tanks, all to give her, her best shot at healing.

Back in the lab, Siobhan if she took the time to look through things was about to find a treasure trove of goodies left behind from the Sith Lord. There were all kinds of notes about alchemy in general, and experiments with animals and alchemy. There was extensive data upon essence transfer, as well as a holocron detailing that process among other things. He had left behind lots of data on creating stable clones, as well as his failures with the cloning process. Lastly there was a single book, that detailed every last thing he'd put Coryth through, every cut, every burn, every sick twisted torture was there, as well as what he planned to do with the child he forcibly impregnated Coryth with.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"]

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana did her best not to fret visibly at the black ooze coming from Coryth's skin. She had to present a strong front, so as not to upset Coryth even more. Not that Hevana thought it was possible for Coryth to be much worse off. At least she was still alive, and that meant things could still get better.

Given the seriousness of the situation, Hevana did not even really notice as the Jedi's clothes were removed, instead she was focused on the fear the bacta tank created in Coryth. As the redhead started to panic Hevana moved closed, pressing her forehead against the other's and whispered softly as she stayed close. "It will be okay love. I won't leave, you will not be alone. You need this to try and be better, so be brave just a bit longer for me?"

Once Coryth was in the tank Hevana found a chair and moved it beside her. Then she looked to the nexu that had never left them. "Someone get some meat or something for him, he likes Coryth but that doesn't mean he won't decide someone else looks tasty." At that one of the ship's crew paled visibly and rushed off to find something while everyone else seemed to move a bit further away. Not long after he came back with raw meat of some sort and tossed it toward the nexu before fleeing.

"Krak, you'd think he'd never dealt with a born killing machine before."

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

As had been said clearly, Siobhan had already killed the clones by shooting them with her bolt pistol. Which happened to fire Anti-Personnel Explosive Ammunition. So when Hevana cut them up with her shoto they were already dead. Or perhaps they killed them at the same time. Fortunately the clones were not conscious.

In any case, Siobhan had other things to do while Hevana carried Coryth away to safety. One of them being not collapsing as she made her way through the massive laboratory that seemed a treasure trove of alchemical knowledge. This proved more easier said than done as her balance had gone to hell and she had to grip a table tightly to keep herself from toppling over. Her breathing was very ragged and at this point she was pretty much panting. It seemed a good few ribs had been broken when a corridor fell upon her. Blunt trauma was rather nasty, so hopefully she had not punctured a lung since that would be terribly unpleasant. Presumably this quest took place before Siobhan got maimed again on Gehenna whilst fighting Klaxxi, but then timelines are a terribly fuzzy affair.

Her eyes travelled across the room as she took in the goodies the Sith Lord had left. Notes upon notes on Sith alchemy in general, on animals and the creation of alchemised weapons. Likewise data and a holocron upon the forbidden art of essence transfer, even on the creation of stable clones, his own failures and experiments in that regard. "You could make yourself immortal. You and Tegaea could live...forever." The traitorous, somewhat annoying inner voice reminded her. Was she thinking that or was the Sith Lord talking out of the ether to annoy her? Or one of her alts? Yes, one of Siobhan's multiple alts, in other words her versions in parallel universes, not Cira alts! Don't you ever tire of yammering?

Her shaky, organic hand gripped the book from one of the tables and she flipped through it. Raw hatred washed over her and she threw it back down as she realised what it contained. Namely every cut, every burn, every sick and twisted torture he had ever put Coryth through. She was shaking and it took a great deal of willpower to control herself, then she took out a lighter and set the book alight. She stood there for a few moments as the cleansing fires began to consume it bit by bit then she sprang into action and began stuffing notes upon notes into her backpack. The papers on alchemy and force clones vanished into it as did the holocron on essence transfer, everything that seemed worth it from her perspective and she was able to stuff in. The holocron was shaky in her hand and, so exhausted, she slipped when she passed the clone vats, where liquid had spilled out onto the ground.

And so she hit the cold floor with a loud thud, pain shooting through her whole body. She had taken her helmet off a while ago and so blood streamed down her forehead from the impact. Hopefully she had not suffered a concussion. Anyhow, there was no time for that and so she picked up the luckily undamaged holocron and stuffed it in her backpack as she got up.

"So the Sith's an arsehole but making use of his knowledge is fine?"

Yes. Well, the Bando Gora Primarch had been an evil jackarse but she still used force lightning. She was a Dark Jedi Master for a reason! Besides, Dark Is Not Evil. If not her, then Mirien Valdier could make use of his...alchemical knowledge. Again, this writer has given up trying to figure out this thread's place in the timeline, so Siobhan may or may not know about Mirien's past amongst the Bando Gora as an alchemist by this point. Any musings about morals were abruptly cast out of the airlock and Siobhan began placing baradium explosive charges. Leaving aside the fact that this was a place of evil that deserved to be wiped from the face of the planet, it was best to make sure that no Sith could make use of the knowledge inside here. Oh, and the poor clones would be torn apart again. It really sucked to be them but fortunately they were dead now and had been unconscious anyway before.

As she exited the laboratory, presumably placing charges outside of it as well, she came across the horrifically mutilated body of the Sith Lord. "Don't get too cozy in the seven hells. I'll be coming for you. Then I'll cut out all the bits I missed," she muttered hatefully as she trode over his body, her digging into his face. Presumably her boots would need some cleaning once she got aboard the ship. Most painfully Siobhan limped towards the exit of the Sith's stronghold, through wrecked corridors, past the dead bodies of countless mercenaries and alchemised monstrosities. Bodies upon bodies, rivers of blood, but then by now she was used to that sort of thing. Outside she was greeted by the strong breeze of a wind and there was lots of sand, but then it's Tatooine, a planet that this writer finds utterly worthless. Once she had reached a safe distance she turned around to look upon the building, taking a moment to hold the detonator in her hand before finally pushing it.


Boom. Well, that did not really describe it. Presumably the explosion was not that powerful, but no matter. But as Siobhan flipped the switch the whole building erupted in a coruscating fireball. Anyone still left inside, any mercenary, creature, anything, was killed instantly as multiple explosions shattered the building into burning fragments. Siobhan did not stay behind to watch the pyrotechnics but dragged herself back to the ship. It was probably for the best that it was not much of a walk, though every step was a pain. Guards and healers were already awaiting her. Siobhan fell to her knees near the ship entry, with one of the medics quickly racing towards her to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Get us out of here," she barked before passing out. The medics quickly grabbed her and put her on a stretcher, then with great haste took her to the medbay. As for the ship itself, once she and minions were aboard it swiftly took off and lifted into the sky in order to leave the planet of escaped slaves behind them. No one was opposing them and so it quickly passed through the atmosphere and then eventually made the jump for hyperspace.
Coryth floated within the bacta tank, in a bit of a panic still. Reaching out, she pressed hard against the glass with a quite frightened expression. She feared being submerged in a tube like this, always feeling like she was going to drown even though they had the breathing apparatus firmly fitted to her face.

As soon as Siobhan was on board, the medics undoubtedly would bring her to the medbay as well where Coryth was now floating. Though the redhead's fears were not easing off. She wanted out badly and started to pound ever so weakly at the glass. This led to one of the doctors ordering a sedative for the little Jedi and injecting it quickly into one of the lines that led into the tank, and into the little woman's arm. Soon enough her body started to relax, though that didn't stop Coryth from trying to resist the sedation effect of the medicine. In fact, she tossed to and fro, trying to keep awake but it was all in vain as finally enough medication entered her bloodstream for her to fall asleep.

One everyone was on board, the artifacts and notes included that Siobhan had collected, the ship took off and headed for Kaeshana, for Coryth would need rest and most likely a hospital stay before she was fit for the second part of her quest. The box that dominated her thoughts, would need to be found and destroyed. But for now, the ship quickly moved through hyperspace to the Eldorai planet where they all could get some much needed rest and medical care.

[member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana saw Coryth's continued stress worried Hevana just as much as the black gunk invading her body. The soldier pressed her hand flat against the glass of the bacta tank where the redhead was pounding. She did her best to radiate love and comfort rather than worry, but Hevana had never been the best at controlling her emotions so some undoubtedly leaked through. There was nothing worse than knowing the well being of your loved one rested in someone else's hands, but there was very little that Hevana could do when it came to medicine.

Feeling powerless sucked when you lived your life through your own power.

The slight vibration that told her the ship was leaving the planet was comforting in that she knew they would be home soon and could get Coryth to a real hospital. More to the point Hevana would be able to restock for the next mission. Whatever was hurting Coryth was still out there, and it needed to be destroyed. Preferably in a most explosive manner. Turning back to Coryth, Hevana's was serious. "Don't worry dear, this will be over soon."

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

For her part Siobhan was focused on herself. Well, as a matter of fact she was not really focusing on anything because she was lying unconscious while the doctors were working their magic on her. Namely all the complex medical procedures that resulted from the fact that she had gotten several bones and ribs broken, blood was seeping out of an open wound in her head and her organic eye had been damaged. Wait, did she still have an organic eye? It got stabbed out by a Klaxxi during the Second Battle of Gehenna.

A battle that was tremendously fun because Coryth got to unleash redhead rage and smash things, thus making her a celebrity and an idol to countless fans across the stars. Timeline issues are terribly fuzzy and so we shall just handwave that. Suffice to say Siobhan was in a very bad way and so it was quite fortunate that she was heavily dosed with painkillers and sedatives while the medical team worked on her. Muscle tissue had to be mended and bones reset, metal plates screwed in to hold the weakest of connections in her now fragile bones. Likewise her wounds had to be disinfected and after bacta had been applied her forehead would get a bandage. Fortunately though blunt trauma was a nasty affair she had not suffered damage to her internal organs and so she would actually get out of this quest without losing one.

Presumably a transmission had been sent to the Kerrigan-Alcori household, so that [member="Tegaea Alcori"] would know what's what. It could be summarised as: Cory got a cure against evil Sith poison but is still in a bad way. Your wife killed the evil Sith Lord and still has all her bits. Call Phylis. We need her space magic/badass bookwormishness.

And so hours passed while the ship drifted in hyperspace on the way to Kaeshana. This writer does not really have a clue how long it takes to fly there from Tatooine. The only thing that is certain is that the desert planet is thoroughly overrated and could use a good bombardment. Anyhow, eventually Siobhan stirred and awoke, rubbing eye as the light was too bright. "Take it easy, dear. You've just been through the ringer," one of the nurses said. Apparently she had not realised that saying that did not work with Siobhan.

"Is she alright?" Siobhan asked, obviously meaning Coryth.

"Stable. Gave us a bit of a fright, but she's sleeping soundly now. The Captain sent a message to your wife. Your...stuff is over there," the nurse indicated the backpack that contained her goodies. No one had been so foolish to take a peek, which was probably for the best. "Hey, you should stay in bed. Doctor's orders."

"I dismiss that claim," Siobhan said cornily as she tried to get up, almost falling at first before she managed to stabilise herself and stand.
Coryth came to inside the bacta tank, quite groggy and still in a fair bit of pain. The force was slowly coming back to her, as the force exhaustion she'd experienced was wearing off of her. But as it did so, that same voice started to creep back into her mind, calling out to her, pulling at her to come to a certain planet. The golden box wanted her, wanted to meet her, and told her repeatedly it was the only way for her to survive. It was the cure and she'd have to come to it.

Frustrated at being trapped in the tank, she once more pressed against the glass wanting out. Please...She mouthed, Please get me out of here ... it's small, it's tiny, I feel trapped....She mouthed once more, hoping someone would get her message and let her out. The spreading black sludge in her skin had been slowed by the bacta and Coryth wasn't in nearly as much pain, but she very much wanted out of the bacta tank. Please let me out.... She mouthed again before pounding against the tube, with a most fearful expression upon her face. The poor thing just wanted out. Granted she needed time in a hospital but the girl wanted out of the bacta tank and now.

Please.... This time spoken telepathically to anyone within sight of her. I want out... Please ... Please let me out.... No more drugs.... She spoke to the doctor's mind as he was preparing a syringe, getting ready to dose her again. Please I want out, please ... I beg you, let me out of here... She spoke once more to the minds of all those nearby. I just want out .... Coryth was on the verge of crying, very much hating that feeling of being trapped and quite fearful of being stuck in the bacta tube forever.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"]

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana watched as they worked on Siobhan, another person she cared about and could do nothing to help. Seemed to be a theme lately. When Siobhan woke up and tried to stand, Hevana walked over and placed a heavy hand on her shoulder. "She's right, you'll be more useful rested and well than running at half speed. We can't do anything for the moment, and a good soldier always knows when to recuperate. So don't make make you rest."

Looking back to Coryth she saw the other woman wake up and panic return to her face. It was obvious that it was only getting worse the longer Coryth stayed in the tank. When she felt the touch of Coryth's mind, unsettling to a non-Force user like Hevana, she marched over and grabbed the doctor. "Let her out. She has enough power to wreck the ship if she wanted, and being in there is doing more harm to her than good. Get. Her. Out."

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

The doctor looked uncertain as he suddenly heard Coryth talk in his mind and once again pounded against the tube. "Let her out," Siobhan ordered gruffly when he looked to her.

"Alright, but she better rest and not exert herself." Thus suitably outvoted the good doctor gestured to the nurses and so the bacta tube was quickly opened and Coryth pulled out with, the bacta mask gently being pulled from her. Nurses quickly began drying her off with a towel as they laid her on a bed.

For her part Siobhan was putting her clothes on while this happened. "You feeling better, Cory? You've been through the ringer." She would not ask whether Cory was 'alright' because she clearly was not. Feeling a bit better sounded more plausible because a few hours ago she had been on the brink of death! As for the ship, in this moment it passed out of hyperspace and was teleported into the system that housed Kaeshana.
Coryth looked fearfully between the approaching doctor and the syringe, thankful that Hevana had stopped him from reaching the tube and keeping her further trapped within. Please! Let me out! She shouted within all the minds in the room, desperation so clear in her voice. Anything, anywhere but here! Don't let them drug me! Please don't let them drug me in the tank again! Please!! She cried within the minds of the others. This was one of the few things Coryth truly feared.

As they finally decided to pull her out, the poor thing was trembling violently, panting for air. She might have needed the bacta tank, but her mind simply could not handle that space. Tears came easily as the nurses began to dry her off, and wrapped her in a heated blanket before forcing her to lay back on the stretcher.

It took a few moments but she began to calm down as IV lines were set and an oxygen mask was placed firmly upon her face. She glanced to Siobhan, "If by feeling better you mean less like I've been tossed into the depths of the seven hells and fished from that evil hell hole, then yes..." She managed weakly, but she was far from alright.

Without clothing, and just a thin sheet covering her, the blackness that had been spreading across her body was so clear now. Both her arms were covered in the sickly lines as well as her shoulders and the top of her chest. It was quite obvious that while the darkness had slowed, it was still spreading over her body and taking over her slowly. A nurse soon brought a couple heavy and warm blankets to wrap the still wet redhead in, to try and keep her body temperature up.

"It hurts ..." She mumbled to no one in particular. "It hurts so much...." For all she had been through, all the pain, for Coryth to say something hurt, truly spoke volumes of the pain she was suffering through. "The box ... it's still in my mind, pulling at me, talking to me .... it wants me to find it." Her voice growing weaker and more tired as she spoke. For having come so close to death, the little Jedi master was going to have to rest, perhaps even be forced to rest if she would not do so willingly, as she was the stubborn sort.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Enigma"]

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
As the wet Jedi was removed from the tank Hevana wanted to rush over to hold her, but held back when she saw nurses bringing towels. A dry miserable Coryth would still be better off than a wet miserable Coryth. Only when the redhead was settled in the stretcher did she approach. Clear Hevana was hurting seeing Coryth in so much aggony, but still it made Hevana feel better to be there and maybe offer some comfort than run and pretend nothing was wrong.

Leaning forward she kissed Coryth on the cheek then pressed her forehead against the other's. "I know it hurts love, I know. I wish I could take it all away." Then she stood up, and gently took the healer's hand. "We'll find this box, and destroy it for good. Do you have any idea where it might be?"

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"We should not strain her. She needs rest," Siobhan spoke. As much as she wanted to hear about where the blasted box of doom was so that they could blow the damn thing up, it seemed clear to her that the little redhead was in no state to answer questions at length. It hurt to see her like this. Frankly it was like the stab of a knife to the gut, but outwardly she remained composed.

Her comm beeped and she took the call, nodded briefly and then hung up. Or whatever you did when ended a call. "Called in at Firemane. We'll be landing at headquarters. Hospital room's been prepared for Cory." Her tone and the look she gave the redhead made it rather clear that she would be expected to...actually rest there! If need be she would be forced.
Coryth looked to Siobhan with a frown, "I'm fine Siobhan. I'll be alright. I don't need a hospital stay." She protested most weakly. The girl for all her healing gifts just did not like to be on the opposite side of the bed. To be the one in the bed did not suit her well. In fact the woman hated it. "I just want to go to my apartment and sleep. I'll be fine." She repeated.

"Just please, let me go home. I just want to go home." Her voice strained and quite tired. A doctor looked up to Siobhan and shook her head, it wasn't wise for the redhead to be out of the skilled care of medics, doctors and healers. It seemed in her stubbornness she might very well have to be forced.

Coryth was already slowly sitting up on the stretcher, reaching to removing her oxygen mask. The poor thing just wanted to be at home again and safe from all her worries. Not in some sterile hospital. But the expressions on the nurses and doctors faces said otherwise, it would be most unwise to let Coryth walk away, though that wasn't going to stop her from trying, as she swung her feet over the edge of the bed, determined just to go home. It seemed for a change it was the healer that needed the healing and she was being quite a pain about being a good patient.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Enigma"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Well hello there... The box could sense her pain, the ailing weakness and fragility of her body. There is a world, healer, where even the mightiest of the light have fallen. Where wounds too great to be repaired have been left untempered. A world of Traya, corruption, and taint. Though it is being reclaimed, the one who wields me now still sunders there, awaiting the one I have been looking for. Come. Come alone, preferably - as she is quite the timid little thing. But I eagerly await your presence.

And so Circe continued work in her laboratory, the cubical prism still sitting nearby. Watching. Waiting.

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