Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Droids Come Marching Home [TSE Dominion of Agamar Hex]

Idyllic and quiet for the last few years, Agamar and neighboring Ord Cestus had seen the writing on the wall as the Empire grew. Slowly but surely as they consolidated their power and continued to spread their influence, each planet had a choice to make. To welcome the Sith with open arms, and reap the benefits of Imperial Citizenship.... or to try to hold on to their independence with fierce determination.

Agamar was a world steeped in Imperial history. So when the Sith Empire came knocking on their door, it was the familiar knock of a friend, rather than the feared knock of a conqueror.

Of course, it helped that there was already someone there, ready to open the door.

Ord Cestus on the other hand, looked at the rising tide with fear, and welcomed the League of Voss in, in hopes that they would help them fight off these interlopers.

Objective 1: Diplomacy
Join [member="Darth Carnifex"] in meeting with [member="Aut-X"] to secure his support and the droid factories of Agamar for the Empire.

Objective 2: Business
Explore business interests on the Empire's behalf. Tour factories, equip local militia, arrange infrastructure. This can count as a Major Faction Contract for your company.

Objective 3: Higher Learning
Head to the University of Agamar. When the Sith Caldera worlds had been in the hands of others, less respectful of Sith History, priceless artifacts were stolen from the tombs. Several of them have made their way here and the staff are willing to hand them over. Help sort through their collection to discover which have value to the Empire and which can be left for their Xeno-Archaeology department as a gesture of good faith.

Ord Cestus
Objective 4: Wreck it Ralph
The League of Voss and the local military of Ord Cestus have joined forces- meeting the Sith Empire in the sky and on the ground. While the League of Voss will turn tail to fight another day after attempting to bloody the Empire's nose, the planetary militia will fight until the Capital city is taken and held. Take the city by force, or find the current Reagent and "politely request" (by whatever means necessary) that he order his men to stand down.
Objective 4: Wreck It Ralph - Talk to High Command
Allies:... not yet.
NPC: Besh Squad, Lieutenant Anson,

Adorned in my armor, the bright red silks and the shimmering songsteel that I had forged by hand, I stood out among the troppers and their armor. I was given command over a singular squad. Tasked with going to wherever the high command happened to be, and asking them to stand down. Honestly, I wanted a simple and easy take over of the planet. One with the least amount of bloodshed. One, made the mess a lot easier to clean up. Two, it meant that we could give these people jobs within our Empire. Strengthening their forces.

However, some may not agree with me.

Despite this, The troop I was looking after was the same group I took over on Felucia. The same private had gotten a new helmet, and even a new rank. While I only knew him as this private, he was actually a Lieutenant. The marks upon his armor, and the pauldron that signified that he was his rank, I had looked over to him.

"Ready your men."
"Yes sir."

The man looked at me through the helmet he wore. I knew he was with the shifting up and down from my head to toes.

"Negative. Just new armor."
"Do all you Sith have to be flashy?"
"Armor is created with the force. Would be impossible to hide anyways."
"Loud and proud then today?"
"You have your orders."

The chuckle from the man as he turned away, only to stop then turn around.

"Ignis. You?"

I nodded my hello to him with his new name to the rank. He then walked away and began to round up the troops. I moved onto the ground transport as it would be carrying us as far as we could get. Taking one of the seats in the back, I almost flopped down into the seat. Waiting for the other troopers to join me.
Mirgoshir System
Agamar Orbit

The Behemoth emerged out of hyperspace above the agriworld of Agamar flanked by two Xim-class Battlecruisers, and a menagerie of other smaller warships and support craft. For any other planetary defense fleet the sight of the ten kilometer monstrosity would have been enough to cause mass terror in their crews, but instead murmurs of awe swept through Agamarians as they received the friendly encrypted transmissions identifying themselves as the hallowed servants of the Sith Emperor.

A single shuttle descended from the dreadnought's port ventral hangar flanked by two Sith TIE Fighters, the former's raptorish silhouette cutting an imposing profile across the warship's underbelly. This was the Crestfallen, the personal transport of Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Third Sith Empire.

It had been a gift from his allies in the First Order, and he had used it ever since.

Now it would bring him down to Agamar so he could accept the fealty of [member="Aut-X"], a rogue droid commander who had recently defected from the Confederacy of Independent Systems along with a sizeable chunk of their fleet. Incorporating this errant fleet would significantly bolster the might of the already considerably mighty Sith Empire, and so the Emperor had decided to personally oversee the negotiations.

The Crestfallen descended through Agamar's atmosphere, scything through the air on a clear trajectory towards Aut-X's recently established base.

They would arrive within the hour.


Objective 1: Diplomacy
Location: Agamar
Post: 1​

The day that General Aut-X had awaited had finally come. Soon enough, his important visitors would arrive, and he certainly didn't want to disappoint. The meeting location had been chosen, a meeting room in one of the massive droid foundries currently mid-way through construction on the surface of Agamar. As Darth Carnifex and his fleet arrived in planetary orbit, the large Separatist war fleet protecting the planet allowed them safe and unrestricted passage, a gesture of good faith as it were.

Security would be paramount, and the General had spared little expense in ensuring the meeting went unhindered. A ten thousand strong garrison of battle droids had been assigned to protect the foundry where the meeting would take place, a large chunk of that number now gathered in parade formation upon the main landing pad of the facility as a show of military strength to greet the diplomatic party, the more impressive models stood up front while the uncountable numbers of B1 Battle Droids stood behind them. Aut-X himself waited there for the arrival of the Sith Emperor, flanked by a duo of IG-100 Magnaguards and a strange individual garbed in a long, concealing black cloak. Whether organic or droid, one could not tell from looking.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
VADM Zahori Denko
Imperial Armada
Objective II

As the Sith Empire approached Agamar in order to begin the subjugation of the planet, Zahori Denko resided upon one of the Xim-classes flanking the Behemoth. There, she had arranged a meeting with several folk willing to speak to her regarding her ownership of Koensayr Manufacturing. She brought them onboard the starship in order to show them the current ingenuity of Koensayr Manufacturing. Currently, the representatives from multiple worlds were awaiting Zahori within a planning room set up just for this meeting.

Zahori stepped into the room, wearing a finely tailored business suit and flanked by two Shadow Fist troopers. The rabble between the groups awaiting Zahori turned silent as she entered. Her cold eyes scanned the groups of representatives from different worlds and species before moving to take her seat at the table.

"Allow me to be the first to speak. Welcome aboard. I thank you for taking the time to allow me to grace you with my presence. Let's begin talking business. Each of your have some influence back on your worlds, but they mean nothing under the current regimes holding their power over them. Koensayr Manufacturing has found it's new home on Bastion, capital of the Sith Empire. Under the Empire's protection, Koensayr Manufacturing is thriving greatly. We are already hard at work on crafting weapons of war that will be the envy of the galaxy. But, we need more personnel. We need even greater minds to aid in the growth of the company. That is why I invited some of the most intelligent people of the galaxy. If you wish to discuss terms and what exactly I have planned, I already have contracts drafted for you to review. "
Objective 4: Wreck it Ralph - Hunt down the League of Voss
Location: Ord Cestus, Capital City Outskirts
Allies: [member="Ignis Imura"]

For a while now the League had been a silent thorn in the Empire's side. Never being directly in the spotlight, and only ever assisting those that openly opposed the Sith. At least it was the current trend of their actions, the latest having been Rhen Var where they had done that exact thing. Casualties had been suffered, but it always seemed like the League were able to bounce back up - appearing again to aid the Sith Empire's enemies.

Questions had been raised about how vast their reach could possibly be. Whereas the Empire's was tremendous, there was no way the League could match it. But their smaller size allowed for more quieter movements across the galaxy.

Guerrilla warfare seemed to be their current modus operandi.

But Vaylin wasn't going to let them get away this time. She had arrived on Ord Cestus with a small squad at her back. They were her usual mix of Sith and Legionnaires, while the Valkyrie herself was adorned in her armour. Vaylin did a last check that she had all her equipment and items. Attached to her belt were three lightsabers, her normal two along with an additional shoto blade.

"Alright, listen up." She turned to face her squad, all shifting their attention to her. "Our mission is to find and capture the League of Voss elements that have been reported in the capital. Evidence would suggest they won't remain for long once hell breaks loose." They were going to have to move quickly and quietly, hopefully catching them unaware before they could flee. "We have Besh Squad heading up to High Command to force their hand into a surrender, so we'll be keeping to stealth unless things change. Everyone got that?"

After getting a series of nods and audible quips of confirmation, Vaylin ordered everyone to get seated as she moved up to the cockpit and gave the greenlight for their transport to move in.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Aut-X"]

​Ablution, orbit over Agamar

The Pluton-class battleship was a vessel the former CIS droid would likely be quite familiar with. After all, it had been the first ship to make contact with his ancient fleet. How ironic that the vessels and their droid occupants had survived where so many in the galaxy had not. The vessel was flanked by the Scylla and Gorgon, with the Traya​ in system if needed to jam communications. Vanessa's shuttle began to head to the planet's surface, flanked by a pair of Maw-class stealth fighters whose fiberplast hulls blended into the world's surface.

As the first to make contact with the droid, Vanessa had come to assist with negotiations. She would soon land in the same area as the Emperor himself and prepare for talks.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Objective 4: Find The Regant
Allies: [member="Dante Sotari"]

The Legion had its orders, Sotari and him had theirs.

Whilst most of the units were scouring the city of the League of Voss, fighting sorties and skirmishes in the streets, their approach was done in quiet silence. Well, verbally anywhere, but internally it was a different story. They climbed the wall, one inch at a time, trying to scale the fortification without being noticed. The Saaraishash had received a tip an hour ago.

Apparently the Regent had holed himself up in the ancient fort looking over the city. Fortified about a decade back during an investment drive, it was still a monster of a construction. "You have never done it before?" Morgan blinked as they climbed, taking it one step at a time, while making sure they secured each other. "Could have sworn you'd be the type for it."

The subdermal relay integrated allowed them to communicate without having to worry about radio silence or anything.

"We got a week off coming up, we can do it together if you want. You'd love it, I think."
Objective: Recover Shipments.
Allies: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

Didact Defense Solutions and the Sith Empire both had interests in Makeb.

Specifically the Isotope-5 resource that could be found there, making anything it runs on so much more effective. A shipment of that rare material had been raided just outside of Empire territory, coincidentally the shipment contained orders for both the organisations.

It only made sense to band together and solve the issue.

Ord Cestus, an abandoned Xylan mine, was being used as the hideout of the pirates in question. The Saaraishash had a need here and assigned Jorryn to assist with retrieving the goods.

"Ever done this before?" Tash asked the girl as he calmly studied mine from their hill. Walls, fortifications, turrets, it would have been a nightmare to take head on in the past. But Didact had been expanding its navy since then.

Part of why they needed the Isotope.
The droid factory crested the horizon, a towering monolithic effigy to industry and production. Jutting out of Agamar's crust like a jagged spear of polished metal, the factory was still imposing in its stature despite half of the building primarily composed of support beams and construction scaffolding. Occasionally sparks of energy shone through the billowing pillars of smoke and smog that exuded from beneath the factory's foundation, rivers of molten magma running forth unabated from where the factory had dug deep into the stone bedrock.

From space it looked like a grotesque wound, oozing with Agamar's lifeblood.

The Crestfallen swung low through the tumultuous cavern of fire and brimstone, coming to a stop just above a reinforced landing platform that was shielded against the occasional spouts of lava that bubbled up from the open sore. Landing gear descended and a shudder reverberated through the ship as it came to a rest on the durasteel deck. The boarding ramp descended to connect firmly with the durasteel floor, and the villainous Sith Emperor emerged dressed in a flowing robe of black zeyd-cloth inscribed with golden runes; two Crownguard flanked him. He walked with purpose, his powerful strides bringing him right up into [member="Aut-X"]'s proximity.

"General Aut-X, a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face." His eyes swept over the assembled formations of battle droids, an obvious attempt to show off the grandeur of his power. "Shall we?" He gestured to the factory.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Location: Agamar
Objective: 2—Contract for Cornerstone Scientific

Every inch of skin covered, save for the gap between the scrub cap and the face mask. That was the uniform of any operating room.

Farah—or Dr. Zambrano as she’d introduced herself—was observing a heart valve replacement procedure at one of Calna Muun’s medical centers. Her given surname wasn’t something she went by freely, uncomfortable wearing a name with so much weight and history behind it. Weight and history that had nothing to do with her, good or bad. It had the desired effect of seeing the hospital staff on their toes at least.

She could tell that they were nervous when they’d been informed that a doctor of the Sith Empire would be arriving to observe their daily proceedings, but they were not told to what end. They were not an uninformed people and knew full well that the Sith could be scoping out weaker links for liquidating. At least they didn’t seem bent on enslaving the planet or blowing it to smithereens, right?

The young stern faced Zeltron had been given respect since the moment she’d arrived after some quickly curbed initial surprise. She couldn’t blame them much in that regard. It still irritated her though.

The surgeon at the table was an older human male with kindly eyes. He had good hands, Farah observed. Steady, practiced hands. The hands of an experienced surgeon.

“Dr. Zambrano,” He addressed her, lifting his head to meet her gaze. “I’m about to insert the synthetic valve. Perhaps you’d like to get a closer look?”

A bead of sweat trickled toward his brow and was quickly wiped away by a scrub nurse. While every surgery had some degree of stress associated with it, valve replacements weren’t uncommon.

“Of course.” She stepped forward once, twice and she was hovering over the attending surgeon’s shoulder.

​Delegation of the Dark Lord [member="Darth Carnifex"]
​Command Ship of Droid General [member="Aut-X"]

As the Crestfallen touched down and the Dark Lord stepped out the Shadow Hand followed him in tow. The ornate Death's Cloak was his choice of apparel, its aura of fear suppressed and the voices of trapped souls quenched for now. But it was beautiful nonetheless right down to the light alchemized armor that bore the great Eye of Solomon, sigil of the Royal Imperial House Zambrano on its front while the entire set along with its robes held dimly glowing Sith runes and magical etchings. If they weren't meeting droids it was something that definitely stood out that could make quite the impression.

The pair of Crownguard that flanked the Shadow Hand quickly coordinated with that of his nephews taking up a full perimeter position around them as he walked side by side with the Dark Lord. There were few in the Empire who could do that, especially without the head of state's express wishes. To many it was a statement of power for the individual, but it was also a statement of unity. That not only the Sith Empire but that House Zambrano stood firmly united, and that they took this alliance as serious as any mechanical or organic.

"A pleasure to finally meet you General Aut-X, I have heard quite a lot about you from my network. You have quite the reputation I hear." He said to the General. It was the truth any alliance they made he made it a point to check into the other parties involved. Aut-X was an exceptional military tactician based on what they could dig up, his forces were immense attributed to the high station he once held in the Confederacy. The General had taken his fleets and legions with him when he split, no doubt a highly calculated and well planned move droid generals such as Aut-X never did anything without assessing every outcome and choosing the best paths. Models like this had great reputations in years past.
Objective 4: Wreck It Ralph - Talk to High Command
Allies: [member="Vaylin"],
NPC: Besh Squad, Lieutenant Anson,

The men started to prepare themselves. Their gear consisted of mostly of their standard trooper armor and weaponry. However, we had about couple that were demolitions experts should we need to blow a hole in the wall for a surprise entrance. I could also see that one of the "troopers" was likely an acolyte of some kind. His lightsaber was still hanging from his bet. If I could tell the difference, then I knew someone else would. Walking over to the man, I grabbed his saber and then handed it to him. His first reaction was to yell at me for taking it when he realized that I was the one leading this squad.

"Hide it. Exposing it will expose you."

The man quickly nodded his head and began to slide it into one of the openings of his armor where it was fastened down. He then nodded once more his thanks at me as I walked back over to the Lieutenant. I rolled my left shoulder in the armor. The clinking of the plates underneath the silks upon my shoulder and chest was semi heard. Looking over to the lieutenant. I then posed an idea for him.

"Your men are capable on their own correct?"
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"I have an idea. Since there will be Jedi there, I need you to take your demo experts with you and the rest of your squad to go around the back of wherever it is. Myself, and five others will head straight through the front."
"You sure you want to do that?"
"Lieutenant. I can handle a couple Jedi."
"I don't doubt a couple. But any more than that?"
"I will be fine. Trust me. Now take this."

Handing a specific ring, I then shoved it onto his finger. Before he could object, I spoke through the force to the ring itself. Because it was connected to him, he could hear telepathy.

"This is how we will communicate. You will not send any signals over your own coms. You will contact me through this so that any chatter you may have won't be caught on the LoV's radars."

It took him a moment. He was attempting to learn how to use his mind to speak. He finally got it though with some practice.

"Yes Sir."

Looking over to some shouting and particularly hearing our own squads name, I saw one of the Valkyrie leading her own squad. She was prepping everyone on her own groups. They were to start attacking the Voss where they could. Potentially grabbing attention while we went straight into the heart. Nodding my head as I looked over to her to confirm that we were ready, I boarded our own vessel. Everyone in the squad also did the same. Boarding up and heading off.

"You nervous?"
"Oh.... Well I am."
Objective 4: Find The Regant
Allies: [member="Morgan Vance"]

~Has it occurred to you,~ Dante grunted as the ascender jammed slightly and she had to shake out the line, ~That I haven't because I don't want to?~

It wasn't entirely true. But their relationship was in a weird place, and had been for some time. Lost in a nebulous spot between 'casual kark buddies' and 'maybe something more' that made Dante deeply uncomfortable. And when Dante was uncomfortable, she got surly. She also didn't like the casual assumption that they'd spend their week off together. Sure maybe some of it, but the whole time? That was skirting into 'maybe something more' territory and Dante shied away from that hard.

~Might have plans that week, waiting to hear back about them,~ she responded. The fact that those plans mostly revolved around a bottle didn't make them not plans. And the activity he was suggesting was absolutely not something safe to do drunk. ~Probably won't have time for something that time intensive.~

They were exposed on the face of the building, but there was a lot happening in the city below. A spotted had been assigned to them, keeping an eye out on a neighboring rooftop in case action started shifting in their direction, but for now everything was going smoothly.

Well, as smoothly as talking to Dante ever went for Morgan.
Location: Ord Cestus
Objective: 4
Allies: [member="Itash Mecetti"]

"I've never been the Search and Recover type if that's what you mean." Jorryn said as she kept her eyes on the fortification, addressing the man she had been partnered with. "But I also won't refuse a mission from the Saaraisash, even if it means working with mercenaries."

Her hand peeled the visor she had been staring at the base from away from her face as she turned towards the mercenary standing beside her.

The mission had been sent down through the inquisition to Jorryn, and though the Echani was never a fan of working with hired help she knew that she had little choice of whether to accept a mission or not due to her low rank in the organization.

"I suppose you have the call for when to begin the operation. Better not wait too long, don't want these pirates to damage the goods with their idiocy."

She folded her arms as she gave the man a quick pat down, inspecting him carefully. She had little trust for mercenaries or anyone loyal to money above all else and she doubted the honesty of the mercenary's intentions to split the Isotope-5, so any knowledge of the man would hopefully put her a step ahead in the need arose.


Objective 1: Diplomacy
Location: Agamar
Post: 2

The General bowed his head politely once the Emperor and Darth Prazutis had arrived and addressed him. "My liege. My lord. It is an honour to meet you both at long last, I've studied your individual records quite closely. I bid you welcome to Agamar.", he said in the politest tone his mechanical voice could synthesise, before beckoning the duo and their entourage to follow. "Indeed! Let us not delay. The weather seems to be declining.", he said, gazing up at the darkening clouds above before slowly strolling back across the landing pad into the currently completed portion of the foundry still in construction, the servomotors in his legs audibly, albeit quietly whirring. His chassis was remarkably well preserved, considering it's age. The odd scuff or mark here and there, but he'd maintained himself and his systems incredibly well, with few replacement parts visible.

The group soon found themselves in a massive production chamber within the foundry, already constructing new droids, weapons and vehicles at an industrial scale to bolster the General's rapidly growing forces. The walkway they were travelling across was itself right next to a primary production line, this one specifically catered to the construction of B2 Super Battle Droids. "The original CIS had mastered the mass production of droid units, and I made sure to make use of many of their methods during the construction of these production lines. Agamar is rich in mineral resources, so acquiring supplies was of little issue. I estimate at least ten million droid units ready to be dispersed amongst your armies within the next month as soon as more foundries are completed, my lords, with many more units well on the way. I trust this rate of production will be satisfactory? I expect that rate to quicken and grow as construction efforts continue, of course."

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
@Aut-X [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Vanessa landed, and ran into both the Emperor himself and Darth Prazutis - a relative of the Dark Lord. She smiled, eying both of them with whatever pleasure she could muster given they were family with each other. She looked at the super tactical droid she was particularly familiar with and eyed him. "I assume these are intelligent droids, at least somewhat comparable to the average stormtrooper." He replied. "The standard frontline droids of the Separatist army were unfortunately vulnerable, though I very much liked the B2 Super Battle Droid - far more effective against the clones than their B1 counterparts." She smiled.

"You've done a fantastic job, Aut-X."
The Emperor had seen the factory-worlds of Kol Huro, and while this nascent factory had the potential to be quite impressive, he had seen grander assembly lines. "Battle Droids are no substitute for flesh and blood, but a million soldiers would be quite the addition to the Legion," mused the Dark Lord, his eyes absorbing the immense complexity of the chamber with keen sight. His Shadow Hand stood behind him, always watching and always alert of their surroundings.

Vanessa Vantai soon joined them, her previous interactions with the defector general crucial in his own judgement of the tactical droid. He was always wary of turncoats, for if they could betray their previous government what could stop them from betraying his?

"Agamar is not just rich in minerals, General, it is a valuable agriworld as well. One that would find use in the Empire as another source of consumable goods. Once the planet is ours I will send surveyors to gauge the width and breadth of the land, so that neither your production facilities or the agricultural worksteads overlap. We wouldn't want a new, untapped food source spoiled by unintentional poisoning from your factories, now would we?"

His lips curled back in a killer's smirk, "But please, show us more of what you have to offer, General."

[member="Aut-X"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Post | #1
Objective 4 | Capture The Streets of Ord Cestus
Allies | Legion of Troops
Occupation | Sith Empire Trooper
Rank | Private
Private Dryden hadn't been deployed in quite some time. Recently, he's just been stationed at outposts until now. The overseer of his most recently assigned outpost announced that most troops were being deployed to this invasion, as it was important for "economical and diplomatic" reasons. That's the most he said. There was no issue with this, though. The Private saw every deployment as more contribution to the Empire, and sometimes even fun. He'd never been deployed with most of the legion though, usually it was just a small platoon. Several large transport shuttles were already docked at the outpost, but were rarely used. Today, their systems whirred with activity.

Him and most of the other men boarded the shuttles and as they left the orbit, he could see many other Sith Empire sanctioned transport shuttles leaving their orbits too. All heading to the same place, Ord Cestus. The most Dryden had ever heard of it was there were many droids, but today they would not be fighting droids. They'd be fighting the League of Voss. He'd heard much about them, as well as their opposition to the Empire. Private Dryden sat in his shuttle seat, with his safety belt stationed tightly around his chest and connecting to the seat. He'd eye many of the other troopers, all privates with several officers at front.

"We are now entering the atmosphere of Ord Cestus. Prepare yourselves, men. Activating atmospheric environmental and biological systems now." He'd hear from one of the pilot commanders over the intercom. The message came from the cockpit of the shuttle, and would be transmitted over the intercom into the shuttle seating area.

The shuttle Dryden had boarded, along with many others all filled by the mighty legion of troops would begin flying downwards into an Imperial camp. All shuttles would land in different areas of the camp, and floods of troopers would make their way out of the shuttles with officers following. They'd make their way to the briefing podium, where a commander of unknown rank would brief the legion.

"Men, welcome to Ord Cestus. The large building I am pointing at now, is our target. In there, is the Reagent. We get him, we win this damn place. However, most of you will either be controlling artillery and clearing the streets. We have specialized units already making their way into the building, where they will capture the Reagent. Our job is to make sure they have a path out of there. AM I UNDERSTOOD, MEN?" As he'd ask this question, the echoing roar of the legion answering yes to his question would boom around the camp.

Officers would be assigned to different platoons, separating the legions. Platoons would be sent out into the streets and thus the battle began.
​It was always a concern.

While the Empire had no qualms taking it General [member="Aut-X"] and his droid forces he knew all too well of his nephew [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s concerns about defectors. They were well founded because a defector betrayed everything their patron government stood for. Now this could be done for any number of reasons and usually he'd have a full psychological workup for Kaine and a well detailed portfolio about their mental state, and inter faction spliced communication to read and analyze before making his decision. But it was different in this case and the Shadow Hand knew exactly why.

Aut-X was unbound.

The true Confederacy of Independent Systems the one that Aut-X was bound to in his core programming that forced him to serve had died over eight hundred years ago. That was eight hundred years of independence and freedom. So now the General wasn't truly bound to any one group he simply had his own goals and chose the most effective routes his programming could decide. Any deal they could trust with the General for now. But when things turned against the Sith Empire? That was when legions might need to come to Agamar, that was when assassins and saboteurs might need to infiltrate the droid factories. When the path to the generals goals became blocked and he decided to reroute around the Sith and choose a better path to them.

This was what he told the Emperor.

"I've seen the impact droid armies can have on the battlefield General. There's something to be said about the morale effect droids have against flesh and blood foes when they're surrounded by millions of them. It creates a palpable sense of...hopelessness among the enemy. You have quite the efficient operation going here General and in such a short time." ​The Shadow Hand said, taking silent note of [member="Vanessa Vantai"]. While they toured the facility he remained just a step behind Kaine. It was a subtle one barely noticeable in his walk, the slowness that allowed Kaine to remain in front. This gave him a degree of observation over the factory to see everything. Always he was watching everywhere and everything a part of his job was to see what others didn't want seen, to pick up on subtle cues and body language as well as hidden intentions and plans. This situation was no different. It wouldn't look like much as he swung his head one way to inspect a machine or the next, purely a delegate that was checking the efficiency of the Generals factory.

But that was the carefully laid façade.

"There is something else General. In addition to our joint worksteads we will be installing a military garrison on Agamar. This is routine especially for worlds with valuable assets and it's not negotiable you understand. They will of course be willing to work with you especially when it comes to defending Agamar." ​The Lord of Lies said. The explanation while clear held subtle cues that Kaine would be able to pick up on. For one the Shadow Hand trusted a rare few and he absolutely didn't trust anyone outside of the Empire that he couldn't guarantee loyalty with complete control over one of their worlds. So a substantial military outpost would remain for more reasons than one.


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