Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Force Calls, It Calls

Jusik was feeling the force pull him in yet another direction. After it'd recently pulled him to seek out the teachings of the ex-Templar Krest it seemed it wanted him to travel to the reaches of the outer rim to search for he didn't know what.

His journey led him to the frozen ice world of Hoth, where he was supposed to look for he didn't know what.

The Padawan did a scan of the few structures on the planet and settled on what appeared to be an old colony or fire base. He wasn't sure yet.

After pulling into the open hangar the padawan exited his beat up ol' junker and light saber in hand, looked about the frozen hangar for what he was suppose to find.
As the Padawan poked about the hangar he felt a continuos pull toward a particular hallway towards the back of the ruined space. Among the wreckage he could see what appeared to be Alliance uniforms covering skeletons from hundreds of years ago, now incased in a thick layer of ice. No..... There was no way this was where Palpatine's Empire had launched it's assault oh so many years ago.

Or maybe it was? The Padawan shook it off and moved to the hallway entrance, picking his way past a ruined durasteel door and into a very narrow hallway.
Tye sensed someone coming. Maybe a Jedi? It has to be a Jedi because a Sith's force doesn't feel that way that's for sure. His own though felt like a constant struggle between light and dark struggling to gain power in his body. Tye didn't know who he belonged to for he was to kind for the Sith, but to ruthless for the Jedi he was torn and for this he flew here in hope for some answers to find lost knowledge on the force. That's why he was here to meditate and gain more power, but now someone has disturbed his meditation and must claim his head. Tye was going to wait until he opened the last door in the dark hallway before drawing his Vibroblades. When he walks in he will notice a tall built male who is drenched with a black cloak with a hood over to cover his hair that spiked up to the end of the front of his hair. He wore a black mask to cover his face, and that black mask had a golden T in the middle of his mask.

[member="Vincent Jusik"]
[member="Tye Kelly"]

Vincent felt the presence and had stood to check as the other man had entered the area. A stranger with vibroblades drawn. Lovely.

Jusik ignited his saber and took a few steps toward the stranger, keeping a neutral stance an position.

The Padawan remained silent as his yellow saber hummed.
He finally had arrived. Tye stood up and took out his Vibroblades and went into the Makashi stance for this was a one on one fight, however his fighting technique yes is the same as the Makashi but instead of disarming the opponent he aimed to kill and put evey ounce of his strength in each blow. "Why have you disturbed my meditation young Jedi." Tye asked curiously yet with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

[member="Vincent Jusik"]
[member="Tye Kelly"]

Jusik continued his steps as he sized up his opponent. From what he could sense, this man wasn't anymore powerful than himself, despite the whole young Jedi act.

"Didn't know you owned the building." Jusik replied to the man with an equally annoyed tone. Truthfully it was bordering on anger. Vince hadn't been much of a Jedi lately.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Vincent Jusik"] [member="Tye Kelly"]
Outside the hangar,
Closing in on Vincent's junker

A group of snow speeders raced through the Hoth's tundra, they wore white armor of Omega's Planetary Patrol, Hoth was under Protectorate control, after all, and although it was mostly uninhabited and largely ignored, the watch over it slightly increased after there was a large activity centered around capturing Ropos, the cute little creatures native to the planet.
"Are you sure you have to waste your time on this, sir? It's just a routine check-up, an explorer or hunter, we're just going to check them for legitimation."
One of the figures on the speeder asked, slightly turning to look over a figure whose grey cloak fluttered on the wind as air and snow rushed past them.
"I have nothing better to do, really, besides, I was in the area, I may as well see how things go for you lads down here."
The trooper nodded briefly in affirmation,
"If you say so, sir."
There was a group of seven of them on the bikes, four guards, three "Hoth Park Rangers" who were actually in charge of looking over the planet and the wildlife inhabiting it. HK, as a fan of Ropos, wanted to make sure they were properly equipped and competent, he really wanted the Ropo Native Habitat preserved.

Either way, the speeders would finally get to the hangar where Vincent parked his junker. They would stop and get off of the transports, shaking off the snow caked on the armor briefly and securing the speeders.
"That looks like the ship we were looking for, alright."
One of the rangers nodded.
HK nodded as well, looking over the ship as he folded his arms behind his back, under his cloak, his guards just looked about the area, looking over the gruesome skeletons, signs of old battles
"Well, proceed, Lieutenant, I am merely observing."
The droid nodded, one of the guards spoke up,
"These skeletons, what are the uniforms they wear? This is a bit off from where the Protectorate hit those pirate bases on the planet."
HK just looked over the Rebel skeletons, answering,
"They were from the Rebel Alliance, predecessors of the New Republic who fought against the Empire, long before the Gulag Plague started to hide the records and distorting history."
"Should have given them a proper burial."
The guard muttered, HK walked over to one of the skeletons,
"The Empire and Sith do not give proper rites to their enemies, may they find peace in world where there is no more war, no more fighting."
Droid would lean down to one of the skeletons, carefully laying the soldier down and crossing his now fragile and stiff arms over his chest.
"We can bury them after checking the papers of our visitor here."
One of the rangers commented.

And now for the part Vincent and Tye would be actually aware of,
They could probably hear the arrival of the speeders and how their engines extinguished when they came to stop, but then one of the rangers knocked on the hull of the junker, the loud clangs of the knocking would echo through the empty base,
And soon enough, the ranger would call out these words, the loud voice would just barely reach the two Force User inside the base,
"Hello! This is Protectorate defense soldiers! We're here to check the legitimacy of the visitors to the protected habitat! We just need to see your identification, preferably hunting licenses!"

Jusik gave a look towards where the voices were coming from and gave a slight snicker. He felt like he was back in his teen years when he'd snuck out of his house and found his mother waiting on him when he'd gotten home. Well. This day just got quite a bit more interesting.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have one of those." Vincent shouted back to the voice after deactivating his saber. He doubted he'd need it now.

"I don't think my friend does either."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Vincent Jusik"] [member="Tye Kelly"]

The ranger shouting looked back to others slightly, muttering to his companions,
"Tourists or adventurers probably."
HK nodded,
"Hopefully not looters."
The ranger nodded his head just briefly, returning his attention to the two lads in the hangars. Well at least they knew there were at least two of them now, thanks Vincent mentioning he had a friend down there Tye won't be able to escape the patrol's notice now! Muahaha.

Either way, the ranger would call out again,
"Alright, well come out here you two, we still need to see identification, piloting license, and preferably registration of your ship!"
The ranger would take out his little datapad to start taking notes on the patrol, hopefully it will still go routinely, even though they were dealing with two force users here.
Tye kept his hood on and thought of a way to escape without having to have more unneeded death on his hands. He looked around and saw nothing, then looked up and saw his golden ticket. Tye grinned "Or I can leave and you never know who I was and where I was going." Tye used the force to collapse the door in front of him leaving just [member="Vincent Jusik"] in the room with him. "See ya." Tye said to Vincent. Tye used the force to open up the vent and threw it at Vincent leavening Tye enough time to suck out of there undetected. Tye used force speed and force jump to leap in the vent and accelerate out of there fast emerging at the top of the place seeing the men out front. Tye then ran the opposite direction of where the men were.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Tye Kelly"]
Well the men were actually inside the building, no reason for them to stay outside with all the snow and blizzard rampaging on the planet. But that would only work to Tye's advantage, as the patrol would not see his get-away on the roof, neither would they hear him escape with all the wind rushing past the structure.
And, unless Vincent was able to stop him or chase after him somehow, all Tye would have to worry on the planet now was to survive long enough in the cold, cold harshness of Hoth's environment. Hopefully the Rogue Padawan was well equipped for Hoth for it was much a blizzard like the one that rampaged around them right now that almost killed the legendary Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.

[member="Vincent Jusik"]
Meanwhile, inside,
"What's going on in there!"
The ranger called out, looking to others, they already got their light blaster repeaters and bolters ready.
"Get the fusion cutters."
He commanded to one of his squadmates and the other ranger nodded simply, getting out of one of the speeders the said fusion cutter. Powering it up a plasma flame would appear at the end of the device as the rangers stepped back, raising their guns for cover as the door was being slowly cut open with the cutter.

HK and his guards gathered up on the door as well, the droid looked up slightly thinking he heard something above but he just pinned that as some snow clashing with the roof due to harsh weather. HK's guards were equipped with lightsabers, which could maybe cut through the door faster than a fusion cutter, but they did said they would not interfere.

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