A passenger aboard a small little cargo ship? So remote and unsuspecting, and frankly it was an amusing idea. A Sith Lord as a passenger? Ridiculous, but there was one world she had sought to set out for. One she didn't want anyone to know she was bound for. Onderon was far too populated of a world to return to, especially with her ship, and yet she had unfinished buisness there. Question was, was the captain willing to go there. Her 'boat' obviously wouldn't fit, but if she began the talks for getting the flight materials tommorow, her crew could await the delivery and by the time she returned everything would be squared away.
To Malevolum's surprise, neither of the two seemed bother by her current position. Strange. She had expected something more comical, but she wasn't exactly offended. Though she did find is somewhat amusing that Jerec believed she was joking. Her gaze went to the android, seeing she had tensed up at the proclimation; though her words suggested they would have an understanding. If she embarked on this short detour with the pair, she could perhaps learn more of them; not to mention, she could always enlist unknowns like themselves for possible missions in the future. She attempted to wave Ay off, having no intention of starting a fight; though she was curious just how good the woman was. "I've never heard of Darth Xul, so I'm going to guess you made that up." If Darth Xul was indeed a thing, she must have missed out on that history lesson. "And unless I missed something, I dont see myself as being a Muun banker." Finishing up her drink, Malevolum set the glass down, moving it aside. "I won't be difficult, I assure you. I only request you continue being respectful of my person, and we shouldn't have any conflict." Her eyes went back to Ay, hoping that the woman could see that there was need to get nasty. "I have a destination in mind, but I dont know if you'd be willing to ferry me there. Onderon is the planet in mind." The darth eased back into the chair, her eyes looking between the two. If they declined, it would be no matter, but if they accepted, well, they would be in for quite a haul.
Jerec Asyr
Ay Ge
To Malevolum's surprise, neither of the two seemed bother by her current position. Strange. She had expected something more comical, but she wasn't exactly offended. Though she did find is somewhat amusing that Jerec believed she was joking. Her gaze went to the android, seeing she had tensed up at the proclimation; though her words suggested they would have an understanding. If she embarked on this short detour with the pair, she could perhaps learn more of them; not to mention, she could always enlist unknowns like themselves for possible missions in the future. She attempted to wave Ay off, having no intention of starting a fight; though she was curious just how good the woman was. "I've never heard of Darth Xul, so I'm going to guess you made that up." If Darth Xul was indeed a thing, she must have missed out on that history lesson. "And unless I missed something, I dont see myself as being a Muun banker." Finishing up her drink, Malevolum set the glass down, moving it aside. "I won't be difficult, I assure you. I only request you continue being respectful of my person, and we shouldn't have any conflict." Her eyes went back to Ay, hoping that the woman could see that there was need to get nasty. "I have a destination in mind, but I dont know if you'd be willing to ferry me there. Onderon is the planet in mind." The darth eased back into the chair, her eyes looking between the two. If they declined, it would be no matter, but if they accepted, well, they would be in for quite a haul.
![Jerec Asyr](/data/avatars/s/15/15515.jpg?1612137686)
![Ay Ge](/data/avatars/s/12/12896.jpg?1577850232)