Isley paid little attention to the crimson fluids that his comrade had decided to smear upon his armor. He would simply clean it on the way to Coruscant, no need to get uppity over it, especially since they were getting along oh-so-well. However, her comment about him putting on a disguise was met with a furious shake of his head. "Uh, how's about you put on a positively smashing evening gown and I'll stick to the shadows. There's no way I'm taking off my armor, not for you, not for the mission, not for anyone." Spoken like a true Mandalorian follower of the tenants known as Resol'nare, where the wearing of one's armor is a sacred custom to uphold...of course, he didn't expect Irina to know that much.
"In any case...yeah, we have a facility to annihilate...now that the offices have been 'cleared', let's have some fun."
He said that in a...semi-sadistic tone that would have made the Sith proud. Before he moved past her, he deposited the copy of the information he had downloaded into her hand and then strode forth down the hallway, headed for the actual cloning pods. He wanted to make sure not a single clone escaped his fiery judgment, and afterwards he'd bombard the facility from above with his vessel. A solid plan indeed.
"You coming?"
"In any case...yeah, we have a facility to annihilate...now that the offices have been 'cleared', let's have some fun."
He said that in a...semi-sadistic tone that would have made the Sith proud. Before he moved past her, he deposited the copy of the information he had downloaded into her hand and then strode forth down the hallway, headed for the actual cloning pods. He wanted to make sure not a single clone escaped his fiery judgment, and afterwards he'd bombard the facility from above with his vessel. A solid plan indeed.
"You coming?"