Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Where am I?


Outer Rim
Outfit: Link
Tag: First Reply (or DM to join)

Slowly, Valery's eyes opened to stare directly into an overhanging lamb attached to the medical bed she was on. She felt groggy, as if she had slept for far too long, and her body ached for a reason she couldn't remember. In fact, she couldn't remember anything at all about where she was, or why she was there. The entire room was empty, and not a sound was being made in the hallways either.

Where was she?

Rolling over, Valery shifted to sit at the side of her bed and spent several minutes looking around, hoping that something she saw could help her remember. But the longer she looked, the more she began to realize that none of this felt familiar. Had she gotten so injured that she suffered from amnesia, or had something or someone tempered with her memories somehow?

So many questions, but she had no answers.

In the corner of the room, Valery finally spotted her lightsaber on a small table, as well as her ring and necklace. She decided to carefully get up to her feet, and while she wasn't standing as steadily after sleeping for what felt like an eternity, she soon made her way over and retrieved her personal belongings. With a tap on the panel hanging from the wall, she opened the door and walked further into the seemingly abandoned medical facility.

Where am I?

OOC: Feel free to join either inside the facility or write as if you've been looking for her. As long as the angle makes sense! First Reply, but feel free to poke me if you want to join.

Note: this is a restart of the same thread I made a while ago, that I lost track of and died. Want to give it another shot because the premise is fun.


New Galaxy, New Mission

Captain "Sable"
Kill Team Doomsday
Republic Dark Operations

Location: Outer Rim
Assignment: Site Investigation
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | First Reply

It's been too long. Far too long into an uncertain future.

One thing you knew Sable was that, my dear boy, you were not in the same galaxy you had once known. No more Galactic Republic. No more Task Force Silver. No more Dark Ops. It had all been there, thriving in the galaxy as you went back into ice. All that remains of your old life only remnants were only the armor you wear on your back and the abandoned Dark Ops site you woke up alone to. Had the Vigilance Contingency failed to have brought you where it counted? Because it did for the rest of your team. And look what it did to them, if only their remains could be found in the empty chambers surrounding your pod.

You were the elite of the once percent of the one percent. It would have done us no good if you fought and died in the wake of the Galactic Empire as some hero of the Republic. That wasn't a fate we could have for you, dear Sable.

So here you are. Over nine hundred years past the point of return, lost in the same galaxy you once knew in a life before you lost it all. Left none the wiser to what awaited you until you were inevitably thrown to the wolves, even if that might not have been part of the plan. Yet there would be no one entrusted with the mission you were thrusted upon, because no one could KTF as much as you were capable of. Body and mind had been trained, forged, and tested against the galaxy and its woes haunting the reign of the Republic. Not because that was expected of you, which it was of course.

It was all in preparation for this day to come, Jaqu'n. You always performed the task without delay or impedance from extended cryostasis. Never argued against the mission, hardly ask the why's and how's. Of course, now you most definitely did. But there was no denial.

You had to go out there. Dark Ops was all you had, and maybe, just maybe. Not all of it was lost behind the shine of the new galaxy, forgotten by a brewing conflict that could bring perhaps another galactic war. Either way, you were going to be in the center of it all.
Everything was cast in a dark shadow all around the external airlock. It had been dead silent for who knew how long, the only disruption being the clink of metal against the interface to the locked blast doors. A few seconds later, and a green light winked out into the dark expanse, and sound became anew. Hydraulics behind the thick metal walls escaped through muffled hisses before the heavy doors slid into their recesses to open a new pathway within the inner confounds of the abandoned facility.

A minute had passed. Pure, utter silence. No activation of any defenses or the shrieks of some unimaginable terror that could be lurking the halls. Silence.

The muzzle of the Dark Operator's IS-C14 crossed the open threshold, scanning the empty halls for ambush or traps to be sprung on him. The weapon itself was old by today's galactic standard, yet for the time it was made, it was a marvel to wield. Perhaps it still was, made for a war that could last forever and demanded the equipment fielded to last much longer. Compact, integrally suppressed, and utilizing charge packs, the carbine was an excellent weapon choice for the potential of close quarter battle that could unexpectedly shift to medium ranges.

The coast seemingly clear, the matte black armor of the operator revealed further more as he entered the now dimly lit corridors. Emergency lighting or some other form of chronic environmental lighting had been on for some time, and it gave the operator a dark silhouette. Sleek yet robust armor covered him from head to toe, with a bandolier full of earpoppers and fraggers sitting alongside the chest webbing strewn with charge packs. More equipment had been strewn through the operators armor, save for the spent slicer box that now hung lifelessly at the airlock door's terminal. Few crimson stripes had been painted onto the faceplate and right pauldron of the armor.

Contrasting heavily from the armor, the crimson visor stared onward down the corridor, before his rifle raised a smidge to tuck closer into his shoulder. Up until this point he hadn't had an anomaly appear on the scanner suite installed into his bucket- that's what all Dark Operators called their helmets, buckets. But now, there was one singular ping that sought for his attention at the corner of his eye. It hadn't been there before, or perhaps he only just wandered into a position for the lifeform, or whatever else it may be, for it to be picked up. If there was any doubt that the Regicide software had gotten old and dull throughout the ages, there would be none now. It was still as reliable as he had known it to be.

Despite of another assurance that the few things in the galaxy he expected to have changed with it hadn't, he began creeping down the corridor. He moved liked a whisper, his gear hardly shifting so much as to be above the low rustling that the fabrics and metal materials had been designed to cut down on for ease of movement. So much so that you might just sneak up onto someone without them hearing a single step if you really excelled in the silent takedowns. Dark Ops made you an expert in such things, so that was beyond the question when it came to your capabilities.

Here was different. The mission brief he had found for this facility was aged, to his surprise, and was current. Whatever the entity that brought him from the ice for the Agate Contingency had to have kept tabs on this site. But without direct eyes on, who knew if the information was up to date. So who else was here? Perhaps the former personnel that inhabited the base? Or was it another intruder, much like himself with a finger ready on the trigger. Truly, there was only one way to find out.

Sable would take it to his advantage as best he could. There was no proper route planned for this due to the lack of intelligence, but that didn't mean he would leave a potential threat at his back. Instead of going in some different path, he'd stay put on a knee, holding the angle to the corner of the corridor. Rifle raised and practically still as a statue, the Dark Operator had all the time in the world to watch where this unknown contact would go on his sensor suite. Whether to him or away, he intended on having the upper hand on whatever confrontation lied in wait.

If someone was inside the facility, he could only wonder while he sat in wait who else could be inside the halls with him.

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
The world was dark, silent, and cold.

Jand's eyes snapped open.


Blurred vision tried to focus, as the Nagai moved instinctively and rolled from the bed he had been prone on, even as his surroundings became clearer from the dim lamp light overhead. The world was still silent, still cold, as Jand landed on duracrete flooring with a thud. The room he was in was small, and through the fog of drowsiness and confusion, the Nagai felt the world spin as he toppled forward.

Something was wrong; his mind was numb, his memory hazy, and he had trouble even staying upright.


Jand pushed up from the cold, hard ground as his vision continued to swim before him.

"Some kind... of holding cell?"

That brought every instinct and clarity of perception into sudden focus, as Jand's whole being snapped him out of the cloudy state, and one thing pierced through his thoughts like a lightsaber through butter:

He was trapped.




Wide-eyed, Jand stumbled forward and hit the door with a shoulder - and crunch - as he fought to open the entry. It was locked. The pad on the wall buzzed red, as the Padawan slammed it with a fist, his teeth gritted and the boiling fear of being contained began to build and build... and all the while, Jand struggled to recall where he was, or why.

"Is somebody there?"

Jand shouted into the small confines of the room, as he heard movement to one side in the corridor.

"Let me out, now!"

Jand began to punch at the door, as the world seemed to close in and around him...

Where am I?



Outer Rim
Outfit: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv

"Is somebody there?"

A voice cut through the haze, and focused Valery's attention on a door further down the hallway. She could hear banging on the metal and tried her best to direct her senses to whoever or whatever is inside. It was still hard to focus like that, but the presence was so familiar, that she immediately knew who it was.


"Let me out, now!"

Valery gritted her teeth and stumbled her way forward until she reached the door, and leaned into it to stop herself from falling over. The gentle bang resonated through the room behind it, but Valery's voice was quick to follow up. "Jand? It's me, Master Noble," she said, her voice strained but clear enough to be heard. Whatever had happened to them here, its effects clearly lingered even after waking up and moving around.

But why?

"Stand clear of the door." Valery's hand grazed the metal, and despite not feeling too well, she shifted her perception into the material and exploited the weaknesses within. Large cracks formed, and within a second, the entire door shattered to pieces, allowing Jand to get out, or Valery to get inside. Her use of the Force, however, clearly only made her feel worse, as she stumbled several steps into the room with him. "This section of the building is..." she took a deep breath, "Isolated from the rest. I saw large security blast doors closed at the end of the hallway."

"I just... don't know why. Or where we are."
She looked at him. "Do you know?"

Meanwhile, Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv entered another section of the facility, but it was barely any different from the rest. Emergency lighting allowed him to see, blast doors cut off certain hallways, and there was a strange eeriness to the atmosphere. Personal objects and tools had been left behind in a hurry, but there seemed to be no other traces of people.

At least, not until a high-pitched shriek echoed through the facility.

To his left and right, he'd be able to spot various medical bays of some kind, all with large pods similar to Bacta tanks that are cracked wide open, and from the inside. Something had gotten out or escaped, and all that remained was some destruction within the rooms, and traces of blood scattered across the floor and walls.

They were not alone inside the facility.


New Galaxy, New Mission

Captain "Sable"
Kill Team Doomsday
Republic Dark Operations

Location: Outer Rim
Assignment: Site Investigation
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jand Talo Jand Talo | First Reply
The operator's brow furrowed only a tinge as the blip came closer to his position.

The facility now turned to the husk of its former advances into the deranged sciences was certainly not just 'abandoned'. And now, whatever marvel that was created within it's once silent hallways now filled it with the inhuman shriek, the scream echoing off the durasteel plating past the Dark Operator to reach further recesses behind him. Whatever it was, it didn't sound friendly, and confirmed his theory already. There was more than just the one unknown creature that was ambling towards the corner of the corridor, muzzling remaining in place to the point of confrontation.

It was an ugly thing. Whether on the lookout for some outlying tasty treat or just ambling around the hallways out of boredom, its pleasant stroll took a sudden turn. It was suddenly flung back from some impact at its chest, falling back and crashing onto the floor as the strong burning soon replaced the initial pain of whatever had struck it down. Before it could shriek out in pain or try to attempt clawing itself back into its feet, all that it saw next was the shadowy figure quickly rush forward, pointing some black object. And then, the world went dark as the void.

Sable remained still after dusting the creature. All silent. No other shriek came to the realization of some lost packmate, nor no sudden footfalls to come investigate. He was in the clear so far, and whatever this thing was, well... He was still trying to figure that out. It looked like some amalgamation he's heard of before in his heyday, but that could be a stretch. The cadaver at his feet hardly looked sick and twisted like what's been described to him.

Already he began to move on, the crimson visor peering to the open doorway at his right. His rifle raised to peer out the room from the exterior, he then flowed inside over the dried blood trails to find exactly what he already suspected. The broken tubes had already caught his attention before the displaced and wrecked room that they inhabited. The red flags were already present, yet the observation of no bodies other than the one dropped outside was alarming. One thing was possible, sure. The other...

Jaqu'n didn't take longer than the minute or so that was needed to examine over the room before stepping out from it. It was clear as day why this facility fell under the optics of Dark Ops however long ago. Little information was able to be retrieved of this target itself, and it came all too late for a proper investigation from a proper strike team. It now rested in the hands of a singular Kill Teamer in the heart of a brooding darkness.

A soft utter of a command inside the bucket activated the sensor suite's mapping function, keeping track of his progress thus far inside the metal maze. The room the Dark Operator left aptly marked 'Laboratory Analysis 03' highlighted on the displayed 3D map, practically his starting point. And hopefully not a point he'd have to rush back to anytime soon.

But for now it would have to do. As the muzzle of his carbine crossed the the threshold of the doorway back into the open, dimly lit corridor, he paused. Muted thuds of metal had been picked up on his bucket's audio receptors, along with some unintelligible yelling. Perhaps the nest had been disturbed more than he believed. There was only one way to know for certain.

No hesitation in his quiet boot falls, Sable treads forward into the dimly lit corridor with weapon raised. With infrared vision filling the HUD of his bucket as he entered further into the belly of the beast, his determination never wavered. Even if he might've wished he had his Kill Team on line with him.

Painfully bright light seared through Alex's eyelids, making him wince. Blinking his eyes to try and make them focus, he took a glance around. He couldn't recognize where he was. All he knew was that he was flat on his back in what appeared to be some sort of medical exam room. He felt extraordinarily groggy, and began to wonder if he had been drugged. It was hard to focus and he found his thoughts spirling off in several different directions at once. The last he was able to clearly remember was being attacked by a Sithspawn on Osseriton, and slowly succumbing to the Dark Side as the creature's poisonous bite began to infect him.

His right arm felt strange. Glancing down at it, he saw that the synthflesh covering his prosthetic limb had been stripped away, exposing the mechanized skeleton and musculature within.

Alex felt a growing rage filling him. Who the hell had captured him and sedated him to experiment on like a lab animal?

Sitting up, he immediately felt a wave of dizziness. It was at this point that he noticed an intravenous line plugged into a needle in his left wrist. That confirmed it, he had been drugged. With a low growl, Alex yanked the needle out of his wrist. He absolutely despised being poked and prodded with needles.

"Subject 93-90-X, return to your bed," a harsh metallic voice ordered.

Alex turned to see what appeared to be a medical droid, advancing towards him with a syringe full of some ghastly green hued fluid.

"Yeah....NO," Alex snarled, raising his left hand and slowly squeezing it into a fist, watching as the droid crumpled in on itself, smoke and sparks erupting from every seam.

Alex found his belongings tossed in a pile near what appeared to be the exit. Picking them up, he double checked to be certain nothing was missing. Good...everything was still there. As he dressed, he noticed the panel next to the door was glowing red, indicating that it was probably locked. Nothing a little reprogramming with a lightsaber couldn't fix, he mused.

"Interesting little fix you're in here," the voice of the Dark Side whispered to him.

"No kidding. When I catch whoever did this to me, I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine."

"Now you're talking my language. I knew you'd come around eventually...."

Tags- Valery Noble Valery Noble | first reply
Jand Talo Jand Talo
Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv
Last edited:
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
When a familiar voice called back, followed by Master Noble's appearance at the door, Jand stopped shouldering the locked entry. There were many questions in his mind, all swirling through a fog, though each seemed to disconnect from knowing the reason of why, where or who. And when Master Noble called out a warning to stand clear, the Padawan did so.

"What? Yes, okay!"

As the door was shattered, Jand took those few moments to look around. He saw little beyond a very sterile room, one with bright lighting and a bed, and some instrument panels built into the wall. Nothing seemed to give any answers about the situation, and his mind sure didn't want to cooperate, which meant Jand needed to speak with the only familiar face he knew.

"You can use the Force?" Jand asked, eyes wide, as he moved across the room to regroup. "I do not believe I can?"

The adrenaline of being captured, contained, still flowed through the Padawan. It made his movements shake, his voice louder, and his eyes actively looking about. Master Noble's presence helped ease the tension in Jand, but given the situation, the Nagai was pressed to calm and control himself in a quick manner.

"I know nothing," Jand said as he looked down the hallway, then to the Jedi Master, then down the hall again. "I-I woke up, my head feels in a daze, and nothing makes sense... and..."

Jand paused, as he looked down to his arm.

"What is this?"

On the pale skin was a pad, medical looking in nature, which seemed to have been affixed on the forearm. There were small displays, some holes for - what appeared to be - injection points, and a percentage indicator that was at 95%. With a blink, Jand felt the room spin again, as the percentage dropped to 90%...

"I... I believe this thing is injecting me..."

The Padawan stumbled.

There was a burning pain in Alex's left shoulder. Peeling back the collar of his trench coat, he glanced at the ugly wound the Sithspawn had dealt him on Osseriton. It hadn't been treated, and he could see vivid streaks radiating outwards from the torn flesh. Whomever had captured him wasn't exactly interested in his overall health and well-being. Searching through the shelves lining the walls of the room, he managed to find a packet of batca patches. Tearing the packet open with his teeth, Alex pulled out one of the patches out and slapped it on the obviously infected wound before stuffing the rest of the packet into one of the pouches on his belt.

"That isn't going to help much," the Dark Side whispered to him.

"Why not?..."

"Poison from a Sith spawn won't respond to bacta."

"You mean I'm still going to die?..."

"Not if you allow yourself to truly feel your anger."

"Isn't what I've given enough already? What more do you want from me?!"

"From you, Alex?........EVERYTHING!"

Tags- Valery Noble Valery Noble
Jand Talo Jand Talo
Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv


Outer Rim
Outfit: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv

"I can, yes, but I feel... weaker," Valery said with a frown. She looked a bit pale, and her eyes weren't as intense anymore either. Something had happened to her, but she couldn't remember what. Sadly, it seemed like Jand knew nothing either, and he couldn't use the Force. Valery immediately began to look and feel around, but she sensed nothing that could be the cause of his sensitivity being suppressed.

So maybe-

"What is this?"

Valery glanced down at his arm when he did, and stared at the patch and its display. Ideas began to form in her mind immediately, but she had to set them aside when the percentage suddenly dropped. Jand stumbled, so Valery immediately closed in on him, and guided him over to a chair to force him to sit down. She knew better than to just rip off a medical device, even if it seemed to be causing problems.

But she knew she had to do something.

"Jand, I believe this thing might be why you can't use the Force. Or at least, you must have been injected with something. There's nothing else here that can suppress the Force." She looked at the little pad again, her fingers inching closer to the display, while she looked for a button or something that could make it stop.

Before she could do anything, though, they'd hear it as well.

A loud, monstrous shriek echoed through the halls.

Sable and Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf would be alarmed by the same shriek, but it was more distant this time. The operator, however, was closing in fast as he moved through corridors, but what he heard up ahead wasn't the only thing stalking him through the darkness of the facility. Through his vizor, two more beasts appeared on the other end, staring him down and slowly inching closer. Even without the Force, one could feel their deadly intent.

Perhaps they had once been human and turned into monsters by experiments within the building. Or maybe they had always been monsters but made worse by whoever practiced their sciences on them. Right now, it hardly mattered — they screamed again and charged down the hallway to attack him.

The path ahead would be a bloody one for Sabel.


New Galaxy, New Mission

Captain "Sable"
Kill Team Doomsday
Republic Dark Operations

Location: Outer Rim
Assignment: Site Investigation
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf | First Reply
The stroll had been quiet thus far. A foreboding silence that haunted the halls like the ghost clad in the matte-black armor and crimson bucket visor. A wraith undeterred from purpose and vigilant along the corridors, whether covered in dust or dried blood. And yet still no body, not even a single rotting mound of... whatever, left behind. Everything was picked clean.

Then came the shriek that paused the operator's next step.

Hellish like a Korriban banshee, Sable remained paused mid-step to examine his surroundings. Because this wasn't coincidence after only just dropping some monster not more than a minute ago. Especially with the shifting forms that rushed down the corridor to his immediate front. Screeches followed from the creatures, some part rotted flesh while another was something else entirely.

Not a second had been wasted. His trigger squeezes came out smooth and collected, rapid suppressed bolts fired out from the carbine as the blaster bolts dimly lit the hallway more than just a tiny, twinkling star impacting against a cosmic body. This body was however nothing close as fascinating or welcoming as that, and it took several rounds for the creature to jolt from each shot in its sprint before it was taken down. It was already too close.

The other reeled in close enough for the operator to not have enough time to transition shots onto his next target. Whether by inhuman speeds or the durability of its now deceased packmate, the monstrosity gained enough time to cut the distance and pounce. Brutality was the name of the game for the savage, experienced with just bashing in their enemies, or perhaps food if both, to a pummel until they stopped moving. It would stop at nothing until the man underneath the armor was just lumps of flesh.

What the primal beast wasn't aware of was how to perform knife work. So much so that it never got as close as he wanted to clamping its gaping rows of shredder teeth into the operator's neck. A vibroblade had quickly been jammed dead center into its chest, and before he could finish the howl of pain from his sliced lungs, the weight of the fight quickly changed so that its back crashed into the floor. Sable mounted the beast with all his might with the small moment of reprieve, rifle clung to a maglock on his chestplate.

Without letting the soulless being get an upper hand back into the fight, there was little else choice. An execution like the first, but now his hand quickly grasped onto the pistol grip of the massive hand cannon strapped to his thigh. A slugthrower, no less, and fielding a heavy round that could crack through the toughest of armor. It was an easy solution for the current job. Jamming the front of the weapon into its mouth upwards, the operator squeezed the trigger.

Dark and twisted fluids with viscera painted over the old stains of the corridor. The bang, however, echoed throughout the corridors and nearly rivaled that of the Korriban banshee. The fight hadn't given him much choice for silence any longer. Sable had an idea what these creatures were, and they likely already began to figure out there was a ghost that didn't belong in these halls.

He gave no vehemence to the dismay of his situation, or a second's moment of hesitation. Quickly rising back onto his feet, Sable was already jotting down the corridor, rifle at the ready. Double tapping the trigger of his weapon into the back of the first hunter's deformed skull was all that slowed him briefly out of two things. The second was the singular square-shaped device pulled out from a pouch, set to active, and then slapped the maglocking side of it onto a nearby wall to cover the route he just came from.

The device was an AP MkII. An anti-personnel mine that was so small but could produce a massive amount of damage to flesh targets with both a discharge of sharp needles and explosives. If there was anything that tripped off the now active device, they weren't going to see the next ten minutes if they somehow survived the blast. It wouldn't do good for a stealth operation when you were maintaining the element of surprise.

Jaqu'n didn't have that anymore. Stealth was out the window, there was only violence of action and ruthless nature- With both in plenty of supply if there was going to be a contest.

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Jand was appreciative of the help, as he followed Master Noble's guidance to sit.

"I am uncertain if I can remove it safely," the Padawan mentioned, as he considered. "It... seems quite secure."

And true to his words, a closer examination saw the patch sealed to his pale skin to a high degree. It needed specific tools, or medical staff, more than likely. It stood to reason that the patch was designed to remain in place against a Jedi who sought to remove it, so the likelihood of removal at the present time was low.

That said...

"I agree, Master Noble," Jand nodded. "This injector is keeping my mind foggy. My connection to the Force is... basically gone. I suspect--"

Jand paused, as distant roars were heard.

"--I think we have more pressing matters."

Thankfully, Jand had learned many of his martial lessons in a non-Force using community. His capabilities with combat would only be hindered by the drugs in his system, but otherwise he was effective with a blade without relying on the Force. Yet, whether that was good enough to face whatever was out there, remained to be seen...

"Should we relocate? I am having issue thinking very clearly right now."

As he was preparing to exit the room where he had been held captive, the echo of inhuman shrieks reach Alex's ear. Great...just what he needed right now.

"You have got to be kidding me..."

Alex wasn't sure what course of action to pursue. He didn't want to remain in the lab, on the off chance that another droid came along and decided to perform more experiments on him. But at the same time, he wasn't keen on encountering whatever it was making that inhuman shrieking somewhere on the other side of the door. Fighting against things that went bump in the night was the main reason Alex was currently in the predicament he was facing, Sith spawn poison running through his veins and pushing him closer and closer to a point within the darkness he had hoped never to embrace again.

"Indecision isn't going to get you out of this," the Dark Side whispered.

"Yeah, so what do I do?"

"What you've always done when you're cornered like an animal...You fight to survive!
You destroy anything that gets in your way and don't look back! SHOW NO MERCY!"

Igniting his sabers, Alex slashed through the door's control panel. As the door sprung open, Alex dove into the corridor beyond, using his blades in tightly controlled arcs and loops, cutting down the freakishly deformed creatures that threatened to swarm upon him with razor sharp fangs and clawed hands. Eyes gleaming with the orange corruption of the Dark Side and a savage grin on his face, Alex carved a path of destruction through the humanoid creatures that tried to lunge upon him from all sides.

Tags- Valery Noble Valery Noble
Jand Talo Jand Talo
Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv

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