The Cuirassier had prepared his guns, aiming from a long distance towards the caravan. Though out of range, the gunners corrected their aims, ran fire tests and preloaded the giant shells in the barrel of the turbolasers. On the main deck, Gallius watched the blatant efforts of the radicals to defend their ships as they launched fighters.
"Pitiful", the Captain snorted, amused of the Kaleesh fighting spirit. The fight was obviously lost as no freighter could outmatch a cruiser in such an open battlefield. Even if they were doomed, the hostiles were willing to damage the imperial ship and land some troops. It was part of their honor, did Gallius recall. Such spirit was remarkable, and he regretted theses Kaleesh were enemies of the Empire. They were fine warriors that could help turn the tide of the war against the Sith Empire.
Suddenly, he had an idea. The objective changed instantly. If they could force the Kaleesh to bow, then their death was not useful at all. On the contrary, it would only deepen the losses the Empire suffered against the Sith.
"Ion cannons only. We are trying to disable the enemy ships. Transmit to Razor Squadron : destruction is not currently wished and should be avoided at all costs. Gallius was sure of his plan now. Reaching his kyuzo petar hidden in the right sleeve of his uniform, he smiled faintly before issuing new orders. Find the lead ship ! Prepare boarding actions, we have to dock their commanding vessel."
The Pride of the Emperor started blasting the shields of the caravan as the enemy closed in. Their guns did not even scratch the hull of the Cuirassier, but for each hit the Imperials suffered, three volleys of theirs were hurled into space, rushing to disable the poorly defended cargos. They were soon immobilised and were left stranded and scattered around the Cuirassier. She moved swiftly towards the lead cargo, and her tractor beams dragged the Kaleesh vessel in its docking bay.
In the main hangar, a handful Stormtroopers watched the arrival of Gallius and escorted him towards the boarding tube. There, the Captain grabbed the intercom and quickly delivered his message, challenging the Kaleesh leader to a duel for dominance over the caravan. He awaited no answer, and clenched his fist on his petar. Then, followed by the Stormtroopers, he entered the tube.
He quickly made his way to the deck, where he could find the Kaleesh leader. Scores of alien warriors watched the few Imperials pass by, whispering and looking cautiously to the young Imperial officer. No one stood in his path, though, and he soon reached the duel arena where the enemy chief was preparing for the duel.
The massive Kaleesh was taller and more imposing than Gallius. He wielded a traitionnal axe, a brutish weapon than had doubtlessely slain hundreds of foes. His armour was made of scrap, but the rugged look of it was merely decorative. The chestplate was bulky and stock, able to whistand many blows. In comparison, Gallius was slender, armed with a dual-bladed knife, wearing anything but his uniform.
The alien mocked the Imperial, a guttural laugh filling the whole room. He arrogantly went to a challenge position, pointing his massive axe towards the frail human. Gallius chose a classic defensive stance, his petar held lowly, making slow circle movements. He was confident in his ability to win. His duel skills were not matching a Knight's, but he had been trained by the best, and his duel style was perfect for this instance : he could move faster than his opponent, dealing few blows at a time, not having to worry about parries he could not make.
The duel was going to be short, as every kaleesh duel was. The alien rushed towards Gallius, lifting his axe in a beheading motion. Gallius would have been cut in half if he had not moved. But when the axe reached its objective, the human was not there anymore. He quickly dodged the attack, then striked hard, plunging the now-lit petar into the side of the armor. The scrap was cut in half, and the blade left a small scar to the alien, barely injuring him.
The sudden pain made the Kaleesh lose his focus for a split moment. He groaned, tried to catch the Imperial, but again, he was not there. Gallius had moved back to his original position, and hit the back of the heavy alien, this time penetrating the armor and the flesh. He dodged the next try, and grabbed the arm holding the axe, thrusting his blade into the elbow.
That time, the Kaleesh reacted quickly, and grabbed Gallius to the throat, before throwing him few feets away. He changed the axe from his right to his left arm, the rushed again to Gallius, who was not on his feet again. The fight was now favouring the alien, but the Imperial had not yet emptied his ideas on winning such a fight. He rolled over the floor, then got up, and dodged again the axe. He turned around his foe, waiting for an opening to stike, and when he perceived that the alien was to attack, he moved, then thrusted and reached the strap of the helm. It broke, and the helm slipped, half-falling on the face of the alien. Gallius used that occasion to strike once more, plunging his blade in the side of the alien.
He was thrown across the room, again, but that time he managed to land on his feets, and decided to end the fight before being injured more. He waited for the alien to charge, then threw the petar, aiming for the forehead. The petar pierced the neck in a moisted sound. The hulk staggered, and fell face down, his blood spreading on the floor. Gallius went to the corpse, took his petar and lifted it over his head. The blood splattered his face and his shoulders, but he did not care. He gave a quick speech to the alien, then went back to his ship.
All of these Kaleesh were now fighting for the Empire, and he wanted to make good use of them.
After changing his battered uniform to a clean one, Gallius ordered Razor Leader to make his briefing on the deck of the
Pride of the Emperor, then organized the alien caravan. He had received new orders and he had to reinforce the 3rd Fleet who had been mauled at Dantooine. The Kaleesh were to stay on the planet as a reserve he could call on later, as they could not come to the sacred soil of Bastion. He would offer to Razor Squadron to become his attached squadron, then prepare a report for Jaeger Harrsk, and fly to Bastion.
All was in order.
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Jivim Vaak