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Dominion Where Eagles Dare | Dominion of Oben | NIO

Malakai Shorn



Objective II // BYOO // Open
The Force Sight took him in those movements, enhancing his senses. With his eyes closed, he sought to boost the metaphysical presence that tethered him to all other living things, and searched. Through the wall he looked. Mostly metal, he found nothing, until there! He saw it, the internal dead bolts that his hands traced over the cold metal vault door. Sliding across the door, he paused, brows furrowing. Again, he could feel the flare of his danger sense. They were getting closers, the Imperials?

Feth. Malakai thought.

How many had been put to rest here? Shorn thought. So many dead, yet he could not draw on their past strength. He could summon them from the dead. Features contorting into disappointment, he delved into his being. "Fuck it," he breathed. Delving deeper into the latent energy of the Force arounbd him, he drew from everything. Even the Yam'rii who had guided him. Without the gift of the Force, it was unsuspecting of the draw of his own being. Slow at first, Malakai knew not to control the effects of Force Drain, and those pale blue eyes flashed with the sulfuric glow of the Dark Side.

Metal on metal clanged through the vault, his hands absentmindedly dragging across the surface of the vault as unseen bolts and reinforced walls shifted.

This time, his danger sense flared again. The most persistent of all, and as he stepped backwards to begin dragging the door open, he backpedaled into the charging Yam'rii leader. "Nng," Malakai grunted at the sudden shove. His body crashing into the vault door before it opened. From the vault door, he could feel the broiling presence of the Dark Side, pulsing deep within the vault, and he drew from it.

Pinned against the door, the Force rolled off of him in every direction. Shoving the Yam'rii off of him and across the circular room. With bloodied nose, he spun about, coming off the ground and shot his hand out, grasping at the Yam'rii. "Ssssssshorn!" The ugly creature exclaimed, clipper-like limbs twitching in every which direction as it left the ground. "Releasssssse me, Human!" In response, Malakai's hand closed. The Yam'rii reached the ceiling, briefly touching against it before his hand shoved downwards. Following his movements, the weave of the Force that coalesced around the Yam'rii slammed it back to the ground where it belonged.

Limbs, its legs broke. And Malakai repeated the motion again and again until it oozed its lifesblood on the vault floor.

"It was you," Malakai says suddenly. "You meant to betray... Me?"

As the Yam'rii opened what approximated for a mouth, its head spun, literally with a minute application of the Force.




Adenn Munin Adenn Munin Sinestra Sinestra Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji Strain Isaiah Dax Khaggon Graege Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Bastard Bastard


'Flamethrowers should not have been thrown into our inventory-', the Lord-Major started, momentarily distracted by a large explosion in the distance that he approved of before turning back to the conversation he was initially engaging in. Standing in the company of both Leftenant Jorie and CSM Heggy as the others set to work, the trio of Blue-Heart officers were setting to the task of planning their push to link with other NIO contingents nearby, a subject Barran returned to with no trouble recalling such as he resumed,'But ah'm glad o' them aw the same, lads. No many other ways we can smoke these freaks oot, so now we focus more on burning the environment as opposed ti it's inhabitants.'

'Ah'll get them in oor ammo-trucks, as those wee gas-tanks are a fair deal heavier than they look. An' whit about oor latest batch o' POWs? They're no that easy ti forget, look at the state o' them.'

Turning around to see four Kaleesh nobles (bound to each other in pairs) from the corner of the Lord-Major's periphery, the brainstorming trio spotted Captain Shugg standing over the captives with murderous intent. Looking just beyond the Major's adjutant, two of the captives had already had torturous slaughter inflicted on them in search of the same sort of surveillance devices the Blue-Hearts had encountered before. Shugg had been ordered to oversee the interrogation-and-execution process, so recalling this fact soon allayed all their concerns on the matter, though Lord Erskine did not approve of the captain's overzealous use of the same singular scalpel to carry out his work. Blunting one of the most-important instruments from Barran's personal toolbox was grating on him, but the dreaded task would be someone else's responsibility next time around; so Erskine calmly acquiesced to Shugg's particular brand of brutality in silence, and for the sake of maintaining his focus for the discussion he was still having with Jorie and Heggy.

'Suggestion, Milord? Leave Shugg to it for now, aht's an example for Jorie. An example o' what happens when you grow ti enjoy the process to much...'


<"Good god! No wonder we usually leave the flamethrowers to the engineer-caste, milord. Just look at it! Fire everywhere - over!">

'Barran to CC One! We'll just have to continue on from the safety of the vehicles, at least for a while - over!'

<"The damage we've sewn could mean we have to do the rest of the op from the safety of the vehicles! CC One out!">

In the hopes of smoking (or in many cases, burning) out the remaining locals in their vicinity, the Blue-Hearts had ignited every tree, flower and blade of overgrown grass-reed in their red-hot rampage through the dense forests of Oben, knowing they'd be leaving a lasting, near-indelible mark on the place before moving on to the next Sith-affiliated planet. Whether these fires would spread to other forested regions was a debate the 2nd Battalion had no time to dwell on, so their curiosities would need to wait until the Blue-Hearts could gaze on the fires from orbit, though the smoke from these forest-fires made it easier for everyone else in the region to predict such likelihoods. All the Blue-Hearts knew was that it was presenting more than a few risks for the other NIO units, and thus acted accordingly, with little more than a nudge from Barran's boot to get the ball rolling.

'All units, this is Blue-Heart Bravo! Be advised, forest-fire tactics are being implemented! I repeat - forest-fire tactics are being implemented! Avoid thick forestation entirely or stick like glue to water-sources! Blue-Heart Bravo out!'

With no choice but to continue on the path they'd laid out for themselves, Major Barran kept his subordinates safely within the confines of strategic-passiveness, imposing movement-only orders for the latter duration of the 2nd Battalion's attempt to link with their allies. There would be no evident need for aggressive firing-orders, especially with the wildfires doing all the Blue-Hearts' hard toil for them, so all the 2nd Battalion needed to do was close every hatch-door and enjoy the fiery landscape of their own design. No top-gunners would be permitted to open the top-hatches, no passengers would be allowed too close to the window-slats, and no vehicle-alighting of any sort would be permitted under any circumstances; if any surviving Kaleesh were to show up, the Blue-Hearts would need to allow the main-turrets to do their hard work for them until the flames had dissipated, and such circumstances the 2nd Battalion knew were of their own making.
With Bastion on the horizon, we ought to be accustomed to seeing crucibles.

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Tags: Bastard Bastard


"I will follow you in, though I did not come here for them, move in when I have disposed of the sentries," Asa slowed down in her walk, withdrawing her blaster pistol and fixing a device that muffled the sound on the barrel. She didn't intend on the affair being a chaotic one; it wouldn't look good on the reports and paperwork afterwards. Gun battles were not her units creed or area of work in Compnor, that was left to Compforce personnel to deal with though it wasn't rare usually or out of the ordinary for Hrd field agents to get their hands dirty there too. Regardless of where you stood in the agency or organisation as a whole, you both served the same unifying cause.

"We will meet again Mr Varanin."

And with this, she promptly departed off in the hideout's direction, using the forest's undergrowth and swamp to her advantage in getting close. Asa stopped abruptly, two voices close up ahead. She aimed with her blaster, two blasts and the voices were silenced save for the sound of their bodies falling into the swampy water.

She moved again.

Other than the two unfortunate souls at the edge of the perimeter; the sentry guard was mostly absent. Suggesting that perhaps the rebels' cell were either not present, or had all but left for another location. She gazed down at her wristwatch and checked the time. If the rebels had left a skeleton crew of sentries, that meant they were either on dinner or had devised a trap for whichever arm of the Imperial state came for them.

Asa looked back over to where Errant was and signalled for him to cautiously move in.

"No longer am I a reliable weapon, but a tool to be used in place of superior stock."


Tags: Rika Hiro Rika Hiro

Errant watched her dart off through the underbrush. Her direct method of conversation didn't translate to her indirect approach to this encampment of radicals. Stealthed and close to the ground, Asa disappeared from his sight within moments. He turned away, his attention drawn to the top of the tall hill just ahead of him. With nothing else to do, he moved up the slope and stopped just before the peak. A sound from nearby caught his attention. He followed the splash to find two sentries' unmoving bodies face down in the murk, dead.

"Hmm," he followed the faint movement of the water's surface, spying the HRD not far from the corpses. He nodded and strode down the other side of the hill at her signal into the encampment proper.

Even though the Albino hadn't been expecting much out of his prey, the makeshift base they'd crafted out of thrown over blankets and foraged wood still disappointed him. They never had the power to stop the New Empire. That much was obvious. Yet, these bug-infested squatters still found the courage to stand before the Order's might. As the King Enlil Enlil of Keritas once said, malcontent breeds the hope that rebellions are made of. And it was well past time to dash those hopes and slaughter those foolish enough to stand in their way.

He moved deeper into the encampment, his dark weapon dragged free of its scabbard. The familiar scrape of metal echoed around the small clearing, a signal to those lying in wait for the Crestfallen's arrival.

All at once, a flurry of motion sent crashing waves through the clearing. Half a dozen insurgents exploded from beneath the water's surface. Some lifted blasters, leveling them on the white devil within their midst. Others raised double-headed spears carved from waterlogged wood left out to dry.

"Surrender," Errant ordered.

"Never, Imperial dog!" one shouted as it strode closer to the Albino. "You fell into our trap like the dim-witted beast you are. Now, we'll strip your corpse and leave you for your brethren to find."

"So be it," the Imperial Knight muttered.

His body blurred. Water splashed with each step he took, the sound lagging behind the dark knight, his movements faster than the echo they left. He fell upon the most talkative of the bunch, weapon raised overhead. It flashed down in a fateful arc, slicing through the shoddily made spear. It cleaved through the creature's skull, buried halfway into his brain before the body finally went limp. Errant kicked the corpse to the ground. He wrenched the weapon free and turned to two of the radicals. Lazily, he ripped their blasters from their hands. They fell into the muck, sinking beneath the surface.

One threw themselves to the floor in search of the weapon. Errant plunged his weapon down through his back and pierced the mud beneath his quivering body. He reached out to the second and clenched his fist. The radical reached up at his throat, fighting desperately to breathe as the Albino crushed his windpipe and left him to stumble away, eyes bloodshot.

He looked to the remaining three, a stoic mask of alabaster flesh all he offered their fear-stricken faces.
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The Pride of the Emperor had joined the orbit few minutes ago. The high command needed a fast intervention. No, Gallius corrected himself. Jaeger Harrsk of the COMPNOR needed it. It was he, after all, who had given the young defector the chance of escaping the pointless frontier patrols and see again the battlefield. One way or another, Gallius would have to return some sort of favor to the man.

He did not wish to think about politics and favours, whatever that assignment was going to cost him. He needed to think about the moment, and focus on his mission. Informers had proven themselves valuable time and again, and now they were telling more Kaleesh were going to enter the fray. A caravan composed of several cargos escorted by a pair of freighter was effectively leaving hyperspace and making its way towards the orbit. The scattered imperial ships would take too long to gather into an effective force, and thus Gallius had been chosen to stall and ultimately destroy the vile alien invaders.

So had it been ordered, so was it going to happen. Gallius issued an order to every imperial ship nearby, alerting them of the imminent threat. If the ground forces were to win the battle against the Kaleesh, then they would have to prevent these fresh reinforcements from landing. As he made movement to intercept, Gallius contacted the nearest fighter squadron and opened a communiaction with Razor, a squadron made of TIE Outlander, suited for the role he intended them to give.

He quickly explained to them the issue, and dispatched them ahead of his Cuirassier, while the engines of the Pride of the Emperor launched the cruiser forward, all guns aiming at their upcoming ennemy. They would see blood that day.


Tag : Jivim Vaak

Malakai Shorn



Objective II // BYOO // Open
The Force compelled him into the vault after that.

Exiting a few minutes later, the Yam'rii leader still remained on the ground, dead, where he had left it. With little more than a glance, Malakai left. Back down the route that he had taken to get there in the first place. The only difference, was that this time he was without the alien leader. Saber in hand, darkness infused crystal in the other, he re-emerged from the depths of the mountain, into the midst of the Yam'rii Encampment.

Eyes were on him, lingering.

Where was their leader?

The question was at the forefront of the minds of all those that looked upon him. The ends of his full lips twisted upwards into a grin, his pale blue eyes transformed, glowing in that corrupted yellow hue.


From left to right his crimson sabre leapt, carving through the aliens left and right. Tightly clenching the crystal, it goaded him onwards. The Force lashing out from his hand, slamming the Yam'rii into boulders, chitin hides shattering from the sheer force of will that threw them about. With a gleeful grin he danced through the encampment. Betrayed, and fueled by the crystal that he had come to cherish so deeply, he enacted his revenge on the alien rebels.

By the time he was done, the encampment was home only to the dead.

And so Malakai Shorn left, in his wake the death of dozens of Yam'rii and the weapons he had delivered to them, wasted.

For the New Imperials, he had done their job for them.


Tags: Bastard Bastard


"Karking animal come get som-"

For all the rebels desperate cries of bravado after watching the silver-haired stranger cut through half his friends like a vicious whirlwind, it served him none too well in the end as his insults were brutally cut short by a blaster bolt between the eyes. The remaining two backed up more at the sight of the woman, who seemingly emerged out of the shadows like some ominous spectre. One fired a panicked shot which missed it's lithe target by a wide margin and was answered with a round to the leg that sent him down on one knee in agony screaming. He was soon silenced by a rapid strike to his head by the HRDs fist, partially caving his head in and abruptly silencing the wounded rebel brutally. She removed her gore caked hand from the rebels head and looked at the other who dropped his weapon in surrender and panic.

"I sur-render, I -... I surrender."

Asa looked at the surrendering rebel and back at Errant, blaster pointed at the rebels head.

She fired.

"It looks better on the report afterwards," Asa shrugged casually, wiping the blood off her fist with a tissue from her pocket before emptying the rest of her blaster rounds into the dead man's body. She'd just put down on the report afterwards that the last of the cell had resisted capture and instead gone down fighting, not that he'd of provided much info that the agency didn't already know. These rebels were little fish in the pond when compared to some other organisations and outfits of interest.



"Trash. You call this efficiency? Not good enough."


"Tsk. Don't get me wrong, they aren't as bad I initially thought. We've come to expect much less from stormtroopers but this further proves my point."

"And that point is?"

Tusk turned his chair around, his eyes stealing a glimpse at the stock markets, a smile -- it was good to be part of the Trade Federation.

"Project Ultraviolence."

"...a-ar-are you serious?!"

Tusk took a long drag of his cigar, a crooked smile on his face.


"I certainly don't think they've ever decided to shake my hand when I came on one of their destroyers, that's for sure," Cotan replied to Tavlar's comment. "Dantooine, well, at least the Jedi haven't started kicking me out of their parties after cutting off that kid's hand." The Imperator's bitterness didn't go unnoticed; from what Cotan had been able to gather back when he and the former general had been on opposite sides, Dantooine had been his homeworld. Failing to retake it, he imagined the Imperator would be in a poor mood for quite a while to come.

"Well. War never changes, does it?"

He listened as Irveric continued along. thoughtfully stroking his beard—and subtly altering the air currents around him to keep the smoke out of his breath. "Mutual interest is there, sure," he conceded. "A bit of an odd choice, though, isn't it? I've been in talks with some of the leadership of this First Order revival for similar reasons, and that's even stranger, considering how their predecessors were some of our main enemies out in that part of the rim. A lot of talk about 'vigilantes' and 'glorified bounty hunters' and the like from them in the past. I'd have thought most of your people would think the same, no?" He nodded back at the rest of the ship, especially at the guards stationed outside the meeting space.

"I'm always happy to help keep the galaxy safe and running smoothly, but taking a heavily ordered, militant machine and dropping the rangers and rough riders in the middle of it might be a hard sell for both sides."

Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar



Adenn Munin Adenn Munin Sinestra Sinestra Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji Strain
Isaiah Dax Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Bastard Bastard Ewok Tusk


<"Myles to Blue-Heart Alpha! We're running into ashes noo, the flames have seemingly overtaken us! What now?">

'Slow your approach, there may be native survivors. Time for the infantry to mask up! Blue-Heart Alpha out!'

Pulling on his oxygen mask, Barran's LMG-gunner stepped through the hatch to his usual top-turret position and closed the door underneath as Lord Erskine grabbed up the optics as his sights scanned the grey, smoky landscape of incinerated trees and charred mud-huts. The wildfires had truly taken their toll on the surrounding environment, leaving almost nothing behind as the 2nd Battalion slowed their attempt to link with the other NIO units in the area, yet the Lord-Major had no regrets on the matter as the reticle veered back and forth; smirking at how quickly the flames had engulfed their surroundings, Barran also knew that the limited cover would ultimately work against the natives they were seeking to eradicate.

<"Moran to Blue-Heart Alpha! Check they braes t'the North, they're amassing t'swarm oor right flank. At least, that's how it looks fi here, Milord.">

'Nah, they're expectin' us ti come t'them. We need ti bait them inti swarmin' us first, then we proceed accordingly. Blue-Heart Alpha out!'

The ATAT commander wasn't wrong, as hundreds of Kaleesh warriors had rallied atop the small gathering of ashen hillocks to their exact northerly bearing, leaving a visible threat to their right flank, limited though that threat was showing to be. Using their superior-range capabilities, the Blue-Hearts would take little time in capitalising on the Kaleesh-gifted breathing room; fire-orders given, turret-barrels turned towards the,"Braes", and with the first barrages unleashed on the distant clump of burned-out muddy rises, Barran would pass the optics to his adjutant and open the side doors to see the distant carnage with a wider, cleaner view.

'Get yer rifle, Shugg.', the Lord-Major began, turning back to the open-door and looking inside the ACV with his usual cunning smirk. Seeing the recently-promoted captain (formerly Barran's mercenary-company's 1st-Leftenant) jumping out with two blaster-rifles, Erskine nodded approval before concluding,'We're gawn for a hunt, an' we're bringin' oor ATSTs wae us. We hardly ever use them properly, so we might as well start noo, ae?', whilst pulling a gas-mask over to cover his own face. As the Lord-Major walked out, the tanks and four-legged walkers continued to unleash hellish barrages on their distant victims, who were still choosing to stay atop the hillocks to their own detriment, a sight that brought raised eyebrows and chuckles alike from the Blue-Hearts advancing riflemen.

<"Moran to Blue-Heart Alpha! The Kaleesh aren't even moving from the hills, so how do we proceed?">

'Barran to Walker One! Ah know, s'keep firing. You could maybe even reduce what cover they have left ti rubble, sound like a plan?'

<"Of course, Milord. Enjoy the fireworks! Walker One out!">

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Tag: Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana
Current Kit: [
TIE/OTx Outlander]


All was fine within the patrol of Sector G7. A set of 5 TIEs flying about and maneuvering through some space debris as they went. It was all quiet for Vaak, he tuned out the ensuing conversation between some of his squadmates. He simply enjoyed the sensational yet direction changing flight he was apart of. It was something he'd never get used to and he was content with his position. However, a new communication channel opened up for the Squad it came straight from the Pride of the Emperor. One of the communications officers showed themselves in a soft blue hologram in the form of a bust. The altered silence that Vaak had set for himself was cast out.

Razor Squadron, you have new orders. Over at Sector G8, there is a caravan of transports escorted by crude fighters. Reinforcements to the people of radicals. Hostile intent is present. Therefore they must be dealt with immediately. The Pride is moving in for support along the way to help with your numbers. We are close to victory, get it done, Razor."

Razor 1 chimed in to respond to the messenger. "
Copy that Lieutenant, Razor Squadron is alternating course to proceed with new objective."

The Comms officer gave a nod. "
Good. Out."

The leader of Razor Squadron continued. "
You heard it, people, we got some radicals to kill. Set power to speed and pulse on my mark..."

The word, pulse. It prompted the newest addition to adjusting his terminal. Setting the power straight to speed and tapping on the adjacent screen to set all of the reserves straight to the engines. Within moments, the TIE was ready to propel outward to whatever direction it was pointed to. After a moment for the Squadron to follow, a countdown was given. "
3.. 2.. 1.. Pulse." With those words and the push of a trigger on the throttle, Vaak was put against the headrest of his chair. The TIEs proceeded at a high speed to the objective that was marked on their HUDs. The distance of the enemy reinforcements closing in, and the Pride of the Emperor shown in the vicinity on the Targeting Computer.

Break pulse... on 3. 2. 1." The TIEs slowed to a maneuverable speed, and from there the power management caps were on. With Vaak switching to a balanced power setting. Weapons were engaged and the Pilot was ready to fight. Enemy fighters scrambled over to face their new enemy.

Time to dance."





The Cuirassier had prepared his guns, aiming from a long distance towards the caravan. Though out of range, the gunners corrected their aims, ran fire tests and preloaded the giant shells in the barrel of the turbolasers. On the main deck, Gallius watched the blatant efforts of the radicals to defend their ships as they launched fighters.

"Pitiful", the Captain snorted, amused of the Kaleesh fighting spirit. The fight was obviously lost as no freighter could outmatch a cruiser in such an open battlefield. Even if they were doomed, the hostiles were willing to damage the imperial ship and land some troops. It was part of their honor, did Gallius recall. Such spirit was remarkable, and he regretted theses Kaleesh were enemies of the Empire. They were fine warriors that could help turn the tide of the war against the Sith Empire.

Suddenly, he had an idea. The objective changed instantly. If they could force the Kaleesh to bow, then their death was not useful at all. On the contrary, it would only deepen the losses the Empire suffered against the Sith.


"Ion cannons only. We are trying to disable the enemy ships. Transmit to Razor Squadron : destruction is not currently wished and should be avoided at all costs. Gallius was sure of his plan now. Reaching his kyuzo petar hidden in the right sleeve of his uniform, he smiled faintly before issuing new orders. Find the lead ship ! Prepare boarding actions, we have to dock their commanding vessel."

The Pride of the Emperor started blasting the shields of the caravan as the enemy closed in. Their guns did not even scratch the hull of the Cuirassier, but for each hit the Imperials suffered, three volleys of theirs were hurled into space, rushing to disable the poorly defended cargos. They were soon immobilised and were left stranded and scattered around the Cuirassier. She moved swiftly towards the lead cargo, and her tractor beams dragged the Kaleesh vessel in its docking bay.


In the main hangar, a handful Stormtroopers watched the arrival of Gallius and escorted him towards the boarding tube. There, the Captain grabbed the intercom and quickly delivered his message, challenging the Kaleesh leader to a duel for dominance over the caravan. He awaited no answer, and clenched his fist on his petar. Then, followed by the Stormtroopers, he entered the tube.

He quickly made his way to the deck, where he could find the Kaleesh leader. Scores of alien warriors watched the few Imperials pass by, whispering and looking cautiously to the young Imperial officer. No one stood in his path, though, and he soon reached the duel arena where the enemy chief was preparing for the duel.


The massive Kaleesh was taller and more imposing than Gallius. He wielded a traitionnal axe, a brutish weapon than had doubtlessely slain hundreds of foes. His armour was made of scrap, but the rugged look of it was merely decorative. The chestplate was bulky and stock, able to whistand many blows. In comparison, Gallius was slender, armed with a dual-bladed knife, wearing anything but his uniform.

The alien mocked the Imperial, a guttural laugh filling the whole room. He arrogantly went to a challenge position, pointing his massive axe towards the frail human. Gallius chose a classic defensive stance, his petar held lowly, making slow circle movements. He was confident in his ability to win. His duel skills were not matching a Knight's, but he had been trained by the best, and his duel style was perfect for this instance : he could move faster than his opponent, dealing few blows at a time, not having to worry about parries he could not make.

The duel was going to be short, as every kaleesh duel was. The alien rushed towards Gallius, lifting his axe in a beheading motion. Gallius would have been cut in half if he had not moved. But when the axe reached its objective, the human was not there anymore. He quickly dodged the attack, then striked hard, plunging the now-lit petar into the side of the armor. The scrap was cut in half, and the blade left a small scar to the alien, barely injuring him.

The sudden pain made the Kaleesh lose his focus for a split moment. He groaned, tried to catch the Imperial, but again, he was not there. Gallius had moved back to his original position, and hit the back of the heavy alien, this time penetrating the armor and the flesh. He dodged the next try, and grabbed the arm holding the axe, thrusting his blade into the elbow.

That time, the Kaleesh reacted quickly, and grabbed Gallius to the throat, before throwing him few feets away. He changed the axe from his right to his left arm, the rushed again to Gallius, who was not on his feet again. The fight was now favouring the alien, but the Imperial had not yet emptied his ideas on winning such a fight. He rolled over the floor, then got up, and dodged again the axe. He turned around his foe, waiting for an opening to stike, and when he perceived that the alien was to attack, he moved, then thrusted and reached the strap of the helm. It broke, and the helm slipped, half-falling on the face of the alien. Gallius used that occasion to strike once more, plunging his blade in the side of the alien.

He was thrown across the room, again, but that time he managed to land on his feets, and decided to end the fight before being injured more. He waited for the alien to charge, then threw the petar, aiming for the forehead. The petar pierced the neck in a moisted sound. The hulk staggered, and fell face down, his blood spreading on the floor. Gallius went to the corpse, took his petar and lifted it over his head. The blood splattered his face and his shoulders, but he did not care. He gave a quick speech to the alien, then went back to his ship.

All of these Kaleesh were now fighting for the Empire, and he wanted to make good use of them.


After changing his battered uniform to a clean one, Gallius ordered Razor Leader to make his briefing on the deck of the Pride of the Emperor, then organized the alien caravan. He had received new orders and he had to reinforce the 3rd Fleet who had been mauled at Dantooine. The Kaleesh were to stay on the planet as a reserve he could call on later, as they could not come to the sacred soil of Bastion. He would offer to Razor Squadron to become his attached squadron, then prepare a report for Jaeger Harrsk, and fly to Bastion.

All was in order.

Tag : Jivim Vaak

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