Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where everybody knows your name...

Just what in tar and feather was someone like herself doing here in such a place that seem to be so many warrior. In other words to her she was way out of her elements. Even so this seem to be a hang out for many of her fellow undergrounders. In that many not have been enough to get one here. For her telling herself she needed to get out more. After all staying behind her books she couldn't do that forever could she?

Even so she did see more then the humans running around this place. Most likely they were bounty hunters and smugglers. It only after this time she knew that these was her own kind of people. Even those she herself only was a tender footed of being smuggler. Again she was here to find maybe a ship or either that a crew.

Coming up to lend against the bar top. "Well what does a lady like me do first around here...oh get a drink.", as she waved down a keeper. "Sunny rise ale shaken not stirred."
She sat in corner wondering if anyone who new would come in, some times it was lonely being a fly girl in the mandalorian forces. As they all preferred the ground hogs, as she preferred to call them. So she at in her booth, hoping some mile high fighters would come join her. So they could share war stories on dog fighting, as most others only ever talked about how they looked them in the eye, before blowing the head off.

She took a sip her whisky, and surveyed the room.
Ijaat grinned and flipped the knife from the cork from earlier, balancing it on the tip of his finger before rolling it down his forearm and dropping it to the rigid calf sheath it rested in. Drubbing his fingers for a moment, he reached and downed the shot he had poured for himself, savoring the burn and rush of it down his throat and the warm glow spreading from his belly. This woman was smart, funny, and if the armor and sabers were any indicator, probably held her own in a fight. He decided right then and there they would get along just famously.

"S'true, we have a way with metal under our hands... I've smithed beskar and other metals since I was a little older than eight. I've traveled to many systems, learning from smiths hailing from traditions founded on Tythian, Echani, Zabrakian and more.. Each culture has their own way of shaping metals and gems. My late wife never liked the travel, but she understood it, in her own way I suppose... So tell me, are you here for business or seeking it?"

[member="Karen Roberts"]
Walking into the cantina, bar or whatever it was called was a large figure armored all over expect for the head which only revealed a Aged face of an Gen'dai. Nodding to those by him Kezeroth seated himself close to the counter and ordered his drinks. " Corellian Ale, With a side of jawa juice. No ice...Hrrr" he said with a growl at the end, the bartenders in the past always ruined his drinks with ice he hated it.

Spotting some fellow Mandos Kezeroth grinned and grabbed his drinks he was moving to go sit down with them. He wanted to bother his fellow Vod some before he attempted to get drunk. Sitting down by [member="Ijaat Akun"] and [member="Karen Roberts"] the brooding Gen'dai smiled to interrupt their conversation. " I'll tell you what I'm here for! A drink.... and some information of course.. Heh" he chuckled slightly and sipped his Ale.


Disney's Princess
Corner Booth
w [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] & [member="Ijaat Akun"]

Roberts was about to reply when an elephant sat down. Well... A creature as large as an elephant and as heavy too. Armored, ugly, and thirsty apparently. Karen looked towards the bathroom and found her Devaronian guide tugging at his collar. She sent him a nudge and the poor devil began a quick schlep out the front door. The last thing Roberts wanted right now was her NPC coming back to the table. Bleh.

Ol' Blue could only shrug in Akun's direction. He was the bar master. Let him deal with... Whatever species this newcomer was?

"Erm. Right. About that."
Corner Booth
[member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Ijaat eyed the newcomer calmly, but silently willed the formation of his gauntlet away, the silvery metal slinking down into his body again. That was the one disadvantage to this type of modification he had undergone. Sometimes his thoughts got away from him, and he reacted without fully examining the consequences or ramifications of his actions.The knife remained in its calf-sheath and he nodded to the gendai, shaking his head as he poured a shot of the tihaar out and slide it to him.

"Kezeroth... Didn't expect to see you about these parts.... What information do you need, vod? I might be able to rustle something up."
Corner Booth
[member="Ijaat Akun"] & [member="Karen Roberts"]

" They never do... Hehe." He siped his drink once more. It was true Kezeroth didn't go to social gatherings much but now and then he made appearances now was just such a time. " Its Rumored the [member="Preliat Mantis"] killed a sith named Dredge.... Is such a tale true?" he asked plainly and looked at the woman sitting by him [member="Karen Roberts"]. A young looking lass who for the most part seemed to not like the Gen'dais company. He didn't blame her for the brief stare at his facial features. " Believe it or not my kind only get more beautiful as we age!" He jeered and smiled showing his teeth. Turning his attention back to Iron Man-do [member="Ijaat Akun"], Kez could only raise a brow.

" Well can you help an old timer discover some truth?"
The Corellian Rose (retired)
[member="Kad Tor"]

"I see."

Ahhh… so that was it. He was a man with a broken heart. Great?! Course, was she any different? Yes, Lizzy didn't have any hope left of her loved one showing back up. This Mando'ad seemingly was still holding on to a miracle happening. Good luck with that. It was a fool's errand, but the Corellisi would see it done none the less.

"You Forcey types are all alike… Always showing off," Eliza smirked with a chuckle.

The petite smuggler threw back her shot of whiskey like it was water, relishing in the heat and comfort the alcoholic spirit gave her. It wasn't smooth like a good Corellian one, but it would still get the woman drunk enough to ease demons that haunted her when not working or alone. Course, looked like from the bearded beskarsmith's offer, he was interested in keeping her busy.

"Well I don't haggle business deals, Mister Tor. It is what it is, but I do like it when the pockets get filled with my balls of choice. You're on… Oh and the name's Steele, Eliza Steele," she smiled with a certain glint in those chocolate drops of hers, then slide off the bar stool and swaggered over towards the pool table with her new ale mug in hand.

"You want to rack 'em and stack 'em or shall I?"
Yes, he let himself hope, but only so much. Was it a fool's errand? Whether it was or not, Kad would never let himself live it down if he didn't follow through. He was raised traditionally, and despite not always staying to it, he wasn't going to declare his riduurok to be over without being as certain as he could be. If it was it was simple as Ral had no living family. He was there was besides their twins.

"Well can't blame me for trying to haggle... maybe I could convince you to make a wager instead," he said watching as Eliza walked over to the table.

She was petite, maybe a couple inches taller than Ral. Why did she have to be petite. Good things came in small packages, Kad knew this well. Ral had been gone so long, Kad was really wanting to move on to. Maybe this meeting is what he needed. Down some booze, play some pool, get the job set, play another game entirely... yeah his brain was going there.

"Of course I want to rack and stack'em. You think I'd miss a chance to show you what these hands can do?"

Okay, he was full of the one liners and innuendos, but so far she'd run with it. Either it was the alcohol talking or not, but Kad was going to enjoy whatever happened with this night. Kad quickly, and efficiently racked the balls, and arranged them the way they should be. He grabbed his ale and took a drink.

"Wanna break and show me what you can do with a stick, Miss Steele?"

[member="Eliza Steele"]


Disney's Princess
Corner Booth
w [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] & [member="Ijaat Akun"]

Prettier with age? Oh gods. That sounded horrible. Roberts did her best from being completely horrified by such a statement. But don't get her wrong. She'd seen uglier. Far far uglier. It's just that Kez here was easily one of the most intimidating looking creatures she'd ever shared drinks with. Heck. He looked like he could eat her Starfighter if he was hungry enough. Oh boy.

"Erm. Right. ...Very flattering. Just lovely. Forget I said anything."

She hadn't said anything. She was still mostly just thinking it at this point. Well. Maybe she needed another shot. ...Yeah. Good thinking. Karen could really go for another shot right about now.

Or three.
Corner Booth
[member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Ijaat shrugged and gesture to the bottle as he poured three more shots and slammed his down, sliding the glass, along with his now full, two to the blue haired vixen and one to his comrade, nodding. There was something about being home that just.... Felt good.... He had come very close to the edge there for a moment, and he wasn't about to go that far again.

"Preliat? I heard he killed some sort of Sith big-shot, yeah... Never caught the name, it was while I was caught up in the Netherworld hullabaloo. I can find out the name if you need it though?"

Turning to Karen, he patted her hand and smiled.

"Drink up lass, he'll look prettier faster that way than if we wait for him to age a few thousand years."
Corner Booth
[member="Ijaat Akun"] & [member="Karen Roberts"]

" Id very much like to know! The planet specifically... Sith artifacts sell very well in these times. Assuming Preliat didn't take them himself." He added the last part as a cover, If he found the artifacts selling them would be the last thing he would do. Now chugging his Corellian Ale Kezeorth quickly downed the heavy drink is seconds and wiped his mouth and belched loud. Though he smiled on the outside on the inside he was thinking about his own experience in the Netherworld, it gave him shiver the horrible place.

"Drink up lass, he'll look prettier faster that way than if we wait for him to age a few thousand years." Hearing this only made Kez chuckle some.

" Its good to relax without begin shot at for once. Tell me would either of you like to hear an old combat story?" he looked at them both as he started on his Jawa Juice.
The Corellian Rose (retired)
Pool Table | [member="Kad Tor"]

Wow… This one was coming alive all of a sudden. Kad sure was a tall drink of water to be had, if she was thirty that is. But for right now, the alcohol was doing the trick and she would stick to that.

"Well a good pair of hands are always welcome in my book," Eliza quipped as she grabbed a cue stick and gave the tip a good chalking, then the spirited Corellisi walked around to the end of the pool table.

"Be careful for what you wish for, Mister Tor… I just might blow your mind," she said, flashing a lop-sided grin his way before taking a stance to break the balls.

Two long-slender fingers braced themselves on the green felt atop the table as two others made a hole for the narrow part of the cue to go through with the thumb to glide it. The other hand had a firm yet gentle grip on the thicker end. A couple of controlled practice strokes were taken, then with a quick thrust forward the chalked tip struck the white ball, sending it smacking into the triangle shaped stacked pool balls scattering them across the table and sinking the blue ball right off the bat.

The petite smuggler winked, then moved around the table past the bearded Mando'ad and began her systematic plan of putting away the solids like it was child's play, though she pulled up after the third ball sunk into the pocket in well-practiced form and walked over to the side table where her ale mug was.

"You still want to wager something or should we just have fun tonight, hmm?" she smiled, then added after taking a swig from her glass. "I sure could use something stronger to wet my whistle. How about you? What's your go to around here?"


Disney's Princess
Corner Booth
w [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] & [member="Ijaat Akun"]

"Funny you should say that?" Karen smirked and winked at Akun.

They were just about to swap a few stories themselves. Roberts happily received the shot passed to her and knocked it back quickly. Ooo. That burns. Not healthy. Fat calories. Much stick. Blek.

She smiled. It was perfect.

Noticeably, Roberts ignored the part of Sith Artifacts. She personally hated the things. Now had she been a Jedi Shadow or a Silver Surfer, maybe it would have peaked her interest. But after Netherworld? She herself had had more than enough of magical bobbles and shadowy trinkets. Hell. She even had a full-plate suit of Demonstone taken from Akala's Realm just sitting back on Fondor in the garage. And that darn thing was down right evil.

No. Karen would skip the part about Sith Artifacts. The giant creature sitting next to her was welcome to ALL of them. Ugh.
Pool Table | [member="Eliza Steele"]

Okay so about now Kad was thinking the wager would be a bad idea. With expert precision Eliza went to work sinking the balls one by one. She stood at the third to ask if he wanted to actually go through with a wager or simply have fun. He shook his head.

"Fun, definitely fun, otherwise I don't think I'll afford your fee..."

He took a large swig of the ale. If anyone could manage to make him forget about Ral, this one could. The reasons why made Kad pause a bit. She was like her in a lot of ways, and totally different than her at the same time. By the Manda, why was he not taking the advice he gave to Bree and moving on? There were perfectly good women out there who would be happy to be with him. Yeah, it was time to move on.

"Tihaar, definitely. It's triple distilled and has a higher alcohol content than most of what you can get those slender fingers of yours on."

Naturally he didn't know she owned her own bar, or co-owned it. He was just focused on keeping her around long enough to actually enjoy himself for the first time in a long time. Kad was a free bird for a while, so it wasn't like he had to rush off. Did he need an attitude adjustment? Some would say he did, Graad and Briika did. Right now though Kad was after fun, and if anything else came of it, well bonus.

Kad looked to the server walking by.

"Tihaar, a full bottle, and a couple shot glasses. Oh and put her drinks on my tab."

He turned back to Eliza.

"You don't have to stop. I was enjoying just sitting her and admiring your expert skill." And the view.
The Corellian Rose (retired)
Pool Table | [member="Kad Tor"]

Eliza liked a man who picked up her drink tab even without solid evidence he was going to get rewarded later for his good deed. From past experience, the smuggler's general rule of thumb was not to mix business with pleasure before she got paid, so this might be a challenge as the ruggedly handsome Mando'ad did have an undeniable appeal for the spirited Corellisi. Time would tell though if her will power held or not. It had been a while… both in that department and the credit side of things. Times were tough on all fronts, but which had a more prevalent need to be sated? Being a business woman at heart kinda settled that debate.

"Well watch and learn then. You might just pick up a thing or two," Lizzy smirked playfully, then proceeded to sink the rest of the seven solid colored balls in with a disciplined and thoughtful manner. That is how she flew too with all seriousness as the Corellian Dawn was her baby and livelihood. The woman knew how to have fun, and when to be serious. Right now though, it was a little of both. The stopover was to the up side so far.

After putting in the Eight ball and effectively skunking her opponent, the brunette put down the cue stick on top of the pool table and made her way over to where Kad was sitting now with their new round of drinks.

"Here's to clear skies and finding what you are hopefully searching for, Mister Tor," Lizzy toasted, then tipped back the colorless yet fruity liquid. Whoa, did it pack a punch, but oh was it good.

"Oh I very much like… " she nodded after following the shot with a generous swig from her ale to put the flames out. "Gosh though, I hope it doesn't put hair on my chest, now that would be bad," came a soft chuckle already starting to feel the effects of the Mandalorian alcoholic spirit.

"So… Care to tell me a bit more about yourself. Just makes it easier to get a fuller picture of my client before we head off to face the unknown together."
Pool Table | [member="Eliza Steele"]

"Oh I intend to watch" he said with a grin, the alcohol loosening his lips.

Why was it the alcohol was what brought out the charismatic side of Kad. He'd naturally been so before his losses, but now it came out when he drank. His aliit didn't like drunk Kad much, but at least he hadn't lost it totally. For now, he was having fun. Leaning against the back of the post, he watched as she methodically sank the remaining balls, teaching him to be careful before just jumping into a bet with a stranger. Clearly she was a pool shark, and a lot of credits could be made with that skill. Kad was impressed.

They walked back to a table, which was much closer than the bar at this point, and downed their first shot of Tihaar. "Clear skies," Kad said just before he downed his like a glass of water. The liquid burned, but he'd drank enough of it over time it no longer bothered him the way it had Eliza.

"Hair on your chest... I don't know? I'd better see you chest before hair and then again after hair to get a good judgement call. Usually though, women don't look good with hairy chests..."

And now it was getting personal. While Eliza said it was to get to know her client better, Kad also recognized this what happened on the first couple of dates people had. While this likely wasn't a date, they were in a bar, he was paying, and now they were about to trade stories. She wasn't getting his without telling hers after all. How much was he going to tell though? Was he going to admit he was likely a widower that lost his riduur while she was pregnant with his ade? Would she even believe that he'd been a family man at one point in his life? He stalled while he looked down at the table, and traced the patter of the woodgrain with his index finger.

Looking up he finally answered, "I'm a goran and beskarsmith. I'm originally from the north, Enceri, where my buire still live and own their farmstead. I have one sibling still alive, another who has marched on. Ner, riduur has not returned in six standard years, and she was pregnant with twins when I last saw her. I drink a lot, though I think you figured that out... and I like to blow things up. I serve as demolitions expert when needed, and manufacture my own explosives. A skill which comes in handy."

Kad downed another shot, in disbelief he spilled most of it. Yeah it was the alcohol. He looked at Eliza.

"What about you? What do you hide behind those delicious chocolate drops of yours?"
The Corellian Rose (retired)
Pool Table Area | [member="Kad Tor"]

"Somehow I knew you'd say that," Lizzy chuckled at Kad's comment about the possible hair on her chest, and ample it was - the bosom, not hair.

The Corellisi also took note that the sandy brown haired goran handled tihaar like she handled whiskey. Quite the sorry pair they were it seemed especially after listening to his story. Course his loss was way more than hers. In fact, Eliza's seemed insignificant to his. A wife and children… Twins perhaps? All she lost was a business partner with a side of personal attachment. It wasn't worth bringing up, not compared to his tragic loss. Nope, better for her to take the pain to her grave than share it.

Eliza reached out and touched his forearm arm, if only slightly yet did. "I'm truly sorry for your loss. Things can be replaced. Livelihoods can be rebuilt, but people can't. That rapture touched nearly everyone in the galaxy one way or another. Tis a shame really. So much good lost… but it is what it is and here we are," the brunette finally said, then removed her hand and slid the shot glass over for a refill of the gut burning stuff. Yeah, she was gonna get drunk tonight.

While the bearded Mando'ad poured another glass full of the local alcoholic spirit, Eliza took the time to collect her thoughts and think about what to share about herself.

"Vor'e," she smiled, then tipped the glass back and waited a moment before continuing to allow the tihaar to settle in her system.

"Well behind these chocolate drops as you call them you'll find a full-blooded Corellian, born a smuggler's daughter. My mother died when I was young so my old man raised me by himself, taught me the business from the ground up. Now I run it. I was an experienced freighter pilot by the time I was fourteen, taking the captain's chair on our ship by eighteen, and I'm an excellent marksman too. I grew up a tomboy, liked to blow things up as a child, but have been known to wear a dress occasionally. I like fine whiskey, Sweet Theed cigars, and men that make me laugh. The first two you can blame on my father, the latter one is necessary to keep me sane in this twisted world of ours."

Eliza didn't know what else to say except… "Oh and I am part owner in a bar on Ord Mantell. Should you ever come out that way, check out the Afterburner Cantina in Worlport. I might even return the favor and buy you drinks," she winked. "If you make me laugh."
Pool Table Area | [member="Eliza Steele"]

So she had suffered some loss too. The touch to his arm was genuine as well. Some may interpret it as an advance, and with all the alcohol in Kad's system, no one would blame him if he did. Truthfully, he did not see it that way at all. Instead he took it for what it was given as, a gesture of condolence and comfort. It didn't keep him from refilling the bottle and taking another shot with the candy eye'd brunette though.

He smirked as she was still adjusting to the kick. By the time they emptied the bottle though, she would be used to it, though she'd feel it in the morning. Her own story was one which sounded full of adventure. Blowing things up was something they had in common it seemed, besides the drinking, and was a common interest they could build on for future work. Especially since she co-owned a bar.

Kad's eyes lit up at the revelation, and he smiled wide. He'd certainly have to get her to laugh if free drinks were on the line, and he knew he could. The question was, would she remember any of it.

"Does tickling you count, or do I have to rely on my sense of humor being one you like," he asked, his speech starting to slur slightly. "Cuz I'm pretty sure I could find a few ticklish spots that could really get you going."

By this point, Kad had really forgotten they were talking business. For the first time in a long time his mind was on something other than work, and sorrow.
The Corellian Rose (retired)
Pool Table Area | [member="Kad Tor"]

"Oh you could, could you… " Again the brunette chuckled, starting to feel her lips tingle a bit from the triple distilled fruit based alcoholic drink. Normally the Corellisi held her liquor well, but she hadn't eaten much before coming to the Mad Shrill, and this stuff was strong... so yeah there would be hell to pay in the morning, Though, she never got sloppy drunk, just real tipsy on occasion.

The shot glass was pushed forward one last time for a refill, then it was tossed back seemingly easier this time. Eliza smiled, then finished off her ale too and set the empty mug off to the side.

"So… When did you want to get it on. I mean... go on your trip you're hiring me for? That is if you're still interested in hitting me up? I need to get my ship prepped for it if you are."

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