Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where should I end up?

Hello, Midnight!

Midnight Rapture said:
Oh, and can I be a Jedi Master and a Smuggler...what is the faction rules and such??
Yep, you can be both. One Force user rank and one of the NFU is perfectly acceptable. Can't have more than two but if you decide your second one to be a faction one, it doesn't mean you're not a smuggler. We just love the rank tags around here, lol.

Midnight Rapture said:
Can I train neutral while still being a Force user?
Yeah, you can train. But swrp has no trainee, adept and elite so it would be just part of a storyline. Only force users move between ranks.

Midnight Rapture said:
And what is just a 'Master' that I've seen floating around?
Neutral Force User, neither Jedi nor Sith (or Dark Jedi, Witch or Shaper). Somewhere in between.

Midnight Rapture said:
(tho maybe I can tie up Nom & make him be the mermaid on the mast)
Yus! Nomad the Mermaid! I approve!
Thank you so much Satara!

And everyone is saying Omega, but it said: 'For those seeking the more seedier means of employment (IE assassination, slave catchers, smuggling, **** dealing etc) in The Criminal Underworld, this is not for you'

...and well, I am a seedy smuggler.

Is there anywhere for seedy smugglers? Maybe the Hutts? Maybe I can just compete against the other smugglers here...stowaway aboard their ships & spoil their goods. :D Any smuggler wish to do a thread with me where I can sneak aboard??

Oh, and can I still train Jedi paddies? Though I don't see myself as part of the Jedi as a whole, I like to, foster young minds. So may I teach as a rogue Jedi?
Noxu Za'tire said:
Oh, a smuggler, eh? Well, well, well.

I like you a bit more now.
I got my eyes on you...
Davin Jusik said:
I recommend the Syndicate or Republic with you doing shady things under the radar.
I can't picture Midnight with the Republic. To many laws for her, me thinks :p
Davin Jusik said:
Shhhhhh. Just sign this contract midnight and all your dreams will come true.

*Sets Republic Army Infantry contract in front of her. Hands fancy pen.*
I imagine the army falling apart if that ever gets signed...
Oo...fancy pen? Mmmm....

Pft, Nom. It's not like you even remember us, you rebooted clone boy *hurt face*, where's your goods flyboy? Cause you know we're competition now...and well, you outta just give up now rather than suffer a dry season caused by my awesomeness ;)

Now back to that fancy pen--where it be at? :D
I think we're going to have to get a spray bottle and train Hevana to stay off of every new woman that walks in in the same manner you teach a cat to stay off the furniture.

Ragnar Wulfe

Genet'orar Detta said:
I think we're going to have to get a spray bottle and train Hevana to stay off of every new woman that walks in in the same manner you teach a cat to stay off the furniture.
Sadly, I agree
Welcome to the boards.

To answer you question it would depend on exactly what kind of smuggler/Jedi you plan to play.

Omega Pyre is a good place to start but they only accept above board gigs, nothing illegal as far as I know. On the other hand, The Echani Compact is just more short of their requirements, they seem to be Jedi friendly and would probably wouldn't mind a smuggler among their numbers.

As for your other question, the rank of Master you see floating around is an in-faction rating, each faction has three ranks (for the sith its Apprentice, Knight and Master) which denote their role in the faction.

Hope these answered your questions and if you have more please don't hesitate to ask.

Your friendly neighborhood Sith,

Daxton Bane

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