Draven Eterena
The Storm Rider
Draven decided to remain silent. Reflecting upon how she responded. While he remained close and more or less allowed her to lead. Even with some reflection from the snow. Draven did not know this path, or world, or anything about the system he was in. In fact he was sure he would be placed in a position. He'd need to rely on the force to hopefully lead him to a good place. Though instead it guided a good person to him to help cut some of the mess of relying on his own directions.
Especially a good thing considering moments ago. He was nearly attempting self inflicted spontaneous combustion. By summoning a flame instead of warming himself up. Long story short. Draven was finding recently he was better at finding trouble then trouble was at finding him.
Draven looked ahead hoping for signs their journey neared it's end phase. So they could begin the next step in this adventure. As he was sure much had yet to be done before Draven could finally rest. He also wondered what Sola Wessiri would have on her plate. Thanks to the conundrum Draven had brought upon her. He hoped whatever it was had a alright resolution.
Especially a good thing considering moments ago. He was nearly attempting self inflicted spontaneous combustion. By summoning a flame instead of warming himself up. Long story short. Draven was finding recently he was better at finding trouble then trouble was at finding him.
Draven looked ahead hoping for signs their journey neared it's end phase. So they could begin the next step in this adventure. As he was sure much had yet to be done before Draven could finally rest. He also wondered what Sola Wessiri would have on her plate. Thanks to the conundrum Draven had brought upon her. He hoped whatever it was had a alright resolution.