Balun Dashiell
Dashiell Retrofit™
While she expected Balun to have left through the graciously broken down door, she would be lying to say she was surprised at the least to see him hop up the catwalk. "You're an idiot." She muttered under her breath. The sith lord had already made his threats. But as he was distracted speaking with Revna, Falentra moved her hand discreetly at her side, manipulating the force around she manouvred the datapad in his pocket out. Then her hand would raise higher outwards, tugging with the force.
As the propelled datapad reached her palm with a firm slap, an edge of her lips tugged upwards in shadow of a coy, mischievious smirk. In an instant, Falentra raised the blaster from her side, activating two shots in the Siths' direction, more as as a distraction than anything else. "Run." She told Balun before taking of, stepping off the catwalk.
Movement caught his eye, a device soaring into Lady Falentra 's grip. She had made the first move and set things into motion once again. Balun stood at the ready, awaiting when his weapon needed to be activated. His friend had other plans; however, once again, he told him to run and, this time, took the lead. Truthfully, he'd have been relieved had Balun the time to think about what he was doing. Instead, he stepped back off the catwalk, following closely behind Nouqai without hesitation.
"So these are your friends, huh?" Balun spoke out as he caught up to her side, the two running in pace as the doors to their section of the Shipyard station were now open. "It could just be me, but I don't think they're as accepting of your diverse social circle as I am," he added, clearly masking the seriousness of the situation with intended humour and sarcasm.
"I mean....-The Girl seems alright. She Single?" he carried on, speaking between breaths as they sprinted down the corridor. Despite trying to make Nouqai laugh, his eyes were glancing left and right for an exit out of the place. He wasn't always like this; for the most part Balun was a serious kind of guy when it came down to life and death situations, but he hadn't seen Nouqai in a very long time, and if something were to happen to him, he'd be glad to be remembered by his more optimistic nature.
Revna & Darth Strosius