As the procession slowly snaked through the gathered people, Avalore watched with growing anxiety, her right hand fishing in the pocket of her green Healer robes for something. With deep breaths, she considered this next step forward in the grieving process: a speech, or rather, a letter to Diana written in private to be read aloud. Avalore wasn't good at speeches and like most people she fretted about public speaking, but this was something from the heart. This was something that had to be done and it had to be done before the fire was set.
Brown eyes traced the movement of the Moridena family as they settled into place at either side of the memorial. It was now or never for her, and with the sound of the funeral pyre bed being set upon the raised dais before the altar, she slowly moved from her spot. Every step was difficult, from the act of wading through this sea of unknowns to the prospect of speaking before them, she shuddered with fear, she cringed with nausea. Brushing past the left side of [member="Ashin Varanin"], and then along the right of a man she'd once known as Sopher but now called himself [member="Sciath"], the Healer carefully, slowly wend her way forward. Her fingers tugged at the paper note inside her pocket and by the time she reached the front she was fumbling to hold it with all ten of them.
Her hands shook, her eyes flickered nervously from one face to the next.
Don't focus on them. Pretend they aren't even there. Just breath. Don't say anything stupid.
"Hi," she began meekly, her throat still tight. Avalore coughed, "hello. Sorry. I don't speak in public often. At all. Ever. It's really alot easier to run onto a battlefield to pick up an injured woman and bring her to safety. That's-" she looked up, eyes trailing to the face of [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] at the back, "that's how I met Diana. On Ossus, she'd fallen during battle and I," a hard swallow, Avalore pushed her hair from her face, "I was the only one dumb enough to retrieve her. I was six months pregnant and I ran out to find her, and I picked her up - I don't even know how - and I brought her back to safety. But I'm not here to talk about my accomplishments, or even hers. Most of you are here because you probably already know about them. I'm just here," the young woman closed her eyes, attempting to fight the grimace that pulled at her face, "to say goodbye."
She fumbled with the letter, quaking hands working hard to unfold it without dropping it. When it was open, she turned the page one way and then the other until it was right.
Avalore took a breath and when she began to speak her voice was strained, "I know our relationship has been anything but the normal way of Master and Learner, but I've never been much good at doing things the normal way and I don't think you have either. I'm not quite sure what made me decide to do what I did on Ossus, but my gut tells me it's how things were supposed to be. I lost my Master months ago and in the Order I was an outcast but you didn't care. The only thing you cared about was that I was dumb enough to do what I did in the way that I was. You could have left me on Cato, knowing I was only going to be more trouble than I was worth, but something between us must have clicked. Maybe you recognized my need for approval and acceptance, or maybe it was the other way around. You weren't exactly the traditional Jedi and I wasn't exactly the ideal Padawan, but at least we made things interesting."
On the pyre bed Diana Moridena's armor glistened in the lights set around the memorial and the pale glow of the rising moon. Tears pooled in Avalore's eyes, she bit back sob.
"Looking back, I don't know that I really learned anything I should have with you. I haven't a clue what it means to be a Jedi, and I'd be a liar if I said I could recite the code. You couldn't train me to use a lightsaber because I was too afraid and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be - also, sorry for dropping it on your foot, I still have nightmares sometimes about cutting your toes off even though I didn't. I spent all 9 months of pregnancy attending Youngling classes on being a Jedi and the meaning of the Force, and in the afternoons I spent my time in the Medical wing learning how to become a Healer. You never discouraged me from anything and you helped me cheat on my diet more times than I can count."
"I don't say these things to make you feel as though you failed, because when I think about it I know that I learned more with you in our short time together than I have through everything else. You showed me what it meant not to be a Jedi, but to be a good person. You taught me not to follow a code, but to follow my heart. I'm still learning, Di, and it's really hard sometimes. I don't know if I'm truly doing what I feel is best, or if I'm just living up to the expectations of others. You were so good at knowing the difference and I..." pale glimmers streaked the sides of her face as she looked around at the crowd, "I am still just ...guessing."
Avalore shut her eyes tightly, pushing large, fat tears from them, and raised a hand to her mouth to cover up a sob. She cringed and bit her lip, internally wrestling to control herself. She only had a few more lines to read.
With the sleeve of her robes she wiped at her eyes and returned them to her letter.
"Your kindness and generosity to others knew no limits, and I can't understand why others couldn't see it. You were my greatest friend, you were like a sister, and now I've lost you, too. I'm so scared for what comes next Di, but I'll try to find you in everything I do. I'll do my best to emulate what you stood for, even if it means going against the grain. If there's good in it, well,"
"there's the silver lining."
Diana's mother approached her now and whispered something in her ear, something about fire. Sobbing, Avalore nodded, folded her letter, and carefully tucked it in with Diana's armor. She turned then and made a hasty retreat from the memorial, tears streaming down her face as she heard the hiss of fire ignite behind her.
Diana Moridena's armor glowed in the heat of the flames, her history of deeds and choices rising into the Kiffu night sky as smoke in the wind.
[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
[member="Sam"] Johvna
[member="Ryan Korr"]
[member="Ket Vistas"]
[member="Ayden Cater"]
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Lyna Moridena"]
[member="Selena Halcyon"]
[member="Daella Apparine"]
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[member="Mr. Ash"]