Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whether It's Damned Or If It's Good [Atretes Rhoujen]


Well-Known Member
Artetes' arm slinked around [member="Luna Vega"]'s shoulders, and hugged her close as they walked. He laughed quietly at her compliment, and was a little startled when she bolted off. He understood, though, when he heard the refresher turn on and he found a comfortable-looking corner to sit in in his rather oddly laid-out ship. When Luna suggested planets, he kind of shrugged though she could not see him, and he peeked up when she stepped out. He looked over her nude features, appreciating her attractiveness in a moment outside of when they give in to their desires, but broke himself out of such musings when she asked where he was headed.

"Wherever fate takes me, lass. At least for now." Rhoujen answered. He felt a chill creep up his spine when Luna called out his name. He didn't know why, but it felt... nice. He stood from his thoughts, and wandered into the central 'lounge' at it were, and was beset by the girl affectionately covering and kissing him. Atretes slid to turn around and wrapped his arms around Luna, giving her a warm snuggle. He took a deep breath and the scent of clean better accented her own natural scent. He rested his cheek on her head and muttered aloud.

"You smell good, too."
"Doona I though..." she laughed and it held low, tinkers of comfort reminiscent of a girl from a long time ago. Luna let herself sink, or meld perhaps was a better word, into his arms. She was curious though and leaned back with raised, dark brows. "Put it on," blinking through her colored bangs, she smiled, "please. I wanna see if it fits." A few steps back and she settled into a heap of limbs atop a smalll seating area, her arm bending and propping up so that she could rest her head in her hand.

The laughter still glittered in her eyes as she watched. Wriggling, Luna turned more on her stomach, letting her bare legs wave too and fro like a giddy girl. She was absolutely ensnared by him. "Well, go on..." the voice held an air of mischief and her gaze dipped down and back up in a slow crawl of appreciation. Long, thin fingers tapped on her chin as she mused about certain events.

For some reason or another, she wanted to make him happy. Truly, Vega had not a clue why- but it also made her feel more at ease. Their time together would be short lived for now, so the pirate was living in the moment to try and escape what was to come. [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] would miss her just as she would miss him... right? It don't matter, she shoved the thought aside. It felt good now. That was what mattered.


Well-Known Member
The young man blinked and looked at the coat that was draped over his shoulders. It was normal length on him, which meant is was supposed to be a longer coat on someone [member="Luna Vega"]'s size. He tried to slide it on, and while everything fit well enough, the sleeves were a bit too short. He rolled them up, though, so they bunched up just past his elbow and looked down. While buttoning it would not be an option because of how it was cut for someone more petite, it did fit with a very specific way of wearing it. He didn't know if he looked silly or not, so he looked up to Luna and shrugged.

"What do you think, then?" he asked her curiously.
Just as soon as he slid it on, she knew and her face reddened, a slide of fingers moved to cover her embarrassed visage. Gray eyes slid, eyeing the bag from the cracks offered by her make-shift mask. No longer could she help it, starved really, to release a horde of giggles. "I think it would fit me jus' fine," her slender shoulders shook as she let the laughter take over. She crawled down and on to the floor and pushed up with her hands to stand. Luna circled [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] until she came to his backside. Surely enough it was as she presumed.

Deft fingers came to it's collar and she slowly peeled it off from him, tossing it over a chair. Vega paused, "Had I given you the right one..." her voice trailed off playfully and she padded back to the refresher. She felt the idiot and was apparently playing it too. The only time her head felt clear was when she was with him. The pirate snatched the other bag up and peeked in to make sure of it's content.

How she managed to grab the wrong one... different colors, different sizes. The bag of course. "This," she sashayed out, tugging on the skirt, "shoul' fit..." commented the young woman, slipping just to the side of him and removing something slightly bigger and a shade darker from the bag she carried. Holding it up, Luna smiled brightly, waiting for him to slide his arm in.


Well-Known Member
Atretes laughed a little as @Lune Vega peeled the too-small garment off of him. It turned inside-out from it contouring to his form, and he shook his arms a little to get that constricting feeling to go away. After a deep breath, he felt miss Luna upon him again, with a similar yet different coat that was much more his size. He slid it on, adjusted the collar, and felt significantly more badass in the long coat. He stretched and grinned when it allowed him to move. He spun on his heel and pulled Luna in for another hug, then he smiled at her.

"Thank you." he said politely, before he looked out the viewport. How long had they slept? How long had they been enjoying one another's company? It was already close to midday. He took a back step and tuned to the cockpit while he spoke.

"I'd better get us on the move, then. I'll be right back, or you're welcome to come up." he said cheerfully, before he made his way into the cockpit with his new coat swaying behind him.
Was this what it was supposed to feel like, Luna reflected.

This was the first sputters of what love was, at least in her mind. It was living. The pirate really never lived, she survived. Her heart felt so heavy now, but she brandished a smile upon her face. For once in her wretched life, Luna was made to really feel and really look. Sobriety more often than not did those things. Things she never had allowed until now. Two nimble fingers came to her lips and she cat-called, a long, high-pitched whistle as he stomped around.

Laughing, Luna Vega had to laugh or start crying. She had already made herself look like a blundering fool. It felt... right to just have his arms wrapped around her, with not another soul around, without death looming. Oddly enough, without her crutch; whiskey. With [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] around, she did not need it. What was to wallow in? The man brought her joy on levels she never knew existed. Oh, Rhou, the lass sighed inward.

As he strutted off, the motley hued haired girl stared after him. Luna did not answer immediately, instead she stood in thought for a moment. Maybe just soaking it all in. "And miss take-off?" she snorted, voice loud enough to reach him. After mentally shaking herself, the pirate hastened her pace to the cockpit, and clambered on up. As if it were natural, she slid into the confines of the co-pilots chair, eyes scurrying about the controls.

Finally, she found his eyes and smiled brightly. Adventure, Vega thought. Freedom. Rum.

Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

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