I was well know maybe, but most predominantly in the Empire as just that fat guy who bosses you around for a hamburger on that big throne of his. Then I died. And Immediately stopped being an Imperial name. Now I'm a ghost ship... and very few people know me.
I suppose for historians or what not I would be a footnote, having battle Ashin at her coup, ended her reign, and took her throne, and then proptly killed a while later by a nobody who became somebody for killing some fat guy.
I might have very briefly been famous but it wasn't huge or really widespread, just another Emperor who happened to be a bit morbidly obese. But my time has long passed with my death, and the idea of fame is completely laughable.
All my other characters are nobody's, but I hope @[member="Triam Akovin"] will become an Indiana Jones to the galaxy.