Freya En'Livous
Kira - The Broken Dagger Bar
Southern Republic Space
What a rotting pool of filth this world had become. The Republic didn't police most of it. Law was a word rarely spoken, and only used for threats to drag some Pub out here to deal with their own petty dealings. Back when Rayl Wilded ran this place; there was at least order; and work. Any decent fellow who knew a little of how a ship worked and to fire a gun could get on a pirate crew. Now it was just another broken back water world where you'll probably get stabbed for your boots.
Freya pushed open the doors to The Broken Dagger Bar. Her eyes scanned through the smoke for an open seat. Two men beat themselves up to the right, most watching and laughing. Betting too. The whores tried to pull potential customers away to steal away what little credits they may of had. One of the few things still in ample supply was booze. And thank the traders for that. Frya found an open seat, several in fact. Over on the left corer of this establishment. Her one and only plan right now was to get drunk off her rock and think on the good times. She dropped her rear in a seat, leaned back against the wall. And when the waitress got around to her she ordered. "Whiskey, straight".
Southern Republic Space
What a rotting pool of filth this world had become. The Republic didn't police most of it. Law was a word rarely spoken, and only used for threats to drag some Pub out here to deal with their own petty dealings. Back when Rayl Wilded ran this place; there was at least order; and work. Any decent fellow who knew a little of how a ship worked and to fire a gun could get on a pirate crew. Now it was just another broken back water world where you'll probably get stabbed for your boots.
Freya pushed open the doors to The Broken Dagger Bar. Her eyes scanned through the smoke for an open seat. Two men beat themselves up to the right, most watching and laughing. Betting too. The whores tried to pull potential customers away to steal away what little credits they may of had. One of the few things still in ample supply was booze. And thank the traders for that. Frya found an open seat, several in fact. Over on the left corer of this establishment. Her one and only plan right now was to get drunk off her rock and think on the good times. She dropped her rear in a seat, leaned back against the wall. And when the waitress got around to her she ordered. "Whiskey, straight".