Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whiskey Is The Life Of Man [Open]

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

"Better men than you have died to those we call weak". Freya sipped back her whiskey. Keeping her gaze fixed only on it. Once finished, she set the glass back the same way she retrieved it. "I've heard plenty plenty of tales on that battle pass through here by spacers and other Mandalorians. An undead general took the Sith Citadel. Another blew up its foundation to destroy it. And I don't think it was you who dropped the asteroids. So, you blew up a chair and watched. And you're a Field Marshal"? Freya loved picking him apart. Even if she didn't have all the facts, she couldn't be expected too. bBut it'd burn the man for sure.
[member="Freya En'Livous"]
"The citadel fell to the efforts of one man, largely. He carved the lightsaber across it as if it were simply made of butter."He said dryly, his mouth fixing it's desire for a relief from it's thirst. He turned his head to the girl, narrowing his eyes."I have done much more than that. Perhaps I don't feel like sharing the entirety of my deeds with you."His words were sharp and to the point. It wasn't a snap, it was a matter-of-fact. Preliat could tell a lot about that battle, but then again, Preliat didn't tell anyone about anything. Or what he felt or had felt about things. It was all kept in his head, or if he had to, he only told things that other people witnessed and could attest to. Nothing to gain by giving stories about what he did on his own.

"I am a Field Marshal."


The Great and Powerful
While the vampire girl, the flower girl, and the 'princess' chattered around me, I jumped into the MAndalorian's helmet and butted into his conversation.

"Killing chairs? Tsk, Field Marshal. People need those to sit on."

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Freya En'Livous"]

[member='Charlotte Homura']

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