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Whispers From The Dark

[member="Jaron Lesan"]

Darth Ayra stood at the entrance to the tunnel that connected the Niathal to Jaron's YT-1450. She had the cowl of her robe raised. Yellow eyes gleamed from beneath the hood to look upon the Dark Jedi as he entered her ship. "So you made it. Congratulations."

"My name is Darth Ayra."
"Were you surpriesed, Darth Ayra," he asked as he turned to see her yellow colored eyes looking at him. "I did find you. I have your name. Now we decide on my usefulness, yes?"

Jaron new a bit how this worked. If he was not worth any kind of value, then he would be tossed aside. It was something he would do if he had a student that was not also an asset. He was beginning to think like a Sith. It was not about empowering the other for their development, but rather for one's own agenda. It was the same for learning. Jaron was not there to learn because he wanted to, but rather because she could help him with his goal. When those goals were no longer in line, the student would attempt to become the teacher. Perhaps this was different though.

"You selected an interesting location to meet. There is only one reason to be here. Though if you had wanted one of these crystals I am certain I could still walk into the the Jedi and get one for you. They still have them hidden away."

He was curious what she was up to. Did that mean she would just tell him. His experience with her up to now told him no. Then again, she could always surprise him. For now, Jaron moved about the area, taking in what he could. It was a new environment after all, and the mind wanted to see, and be familiar, with the new surroundings.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"The work that I do undermines the Jedi Order without them ever knowing how, who or why it happened. The work requires ultimate secrecy. It requires to leave the Jedi in the dark, so that they can never understand it's scope or depth. We cannot be attacked through acts of retribution or vengeance if they do not know who is behind the work. They came to learn of the works existence, but never the people that are working."

"You came to Wild Space to discover the dark side and you found me. You have come to the Qixoni system to find the Sith. This is not a coincidence."

Darth Ayra followed Jaron as he circled around her, watching with her eyes as he explored the vessel. The Niathal was a small transport, no bigger than a Lambda T4a-class transport in comparison. "I can teach you the ways of the dark side of the Force. But first I must discover whether or not you can begin the work that I follow or if you too are to be left in the dark."

"You are very close to stepping into a new galaxy, one that is free from the shackles of the Jedi and the lies of the old. I respect your straightforwardness. Will you join me Jaron Lesan?"
Darkness. Shadow. Secrecy. These were all things Jaron was familiar with. His mentor and uncle was a Jedi Shadow. Jaron had been training to be one as well before the collapse of Corellia. He nodded in understanding. The principle was the same in rooting out the Sith. Even Jedi cloacked themselves in shadow to hide their actions. He was was beginning to see the hypocrisy of it all. Jaron knew there was little to argue with at this point. Was his mind made up, no. Would he let himself become Sith, not yet. Was he going to join Darth Ayra?

"I will..." he stated as he looked her in the eyes. "But not if you keep me in the dark about what your intentions are. I don't follow blindly, never have, never will."

This was his only condition. Honesty was key, Jaron valued it above most all things. Should she lie, he would leave. If she covered up her true goals from him, he would be gone. Jaron could join her, but in doing so he was binding himself to something, and he would not bind himself to something without knowing what it was he joining to.

"Regardless of alignment, the force binds a student to their master. If you are to be my mistress, if we are to be bound in that way, then you must not leave me in the dark. If you can promise me this, then I can promise my loyalty."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"Master? No. To enter my apprenticeship is a bond beyond what you will do. You asked for honesty, so I will give it. I have no apprentice. I serve another who does not wish to be revealed. As you have come to understand, the work that I do for them and the work that they do leads to the same goal, but the secrecy behind our identities and our roles never necessarily cross paths."

"It's called compartmentalization, where the people that follow this work each works in their role without ever knowing who or what else goes on. If I tell you to do something, such as you coming here to the Qixoni system, then it is because that task is assisting the overall project. Only my apprentice shall come to know of the full project. Whilst you have done well to come here, showing me that you are ready to commit to the work that we shall do together, you have yet to do what is necessary to enter my apprenticeship."

"If you are committed to one day then entering my apprenticeship, then you can begin that process today. For now, you shall fulfill the role of my subordinate." Ayra pointed her finger at Jaron. "Work must be done first before you are to become known as a Sith."
He was a work horse then. At least she was not lying. He nodded his head again. The truth was something he could live with. As long as it continued, he would do what was asked, provided it led to the goal he was working for. This arrangement also allowed for freedom. He would work toward his own goals, and when called upon, he would entertain tasks which advanced her's, and that of her master. This was different than the Jedi already. Yes, the Jedi gave tasks, but one's personal goals were that of the overall order. Jaron could now focus on what he wanted. It seemed his pilgrimage had not ended, but truly only begun.

"Very well. I can live with this. You have been honest at least."

He looked out the nearest view port and out into the nebula. She was here for a crystal after all, and he assumed his assistance was required in the task. Turning back he looked at her.

"At least tell me what we are doing here. You do want a crystal, yes?"

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"I do. Which is why you are here. If I successfully convinced you to join me, then this would be the first task that we would do together."

"I find that fear is a very bad form of motivation. This is what my master taught me. It is very easy to make a man fear you and through that fear, you manipulate them to do your bidding. But I do not want you to fear me Jaron. This is not a form of weakness, but an effort against futility. It is inevitable that any fear you install into a man will eventually turn into anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to acts of retribution and in some cases, personal acts of revenge which ultimately damages the overall scheme."

"We have entered an alliance with one another Jaron. For what I require for you to do to me, you now have someone with the power to help you achieve your own aspirations. But with power comes choice, so be mindful that I cannot always guarantee my assistance; and that your own personal aspirations cannot bring trouble to me or the work that you shall do for me."
"Yes, yes. I am familiar with the concept. My mentor among the Jedi was a shadow, and taught me to be one as well. You do not need to worry that my actions will put yours into the light. I am used to working in shadow. One thing you can hopefully appreciate is that your name will never be mentioned past our meetings together."

The alliance was agreeable. She would offer her assistance in help of his. Their mutual freedoms would mean at times they would not be available to each other, but when they could, they would work hard to further the goals both shared. For now, Jaron would work for her in return for her skill.

"What is the crystal for, or does this need to be witheld? Either way, how were you proposing we extract it, a space walk?"

Jaron smile at the idea.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Jaron Lesan"] |

"Good." The Order of Sith Lords were not unknown to those Sith that became apart of it's linage that various individuals had recruited those who had a skill set already. In some cases, such as Darth Sidious's acquisition of Darth Maul, some were trained from the very start, whilst others simply filled into the role of the apprentice after learning of the existence of the Rule of Two and subsequently supporting the Sith imperative that it followed.

"I have had the Niathal scanning the nebula for the crystal for several hours. I am confident that there are enough for one each, if you would like one. Let us see if my scans have picked up any traces." Ayra turned and entered the cockpit, lowering herself back into the pilots seat. She brought up the scans and discovered that trace deposits had been found.

"A space walk would be impossible for several reasons. The distance between the ship and the crystals that we have found is too far. The nebula is also too dangerous to be exposed too. I have a probe ready to collect once a crystal was discovered."
"Then you didn't need me," Jaron stated, "But I will take the crystal regardless."

With the right suit a space walk could work with the elements, but the distance was an issue. If this was as close as her ship could get then then this was as far as they went. Jaron lowered himself into the co-pilot seat. It didn't feel natural after flying his own vessel, but he had seen the view many times with his Uncle Judah. His family would be disappointed with his choice, but they also wouldn't understand. He would likely keep it from them, and avoid his uncle. Judah would sense the change in him certainly. His cousin, that was a different matter. His cousin, and the redhead he was always with, maybe they would join him. That might be fun. The Lesans fixing the Galaxy!

Looking over the equipment, it was clear where the best deposits were. He wondered if the probe was ready for the extraction or not. This meeting only made the Dark Jedi more curious. What was it she was really up to? The only way to gain that knowledge was to earn his way to her apprenticship. After all, Jaron was not just looking for an ally, but also a teacher. If he was to be Sith, then he would need a guide along the way.

"Shall I prep the probe for launch?"

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"Yes." Although Jaron didn't know it yet, and he never would if he never made it into the rare apprenticeship Darth Ayra offered, the Qixoni crystal was the first of many rare crystals the Sith Lord sought to collect. Her Sith master was an excellent Sith alchemist, capable of creating the weapon that she wanted in place of the Lightsaber she currently had. For the attributes and power that Ayra wanted her weapon to have, then she would require the Qixoni and the others that Jaron would retrieve for her.
"Very well," Jaron stated as he left the cockpit for the airlock.

The probe was prepared for the most part and all that was needed was the preflight diagnostics. Everything was in working order. Positioning it Jaron made sure that the grips were positioned where they needed to be. Once he exited the airlock, Jaron hit the intercom.

"Everything is set. Releasing the airlock now."

Jaron looked on as the outside doors of the airlock opened and the probe floated out to space. The controls of the trusters on the probe were tied into the cockpit. As soon as the device was clear of the rest of the ship, Jaron returned to the cockpit and took his seat once again. He pulled up the probe on the viewer and took remote control of the device. Ayra would give directions as to whether he was close or not as he piloted the probe. His attention needed to remain on the probe, and what he was doing.

"We are up and running. I've got control."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"Good. Take a vector of thirty degrees wide, seventy degrees low. There is a deposit in that direction. You should see it on your picture when the probe enters it's vicinity. Nice and easy, we do not want any accidents."
Jaron took the angle slow and careful. He didn't want to mess up the approach and break something he was supposed retrieve intact. Soon the formation came into view on the screen. The picture was staticy and fluctuated at first, but as the probe neared the cluster, the signal cleared up. With care and precision, Jaron harvested a cluster of the formation, and guided the probe back to the ship. They could separate them better once they could get the cluster back into the workshop of the ship. Sometimes certain things needed to be done up close and personal. This was one of them.

"The probe is secure. I'll meet you in the workshop once I have the formation."

Jaron was careful to remove the crystals from the probe. They would need to be shaped right for use, and hopefully Ayra had all the proper cutting tools in the shop. It was still unclear what the crystals were for, but at least Jaron was getting one for himself. There were benefits to getting the job done it seemed.

Making his way to the workshop, Jaron set the formation on the workdesk for Darth Ayra. She would appreciate the crystals up close he was certain, and for now his work was done.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

The probe had returned to the Niathal, with the deposit of Qixoni crystals that it had been sent out to collect. Time would tell if the batch that sat in between Ayra and Jaron would be suitable for use in a Lightsaber. They were an incredibly rare crystal, one made out of the fires of a planet that had been destroyed years ago through a supernova. It was entirely possible that what sat between the Sith Lord and the Dark Jedi was nothing more than the remnants of a planet. Interesting, but ultimately useless.

The work table that had been prepared for the Qixoni's analysis and harvest had been prepared in anticipation of discovering a sample. A laser began to work, under the careful instruction of Darth Ayra, to chip away the pieces that were not useable, in an effort to collect two Qixoni crystals or more, if it was possible.
Jaron observed the work. He had never cut or shaped his own crystals before. The only cutting he had truly done was when he hunted for his own, but the crystal also was for the main housing chamber which was built to accommodate almost any crystal shape. The work Ayra was doing was precision work. His hands were not made for the kind of precision required here.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

The cutting process was finished. Lain around the remnants of the dead materials that had once been the Qixoni planet were two Qixoni crystals. Through the Force, Darth Ayra guided both of them into housing chamber, so that it could be kept safe until the time came for it to be used within a Lightsaber blade. "You will require a brand new hilt. The materials that you used to create your Lightsaber as a Jedi are not suitable for this new weapon. You should destroy your old Lightsaber, announcing that your ties to the Jedi were over."

Blue was one of the few colours associated with a Jedi, whereas crimson was the one associated with those who held no ties to their ways. Whether you were a Dark Jedi or Sith, it was the crimson colour of a Lightsaber that announced their allegiance to the dark side of the Force. Holding the two Qixoni crystals in either hand, Darth Ayra watched Jaron quietly.
Jaron watched as two housing chambers were formed for the crystals. Darth Ayra turned and handed one to him as well as instructed him to destroy his current hilt. Quinlan Vos still carried his green saber for a time as long as he was used to infiltrate the Jedi. Until the time came when Jaron was not fully among the Jedi, he would keep his hilt in tact, but it was time to construct a new one. If he was going to break his ties with the Jedi, then he needed to break them completely.

Reaching out with his right hand, he took it. The materials of his current hilt were not sufficient for the use of the crystal he was given. The focusing lenses, would shatter under the intense power of this rare crystal, leaving Jaron weaponless. He would not be without a weapon ever. His hilt would remain until a new one was constructed, something he could not do on this ship, or his for that matter.

"I will see to it once I can make my way to a forge. Currently I don't have the parts I need for a new hilt, but I can assure you that it will be done before you call upon me again."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]

"So be it." Darth Ayra shut the work station off, concealing the Qixoni crystal and the chamber that hosted it into her robe. She moved around Jaron back to the tunnel that connected the Niathal to his YT-1450. "It is time for us to part ways. You have taken a step into a new galaxy. In time, you will take a few more." Ayra opened the hatch, letting Jaron move in between ships. She took a step back to let him past.
Jaron returned to his ship, and set course for where he was currently "living." In the back of his mind he knew that was the wrong place to go, so he changed course and left for Korriban once more. As he traveled, Jaron scrounged through his ship looking for anything which he could use that would hold up to the force of the crystal. He grinned upon finding enough material, and went to the cockpit to rest. He would need his energy.

Finding the forge on Korriban was difficult, but he finally located it with help of the force. Setting himself in the chamber, Jaron sealed himself in as he did not want to attract the hssiss to an easy meal as he constructed his weapon. The housing chamber was already complete, and all that was needed to construct was the powercell, the focusing chamber, and the outer casing. With eyes closed, Jaron went to work. The construction was done the old way, with the force. However this all turned out, it would be the will of the force, and part of who he was to become.

Several hours were completed before Jaron felt the release from the task. Eyes opened again to view the new hilt. The first thing he noticed was the exposed chamber, followed by the fact his old hilt had been used for some the components of the new. He smirked. It seemed there was part of who he was then that would carry over into who he was to become. The device was the will of the dark side after all, and Jaron accepted it. Standing, Jaron called the finished weapon to him with the force and ignited the blade. Crimson, the color of blood, spit forth from the emitter. The task was finished.

[member="Darth Ayra"]

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