Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who are The First Order

The First Order.

“We shall rule it all. The Dark and the Light.” - Supreme Leader Sieger Ren

So Who Are The First Order?

When the Imperial Remnant broke not everybody returned…

Some fled further into the outer-rim where rumour had it that a more powerful leader was waiting, a person whose wish was to see the Empire re-born as it should have been.
Rumours or truths none really know, however on the world of Eriadu a new threat has arisen. This force calling themselves the First Order have started to make themselves known to the galaxy and it seems nothing can halt their steady advance.

The First Order are the spiritual successors of Emperor Palpatine’s original Galactic Empire. Forged upon the ideals of the New Order they pledge upon this right with an almost religious zeal that borderlines extremity.

Under the command of a mysterious being known only as the Supreme Leader the First Order have amassed themselves a small army of followers loyal to their cause and are steadily expanding a fortress designated as Starkiller Base as they prepare for what is to come.

OOC Explanation

We model ourselves differently then the other Imperial faction(s) on Chaos. We strive to be the ‘bad guys’ of the board, living up to the reputation of the Empire you see in the movies as well as the upcoming trilogy faction where we get our namesake.
If you enjoyed the Empire in Star Wars then you should do fine here.

The First Order does not atone Force Use. Much like Palpatine’s original order we stand against the Jedi and all other Force Users and pledge to destroy the wizards where they stand.


The First Order has their own Force Using group known as the Knights of Ren.
These Dark Jedi are the First Orders scouts, messengers as well as assassins. They are agents of the Supreme Leader’s will and hunt down Force users with efficiency and deadly resolve.

Our Military is made up of Stormtroopers, Officers and a whole array of vehicle and specialist roles. Add to this our navy of TIE/fo Pilots and you have a thread rich sandbox to play in.

A note to be made is that we are not a fast-track faction. Meaning you can’t start as an Admiral and expect men to follow. The First Order believes strongly in story of progression. Every character starts at the base, be they a naval ensign or a Disciple of Beyond. Through active roleplaying, training and adding to the faction you will gain additional ranks. This way when you stand at the edge of a battle yelling your orders as Grand General of the First Order you will realise that you earned it!

Of course the most important thing is that we are here to have fun. Never forget that. Please.

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