Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who are you afraid of? [IC]

Well-Known Member
Subject 13 said:
Rips off arm and starts beating you with it.
Turns out to be a Force Doppleganger. "Weak child, your skills in the force may be near equal to mine, but I have far more experience than you." Resumes knitting.

"So then, are there any real fears that anyone would like to share?"
Ashin Varanin said:
"Oh, come on."

A beam of golden light connected Ashin's hand with the boy, and she began to drain away his energies. He was young -- no training, that much was obvious. Though the tantrum was impressive in its way, she was the Dark Lord of the Sith, and 13 would soon find himself drained of Force energy and even some of the energy of life. With her other hand, she used telekinesis to grab the collar and attempt to reattach it to his neck.
Is drained and collar is strapped back on. 13 dropped everything and goes back into shut down mode.

O_O And its as easy as that. IC you would be faced with resistance XD

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
"A wise man once told me there is nothing to fear except fear itself, or it was my crazy uncle."


She of the Trillion Thorns
Trillian peaks out from beneath a towel that shielded her from the testy child, "I'm afraid of people in the public service industry. Have you heard what they do to the split-pea soup if they don't like your face?"

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
Alliera walked into the room, grabbing a chair from another table and planting it down with a loud noise beside Rach, before sitting down. "I'm scared of the Dark Council." Alliera said, throwing a Throwing Knife into the Table and retrieving it with the force and repeating "More that 2 Sith Masters in the same room and trying to run anything? yeah, that bothers me." IT was clear from the outset that Alliera was pissed about something, as she was doing an impressive job of potmarking the table.
"Boy, what is your raw untrained power and a true Master of the Force?" Darron calmly regarded the ten year old before scoffing at his lack of control.

"Raw ability is one thing, mastering yourself and your power is another. You can rage all you like, against a force-user, such as Ashin or myself. You are an ant to a boot." After speaking, Darron places the child in a Force bubble.

"Good luck."

Yu-Sien Karsa

Grandmaster of the Aa'Kua style
A man enters with his arms together and inside the long sleeves of his robe, with a polite bow he greeted everyone in the room. Instantly he noticed he was recieving many angry stares "If you are attempting to frighten me, I assure that it is of no use. I fear many things, but i love many others to much to be afraid for myself."

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