Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who is in your RP Wishlist?

[member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Ella Nova"], [member="Tirdarius"], [member="Darth Vornskr"]

Maybe some day I'll nibble on y'all again, but right now I'm taking a hibernation nap ;)

I love writing Voracitos, I just find it more difficult these days because the general atmosphere of Sith doesn't really welcome his sort of ideology. He's quite old school if you will in regards to the board. I prefer an Empire where the Emperor is the Emperor simply as an autocrat and not some theocratic domination of every clade of Sith.

Subservience is big no-no for him. Believing he is the puppeteer? That's more his style.

Never work for your own food, as he might say :p

I had hopes that with this Galactic Event some version of him from that side that completely opposed Imperial Governance in favour of Anarchy might change him enough in the Chaos-verse to make him writable again... but alas, I sort of fell out of favour with the event. *shrug*

Oh well!
As any of my characters I'd have to say...........

[member="Ilias Nytrau"] and all the Wise Old Owls chars because she is a fun time.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"], I must duel her pipsqueak again!

[member="Rave Merrill"] and any of that writers associated faces!

[member="Karen Roberts"]; I like her blue hair

[member="Cira"], she has lots of cool characters

[member="Strider Garon"], one day we'll actually finish a duel

[member="Ordo"] because Ordo!

......this list will probably grow larger the longer I think about it.
My RP Wishlist:

[member="Thurion Heavensheild"]
[member="Coci Heavensheild"]

Three simple people I'd love to RP with.

Edit: And only one of those tags worked. My spelling!
People that I haven't actually rpd with before. ( or barely in passing so it doesn't count!)

Kinky Darth Pinky - you know who you are
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] ( I don't count the one time you copped a feel with Danger)
[member="Sitara Qin"]
[member="Bianca"] (we never really got to rp, rp cause you get real busy and I get impatient )
[member="Shmi Labooda"]
[member="Aram Kalast"] (Any of your chars)
[member="Lugus Porkins"]
@dax bastion
[member="Graaf Zalec"]

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