Oka Osaa said:
I meant I think Oka can harness the energy or at least learn how to efficiently, but not perfect because of the skill it takes. I'll probably wait as you suggested. What are some replacements?
[member="Oka Osaa"], As said in the Wiki, Even Jedi initiates could learn of it. However, to use it correctly, and effectively is why most Jedi Padawans are not taught it now. Even some Jedi Knights or even Jedi Masters (myself included) find others ways around not having this ability.
Ever since the trailer came out for the SWTOR with Satele Shaw using this to stop a lightsaber coming for her head, people have tried to learn it for the use of defending against a lightsaber, and it even says so in the Wiki, when in truth, it was rarely used for blasters, and or Sith lightning, merely because absorbing Dark side energy can corrupt all that it touches. so let me give you an example.
Jedi padawan Gim learns this new ability, and because he feels that he is better than a Sith, he goes and picks a fight with one that is higher level than his own. In the process of absorbing a dark side power to defend himself, he becomes slightly corrupted. It was just a small thing of letting his anger take over his emotions. But that will lead to using it again, and again and again. Humans are a creature of habit. If it works, they will use it. if it keeps them alive they will use it. So while Gim may have good intentions for the use, it will slowly corrupt him until he becomes a Dark Jedi or even a Sith given the amount of time and other possible influences. As well, [member="Javik Quar-Kai"], You both are not Real Jedi. You each work with other groups to get a better chance of learning things. it is because of this, that we do not teach you to absorb energy because we want to convert you to the light, not give you a reason to fall to the darkside.
Now, as for overcoming it, My form of it, was to simply not be hit. Literally. I am probably the only one on this entire board who has done threads to amplify my use of Precognition. And for that, I have a very high chance of seeing your moves before you do them. Hell, probably before you even think of them, I will know what you are doing. I also use Teleknesis (which I major in with a Minor in Force Cloak and Illusions for my Jedi Shadow side) So I can simply call rocks up, or if they are attacking me without a weapon, I can jump away from them in a tactical retreat to find a better spot to fight from. You will find that the Jedi Sentinels will last longer than any other jedi because they use other means to get what they want done. They don't rely on their saber skills alone. They use other types of weapons, tactics and otherwise labeled as "Non-Jedi trained things" to take advantage of the situation. They are also sometimes called Militaristic Jedi because they have part of their training in use of military gear. Hence why when in a battle, I have not lost when in a duel. (No joke, I have not lost, but I have tied) because I use ALL available options, rather than just stand there and rely on a single use of the force to "Possibly" defend myself from blaster fire and Sabers. Which would be an ability I would only use unless in dire situations like "Oh no, my saber is broken my other one is gone, and I have no other way to defend myself because I forgot to wear my armor."
In short what is a replacement of this power?
Tactics, Pure Skill, and the Will to Live in the Light.