Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
So, ive been absolutely bored out of my mind from not having enough threads. So heres what i come to give people for training.
- Any Lightsaber form with the Exception of Juyo/Vaapad.
- Basic and advanced hand to hand combat techniques (Echani arts will be restricted training wise as that is something that Alex only teaches to those that can follow the Echani culture to a degree).
- Jarkai fencing, with Vibroblades or Lightsabers as being a Force User or not does not matter for Jarkai Fencing, which people seem to forget.
- Basic techniques in hacking, slicing, and other technical skills.
- (NOTE, All force powers to follow this comment will be done through Alexandra's notes and not her own on the spot knowledge until she gets her memories fully returned.)
- Physical augmentation through the force, (Example: Force Speed, Force Strength)
- Telekinetics, including but not limited too, Force Push, Pull, Choke, Crush, Etc.
- Telepathic Force Abiities.
- Healing
- Force Blinding
- Force Lightning and Electric Judgement
- Moderate Cryokinesis, Basic Alter Enviroment, Basic Pyrokinesis
- Unique ability in which she can pull your spirit from your body, allowing for you to train in things that do not alter the physical world more easily, such as Telepathy and Flow walking.
- Force Stealth.
- Creation of a lightsaber or force Imbued blade
- The complete philosophies of several Sith Masters, Jedi Masters, the Sith and Jedi Codes. As well as the histories of both orders as well as a number of personal histories of force users throughout history.
- Defense against fear and pain, not this one will be through the use of a catalyst and the emergence of the darker part of Alex, who's name is simply Hel.
- Basic Pyrokinesis
- Advanced Telekinetics.
- Advanced Telepathy.
- Force Speed
- Makashi and Niman
- Force Lightning
- Force Fear
- Force Choke
- Force Push
- Force Pull
- Physical Augmentation
- Force Choke
- Force Fear
- Force Lightning
- Advanced Torture techniques.