Basically, that's what I want.... Of course, if it's too much, go ahead and cut it down to what you want...Alexandra Lianne Feanor said:So, ive been absolutely bored out of my mind from not having enough threads. So heres what i come to give people for training.
Solan Charr: While he does not have the immense knowledge Alexandra does, he is a bit different in that he knows much darker powers.
- Jarkai fencing, with Vibroblades or Lightsabers as being a Force User or not does not matter for Jarkai Fencing, which people seem to forget.
- Basic techniques in hacking, slicing, and other technical skills.
- (NOTE, All force powers to follow this comment will be done through Alexandra's notes and not her own on the spot knowledge until she gets her memories fully returned.)
- Physical augmentation through the force, (Example: Force Speed, Force Strength)
- Telekinetics, including but not limited too, Force Push, Pull, Choke, Crush, Etc.
- Telepathic Force Abiities.
- Healing
- Force Lightning and Electric Judgement
- Moderate Cryokinesis, Basic Alter Enviroment, Basic Pyrokinesis
- Force Stealth.
- Creation of a lightsaber or force Imbued blade
- Basic Pyrokinesis
- Advanced Telekinetics.
- Advanced Telepathy.
- Force Speed
- Makashi and Niman
- Force Lightning
- Force Fear
- Force Choke