Question is, how do you find Hasjo in the first place? It requires some thought into. This is a single being in a galaxy of 180 billion star systems (Wookieepedia), with over 20+ million sentient species (Wookieepedia), and during the Empire there were over 100 quadrillion beings, but this only accounts for 70 million systems, and not the 7.2 billion that are inhabitable. This is why I don't want a simple spawn and fight. I'm putting some logic into this. If people want to find Hasjo and kill him - earn it. Write a story about how you found him, and all the while I'll be writing his story on Hapan and wherever else he goes. There's plenty of ways to find him though. You could study the previous efforts he's done as he regularly travel system to system. Slicers could locate his coordinates by the last use of his credits. You could find rumour he's on Hapan, and locate him from there. One could bribe someone for information. It's all a matter of creative thinking, and spawning in doesn't require that. Just take that as food for thought thoughsabrina said:No I stalk you, and if you want kill you just as you think your beating them all. With a lightsaber to the back
Fair enough, you can join in on the escapades if you wish.Strask Ak'lya said:[member="Hasjo Hallu"] Strask is trying to keep the Republic afloat from the shadows as much as he can, unless it conflicts with the current war with OP.
Sure thing. About time your character got some revenge.Skrik Piper said:[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Remember me?
I want you.
Providing you have good reason, sure.Basaba Willamina said:[member="Hasjo Hallu"] pick me, a fair fight your jedi skills vs my fist and beskad.
Come join inCale Gunderson said:[member="Hasjo Hallu"] This is fate. We were made (drawn) for this.
Sure thing manUriel Arvanis said:This is going to be some free-for-all. Would love to take part, if that's okay, [member="Hasjo Hallu"].
Character motivation being wanting to collect on the bounty posted here.