Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Who's up for mayhem?

Urgot Snirrt

I've got a very large, very angry pig and I'm looking to hit things with him. If anyone is looking for a mercenary, bodyguard, or just a really big guy to smash stuff, here he is!
To get started how about a hiring thread where the two of us are being hired on by Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji and then Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla happens to be in the bar. All of us get caught up in some kind of firefight between rival gangs, or a deal gone bad.

I noticed you are new. I don't know if anyone from the Hutt Consortium has reached out to you. There are are various ongoing larger Hutt consortium threads you can join.

Our Faction Link is here

The Consortium discord is also a great place to get involved and see what is going on.

Urgot Snirrt

If people need me to kick that thread off holla at me. Otherwise tag me when one is up.

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